原标题:币圈“2万社群”混战:操盘手半年揽金5.2亿 10万人群1天建成 微商已进场
Original title: Coin Circle "Twenty Million Communities" mixed: $520 million for half a year, one day for 100,000 people, micro-business is on the way.
文| QBD 记者 林一
QBD Reporter Lin
> > currency circles with millions of businesses, regardless of the Cow City, with such a seemingly unthing business, have been frenzy with gold, they're water couriers for the tender project, and they're a lot of gamers behind the troupe.
The operator of the simply needs to add enough micro-mails or telegrams to create a large database to help the block chain project . It is understood that 100,000 telegrams will be full in one day. If more than 2,000 projects are on the exchange, it is initially estimated that there are now more than 20,000 communities in the currency circle.
But even so, more and more people are coming in, both from the old communities that run the elderly and from micro-businesses.
Social service providers get at least 80,000 a day, and grass-roots operators earn between 10,000 and 20,000 a month. Even in Bear City, water deliverers are still in business, and myths continue to benefit.
Note : The content of this paper is mainly based on QBD journalist interviews and online public information, and arguments are inevitably biased and not deliberately misleading.
< bottom brother > > >.
"The project is about to pull the troupe. It's a message from Wang Mun's micro-letter. Even after midnight, his cell phone has been "clinking" and shaking.
Although Wang is in a second-line city, he can do more work, work and earn more than he does northwards. After all, he enters the emerging sector of the block chain, where daily work helps the block chain project to form a community and operates well the group of projects , so that members of the community can become “spans” that the project side may harvest in the future.
It's very busy during the day, and it's like, "We've got to eat, we've got to work all night, we've got to work all night, we've got 12 o'clock." Because we're tired, most of the company's colleagues are boys, and "girls can't do this." Good thing he's young, he's tough. And, of course, the income is objective, sometimes close to 20,000 a month, and sometimes around 10,000.
Days like this have lasted for a year. During the day, he used his computer to help the project team and maintain it, while at the same time, seven or eight cell phones were charged at the same time at the desk, in preparation for the sudden crowding of the project after work. The cell phones were full of people, and at the moment they were of value.
strang' on the block chain train, Wang Mun says he earns a lot of money, but some people pay hundreds of millions on “lucky” terms, such as currency rings - Chupan. 胖胖的朱潘爱笑,笑起来眼睛眯成了一条缝。如果说爱笑的人运气不会太差,有些讽刺的是,朱潘显然是这句话最好的验证。他黑掉薛蛮子账号获得千万投资,随后又依托深脑链获得百倍收益,一战成名。 The fat Chupan smiled and smiled and stung his eyes into a seam. If it wasn't too bad luck for a laugher, it was ironic that Chupan was clearly the best test of that. He blacked out the Xue Man's account and made millions of investments, and then built on a deep brain chain and became famous in the first battle.
Last November, the coins came to the Bull City. Bitcoin prices went up all the way from $800 to $19,000 at the beginning of the year. > accompanied the Bull City and Jupan decided to deliver water to the project. In his eyes, &quat; community operations are needed for block-chain projects, and when they go to the exchange, the other party sends all the people to your group to see the number of active and fans. In addition, the project itself operates more in isolation from the community, so this is important & quot; .
Today, according to Li's laughter standard, Chu Pan seems to have the natural advantage of running a community. In April this year, when Li laughter was leaked, he said, "In order to reach that goal, there are a few things that need to be done, the first thing that you have to be a red one. There's a personal IP, then there's a community."
In an interview with Director General Yang Qing, Chu Pan, who has become a new currency at this time, clearly meets the criteria of red. After 90 years, he attributed all of this to luck, “not afraid, not afraid, not to follow a dream, but also to Xiao Ha, and if he fails, to be young, to start over, because we have no burden after all”.
looks like two people who don't fit together are digging for gold in the same mine. The difference is that Wang Mon, the bottom employee of the unknown company, is called 3 million fans and a billion-dollar founder of Beecool, and this business makes them interest communities later.
without threshold VS has threshold
returns to the business itself, and the old Yang Ming, who has been a community for over a decade, says to the pencil lane, "What's the threshold for being a community that doesn't look high, nor does the actual threshold? "
. First of all, there's a need for a sufficient number of people. In general, community operators mix with the project party's official cable collection or micro-message, copying the account numbers of the group's owners and adding them to their micro-letter friends or telegram friends.
As a result, the community operating teams have been building huge databases. The database is a slow one, often for months, but once the database is large, everything becomes simple. "You have a lot of friends in your microsigner or telegram, just pull it. This doesn't get in the crowd, that goes in." Yang will tell you.
“Imaginely, the project side may find it effective, because you're a fan of block chains, and if the project is good, the rate of transformation will be high. But it's a mere imagination, for example, that you have a micro-letter, that pulls a lot of people into groups, but you don't really know them, and they don't necessarily know the project.” Yang Ming said.
Most community operators are not responsible for conversion rates, and “transformation rates and projects are related”. , while community operators say they're accurate fans, the quality of the groups is good and bad. Whether you're a currency ring or a chain, in the eyes of the crowds, it's to help him complete KPI by adding a trusted friend.
普通的项目群和大佬群有明显的区别,后者需要以拥有币的数量作为准入劵。“大家会捆绑在一起帮助项目方投票上币,你有10万个ETH,我有10万个ETH,大家捆绑在一起,谁能上火币,谁能上OK,就是我说了算的。投完之后才能收到收益。”这些决定了项目方是否能上交易所的持币大佬们聚集在一起,他们目的性强,平常言语不多,行动却极其一致。 There's a clear difference between the regular project group and the big group, which needs to have access to the amount of money they own. “You'll be tied together to help the project party vote, you'll have 100,000 ETHs, you'll have 100,000 ETHs, you'll be tied together, and whoever gets the gun, I'll be able to make the decision. 半年5.2亿 这看似无门槛的生意,如今吸引越来越多人想来分一杯羹。除去币圈新贵,还有原本就做社群运营的老人,亦有嗅觉敏锐的微商。 This seemingly non-threshold business now attracts a growing number of people who want to share a piece of it. 他们形成了这门生意的不同派系,要价不尽相同:电报群0.8元/人~2元/人不等,微信群800元/个~3000元/个不等。然而,他们对买家的许诺却一致:自家的粉丝很精准,都是炒币的。 They formed different factions of the business, at different prices: telegrams at 0.8/persons ~ 2/persons, and micro-credits at 800/persons ~ 3,000/persons. , however, their promises to their buyers were unanimous: their fans were accurate, they were all coins.
Wang Mun said that if the project party went directly to Beecool to work as a community, there was a certain difference between the cost and the company that went directly to its own, “they're almost five times our demand.” At the same time, the platform of their own company usually takes over some Beecool business, “they're an outsourcer, they're one pack, we're two packs, they're primarily responsible for maintaining the project party”.
needs to be extra-priced if it is to be run. , for example, takes the telegram pack for 40,000 a month. >, and someone wants the digital currency directly: eight ETHs. In most cases, however, surrogate operations are only active and not responsible for conversion rates.
There's nothing new about
Wang Mun says that his team has a way of doing business. The customer service is responsible for maintaining the community, answering questions and cooperating with the Navy. The Navy is responsible for talking in the community, saying that the project is good, generating activity, and working with the project to promote, perform activities, sing shorts, zippers, etc.
In an interview with a block chain media interview, 除去拉群和运营,大部分社群服务商还提供其他服务。比如微信炸群,一条内容,早晚各一次,则需要支付近万元费用。 Most social service providers provide other services, except for stragglers and operations. For example, micro-blasts, one content, one at a time in the morning and one at a time in the evening, will have to pay close to 10,000 yuan.
, without exception, takes advantage of the east wind of the currency circle.
completes a cable collection of 100,000 people in a previous database, and only needs one day. According to this calculation, social service providers can earn $80,000 a day at a minimum, which does not count income from other services such as operations.
In an interview with Jupan, it was publicly stated that Beecool's quarterly financial statements for the period from November to February were 47,000 Ethals, and that three months of development had a profit of approximately RMB 370 million, and from February to May, it was approximately 32,000 Etheras, with a profit of RMB 150 million. In a short period of six months, $520 million was earned.
In an interview on March 28, Chu Pan said that Beecool already had 3 million fans, about 400 or 5,000 QQ-groups, micro-mails, telegrams, and so on. According to non-micrograms, there are now more than 2,000 projects on the exchange, and it is estimated that there are now more than 20,000 communities in the currency circle if each of the project parties has a cable collection and 10 micro-messages.
These communities are not really active. A currency guy told the pencils that his own group had hardly a voice, and that the currency had fallen to three cents, just like dead.
Since March this year, the currency has entered Bear City. A number of online exchanges have broken down, but this does not appear to have affected the business of these communities. For example, Wangdong, who has joined the block chain community for a year, has served dozens of projects. When a pencil reporter consulted with him, he said that there was a need to wait until mid-month. So, after a few short conversations, I ended the conversation by saying, "There's a business, I have to talk to other clients."
They don't need a gold lord.
编辑 薛婷 校对 王子公主
Xue Xue Ting, editor, Princess /strang .................................................................................. span...........................
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