《欢乐斗地主》霸榜月余 其他棋牌小游戏的破局之路在哪里?

资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:19 评论:0
导语 introduction 春节至今,《欢乐斗地主》已经在阿拉丁小游戏榜单上霸榜月余,其他棋牌小游戏是如何破局挤占头部的呢?So far during the Spring Festival,...



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So far during the Spring Festival, Elysium Landlord has been on the Aladdin small game list for over the month. How do other small chess games end up in the head?

2020农历春节期间,棋牌小游戏抱团冲击国内App Store免费榜单和阿拉丁小游戏榜单,虽然热度随着春节假期的结束而有所下降,但棋牌类产品在阿拉丁小游戏榜单的头部占比仍然占据优势。

During the 2020 agricultural spring season, small game groups hit the national App Store toll-free list and the Aladdin list of games. Although heat declined with the end of spring holidays, card products still dominated the top of the Aladdin list.


On the whole, the game is still a brand-new game in the chess game, with "The Three Kings" in the title "Girl Landlord", "The Real Man" in the Heavenly Landlord, and "Travel Landlord" in the top ten of last week's Aladdin Games. And the "Micro Landlord" that has come to grow during the Spring Day is also in the ninth place on the Aladdin List.


In addition to the strong performance of the small game of the gladiator, a few small mahjong games, local chess games, can occasionally enter into the top 10 of the Aladdin small game list, and the top 30 on the weekly list. For example, " Sichuan mahjong ", " Big A ", and so on.

棋牌游戏契合小游戏平台属性 地方棋牌玩法可以作为破局方向


In an interview, an insider said that had a clear advantage over the APP board, and that small games did not have to download and play around to meet the entertainment needs of the user's debris time. But the user of small games was not sticky, while the advantage of board games was that users were sticky, compatible and integrated.


In recent years, chess games have enjoyed a greater share of small games, with users drawings being older for board games, which are large and unmindable during spring seasons, where the social attributes of small games can actually make the groups better reach their products, and small games based on social media such as micro-mails and QQQs, which can better help people with marketing.


In the chess market, local chess games have always been popular among players because they are both local and local in nature, and they operate easily, with some markets, both local and non-local. industry also provides ideas for the promotion of local chess cards. First, the process must not be reduced; second, the dissemination of information about local chess games in local forums is of paramount importance; and, third, the expansion of the area of publicity to make more users aware of the chess games they operate.

创新是地方性棋牌小游戏的首要破局方式 这些头部产品值得学习


According to industry, if a game developer on a small game platform is to normally face the dominant position of the Pleasant Landlord, which is in fact the same as all channels, there is always a head product. But whether there is an opportunity depends mainly on the capacity of the user-flow cake.


How to make users feel new and different is still a matter for the chess industry to consider. Pluralization is the trend for future chess games. Also, chess games, chess + electric competitions, etc., can be considered.


Back to the micro-trust game platform, local chess products that have entered the head on a continuous basis today are Pointy Sichuan mahjong, Micro-Hungry Home mahjong, and Big Brother A. Among these are the options offered to users in the Pointy Sichuan mahjong interface, which is updated to XX mahjong each time the location is changed. Click in to capture eight local mahjong and popular mahjong games.


For example, in Sichuan, where mahjong is rich, a series of games like mahjong, bloodstream, and local games like mahjong and mahjong. If you switch to mahjong, mahjong is not rich, it is in the forefront of balkanic popular games like mahjong and mahjong.


The mahjong at Miao Lei has made an in-depth innovation based on map selection, which allows players to choose not only the province, but even the local municipality. In addition to the popular game of mahjong and mahjong, the main interface has been selected.


Big Brother A is derived from the traditional game of "Big A" in Inner Mongolia, where four members of the Board can form teams based on the red A in their hands, with a flexible team, with final grades ranked in the order in which all cards are given. The innovation of the game is that there is a difference between fine arts and the marketed card products, the background, characters have been treated with the "Moroccan Savannah" and strong intra-Mongolian accents have been used for the tone of the board, coupled with a large award mechanism that allows for the exchange of in-kind rewards, which ensures that users are retained.

用激励机制留住用户 进而为其他地方性棋牌小游戏导流

uses incentives to retain users and thus to guide other local chess games


Incentives to add to small games are the norm for all small game products today, and Happy Landowners, who dominate the game, can also be used to share, watch advertisements, and sign up for objects such as peas and sign-ups. In contrast, other small chess games, such as "Travel Landers ", " Pointy Sichuan Mabel ", are more incentivized than virtual assets, and are more attractive to many users by using words that can be compared to real silver.


Last year was a stage in the incentive for a number of small chess games to go online, and in addition to phone calls and Kyoto Toka, there were real goods such as gold bars and Japanese goods as incentives. Many games also designed the “gold bars” and “big prizes” corridors.


The Grand Prix requires a player to pay a certain amount of game money as a ticket, and eventually has an opportunity to compete for real prizes. But either because the incentive costs are too high, or because it is too difficult for the player to win the prize, most of the products were removed in the second half of last year.


In the view of the industry, user experience is the key to any game’s success, especially board games, and a rich incentive mechanism is one of the effective means of increasing users’ retention and consumption data. In order to obtain incentive vouchers, such as Foca, a voucher, etc., users are willing to watch incentive advertising, while in order to build up these vouchers in exchange for prizes, users are committed to online and matchboarding, and they are active in the retention of the game.


offers three suggestions on how to retain the game users, first, to identify the core needs of the user; secondly, to have a reasonable UI interface and interaction to please the player; and thirdly, to satisfy the user's initial heart satisfaction.


In addition to adding incentives, the conductive properties of the chess game itself are also of interest. In addition to small games that exchange flows for commercial cooperation, integrated chess games, such as mahjong mahjong, can jump to local board games by changing the area’s location at the main interface, as well as through a comprehensive product that guides local products, where there are also pathways to return to integrated products.

免费建房机制成棋牌小游戏标配 在此基础上进阶版亲友圈玩法出现


As mentioned in an interview with the industry above, chess games have high homogeneity properties in themselves, and the same playable products have flourished. This also determines that a board game, in addition to playing an optimal design, needs to find other points that attract and retain users.


In previous years, the concept of a house card had emerged on chess handy products, where users could build rooms to invite their relatives and friends to play together, but needed to buy a house card to open the house, whose income was also an important source of income for the players at that stage. But, with changes in players’ consumption perceptions, including some policy orientations, the housing card model has gradually been phased out, and the chess game is now largely open to free house-building mechanisms, but the housing card billing pattern remains entrenched in the user’s memory.


So, on this basis, how the game focuses on blacking out free home builders and friends will undoubtedly be a good way to retain users. Opening the top of the Aladdin small game list will mark “free house building” and “friends and friends blacking” at the most visible entrances, with the social platform jumping the fast team and the model of blacking the room number becoming a match for a chess game.


On a mahjong board game, one can see more of a step-by-step "family circle" for friends to open a house, where users need to click on a micro-mail, a shared page on QQ or enter a room number in a basic friend-building mode. After joining a user's family-to-friend circle, these operations are no longer needed, and the entry game can jump directly into a family-to-friend circle for play.


Also, since mahjong-like games are more complex and local in nature than field players, there are rules in which different users have different needs that the game officials cannot fully satisfy. At this point, users can customize their games through rules in a family circle, customizing them, and creating up to 20 tables to meet user requirements for diversity of rules.

激励广告收入仍是商业化重头 内购方面出现了新的会员机制

"Strong" incentives for advertising revenue are still the top of commercialization, and new membership mechanisms have emerged for internal purchases.


The industry suggests that there is currently no established industry logic for the commercial design of small chess games, and that incentives for advertising revenue are still on the top. games are short and flat, and the low threshold for playing chess also determines that the vast majority of users value the platform that the game offers to their game, rather than the better experience of paying for it. Incentive advertising is usually designed in settlement awards to double, sign awards to double, and free drawings.


In the case of internal purchases, almost all head card games now use complex commercial designs that encourage advertising and internal purchases. In the case of internal purchases, of course, only Anders End is targeted, providing internal procurement channels for games such as ceremonial beans, gold beans, and diamonds needed to buy props. Diamonds themselves, as second-tier tokens, can also exchange game coins.


But the in-sourcing design is lighter than the in-showing of chess cards. Decoratives such as table images, head frames, bubbles, etc., that require a fee to unlock, can be taken free of charge in small games.


In the absence of additional in-house purchases, supplementary purchases of game coins have become the greatest demand, and the current SVIP membership subscription service of seven days'duration has been introduced around the purchase of play bean in Pointy Sichuan mahjong, with Big Brother A providing a 30-dollar monthly gold privilege monthly card.


This is more cost-effective than direct purchase of a game bean, and the additional additional benefits and privileges are more attractive, as can be seen from the fact that small-bond in-house purchasing may be the future direction for small-plate games.




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