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The Sandbox发布2023年大中华区发展策略:3家机构已获得认证

The Sandbox released the 2023 Great China Development Strategy: 3 institutions have been accredited

Animoca Brands官方宣布其子公司The Sandbox发布2023年大中华区发展策略,将推动40多项本地合作伙伴的元宇宙生态发展、推出Game Maker更新版本以带来更多用户自创内容。2023年第三季度,The Sandbox虚拟地块LAND持有者和创作者将可使用更精简的内容管理,以简单易用的Game Maker及VoxEdit的更新版本赋能创作建设,The Sandbox预计将会迎来更多元化的内容和沉浸式的元宇宙体验,来自香港的Collectiv、上海的01a1和台湾的TWCC已获得The Sandbox的认证,联同大中华区已有的17家元宇宙创意工作室支援品牌合作伙伴发展游戏体验。(Animoca Brands)

Animoca Brands officially announced the launch of its subsidiary The Sandbox's 2023 strategy for the development of the Greater Central China Region, which will promote the development of the meta-cosmos ecology of more than 40 local partners, and the introduction of an updated version of Game Maker to bring more user-generated content. In the third quarter of 2023, the holders and creators of the Sandbox virtual block of the Land LAND will be able to use more streamlined content management to build up the capabilities of the easily accessible version of Game Maker and VoxEdit. The Sandbox is expected to embrace a more diverse content and immersion experience of the meta-cosy universe.

BendDAO一周年财务报表:营业收入约 222 万美元

First-year financial statements for BendDAO: operating income of approximately $2.22 million

NFT 流动性协议 BendDAO 公布成立一周年的财务报表,由 Unboxing Lab 制作,该报告包括现金储备、贷款、NFT(托管、转让与存款)和股权等其他资本。其中,BendDAO 年利息收入为 3,630.66 枚 ETH,年利息支出为 2,447.04 枚 ETH,营业收入为 1,183.62 枚 ETH(约 222 万美元)。

The NFT Liquidity Agreement BendDAO publishes financial statements for the first anniversary of its establishment, produced by Unboxing Lab, which includes cash reserves, loans, NFT (trust, transfers and deposits) and other capital, such as equity. Of this, the annual interest income of BendDAO is 3,630.66 pieces of ETH, with annual interest expenditure of 2,447.04 pieces of ETH and operating income of 1,183.62 pieces of ETH (approximately $2.22 million).


The EU will issue new policies related to the meta-cosm within a few months

欧盟执行机构将在未来几个月内发布针对元宇宙的新政策,意见反馈已开放持续至 5 月 3 日。欧盟委员会周三在就元宇宙新政策进行的磋商中警告称,少数大公司可能会主宰元宇宙,造成市场准入壁垒,并将欧盟初创企业和中小企业拒之门外。 该文件针对所谓的 Web 4.0 提出了一系列政策问题,在 Web 4.0 中,物理世界和虚拟世界使用连接的智能设备进行沉浸式交互。它列举了平等、数据隐私、网络安全和开放性以及当地企业融资等问题。

The EU’s executive body will issue new policies for the meta-cosmos in the coming months, and feedback has been open until May 3. The European Commission, in its consultations on the new meta-cosm policy on Wednesday, warned that a few large companies might dominate the meta-coastal universe, creating barriers to market access, and excluding EU start-ups and SMEs.

Arthur Hayes:Maelstrom投资范围聚焦区块链基础设施公司

Arthur Hayes: Maelstrom Focus Block Chain Infrastructure Inc.

4月7日消息,Arthur Hayes 在接受采访时表示,其与 BitMex 的前企业发展主管 Vaidya 创立的家族办公室 Maelstrom Capital 目前正在瞄准基础设施公司,因为这在周期的这一时间段内是有意义的。 Hayes 表示,就像 Compound、Aave 和 Uniswap 均成立于 2017 年,但直到 2019 年才出现在人们视野中一样。他现在投资的项目的转折点可能会在 2024 年左右的某个时候出现,届时市场将开始检验这些项目是否兑现了承诺、打造了产品、获得了客户,并证明其技术是否有效。 此外,Vaidya 表示 Maelstrom 的投资组合内的公司几乎都在美国境外。

In an interview on 7 April, Arthur Hayes stated that his family’s office, Maelstrom Capital, created by BitMex’s former head of business development, was now targeting infrastructure companies because it was meaningful during the period of the cycle. Hayes said that, like Compound, Aave, and Uniswap, they were all established in 2017, but not until 2019.

Gala Music将于4月14日发售大卫·鲍伊歌曲《Let’s Dance》NFT版本

Gala Music will launch the David Bowie song, Let's Dance, NFT version on April 14

4月7日消息,Web3初创公司Gala Games旗下音乐平台Gala Music宣布,将与音乐制作人Larry Dvoskin和发行商Warner-Chappell Music合作,将于4月14日发行已逝世的英国摇滚歌手大卫·鲍伊(David Bowie)1983年的热门歌曲《Let’s Dance》的限量NFT版本。 该NFT系列共计3003枚,出售模式为按需付费,出售的所有初始收益将捐给音乐慈善机构MusiCares。(Decrypt)

On 7 April, according to news sources, Gala Music, a music platform under the banner of Gala Gomes, the founding company of Web3, announced that on 14 April, in collaboration with Larry Dvoskin, a music producer, and Warner-Champell Music, the late British rock singer David Bowie, will release a limited NFT version of the 1983 popular song, Let’s Dance. The NFT series, with a total of 3003 copies sold on demand, will be donated to the music charity, Musikas (Decrypt).


Meta plans to commercialize its proprietary generation of artificial intelligence by the end of this year

4月6日消息,Meta公司计划在今年年底前将其专有的生成式人工智能商业化,用于生成广告图像。当地时间周三,Meta公司首席技术官Andrew Bosworth在东京接受采访时表示,我们在人工智能方面的投资已经超过十年,并拥有世界上领先的研究机构之一。我们有一个庞大的研究机构,有数百人。

On April 6th, Meta plans to commercialize its proprietary generation of artificial intelligence by the end of this year to generate advertising images. On Wednesday, local time, Andrew Bosworth, Chief Technology Officer of Meta, interviewed in Tokyo, said that we have invested in artificial intelligence for more than 10 years and have one of the world’s leading research institutions. We have a huge research institute, with hundreds of people.


multiple MakerDAO core contributors will leave on 30 April


Five of the MakerDAO core contributors have indicated that they will leave their posts on 30 April, after the MakerDAO proposal indicates that the PACU budget stream will cease at the end of April, that the scope framework will be implemented by smaller independent teams, and that the PECU will work with community members to ensure a successful transition to the new project-based funding framework.


Fire must be on line "FTX Account Query Service"

据火必官方推特消息,火必已上线“FTX账户查询服务”。火必表示,作为全球领先的数字资产交易平台,始终肩负行业责任,将密切关注FTX事件处理进展,并尽己所能为用户提供服务。 据此前消息,火必已上线最优FTX债券资产——FUD,该通证为债权人资产提供了新的流动性,使其能够在公开市场上交易FTX债务。并在早前已经在推特发布了和FTX的邮件信息。同时,也让其能够更好地控制相关资产,开辟了新的投资机会。

According to the official tweet, fire must be on the line, the FTX account query service. Fire must indicate that, as the world’s leading digital asset trading platform, industry is always responsible for keeping abreast of progress in handling FTX events and doing everything in its power to serve users.

艺术家Mr Doodle将与Outland合作发布NFT项目DoodleHeads

artist Mr Doodle will co-sponsor the NFT project Doodleheads in cooperation with Outland.

4月6日消息,知名潮流艺术家Mr Doodle与加密艺术平台Outland合作,将发布其最新NFT项目DoodleHeads,该系列包含数百个有趣的角色。Mr Doodle后续将宣布发布日期,目前仅先透露了其中的一个角色Meaniequeenie,其认为自己是DoodleLand中最美丽的生物。

On April 6, it was reported that the popular artist, Mr Doodle, in collaboration with the encryption art platform Outland, would publish its latest NFT project, Doodleheads, a series of hundreds of interesting players. Mr Doodle will announce the date of release, and only one of them, Meaniequenie, who considers himself the most beautiful creature in DoodleLand, will be revealed.


Enterprises such as ant block chains are selected for MPC certification at the National Financial Technology Accreditation Centre

北京国家金融科技认证中心日前公布首批通过多方安全计算(MPC)技术金融应用认证的产品及版本信息,分别有蚂蚁区块链科技(上海)有限公司 、蓝象智联(杭州)科技有限公司、蚂蚁智信(杭州)信息技术有限公司、微众银行及华控清交信息科技(北京)有限公司旗下的平台获认证。

The National Centre for Certification of Financial Science and Technology in Beijing has recently published the first products and versions of information to be certified in multiple safe computing (MPC) and financial applications, including platforms under the banner of ants chain technology (Shanghai) Ltd., Blue-Image Union (Hangzhou) technology Ltd., ants-Technology and Information Technology (Hunzhou) Ltd., Micromanchure Bank and China Clearing Information Technology (Beijing) Ltd.


The new NFT launch auction will be launched on April 9th in The Wealth magazine .

4月5日消息,《财富》杂志在官推宣布将于2023年4月9日通过Foundation平台启动新NFT系列发售拍卖,这也是《财富》杂志举行的第二次NFT拍卖活动。据悉,该NFT基于《财富:加密货币从有史以来最糟糕的一年中复苏》(Fortune: Crypto Climbs Back From The Worst Year Ever)文章封面制作,起拍价或将定为0.1 ETH。

On 5 April, Fortune announced the launch of the new NFT series of auctions on 9 April 2023 through the Foundation platform, the second NFT auction held in the Fortune magazine. The NFT is known to be based on the cover of the article Fortune: Crypto Climbs Back The World Year Ever, which will be priced or set at 0.1 ETH.


Biden urges technology companies to address the risks of artificial intelligence

美国总统拜登周二表示,人工智能(AI)的安全性仍存在不确定性,并强调科技公司在向公众发布产品之前应确保其产品安全。 在与总统科技顾问委员会 (PCAST) 的会议开始时,他表示,科技公司必须确保其产品在向公众发布之前是安全的。当被问及人工智能的潜在危害时,他回答说,“还没有确定,有可能。” 根据总统的说法,社交媒体已经证明了强大的技术在没有适当的保护措施的情况下可能产生的负面影响。“缺乏保障措施,我们看到了对心理健康、自我形象和感觉以及绝望的影响,尤其是在年轻人中。”

At the beginning of the meeting with the Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology (PCAST), he said that technology companies must ensure that their products were safe before they were made available to the public. When asked about the potential harm of artificial intelligence, he replied, “Not yet identified, but possibly.” According to the President, social media had demonstrated the negative impact that powerful technology could have in the absence of adequate protection measures.


4月5日消息,美国阿拉巴马州、蒙大拿州以及德克萨斯州监管机构已发表声明,禁止AI交易机器人YieldTrust及其开发商Stefan Ciopraga,称其为庞氏骗局和未注册证券发行。 YieldTrust产品网站声称,其交易量是人类交易员的70 倍,产生的利润比人类交易者多25%,允许投资者每天提取利润。蒙大拿州证券监管机构称,该产品使用人工智能提供2.2%日化收益,但没有提供交易或盈利证明。 目前,蒙大拿州给了Ciopraga公司15天时间进行书面答复;如果未能及时答复,该命令将成为永久性命令。(beincrypto)

According to the United States regulatory agencies in Alabama, Montana, and Texas, the AI trading robot YieldTrust and its developer, Stefan Ciopraga, have been banned from issuing Ponzi frauds and unregistered securities. The YieldTrust product website claims that its volume is 70 times higher than that of human traders, generating 25% more profits than of human traders, allowing investors to make profits every day.


4月5日消息,美国零售巨头沃尔玛的子公司沃尔玛阿波罗已于 3 月 30 日在美国提交了“山姆俱乐部”(Sam’s Club)的商标申请,涵盖了与虚拟、增强和混合现实体验相关的广泛娱乐服务,以及用于用户交互和娱乐目的的虚拟环境。 据悉,商标申请内容包括虚拟现实内容和数据的电子传输、在线虚拟和增强现实环境,以及各种类别的虚拟商品,如电子产品、电器、家居装饰、体育用品等,还包括虚拟和增强现实环境中的体能训练与教育服务。今年2月,山姆会员店为涉及虚拟货币、加密货币和 NFT 的服务申请了商标。

On April 5, it was reported that Walma Apollo, a subsidiary of America’s retail giant Wal-Mart, had submitted a trademark application in the United States on March 30 for Sam & #8217; s Club, covering a wide range of entertainment services associated with virtual, enhanced, and mixed real experiences, as well as a virtual environment for user interaction and entertainment. It was reported that trademark applications included electronic transmission of virtual real content and data, online virtual and enhanced reality, and various types of virtual goods, such as electronic products, appliances, home decorations, sports supplies, and physical training and education services in virtual and physical environments.


4月5日消息,世界三大披萨品牌之一的棒约翰(Papa Johns)宣布将基于Polygon区块链与OneRare合作首次发行NFT,用户收集数字食材制作虚拟比萨可获得奖励,据悉,本次将推出三款“披萨NFT”,分别是Super Papas pizza、Spicy Chicken Ranch pizza、以及‘Sheese’ Garden Special pizza,未来NFT持有者也有机会参与棒约翰的忠诚度计划。(Nrn)

On April 5, news announced that one of the world’s three major pizza brands, Papa Johns, would launch the first release of the NFT in partnership with OneRare, based on the Polygon block chain, and that future NFT holders would also be given the opportunity to participate in the Bond John’s loyalty program (Nrn).


Germany considers “sealing” ChatGPT

4月4日消息,4月3日,德国联邦数据保护专员发言人称,出于数据保护方面的考虑,暂时禁止在德国使用ChatGPT原则上是可能的。  该发言人称,禁止使用该软件的动作将属于德国联邦数据保护机构的职权范围。此外,该机构要求意大利监管机构提供有关其阻止ChatGPT的更多信息。(每经网)

4 April, on 3 April, the spokesperson for the German Federal Data Protection Commissioner stated that a temporary ban on the use of ChatGPT in Germany was in principle possible because of data protection concerns. & nbsp; the spokesman stated that the ban on the use of the software would fall within the competence of the German Federal Data Protection Agency. In addition, the agency requested additional information from the Italian regulatory authority on its efforts to prevent ChatGPT. (Every access net)


天眼查App显示,“狗狗币”商标已被上海一网络技术公司成功注册,国际分类为金融物管。 另外,还有进出口公司、农业开发公司、投资公司等申请“狗狗币”“狗狗币 DOGS COIN”商标,目前商标状态多为等待实质审查、驳回复审。

In addition, there are import-export companies, agricultural development companies, investment companies, etc., which apply for the Doggie-Doug-Doug-Doug-Coin trademark, which is now mostly in a state awaiting substantive review and denial of review.


ChhatGPT is sealed on a large scale and registration function is closed

4月3日消息,ChatGPT正在大规模封号,这一轮大规模封号大概从3月31日开始。OpenAI目前已关闭新用户注册渠道,部分用户尝试登录后发现自己的账号已经被封。到目前为止OpenAI官方都没有做出说明,具体原因不得而知。目前主要有“批量注册”和“API调用被封”两种类型的猜测。 一方面,很多声音都认为,这次封号的重灾区,是之前批量注册的账户。另一方面,关于API调用被封的情况,有人猜测可能是之前的账户行为存在API滥用嫌疑。(量子位)

On 3 April, it was reported that ChatGPT was being sealed on a large scale, and this round of large-scale seals was about to start on 31 March. OpenAI has now closed the new user registration channel, and some users have tried to log in and find their account numbers have been sealed. To date, no information has been provided by OpenAI’s official authorities, for specific reasons unknown.


Station B rolls out a high-energy chain App to manage user digital assets

B站于近期上线了一款名为“高能链”的App。官方表示,高能链App是一款基于高能链实现的链工具产品,具有链地址管理、链上资产查看/搜索等功能,用户可一站式管理自己拥有的链上资产,同时也是通往高能链生态的入口。 经下载体验,这款App支持查看bilibili数字藏品、链上地址搜寻并查看地址链资产信息。此外,B站官方表示这款产品目前可使用的场景为哔哩哔哩、DoDo以及高能链。 此前2021年12月消息,B站测试“高能链”,启动“元宇宙”业务。

As a result of the downloading experience, the App supports the search for and viewing of address chain assets at Bilibili's digital collection, the chain's address. In addition, the B-station official states that the site currently available for this product is B-mile, Dodo, and the high-energy chain.

日本批准 Web3 白皮书以促进行业发展

Approval by Japan of the Web3 White Paper for Industrial Development

日本执政党自民党的Web3项目小组批准了一份白皮书,列出了发展日本互联网产业的建议。该党 Web3 项目团队秘书长 Akihisa Shiozaki 表示,日本的主要参与者已开始进入该市场。日本移动电话运营商 NTT Docomo 承诺向Web3 基础设施投资高达 6000 亿日元(40 亿美元),主要金融机构正在寻求发行稳定币。 该白皮书建议进一步修改税收法规,并指出已经批准了一项针对代币发行人的重大豁免。其中包括对持有其他公司发行的不会进行短期交易的代币的公司免税。它建议允许进行自我评估,以便投资者可以将损失结转三年,并且只有在将资产兑换为法定货币时才应对加密货币征税。它还建议根据日本的 godo kaisha (一种类似于有限责任公司的业务类型)制定 DAO 法。在 NFT 方面,白皮书提议公私合作,制定梦幻体育服务合法商业模式的指南。

Japan’s ruling party, the Web3 Project Group, approved a white paper setting out proposals for the development of Japan’s Internet industry. Akihisa Shiozaki, the secretary-general of the party’s Web3 project team, stated that Japan’s main players had begun to enter the market.



In 2023, the Suzhou City Engineering and Information Agency recently released a set of 30 requests for major applications of the Suzhou City Yuan cosmodrome in seven major areas, namely, the Industrial Won cosmos, the Monumentic cosmos, the Education Yuan cosmos, the Medical Yuan cosmos, the Secretariat-General cosmos, the City of Wisdom, the Digital Man, etc., in order to collect solutions for scientific research institutes, higher education institutions, priority enterprises, etc., and to promote the interface between the supply and demand of applications and to accelerate the construction of a system for the development of the mesocosy industry. In January of this year, Suzhou issued the Guidance for the Development of Innovations in the Promotion of the Yuan cosmos Industry in Suzhou City and proposed that by 2025 Suzhou City will develop over 200 central conglomerates of the conglomerates, with a value of 200 million yuan in the conglomerates.

STEPN宣布与P2E游戏Lost Worlds达成合作

STEPN announces its collaboration with the P2E Game Lost Worlds

4月5日消息,STEPN官方发布公告称,与P2E游戏Lost Worlds达成合作,用户可以在NFT.NYC 2023期间(4月12日至4月14日)收集geoNFT,更多详细信息将在官网公布。 Lost Worlds是一款移动dApp,旨在将NFT带入到现实世界中;为了有资格铸造与其链接的 NFT,用户必须使用移动应用程序并访问特定区域。

On April 5, STEPN's official announcement stated that, in collaboration with the P2E Game Lost Worlds, users could collect geoNFTs during NFT.NYC 2023 (12 April-14 April), and that more detailed information would be posted on the Web. Lost Worlds was a mobile dapp designed to bring NFT into the real world; in order to be eligible to create NFT links, users had to use mobile applications and access specific areas.


Celo Foundation announces the partnership with Google Clouds to support the Sustainable Development Start-up Web3 company

Celo 基金会已与谷歌云合作,以支持 Celo 区块链生态系统中与任务一致的项目,并推动谷歌云服务的早期采用。此次合作将允许在 Celo 上构建的创始人获得 Google Cloud 和 Firebase 使用的积分,从而增强 Celo 的移动优先基础设施和去中心化应用程序(Dapps)。根据公告,谷歌云团队还将为 Celo 基金会的 Founders in Residence 计划提供指导和指导,并参与虚拟 Celo Camp 加速器计划,该计划支持企业家发展以可持续发展为重点的初创公司。此外,这两个组织旨在共同举办以 Web3 可持续性和创新为重点的有针对性的研讨会和活动。

The Celo Foundation has worked with Google Clouds to support mission-consistent projects in the Celo block chain ecosystem and to promote early adoption of Google Cloud services. This collaboration will allow the founders on Celo to gain points for Google Cloud and Firebase, thereby enhancing Celo's mobile priority infrastructure and decentralised applications (Dapps). According to the announcement, the Google Clouds team will also provide guidance and guidance to the Celo Foundation's Founders in Response programme and participate in the virtual Celo Camp acceleration scheme, which supports entrepreneurs in the development of start-up companies focused on sustainable development. In addition, the two organizations aim to co-organize targeted seminars and activities focusing on Web3 sustainability and innovation.

Trust Wallet与加密支付服务商Moonpay和Ramp Network达成合作

Trust Wallet entered into cooperation with encryption payers Moonpay and Ramp Network

4月5日消息,Trust Wallet与加密支付服务商Moonpay和Ramp Network达成合作,允许用户在其应用程序中将其加密货币转换为法定货币,从而实现更顺畅的使用体验。 Trust Wallet表示,它将向拥有超过100个Trust Wallet Token ( TWT ) 的用户提供折扣,以降低off-ramp费用。(CoinDesk)

On 5 April, Trust Wallet reported that it would offer discounts to users with more than 100 Trust Wallet Token (TWT) to reduce off-camp costs by working with encryption payers Moonpay and Ramp Network to allow users to convert their encrypted currency into legal currency in their applications. (CoinDesk)


Coinbase works with infrastructure provider TNS

金色财经报道,Coinbase宣布正在与总部位于美国的基础设施提供商交易网络服务 (TNS) 合作,以在其衍生品交易所实现更快、更高效的交易。

Gold finance reports that Coinbase has announced that it is working with the United States-based infrastructure provider Trading Network (TNS) to achieve faster and more efficient transactions on its derivatives exchange.

区块链公司EBI与Al-Rushaid Technologies合作拓展全球业务

Block Chain EBI works with Al-Rushaid Technologies to expand global operations

4月4日消息,Everything Blockchain Inc.(EBI)今天宣布与Al-Rushaid Technologies(ART)达成合作。两家公司将共同努力,为中东和北非国家提供高度差异化的数据保护解决方案。这份为期五年的分销协议总额为4700万美元,以业绩为基础,分期付款给EBI,ART将成为该公司EB控制平台在几个中东和北非国家的独家代理商,包括沙特阿拉伯、巴林、科威特、阿拉伯联合酋长国、阿曼和埃及。(Globe Newswire)

On 4 April, EBI announced today cooperation with Al-Rushaid Technologies (ART). The two companies will work together to provide highly differentiated data protection solutions for Middle East and North Africa countries. The five-year distribution agreement amounts to $47 million, based on performance, with instalments to EBI, and ART will be the sole agent for the EB control platform in several Middle East and North Africa countries, including Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Egypt.

Web3基础设施提供商Ankr与Polygon Labs达成合作

Web3 infrastructure provider Ankr entered into cooperation with Polygon Labs

Web3基础设施提供商Ankr发文称,已与PolygonLabs合作,为寻求使用Polygon Supernets创建特定应用区块链的Web3开发者增强开发体验。Ankr App Chains是Polygon Supernets的基础设施提供商与实施合作伙伴,Ankr可为创建特定应用的区块链(包括Polygon Supernets)提供一个端到端的工程解决方案。

Ankr is an infrastructure provider and implementation partner for Polygon Supernets, and Ankr can provide an end-to-end engineering solution for creating a specific application block chain, including Polygon Supernets, by working with Polygon Labs to enhance the development experience of Web3 developers seeking to use Polygon Supernets to create a specific application block chain.


NFT trading platformLooksRare announces online V2 version

Faraway和Novel Labs合作开发NFT游戏Serum City

On 7 April, the NFT trading platform, LooksRare, announced that it was on line with version V2, which provided the following updates: cost reduced to 0.5 per cent; gas fee less than 50 per cent less than Blur; one signed bulk listing; one-time purchase of more than 70 NFTs; sellers have access to ETH instead of Weth. & nbsp;
/strong> Faraway and Novel Labs collaborated to develop the NFT game Serum City

区块链游戏公司Faraway和Novel Labs正在合作开发以Yuga Labs元宇宙为背景的以太坊NFT游戏Serum City,该游戏是一个独立的城市建设游戏,ApeCoin将作为该游戏主要的货币,在SerumCity中,Mutant Apes是主要角色。

Faraway and Novel Labs are collaborating in the development of the Yuga Labs dollar universe-based NFT game Serum City, an independent city-building game in which ApeCoin will be the main currency, with Mutant Apes playing the main role in SerumCity.

Magic Eden宣布为Ordinals推出Launchpad

Magic Eden announces the launch of Launchpad for Ordinals

NFT 平台 Magic Eden 将为 Ordinals 推出一个创作者 Launchpad,帮助创作者成功地刻上他们基于比特币的 NFT 收藏,第一次 Ordinals 发售将于 2023 年 4 月 7 日发布。

The NFT platform Magic Eden will present Ordinals with a creator, Launchpad, to help creators successfully carve their bitcoin-based NFT collection, the first release of which will be released on April 7, 2023.


Metamask in the latest version to provide NFT functionality

web3 数字钱包 MetaMask 引入了一个新的更新,增加了其浏览器扩展的 NFT 功能。在 10.28 版本中,用户现在可以享受专用的 NFT 选项,该选项可以简化查看和传输这些独特代币的过程。

Web3 Digital Wallet MetaMask has introduced a new update to add the NFT functionality that its browser expands. In version 10.28, users now have a dedicated NFT option that simplifys the process of viewing and transmitting these unique tokens.

Web3社交协议CyberConnect 3月月活突破73万,创历史新高

The CyberConnect social protocol at Web3 broke 730,000 in March, reaching an all-time high .

据 Dune Analytics 数据显示,Web3 社交协议 CyberConnect 3 月月活突破 73 万,创历史新高。此外,CyberConnect 推出的 ccProfile NFT 3 月铸造量突破 59 万枚,同样创下历史新高。

According to Dune Analytics, the Web3 social agreement, CyberConnect, broke 730,000 in March, a record high. In addition, CyberConnect launched ccProfile NFT in March, which was also a historic high.

科幻电影《第九区》导演推出基于Avalanche的Web3游戏Off the Grid

sci-fi film The Ninth District director launched the Web3 game based on Avalanche Off the Grid

4月6日消息,视频游戏开发商Gunzilla Games今天宣布,推出基于Avalanche的Web3大逃杀射击游戏Off the Grid (OTG) ,将于今年某个时间正式上线。科幻电影《第九区》导演尼尔·布洛姆坎普是该公司的管理者之一,其构想了整个OTG世界观。

On April 6, video game developer Gunzilla Games announced today that the launch of the Wib3 Fireball Game based on Avaanche, Off the Grid (OTG), will be officially launched some time this year. The science fiction film, District 9, director Neil Blomkamp, is one of the managers of the company, which has conceived the entire OTG world view.

Otherside宣布启动Koda NFT拆分及Vessel NFT Claim活动

Otherside announces the launch of Koda NFT splits and Vessel NFT Claim

4月6日消息,Yuga Labs旗下元宇宙项目Otherside在社交媒体发文表示,Koda NFT拆分和VesselClaim已经开始,只有拥有Koda的Otherdeeds才能拆分,但所有Otherdeeds持有者都可以Claim一个Vessel NFT。Claim过程最好通过桌面浏览器完成,Vessel Claim和NFT拆分均为无限期开放。 Otherside补充表示,拆分后用户的Otherdeed NFT必须被销毁,燃烧原始Otherdeed将产生一个KodaNFT和一个没有Koda的Otherdeed Expanded NFT。每一个NFT都将存在于一个新的集合中,彼此独立。Otherdeed Expanded NFT是解锁包括《Otherside:LegendsoftheMara》在内未来游戏体验和激活的关键。

On 6 April, Yuga Labs’ dollar cosmopolitan project Otheside wrote in social media that Koda NFT splits and VesselClaim have started to split, but that all Othedeeds holders of Koda can split them, but that every otherdeeds holder of Klaim has a Vessel NFT. The Claim process is best completed through a desktop browser, with Vessel Claim and NFT splits open indefinitely.


Vitadao, supported by Pfizer, voted to create a profit-making company to finance long-term studies .

辉瑞支持的 VitaDAO 成员周三发布推文称,为了弥补 VitaDAO 的资金缺口,目前正在讨论建立一家美国营利性公司的提议,这将弥合研究和商业化之间的差距。该公司将作为 VitaDAO 的子公司或附属公司运营。如果获得批准,该提案将在 2023 年 4 月 3 日至 6 月 12 日之间进入为期 10 周的执行阶段。据悉,这家名为 VitaTech 的公司将利用公共资金来许可美国大学开发的长寿技术,并支持它们的持续发展。

Pfizer-backed VitaDAO members released a tweet on Wednesday that, in order to close the financial gap in VitaDAO, a proposal to establish an American profit-making company was currently under discussion, which would bridge the gap between research and commercialization. The company would operate as a subsidiary or affiliate of VitaDAO. If approved, the proposal would enter a 10-week implementation phase between 3 April and 12 June 2023.

Lil Durk在Algorand上推出“NXTG3NZ”数字可穿戴NFT

"NXTG3NZ" number introduced on Algorand by Lil Durk

说唱歌手 Lil Durk 与 Algorand 合作推出限量版 NFT 系列!这款名为“NXTG3NZ”的数字可穿戴设备将于 4 月 10 日发布。值得注意的是,NFT 系列包括备受期待的“7220”phygital 运动鞋系列。

Lil Durk, a rapper, in collaboration with Algorand, launched a limited edition of the NFT series! This number, called NXTG3NZ, will be released on April 10. It is worth noting that the NFT series includes a much-awaited series of “7220” phygital sneakers.


Dmail rolls out cellular end-to-end matching to fully optimize Web3 cross-link communication services

4月4日消息,Dmail已正式上线新版本3.0.0_beta,提供更加安全、私密和高效的跨链加密通信服务。新版本主要迭代内容包括升级产品UI/UX、支持手机端H5使用、登录地址迭代、支持更多登录钱包、优化登录和信息加载机制、支持Confluxe Space登录和DID Free-Mint、联系人列表展示和管理优化等。 截至目前,Dmail已完成Ethereum、BNBChain、Dfinity、Conflux、Polygon、Optimism及PlatOn等多链部署,支持ENS、SPACEID、WorldCoinID、Lens、UnstoppableDomains、OPNames、.bit、HashKeyDID、JAZDID等DID间的跨链信息交互,链上注册账号突破180,000个,交互信息数超过4.5M。

On 4 April, Dmail was officially online in its new version 3.0.0_beta, which provides a more secure, private and efficient cross-chain encryption service. The main variants of the new version include upgrades to the product UI/UX, support for cellular H5 use, login overlaps, support for additional login wallets, optimization of login and information loading mechanisms, support for Confluxe Space login and CID Free-Mint, list display and management optimization.Dmail has now completed cross-chain information interactions between Etheum, BNB Chain, Dfinity, Conflux, Polygon, Optimm and PlatOn, support for the deployment of ENS, SPACEID, WorldCoinID, Lens, UnstoppableDomains, OPNames,.bit, HashKeyDID, JAZDID, etc.


NFT Project Renga applied to the United States Patent and Trademark Office for the trademark of software and services


According to the application information disclosed by the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the NFT project, created by artist Dirty Robot, has submitted applications for software and services trademarks to enable users to view, trade and manage digital collections and tokens. Renga trademark applications cover downloadable software for the management of NFT and digital assets, including the online market for NFT and digital collections, as well as websites for the electronic storage of NFT. Trademark applications indicate that the software to be introduced by Renga will allow users to view, analyse, record, store, monitor, manage, trade and exchange digital assets, such as encrypted currency, digital tokens and NFT.


Proceeds Management Agreement Mugen launched a multi-chain DEX polymer based on LayerZero

4月4日消息,收益管理协议Mugen宣布推出基于Layer Zero构建的跨链DEX聚合器Cross-Chain Swapsv1,可从UniSwap、SushiSwap、Trader Joe和Pancake Swap等DEX为用户获取最优惠报价,现已支持Arbitrum、Optimism、Avalanche、BNBChain和Polygon网络。

On 4 April, it was reported that Mugen of the revenue management agreement announced the launch of Cross-Chain Swapsv1, a cross-chain DEX polymer based on Layer Zero, which can obtain the most favourable offers for users from DEX from UniSwap, SushiSwap, Trader Joe and Pancake Swap, and has supported the Arbitrum, Optim, Avalanche, BNB Chain and Polygon networks.

马斯克今晨发布NFT项目The Memes by 6529相关图片,后者地板价涨超20%

Mask released this morning a picture of the Memes by 6529 of the NFT project, where floor prices rose by more than 20%

4月4日消息,马斯克于今晨发布NFT项目The Memes by 6529系列“Seize JPGs”图片,受此影响NFT项目TheMemesby6529地板价24小时涨幅达23%,暂报0.0975ETH;交易量涨幅达2045%;交易次数涨幅达1000%。被提及的作品“SeizeJPGs”当前售价为1.88ETH,约合3400美元。TheMemesby6529是一个多季发行的NFT项目,该项目由著名的Web3意见领袖Punk6529带头发起。每次季节开始,艺术家都会根据项目给出的提示创建视觉表现形式,如“自由交易”或“开放的元宇宙”。

On 4 April, Mask announced this morning the NFT project The Memes by 6529 series of “Seize JPGs”, which affected the NFT project The Memesby 6529 floor prices by 23 per cent and provisionally reported 0.0975 ETH; the volume of transactions increased by 2045 per cent; the number of transactions increased by 1,000 per cent. The mentioned work “SeizeJPGs” is currently sold at a price of 1.88 ETH for approximately $3400. The Memesby6529 is a multi-season NFT project led by the famous Web3 opinion leader, Punk6529. At the beginning of each season, artists create visual manifestations such as “free trade” or “open metaspace” based on instructions given by the project.

Web3基础设施提供商Ankr与Polygon Labs达成合作

Web3 infrastructure provider Ankr entered into cooperation with Polygon Labs

4月3日消息,Web3基础设施提供商Ankr发文称,已与PolygonLabs合作,为寻求使用Polygon Supernets创建特定应用区块链的Web3开发者增强开发体验。Ankr App Chains是Polygon Supernets的基础设施提供商与实施合作伙伴,Ankr可为创建特定应用的区块链(包括Polygon Supernets)提供一个端到端的工程解决方案。

On 3 April, Web3 infrastructure provider Ankr wrote that, in collaboration with PolygonLabs, an enhanced development experience for Web3 developers seeking to use Polygon Supernets to create a chain of specific applications. Ankr App Chains is the infrastructure provider and implementation partner of Polygon Supernets, and Ankr can provide an end-to-end engineering solution for creating a specific application of block chains, including Polygon Supernets.


DappRadar report: The Web3 game project attracted $739 million in investment in 2023 Q1

据DappRadar和区块链游戏联盟的最新报告,Web3 游戏项目在2023 年第一季度吸引了7.39亿美元的投资。这些资金中有将近60%(4.34 亿美元)是在2023年3月筹集的。2.14亿美元投资于游戏和元宇宙公司。另外还有1.59亿美元用于基础设施公司。相比之下,投资于NFT公司的1000万美元只占总资金的一小部分。(Venture Beat)

According to the latest report of DappRadar and the Block Chain Game Alliance, the Web3 game project attracted $739 million in investment in the first quarter of 2023. Nearly 60 per cent of these funds ($434 million) were raised in March 2023. $214 million was invested in games and meta-cosm. A further $159 million was spent on infrastructure companies. By contrast, $10 million in NFT was only a fraction of the total.


4月3日消息,据CryptoSlam数据,3月份NFT销售额环比下降31.42%,从2月份的10.3亿美元销售额下降至8.8289亿美元。在这些销售额中,有5.3789亿美元是在以太坊区块链上结算的,该区块链占据了3月份销售额的60%以上。基于Solana的NFT销售额占3月份销售额的10.57%,录得9336万美元,其次是Polygon(3616万美元)、Immutable X(2882万美元)和Cardano(1008万美元)。 3月份最畅销的NFT系列是Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC),其销售额为3581万美元,尽管这一数字比上个月下降了48.19%。Cryptopunks是销售额第二大的NFT系列,销售额为3011万美元,比2月份增长了87.95%。(Bitcoin.com)

On 3 April, according to CryptoSlam, NFT sales fell by 31.42 per cent in March, from $1.03 billion in February to $882.8 million. Of these sales, $537.89 million were settled on the Etheria block chain, which accounted for more than 60 per cent of sales in March. NFT sales based on Solana accounted for 10.57 per cent of sales in March, recording $9.336 million, followed by Polygon ($3.616 million), Immmutable X ($2.88 million) and Cardano ($10.08 million). The best-selling NFT series in March was Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), whose sales amounted to $3581 million, although the figure was 48.19 per cent lower than last month. Cryptopunks were the second largest NFT series, with sales of $30.11 million, an increase of 87.95 per cent over February (Bitcoin.com).


Publisher: Information forest, reprinted with reference to: https://nft.aiju.com/news/65843.html, for work content, copyright and other questions, please contact the site!




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