
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:23 评论:0
  重要须知: important information:   第一、使用者在使用《迷你西遊》軟體(下文亦稱為“本軟體”)及相關各項服務之前,請仔細閱讀《<迷你西遊>最終...



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important information:


First, before using the Mini-West Tour software (also called “ this software ”) and related services, users should read in detail The < Mini-West > Final User Use of the Charter and associated & & lt; Mini-West > Service Clauses, & lt; Mini-West Tour & & gt; Entertainment Rules & & & & gt; Players Rules, & Services Sections of the Internet Service (referred to later as & & & & & & & & & & ; User Agreement & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Quants & & & & & & & Quants & & & & & & t & & & & & & & Qu & & & & ;


Second, if the user does not agree with the terms of this User Agreement, do not install, use this software or related services. The user installs this software, or registers, starts to use and/or continues to use this software or related services, that is, it is deemed to have agreed to and accepted all the provisions of this Agreement.


Third, users have the right to monitor whether, during their use of software and related services, Internet-friendly companies and their employees provide services to users in accordance with the standards issued by the Internet-friendly companies, and to provide Internet-friendly companies with advice and advice on the products and services of Internet-friendly companies at any time.



If not stated to the contrary, the following terms have the following meanings:

  1.1 網易公司:指香港網易互動娛樂有限公司。

1.1 Online companies: refers to the Hong Kong Internet Retractive Entertainment Limited.


1.2 Mini-West Tour: a mini-West Tour online game offered by Internet-friendly companies.

  1.3 本軟體:指《迷你西遊》遊戲軟體,包含用戶端內容及程式,並可能包括相關網路服務器、網站(包括但不限於遊戲官方網站:http://xym.163.com/hk/、Facebook Fan page或https://www.facebook.com/HKCHAOS)、電子媒體、印刷材料或電子文檔,等。

1.3 This software: refers to the Minibus game software, which contains client content and programs and may include related web servers, websites (including but not limited to the official website of the game: , Facebook Fan page or ), electronic media, printed materials or electronic files, etc.


1.4 Users: Also known as &ldquao; Final User & & rdquao; a person who installs and uses the minibus software products and services through legal access provided by Internet-friendly companies.


2.1 Internet companies and their affiliates are legally entitled to all of the legal rights (including but not limited to intellectual property) of the Mini-West Tour. All copyrights and all other intellectual property rights of this software, as well as all information related to this software, include, but are not limited to: text expressions and their combinations, icons, icons, graphics, colour combinations, interface designs, layout frames, data, printed materials, or electronics files, all of which are protected by China’s intellectual property laws and international treaties.


2.2 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & &,, & & & &, & & &, & &, & & & &, & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & # & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & # & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & # & & & & & & & & & & # & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & @ @ @ & & & & & & @ @ @ @ & @ @ @ @ & & @ @ & & @ & & & & & & & &


2.3 Internet companies and their affiliates have proprietary, commercial, copyrighted and other intellectual property rights in connection with the Mini-West Tour software and related services. Internet companies and their affiliates have not granted users any intellectual property rights related to the Mini-West Tour because of this Agreement or because they provide software and related services to users.


2.4 The rights not expressly granted to users in this Agreement are retained by Internet-friendly companies and their affiliates.


Respect for user privacy is a fundamental policy of Internet-friendly companies, so Internet-friendly companies do not make public, modify or disclose user registration data and non-public content stored in Internet-based services unless the Internet-friendly companies consider it necessary to disclose such information on the basis of good faith, including, but not limited to, the following:


3.1 Comply with the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations;


3.2 In accordance with the requirements of the relevant government department of supervision;


3.3 to protect intellectual property rights and other important rights of Internet-friendly companies and their affiliates;


3.4 for the protection of the public interest of society;


3.5 On the basis of the Internet-accessible services regulations, the rules, systems or other circumstances that Internet-friendly companies deem necessary.


Network companies are not liable for damage caused by force majeure. This Charter refers to force majeure for such reasons as natural disasters, changes in laws and regulations or government directives, and for reasons specific to the characteristics of Internet services, such as failures of infrastructure telecom operators, computers, mobile devices or technical deficiencies associated with Internet connections, Internet coverage restrictions, computers, mobile devices, cyberattacks, and other factors that are unpredictable, unavoidable and insurmountable within legal boundaries.

  5.1為了保障公司業務發展,網易公司擁有變更本軟體(包括但不限於升級、更新、增加、減少、演繹,等)及相關服務以及本《協定》內容的權利,也擁有終止本軟體/相關服務/本《協定》的權利;如有必要,網易公司會以公告等形式公佈於《迷你西遊》遊戲內或遊戲官方網站(http://xym.163.com/hk/)或Facebook Fan page(https://www.facebook.com/HKCHAOS)的重要頁面。網易公司提請用戶定期查閱瞭解有關變更、終止等資訊。

5.1 In order to safeguard corporate business development, Internet-friendly companies have the right to modify software (including but not limited to upgrades, updates, additions, reductions, performances, etc.) and related services, as well as the content of this Agreement, as well as the right to terminate software/services/this Agreement; if necessary, Internet-friendly companies will publish important pages in the Minim 163.com/hk/) game or on the official website of the game (http://xym163.com/hk/) or on Facebook ().


5.2 Users have the right to stop using software and related services and unload them whenever they decide to do so. If a user agrees to any changes in software, related services or the content of this Agreement, the user has the right to immediately stop using software and related services and unloading it. If a user continues to use this software and related services after the content has changed, it is considered that the user agrees to accept the changes.


6.1 If the user agrees to accept all the contents of this Agreement, the Internet company agrees to grant the user the right to use the software and related services, which may be revoked, variable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-reclaimable. If the user has the right to use the software and services outside the sphere of personal use or to use the software and services for any business use, the user may contact the Internet company and be granted alternative rights.

  6.2 除非本《協議》另有規定,否則,未經網易公司書面同意,用戶不得實施下列行為(無論是營利的還是非營利的):

6.2 Unless otherwise stipulated in this Agreement, users shall not, without the written consent of the Internet company, carry out the following acts (whether for profit or not):


6.2.1 Copying, copying, transmitting and displaying all or part of the contents of the software, the use of manuals and other graphic audio and video materials.


6.2.2 Public display and broadcasting of all or part of the product.


6.2.3 Rent, sell or use software for profit.


6.2.4 Modify or mask product names, company labels, labels/page information, other declarations of intellectual property rights, etc. on software, images, animations, wrappings and manuals.

  6.2.5 其它違反著作權法、電腦軟體保護條例和相關法律法規的行為。

6.2.5 Other violations of copyright laws, computer software protection regulations and related laws and regulations.

  6.3 使用者應通過合法的途徑使用本軟體和相關服務,不得作出以下侵害網易公司或第三人利益,擾亂遊戲秩序,違反遊戲公平性、違反本《協議》或者網易公司發佈的其他規則或者國家有關法律法規規定的行為,包括但不限於:

6.3 Users shall use software and related services through legal channels, without the following actions, including but not limited to: , against the interests of cyber-companies or third parties, disrupting the game order, violating the fairness of the game, violating the provisions of this Agreement or other regulations issued by cyber-companies or relevant national laws and regulations:

  6.3.1 修改、翻譯、注釋、整理、彙編、演繹本軟體;

6.3.1 Modify, translate, comment, sort, edit, perform script software;

  6.3.2 反向工程、反向編譯或者反彙編本軟體,或者採用其他技術手段對本軟體進行分析、修改、攻擊、衍生;

6.3.2 Reverse engineering, reverse or counter-editing software, or use other technical means to analyse, modify, attack or derivative this software;

  6.3.3 使用任何外掛程式或遊戲修改程式(本《協定》所稱“外掛程式”是指獨立於遊戲軟體之外的,能夠在遊戲運行的同時影響遊戲操作的所有程式,包括但不限於模擬用戶操作、改變操作環境、修改資料等一切類型。如國家有關法律、法規及政府主管部門的規章或規範性檔規定的外掛定義與本《協議》有衝突,則以法律、法規、部門規章或規範性檔規定的為准),對本網路遊戲軟體進行還原工程、編譯、解碼或修改,包括但不限於修改本軟體所使用的任何專有通訊協定、對動態隨機存取記憶體(RAM)中資料進行修改或鎖定;

  6.3.4  使用異常的方法登錄遊戲(包括但不限於使用非網易公司開發、授權或認可的協力廠商軟體、系統登錄遊戲)、使用網路加速器等外掛軟體或機器人程式等惡意破壞服務設施、擾亂正常服務秩序的行為;

6.3.4  Login by unusual methods (including, but not limited to, the use of non-networked, licensed or recognized union software, system log-in games), the use of a network accelerator, etc., to maliciously disrupt service delivery and disrupt normal service order;

  6.3.5 通過異常或者非法方式使用本軟體(包括但不限於利用本軟體登錄遊戲私服),惡意破環本軟體,擾亂正常的服務秩序或者實施其他不正當行為;

6.3.5 Use software in an unusual or illegal manner (including but not limited to the use of this software to record a private suit), maliciously break the environment software, disrupt the normal service order or perform other improper acts;

  6.3.6 製作、傳播或使用外掛、封包、加速軟體及其它各種作弊程式,或組織、教唆他人使用此類軟體程式,或銷售此類軟體程式而為個人或組織謀取經濟利益;

6.3.6 Make, disseminate or use plugins, envelopes, accelerated software and all other kinds of cheating programs, or organize, incite or sell software programs of this type for personal or organizational economic gain;

  6.3.7 使用任何方式或方法,試圖攻擊提供遊戲服務的相關伺服器、路由器、交換機以及其他設備,以達到非法獲得或修改未經授權的資料資料、影響正常遊戲服務,以及其他危害性目的的任何行為;

6.3.7 Try to attack, in any way or by any method, the relevant servers, routers, switches and other devices that provide game services to obtain or modify unauthorized data, affect normal game services and other hazardous purposes unlawfully;

  6.3.8 利用本軟體或者線上遊戲系統可能存在的技術缺陷或漏洞而以各種形式為自己及他人牟利(包括但不限於複製遊戲中的虛擬物品等)或者從事其他不正當行為。

6.3.8 Make use of technical deficiencies or loopholes that may exist in this software or online game systems to profit themselves and others in various forms (including but not limited to virtual items in a duplicate game) or to perform other improper acts.

  6.3.9 違反國家有關法律法規的規定,利用本軟體製作、複製、發佈和傳播資訊。

6.3.9 Use software to make, copy, publish and disseminate information in violation of relevant national laws and regulations.


, once internet access companies discover, through internal surveillance programs, or through reports from other users, that the user is likely to be involved in the above-mentioned acts, Internet access companies have the right to make independent determinations and take appropriate measures, including but not limited to limiting access to user accounts, limiting user activity in the game, ending software licensing, deleting items related to copying (including duplicated virtual items and those involved in copying), deleting user accounts and requiring the user to pay for losses caused to Internet access companies as a result of the above-mentioned actions.


At the same time, users should provide the following devices and information:

  6.4.1 自行配備上網的所需設備,包括移動設備(包括但不限於手機、平板電腦)、無線路由器或其他必備上網裝置。

6.4.1 Self-equipped devices required for Internet access, including moving devices (including but not limited to mobile phones, tablets), wireless routers or other necessary devices.

  6.4.2 自行負擔個人上網所支付的與此服務有關的電話費用、網路費用。

6.4.2 Pays for personal Internet calls and Internet charges associated with this service.

  6.4.3 基於網易公司提供服務的重要性,使用者同意:

6.4.3 Based on the importance of Internet-based services, the user agrees:





The user understands that if users fail to provide accurate and complete registration data and related historical information, fail to update relevant registration data or related evidence in due course, it may result in the user not being able to determine the identity of the user and from being unable to retrieve such services as passwords, which the user may not be responsible for. If users fail to provide accurate and complete information on registration and related historical information, fail to update relevant information or evidence in due time, the user will have the right to continue to provide services to users and hold them legally accountable.


6.5 Internet-friendly companies reserve the right to place commercial advertising on their users through software and related services.


Users agree to safeguard and maintain the interests of Internet-friendly companies and other users, such as by causing damage to Internet-based companies by violating any of the relevant laws, regulations or provisions of this Agreement, and users agree to assume liability for the resulting damages, including but not limited to any direct or indirect losses to network-friendly companies and their associated companies.

  7.2 如使用者違反本《協議》、網易公司發佈的其他規則或者國家法律法規規定,則網易公司有權作出獨立的判斷,立即撤銷相關許可,終止為使用者提供服務並通過各種合法途徑追究用戶的法律責任。

If a user violates this Agreement, other regulations issued by Internet-based companies or national laws or regulations, the Internet-based company has the right to make an independent determination, immediately withdraws the authorization, and ends up providing services to the user and holding the user legally liable through all legal channels.


8.1 The establishment, implementation, interpretation and settlement of disputes in this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China and exclude any other conflict.


8.2 The Agreement is to be established in the Tianhai region of Guangzhou. In the event of any dispute between the two sides over the content of the Agreement or its implementation, the two sides shall make every effort to reach an amicable settlement; in the event of failure, the two sides agree to submit it to the jurisdiction of the Tianhai People's Court in Guangzhou City.

  9.1 本《協定》構成雙方對本《協議》之約定事項及其他有關事宜的完整協定,除本《協定》規定的之外,未賦予本《協議》各方其他權利。

9.1 The present Agreement constitutes a complete agreement between the Parties to the terms of the Agreement and other related matters and does not confer any rights on the Parties to the present Agreement other than those provided for in the present Agreement.


9.2 If, for any reason, any of the provisions of this Agreement is found to be totally or partially ineffective or unenforceable, the invalid or non-enforceable paragraph will be replaced by an effective and enforceable provision that is closest to the intent of the original provision, and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain valid and enforceable.


9.3 The non-exercise, failure to exercise in due time, or failure to exercise fully the rights under this Agreement or under the law should not be regarded as a waiver of that right, nor should it affect the future exercise of that right by the Internet company.



In order to safeguard the user’s rights, the regulations of the article < the minibus and > the minibus and & & & & & lt; and the rules of play for the players (hereinafter referred to as & ldquao; & & rdquao; and the rules for the formatting of Internet game services by the Ministry of Culture).


> " Mini-West Tour" is a multi-player online game. The game contains a combat system in which users and users are free to fight if you click on “ accept ” and install this software, or register, begin to use and/or continue to use this software or related services, as you agree to and accept this article, and then as you agree to all free-to-war behaviors in the game system and to abide by the rules of the free-to-war game.

  使用者應當根據本條款以及網易公司不時更新和公佈的其他規則(包括但不限於網易公司在官方網站等網站、Facebook Fan page使用者註冊協議、玩家守則等)使用網易公司提供的產品和服務。

Users should use products and services provided by online companies, in accordance with this regulation, as well as other rules that are updated and published from time to time by Internet companies (including, but not limited to, websites such as online companies on official websites, Facebook Fan Page user registration agreements, player observances, etc.).


Users have the right to monitor whether Internet companies and their employees are providing products and services to users in accordance with the standards issued by Internet companies during their use of products and services provided by online companies, and to advise and advise online companies on products and services provided by Internet companies at any time.


>. The Internet company will have the right to determine how and how to collect the mini-westerly games software and services. The Internet company may determine the different forms and standards of fees according to the different segments of the software and services provided by the Internet company. The exact method of charging, the criteria for charging, including the right to use virtual items in the game, and the criteria for collecting the actual fees for value-added services are set by the Internet company on the street mall or other game modules of the Mini-Wester game.


Users are obliged to read it carefully before choosing to do so, and once users choose to purchase or accept services related to virtual items, this means that users fully understand and accept the above-mentioned collection methods and criteria.


Internet companies have the right to set up, add, modify value-added services and issue value-added service substitutes in the game, as required.


The value-added service proxy currency is obtained by using the renminbi, which is converted into the value-added service alternative currency, which is considered to be already in use, which cannot be replaced by the value-added service alternative currency; the value-added service alternative currency is used for purchasing virtual propriety rights or for accepting services.


In cases where the user buys rights to use virtual items or receives other value-added services as a fee project, e.g. beyond the useful life of the virtual item or the effective service period of the value-added service, whether or not the user actually uses or receives the service, or beyond the number of effective use or service, Internet-friendly companies have the right to take measures to remove user rights to use the virtual items or stop providing value-added services.


The props of the game include, but are not limited to, game roles, resources, props, etc., and are owned by a network company whose users can only use it if it is in accordance with the law and the rules of the game.


virtual props for value-added services of all types in the game, without special labels, are expected to be used for long periods; if special labels exist, the period of their effective use is allowed by special labels, starting from the date of conversion. If the period of effective use is exceeded, the Internet company has the right to withdraw its user rights at any time. The effective period of use is not interrupted or terminated for any reason.


> users can only make virtual prop transactions within the game or on a trading platform recognized by a network company (e.g. a platform where a network company provides a virtual prop trade); any other virtual prop transaction conducted on a platform, medium or field will be considered by a network company to be inconsistent with the terms of this regulation, which has the right to take measures against virtual props and games accounts involved in the transaction; and, in serious circumstances, Internet access companies retain the right to hold users legally liable.


1, account registered /span >


(1) Users promise to register in their true identity as users of a network company or partner recognized by a network company and to guarantee that the personal identity information provided is true, complete and valid and that legal liability for the information provided is established by law and by mandatory provisions. /span>


(2) If the user is registered as an Internet user in his real capacity, he or she needs to modify the personal identity information provided, and he or she should provide this service in a timely and effective manner.


2, user account and custody


(1) Under the terms of the mandatory provisions, a network company has the right to review the authenticity and validity of identity information provided by the user register and to actively take reasonable measures, such as technology and management, to guarantee the security and validity of the user's game account; users have the obligation to keep their game accounts and passwords properly and to use them correctly and safely.


(u) (2) Users have rights and responsibilities under the law with respect to the actions of accounts held after entry.


If a user finds out that its game account or password has been used illegally or in an unusual way, it should notify the Internet-friendly company in due course, in accordance with the manner in which it has been made public, and have the right to notify the Internet-friendly company of the measures taken to suspend the entry and use of the game account.


(4) Internet-friendly companies take measures to suspend the registration and use of user game accounts on the basis of a user's notification, and should request users to provide and verify valid personal identity information that is consistent with their registered identity information.


(5) If Internet users verify that valid personal identity information is consistent with registered identity information, they should take timely measures to suspend the login and use of user game accounts.


(6) In violation of the previous (5) agreement, Internet-friendly companies should be held liable for losses caused to users by taking measures to suspend the registration and use of user games accounts in time.


If a user does not provide a valid personal identity card or if a valid personal identity card provided by a user is not in conformity with the registered identity information, the Internet company has the right to reject the user's request.


(8) In order to preserve their legal rights, users should provide the Internet company with effective personal identity information consistent with the registered identity information, the Internet company should provide users with the necessary assistance and support, such as account registration certificates, original registration information, and, as necessary, relevant evidentiary information to relevant administrative and judicial authorities.


1. When Internet companies require users to provide information related to their personal identity, they should make their privacy protection policies and personal access policies known to users in a clear and visible manner in advance, and take the necessary measures to protect the security of their personal information.


2. Internet access companies may not supply, make public or share the names in the user register, personal valid identification numbers, contact details, home addresses, etc. to any cooperative manufacturer, except in the following cases:


(1) Disclosures by user or user-supervisor licensing companies;


(2) Where the law requires disclosure by a network company;


(3) Judicial or administrative authorities are based on statutory requirements for online companies;


(4) When cyber companies file complaints or arbitrations with their clients in order to defend their legitimate rights;


(5) When a user's personal identity information is provided in response to a legitimate request from the user's guardian.


In order to safeguard the privacy of users and the use of user personal information by regulations, 2、在使用網易公司遊戲虛擬貨幣的過程中,用戶有權向網易公司要求協助調取遊戲虛擬貨幣充值記錄和轉移記錄,網易公司應當要求用戶提供並核實與其註冊身份資訊相一致的個人有效身份資訊,網易公司核實用戶所提供的個人有效身份資訊與所註冊的身份資訊相一致的,應當予以協助提供。用戶沒有提供其個人有效身份證件或者用戶提供的個人有效身份證件與所註冊的身份資訊不一致的,網易公司有權拒絕用戶上述請求。

In the process of using virtual currency in Internet-based games, users have the right to request assistance from Internet-based companies in collecting virtual currency charge records and transfer records of the games. Internet-friendly companies should request users to provide and verify valid personal identity information that is consistent with their registered identity information. Internet-based companies verify that valid personal identity information provided by users is consistent with the registered identity information and should assist in providing such information. If users do not provide their personal valid identity documents or if the personal identity documents provided by users are inconsistent with the registered identity information, Internet-based companies are entitled to reject the user's request./span>


From 2400 the day of the 365th day, if the user does not land the game for 365 days, the Internet company has the right to take measures to delete the account and any records of the user account in the game database (including, but not limited to, information on roles, grades, virtual props, value-added service substitutes, etc.), and the information after the deletion cannot be restored.


1. Users should prepare their own devices for Internet access, including but not limited to mobile devices (including but not limited to mobile phones, tablets), wireless routers or other necessary devices.


2. Users themselves bear the costs of the Internet, such as the costs of telephone calls, Internet use, etc. associated with the service.


3, the user agrees that the true and accurate personal data provided by the user is the only evidence of the user's connection to the game account and user's identity.


4 - Compliance with the terms of this article, games pacts and other rules and regimes published by Internet-friendly companies (including, but not limited to, user-click on agreed Internet-accessible services, end-user use of licensing contracts, player rules, customer service district service regulations and other rules published on official websites, etc.).


5. To comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China (if the user is a user outside the territory of the People's Republic of China, it is subject to the laws and regulations of the country or region to which the user belongs).


6. Users should assume their own responsibility for the content of the information they publish.


(1) Against the basic principles established by the Constitution of the People's Republic of China;


(ii) endangering national security, revealing national secrets, overthrowing national power and undermining national unity;


(3) to the detriment of the country's honour and interests;


(4) Incitement to national hatred, ethnic discrimination and destruction of national unity;


(5) Those who undermine the State's religious policy, preach cults and feudal superstitions;


(6) To spread rumours that disturb social order and destabilize society;


(7) Distribution of prostitution, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or incitement to commit a crime;


(8) insults or insults others or infringes on the legitimate rights of others;


(9) Proclaims, abets and uses the contents of the hanging, the private dress and the carousel;


(10) the release of a home page address or connection of any Internet-based company that is reasonably judged to be inappropriate or not recognized by the Internet-based company;


(11) Contains other elements prohibited by the laws, administrative laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.


7. Users may not use Internet-friendly software and services or engage in Internet-friendly company activities by improper or other unfair means. Users may not interfere with the normal provision of software and services by Internet-friendly companies, including but not limited to: attacks, intrusions into web-friendly company web servers or overloading of web-servers; cracking and modifying client programs provided by Internet-friendly companies; attacks, intrusions into network-friendly game servers or games-servers or overloading game servers; production, distribution, transmission, or use of any form of assistive devices or programs that hinder equity in games (including but not limited to “ external ” bugs and errors in the use of programs (Bug) disrupting the normal conduct or transmission of the game (Buug); unreasonably harassing or hindering the use of software and services provided by Internet-friendly companies; and the use of Internet-friendly software (including, but not limited to, the use of Internet-recording software); modification, translation, editorial, editorial, software, software, and so forth, etc.


8, the user agrees to use monitoring data in a game program as a basis for determining whether the user has cheated through a game such as using a plugin.


9 and if a user's data is found to be unusual or illegal or otherwise improper, the Internet company has the right to investigate and take appropriate measures in accordance with the provisions of this article, including but not limited to: (i) the deletion of virtual items in the game (including but not limited to the removal of game currency, game virtual props, etc.); (ii) the failure to receive incorrect benefits; (iii) the prohibition of entry; (iv) the temporary prohibition of entry; (v) the permanent prohibition of entry; (vi) the enforcement of offlines; (vii) the suspension until the deletion of a game account, etc. The user does not have the right to demand any liability on the Internet company.


10. In order to avoid undermining the fairness or balance of the game, users agree and understand that they can only engage in normal entertainment interactions through the products and services of the Mini-West Tour, and that they offer or accept trading instruments on a trading platform by Internet-based companies based on the need for such entertainment interactions.


Internet access companies have the right to take the following measures at the same time in relation to users who profit from improper interests: the inverted value of all accounts (including but not limited to the acquisition, transfer, sale of games props), the recycling of games props, temporary isolation, permanent isolation, mandatory isolation, closure of accounts, the removal of files and the taking of other technical measures to prevent users from doing so; seriously, Internet access companies retain the right to hold users legally liable.


1, termination and termination of user services /span >



(u>) (2) A user who has misbehaves in receiving Internet-friendly services has the right to end service to the user. A specific case of inappropriate behaviour should include in this Article prohibited behaviour that is explicitly contracted or communicated in advance by a network-reading company to end service, or it should not end service to the user.


(3) users provide false registration information or act contrary to this agreement, and Internet companies have the right to suspend all or part of their services to users; Internet companies should notify users of the suspension and inform them of the duration of the suspension, the duration of the suspension should be reasonable, and Internet companies should resume their services to users in due time during the suspension period.


(4) A network company which, pursuant to the terms of subsections (1), (2) and (3) of this paragraph, suspends or terminates the provision of some or all of its services to the user shall be liable for proof.


2, interruption, suspension and termination of the Mini-West Tour website and server operation


(1) In order for the games website and server to function properly, the Internet company is required to maintain the games website and server on a regular basis or to provide emergency stopovers for sudden-onset events; the normal service as a result of the above-mentioned circumstances should be interrupted, discontinued and understood by the user, while the Internet company is obliged to do its utmost to avoid service interruptions and limit the break time to the shortest possible time;


When the Internet company has the power to terminate or interrupt all or part of the services provided by the game server, the Internet company has no responsibility to the user or third party for the inconvenience or damage caused by it:


1 regularly checked or built, upgraded hardware, etc., Internet-friendly companies have the right to suspend services, but Internet-friendly companies will complete maintenance and upgrade as soon as possible;


2 servers damaged and unable to operate properly;


3 sudden-onset hardware and electronic communications failure;


4 network provides commercial circuits or other malfunctions;


5 in emergency situations, in accordance with the law or for the personal security of users and third parties;


6 collusive factory reasons or other circumstances of force majeure.


(2) Internet companies retain the right to terminate or partially terminate the provision of the Mini-West Tour if they deem it necessary, and will be announced 60 days in advance.


>, regardless of any reason to end the services of Minibus, users should take appropriate measures to deal with virtual items of the game, including but not limited to listing or discontinuing the use of game accounts, virtual devices in the game. Users should not require network companies to assume liability for any form of compensation or compensation other than the virtual currency of the game that the user has purchased but not yet used, including but not limited to claims for the continued use of the game accounts, virtual objects in the game, etc.


Network companies are not responsible for damage caused by force majeure. The service provisions refer to force majeure, such as natural disasters, changes in laws and regulations, or government directives, for reasons specific to the characteristics of Internet services, such as failures in infrastructure operators, computers, mobile devices or Internet-related technical deficiencies, Internet coverage limits, computers, mobile devices, viruses, hacker attacks, etc., as well as other public observations that cannot be foreseen, avoided or overcome within legal boundaries.

  網易公司在其《迷你西遊》官方網站(http://xym.163.com/hk/)、Facebook Fan page(https://www.facebook.com/HKCHAOS)中的所有網頁上所提供的所有連結,可能連結到其他個人、公司或組織的網站,提供該等網站的目的,是便利使用者自行搜索或取得相關資訊,網易公司對於被連結的個人、公司或組織的網站所提供的產品、服務或資訊,不擔保其真實性、完整性、即時性或可信度。這些個人、公司或組織與網易公司間不存在任何雇傭、委任、代理、合夥或其他類似的關係。

All links made available by online companies on the official website of the Mini-West Tour (http://xym163.com/hk/), Facebook Fan page () may be linked to websites of other individuals, companies or organizations for the purpose of facilitating user search or access to relevant information. These individuals, companies or organizations do not have any employment, agency, or other relationship with them.

  網易公司在其《迷你西遊》官方網站(http://xym.163.com/hk/)、Facebook Fan page(https://www.facebook.com/HKCHAOS)遊戲內可能刊登商業廣告或其他推廣活動資訊。這些廣告或推廣活動資訊是由廣告商或商業服務提供者提供,並承擔相應責任,網易公司僅提供刊登內容的媒介。使用者通過該等連結的網站或廣告所購買的商品或服務,其交易行為僅存在於使用者與該商品或服務的提供者之間,與網易公司無關,網易公司不就使用者與該商品或服務的提供者之間所產生的交易行為承擔任何法律責任,用戶應予以特別留意。

Netizens may post commercial advertising or other promotional activities on their official website (), Facebook Fan page (. These advertisements or promotional campaigns are provided by advertisers or business service providers, with no responsibility, and no duty on the part of the Internet company to provide a medium for publishing content.


>. Internet companies will do their best to maintain the safety and convenience of the services provided under this article, but will not be responsible for the deletion or storage failure of the information appearing in the service (including, but not limited to, information released by the user. We also reserve the right to determine whether the user's behaviour is consistent with the requirements of this article. If the user violates the provisions of this article, the Internet company has the right to withhold the services provided to users under this provision.

  網易公司有權在必要的時候修改本《條款》。如有必要,網易公司將提前在《迷你西遊》遊戲或其官方網站(http://xym.163.com/hk/)、Facebook Fan page(https://www.facebook.com/HKCHAOS)的重要頁面上提示修改內容,敬請使用者定期查詢有關內容。使用者如繼續使用本條款涉及的服務,則視為對修改內容的同意;使用者在不同意修改內容的情況下,有權終止本協議並停止使用本《條款》涉及的服務。

Internet companies have the right to amend this Article if necessary. If necessary, Internet companies will request changes in the key pages of the Mini-West Tour game or its official website (http://xym163.com/hk/), Facebook Fan page ( ) and ask users to check about the content on a regular basis.


1. All works and information in the Minibus game software, clients, official websites, copyrights, patents, business titles and other intellectual property rights are owned by Internet-friendly companies and their associated companies, unless previously legally authorized by Internet-friendly companies and their affiliates, or Internet-based companies have the right to end immediately the supply of goods and services to users, and to account for all losses incurred by Internet-friendly companies and their associated companies. In addition, any information generated and stored in Internet-friendly servers during user games (including, but not limited to, account information, role information, etc., and virtual goods, including, but not limited to, value-added service coins, game tools, etc.) is part of the game software and is managed by Internet-friendly companies. Users have the right to make changes to their personal identities, including identity cards, telephone numbers, and other personal identity information, and to make changes to them, and to make changes to them, in compliance with the rules of the game.


The user agreed to use the data stored on the Internet server as a criterion for determining the technical aspects of the article in order to avoid the controversy. The company assured the data of authenticity.

  3、《迷你西遊》遊戲軟體、用戶端的內容及程式的智慧財產權均為網易公司及其關聯公司所有,未經網易公司授權,任何人不得複製、反編譯(de-compile)、反彙編(disassemble)任何功能或程式,不得對任何功能或程式進行反向工程(reverse engineering);也不得利用《迷你西遊》的任何內容而牟取不正當利益。

3. The intellectual property rights over the content and programs of the Mini-West Tour game software, client clients are owned by Internet-friendly companies and their affiliates, and no one is allowed to copy, counter-compiler or disassemble any function or program, or to reverse any function or program, nor to use any of the content of the Mini-West Tours for improper gain.

  網易公司所有發給用戶的通知可通過《迷你西遊》遊戲內部、《迷你西遊》官方網站(http://xym.163.com/hk/)、Facebook Fan page(https://www.facebook.com/HKCHAOS)重要頁面的公告或電子郵件或常規的信件傳送。同時,用戶在此同意網易公司可以向其電子郵箱發送商業資訊。

All notices sent to users by Internet-friendly companies can be sent through the bulletins or emails or regular letters on important pages of the official website of Mini-West Tour ().


Internet companies respect intellectual property rights and focus on protecting the rights of users. In the services contained in Minibus, users may need to provide content to Internet companies by uploading, publishing, etc. In this case, users still have full intellectual property rights to such content. Users will grant Internet companies and their affiliates a global free permit to use, disseminate, copy, modify, relict, translate, create derivatives, publish, perform, and display content.


This article deals with the interpretation of the following terms:

  1、增值服務代用幣: 是網易公司為滿足玩家在《迷你西遊》的正常交易交流需求而設計的一種虛擬道具,通過人民幣兌換等途徑獲得,用戶可以用於換取遊戲中指定的各類增值服務,僅限於在本遊戲中使用和流通。

1. Value Added Service Substitute: A virtual prop designed by a network-friendly company to satisfy the normal transaction exchange needs of a player in the Mini-West Tour, is obtained through the exchange of the renminbi, which can be used by users to exchange value-added services of the type specified in the game for use and circulation only in this game.

  2、遊戲幣: 是網易公司為滿足玩家在《迷你西遊》的正常交易交流需求而設計的虛擬道具,在遊戲過程中通過多種途徑獲得的由系統發放的,使用者可以用其購買系統指定的遊戲道具和系統指定的各類增值服務,僅限於在本遊戲中使用和流通。

2. Playnotes: Virtual props designed by Internet-friendly companies to satisfy the normal transaction exchange needs of players in Minibus, which are released by the system through a variety of pathways during the game process, can be used by users to purchase system-designated game props and system-designated types of value-added services, limited to the use and circulation of this game.




Welcome to the Internet games offered by Internet-friendly companies.


At the same time, Internet-friendly companies suggest that players, when applying for a web-friendly pass, fill in data such as the real name and identification number of the player, so as to be better able to experience the game services that the Internet-friendly company brings to you.



If you do not agree to any of the following, stop using the minibus software.


No rules, no square circle.


Good order is the foundation of all good things. Everything Internet companies do is to preserve the harmony and fairness of the world. But the real order comes from everyone's habits. The Internet companies really want to have a day like that -- the Internet companies don't have to be punished for the behavior of the players.


If a player violates the rules of this player, the player may suffer one or more of the following punishments.


(i) Warning: The warning is only an educational guide for players who violate the rules of the game, and it is a way of running the game in a normal way.


(ii) Restricted: Disable some or all of the out-of-law player's chat channels and force the off-line dialogue to suspend the player's game account so that the player's game account cannot speak to other players until the penalty expires or is cancelled.


(iii) Temporary isolation: move the player of the irregular player to a special game scene and limit its local game operations until the penalty expires or is cancelled.


(iv) Permanent isolation: the game role of the irregular player is transferred to a special game scene, limiting its local play operations without being removed or released.


(v) Temporary prohibition of entry: a game account for a non-compliant player will not be able to register a particular game or games on this platform for a certain period of time until the penalty expires or is cancelled.


(vi) Permanently prohibit entry: a game account for a non-compliant player will never be able to log in and use the game.


(vii) Coercion of offline: Force to remove non-compliant players from the current game and end the execution of the player's current game program.


(viii) Closure of accounts: the right to suspend or permanently suspend the registration of a player's account for a game in violation of the rules.


(ix) Delete files: delete files of people who are in the game world who are in conflict with the rules, so that they are not reappeared in the game world.


(x) Legal liability: In the event of a failure to act by a player to cause damage to another person or to an Internet-friendly company, or contrary to the provisions of the current law, the offender shall be liable, in accordance with the law, for civil, administrative or criminal liability.


(xi) Dissolution of organizations: dissolution of gangs, unions, movements, etc. established by players.


(xii) Changes in nicknames: mandatory changes to name players or combat teams, etc.


(xiii) Restricted game behavior: The game account of the irregular player will be restricted to the games part of the game service for a limited period of time.


(xiv) Other penalties: include, but are not limited to, wrongful interests (e.g., virtual objects obtained by the player through an incorrect path), inverted values (including, but not limited to, empirical values), the deletion of forum posts, restriction of game behavior and mask forum accounts.


Don't do anything to anyone you don't want.


Words and deeds present a person’s upbringing and character. Good words and deeds benefit people’s lives. On the other hand, they may become a stumbling block for players.


(i) Emblem system: in a game where false information is distributed or disseminated to other players by various means, through the behavioral pseudonym system, there is a risk that the following penalties will be imposed, depending on the circumstances:


1. Warning;


2. Prohibition of speech;


3. Temporary isolation;


4. Permanent isolation;


5. Registration is prohibited for the time being;


6. Registration is permanently prohibited.


(ii) Illegal websites: In order to maintain cleanness and harmony in the world of games, anyone who announces an illegal website or acts against the Mini-West Tour may be punished, depending on the circumstances, as follows:


1. Warning;


2. Prohibition of speech;


3. Temporary isolation;


4. Permanent isolation;


5. Registration is prohibited for the time being;


6. Registration is permanently prohibited.


(iii) Inadequacy of words and deeds: in a game, any information that is disseminated, disseminated or propagated in a variety of ways may, depending on the circumstances, be subject to the following penalties:


1. Warning;


2. Prohibition of speech;


3. Temporary isolation;


4. Permanent isolation;


5. Coercive decoupling.


6. Registration is banned for the time being.


Caution reminds me that evil words and insults do not solve the problem, and for the sake of the sky that we share, please let the players be polite and reflect my civilizational and ancient style.


(iv) Garbage advertising information: the mass distribution of the same, short-word or non-material content, as well as any information (including but not limited to screen brushes) that has nothing to do with the Mini-West Tour, or the distribution, dissemination, damage, malicious attacks on the Mini-West Tour or the Internet, or other false information, is liable to the following penalties, depending on the circumstances:


1. Warning;


2. Prohibition of speech;


3. Temporary isolation;


4. Permanent isolation;


5. Coercive decoupling;


6 - Registration is banned for the time being;


7. Registration is permanently prohibited.


(v) Fragmentation of areas: in the game, any action that causes controversy in the region by any means or means is liable to the following penalties, depending on the circumstances:


1. Warning;


2. Prohibition of speech;


3. Temporary isolation;


4. Permanent isolation;


5. Coercive decoupling;


6 - Registration is banned for the time being;


7. Registration is permanently prohibited.


(vi) Infringement of a drug or conduct: in a game, any act involving a drug violation is liable to the following penalties, depending on the circumstances:


1. Warning;


2. Prohibition of speech;


3. Temporary isolation;


4. Permanent isolation;


5. Coercive decoupling;


6 - Registration is banned for the time being;


7. Registration is permanently prohibited.


(vii) Real-life information and physical threats: Any act of violence that is not directly related to the game world, as well as any game world and real-life information that leaks to other players or Internet workers, is liable to the following penalties, depending on the circumstances:


1. Prohibition of speech;


2. Coercive separation;


3. Temporary isolation;


4. Permanent isolation;


5. Registration is prohibited for the time being;


6. Permanent prohibition on entry;


Legal responsibility.


(viii) Promotion or use of information such as muskets, gadgets, viruses, etc.: in a game, where information such as muskets, garbings, extravagants, viruses, etc. is disseminated or disseminated by various means, behaviour, etc., there is a risk that the following penalties will be imposed, depending on the circumstances:


1. Prohibition of speech;


2. Temporary isolation;


3. Permanent isolation;


4 - Registration is banned for the time being;


5. Permanent prohibition of entry;


6. Coercive decoupling;


7. Closure of accounts;


8. Delete files;


Legal responsibility.


(ix) Advocacy: In a game where information is disseminated or disseminated by various means, behaviour or transmission, the following penalties may be imposed, depending on the circumstances:


1. Prohibition of speech;


2. Temporary isolation;


3. Permanent isolation;


4 - Registration is banned for the time being;


5. Permanent prohibition of entry;


6. Coercive decoupling;


7. Closure of accounts;


8. Delete files;


(x) Dissemination or offline transactions: in order to preserve the integrity and harmony of the world of games, any transaction carried out through various means, activities or unofficial trading platforms or other unofficially recognized offline transactions may, depending on the circumstances, be subject to the following penalties:


1. Prohibition of speech;


2. Temporary isolation;


3. Permanent isolation;


4 - Registration is banned for the time being;


5. Permanent prohibition of entry;


6. Coercive decoupling;


7. Closure of accounts;


8. Delete files;


(xi) The dissemination or dissemination of information contrary to the law is a serious violation of social morality: in the game, players are punished for any language or conduct that is contrary to national law or to the principles of social and moral civilization, including, but not limited to, propaganda or participation in gambling, the promotion of cults, etc.:


1. Warning;


2. Prohibition of speech;


3. Coercive decoupling;


4. Temporary isolation;


5. Permanent isolation;


6 - Registration is banned for the time being;


7. Permanent prohibition on entry;


8. Delete files;


Legal responsibility.


(xii) Other types: In addition to the situations described above in this article, if the player shows other situations that are not in accordance with the law, social morality or the rules of the game, the penalty may, depending on the circumstances, be as follows:


1. Warning;


2. Prohibition of speech;


3. Temporary isolation;


4. Permanent isolation;


5. Registration is prohibited for the time being;


6. Permanent prohibition on entry;


7. Coercive separation;


8. Closure of accounts;


9. Delete files;


10: Legal responsibility.


The manners come, the manners go, the manners go, and the manners go, the manners go, the manners go, the manners go, the manners go, the manners go, the manners go, the manners go, the manners go, the manners go, the manners go, the manners go, the manners go.


When a player receives help from other players, please be grateful and, if not, try to get some information through your own efforts.

  (一)在遊戲過程中,玩家可能會因為種種原因與GM進行交流,《迷你西遊》提供遊戲Facebook Fan page(https://www.facebook.com/HKCHAOS/)作為玩家和GM之間的交流平臺。如新增開設服務方式或問題回饋平臺,會在遊戲官網(http://xym.163.com/hk/)和/或遊戲Facebook Fan page(https://www.facebook.com/HKCHAOS/,下亦稱“遊戲論壇”或“論壇”)公佈,請隨時留意最新消息。

(i) In the course of the game, players may communicate with GM as a platform between player and GM for a variety of reasons. If a new open service or problem returns to the game Facebook page () and/or a game Facebook page (


Games forum: The forum is primarily based on the player exchange game experience and can be accessed at pages to interact with more players. In the meantime, if there is a problem in the game, the player can submit the problem through the guest service area and it will provide a quick and excellent service to the player.


(ii) It is hoped that GM communication with the player will help the player, but invite the player to follow the relevant rules, or Internet-friendly companies will seriously deal with the following:


If found, you can report it to GM through a game forum provided by the official network and help verify it.


2- Deception or attempt to deceive GM: In the game, players do not try to use the trust of the Internet company in you to do something that defrauds or tries to defraud the GM. If they find out, the Internet company will impose severe penalties on the players. Attempts to defraud the GM include but are not limited to misguiding the GM, refusing to provide information, providing false information, and any attempt to &ldquao; &rdquao; GM.


3. Contrary to or ignoring the advice given by GM: In the game, in order to ensure the common interest of most players and to maintain a normal game order, GM may alert players to perform certain operations or to stop performing certain operations, and any neglect or obstruction of the work may result in punishment of players. Players should therefore maintain a cooperative attitude.


4. Interference with GM work: In the game, Internet companies impose severe penalties if the following actions occur:


4.1 Request any virtual game items from GM (including, but not limited to, game resources, equipment, etc.);


4.2 Frequent calls to GM or requests to send unsubstantiated content;


4.3 Revert to GM requests for help that have been answered or resolved.


If found, Internet companies will impose severe penalties on them.


6. Disruption of the game order: In a game, Internet companies impose severe penalties if the following actions occur:


6.1 Stays in sensitive areas (including, but not limited to, campaign informers, immigration couriers, couriers) or maliciously blocking the NPC;


6.2 Any malicious acts such as PK, clearance, extortion, etc.;


6.3 Proclaims or incites other players to engage in an irregular game (including, but not limited to, marches, crowds, etc.)


(iii) If a player is found to be in violation of any of the provisions of subparagraph (ii) of this article, it may be subject to the following penalties, depending on the circumstances:


1. Warning;


2. Prohibition of speech;


3. Temporary isolation;


4. Permanent isolation;


5. Registration is prohibited for the time being;


6. Permanent prohibition on entry;


7. Coercive separation;


8. Closure of accounts;


9. Delete files;


10, delete the post from the forum.


11. Mask forum accounts;


The service has been suspended for a while.


13: Legal responsibility.


(iv) Recovery of passwords:


In case of missing or missing passwords, please try to register yourself in the first place page. If you cannot retrieve it, the relevant password data can be retrieved from &ldquao; account restoration support centre ” page .


If the player logs on to the game using a user account that is easily recognizable on the Internet, the player will contact the host (i.e., the user that is recognizable on the Internet) that provides the registration service for the account in the first place if the password is forgotten, lost, etc.


Caring reminder: No GM or other Internet-friendly worker can ask a player for a pass code, security code, etc. in a game, forum, so that the player is aware of it so as not to cause unnecessary damage.


The wrong name, the wrong word, the wrong word, the wrong will not be done.


The name in the game begins to be a name, but as the player goes through it, it will be more than just a name, more a person’s character and ability. Use carefully the right given to the player, so that the player’s name follows the player in writing a beautiful chapter in the game history.


Although nicknames, names of organizations created by players, etc., can be named by players, in order to preserve cleanness and harmony in the world of games, online games are not allowed to include, but are not limited to, names that involve race/religious, national politics, national leadership, obscene/coupled, hysteric/threatening, religious or religious figures, working personnel, aggressive, insulting, misleading, drug-implicit, etc.


If found, the following penalties may be imposed, depending on the circumstances:


1. Warning;


2. Prohibition of speech;


3. Temporary isolation;


4. Permanent isolation;


5. Coercive decoupling;


6 - Registration is banned for the time being;


7. Permanent prohibition on entry;


8. Modification of nicknames;


9. Disbandment of organizations.


Do not take advantage of one's own soul, and let it benefit the earth, and do not harm one's own soul, and let it be set free.


Network companies work to provide players with a fair and harmonious playing environment. Any act that undermines the fairness of the game is not popular in the game world of Internet companies, and can be severely punished.


(i) Using the game BUG: The game BUG refers to loopholes or irrational occurrences in the game system, program, configuration, etc.


Players are obliged to report to the GM the BUG that appears in the game. They are strictly prohibited from using games, games, program holes, etc., for profit or disturbance of the game order, or using bugs, for personal purposes.


1. Unreceipt players use BUG for games that are directly and intermittently beneficial;


2. Inverted values (including but not limited to: empirical values);


3. Coercive decoupling;


4. Temporary isolation;


5. Permanent isolation;


6 - Registration is banned for the time being;


7. Permanent prohibition on entry;


8. Delete files;


Legal responsibility.


(ii) Unauthorized collusive factory software: The collusive factory software is any file or program that is used to obtain advantages in the game but is not part of the mini-promotion software, including cheating and related assistive plugins (including, but not limited to, automatic upgrades, auto-training, auto-pharmaceuticals, self-fulfilling of tasks, accelerated quality, etc., or beyond the scope of the game settings). If you find that you use cheating and related assistive plugins, we will impose severe penalties.


1. Dispossessed players use collusive factory software for games that directly and intermittently benefit from improper benefits;


2. Inverted values (including but not limited to: empirical values);


3. Temporary isolation;


4. Permanent isolation;


5. Coercive decoupling;


6 - Registration is banned for the time being;


7. Permanent prohibition on entry;


8. Delete files;


Legal responsibility.


Any external cooperative software used in conjunction with the Mini-West Tour may have a negative impact on the game. The main consequence of using an external application is that data is not sent well, leading to the loss of lines or cards. External applications may cause players to move their equipment (including but not limited to mobile phones, flatboard computers) to infect viruses, spy software, and other unknown programs.


(iii) Modification client: The modification client means any change in the web-friendly official version of the client to change or add to or reduce the predefined functionality of the Internet user or to cause any unusual behaviour in the data sent to the server by the user. It is a form of cheating. Once verified, we will impose severe penalties on it.


1. Coercive decoupling;


2. Temporary isolation;


3. Permanent isolation;


4 - Registration is banned for the time being;


5. Closure of accounts;


6. Delete files;


Legal responsibility.


Internet-based companies do not recognize the results of transactions generated by a transaction platform provided or recognized by a non-network-based company, and virtual items obtained by a player from a non-network-based transaction platform will be considered as being from a source that is not in compliance with the rules of the game. Internet-based companies have the right to access virtual items, game roles and accounts associated with the transaction, including, but not limited to, the recovery of virtual items of the game, the inverting of accounts, the temporary prohibition of entry, the permanent prohibition of logging, the imposition of de-links, the blocking of accounts, the removal of files, etc.; and, where the context is serious, Internet-based companies retain the right to pursue user legal liability.


> is used to ensure that the player's legitimate interests are protected from abuse. Internet-friendly companies impose severe sanctions and penalties for theft and theft (including, but not limited to, theft of accounts, game data, personal data of the player, aiding of the thief in the operation of the game and diversion of the virtual items of the game). Once it has been verified that the company has the right to take a temporary measure to restrict the game's behaviour, take back the virtual items of the game, temporarily prohibit entry, permanently prohibit entry, shut down the account, delete files, etc.) In a serious case, Internet-friendly companies retain the right to hold the player involved legally accountable. /span>


Although you did not take part in the theft, if you acquired a game virtual object that was acquired by others through the theft, and then transferred or distributed to you, the Internet company has the right to decide whether or not to take back the game virtual items that you bought in order to preserve the rights of the stolen player and a fair and equitable game order in the game, and in order to safeguard your interests, the Internet company will return to you the fair price you have paid for buying the game virtual items.


In the process of detecting the theft of a player, Internet-friendly companies will ask interested players to assist in the investigation, including, but not limited to, banning logging investigations, on-line communication, off-line communication, etc. .


Good faith is a fundamental principle in the game. Fraud in the game is the deception of other people’s games (including, but not limited to, game money, game equipment, etc.) or other property through false promises, false truths, concealment of the truth, deliberate misdirection, pretending to be someone else’s business, etc. The fraud in the game includes a variety of forms such as nicknames like fraud, pretending to be friends, pretending to be official.


If a player engages in fraud in a game, we will take a variety of treatments, including but not limited to one or more of the following, in accordance with Player Fraud:


1. Retrieving virtual items of the game;


2. Inverted values (including but not limited to: empirical values);


3. Temporary isolation;


4. Permanent isolation;


5. Coercive decoupling;


6 - Registration is banned for the time being;


7. Permanent prohibition on entry;


Although you have not engaged in fraud, if the game fiction you have acquired is obtained by others through fraud, then transferred or distributed to you, in order to preserve the rights of stolen players and a fair and equitable game order in the game, the Internet company has the right to determine whether you will take back the virtual game you purchased and, in your interest, will return to you the fair price you have paid for buying the game fiction.


If you report the role being stolen, the behavior of hackers or other anomalies, or if the Internet discovers that your role has been stolen, shared or abused, or other anomalies. To avoid the abuse of your game roles, virtual objects of games, etc., the Internet company will investigate your role and, depending on the circumstances, take protective measures (including, but not limited to, temporary freezing) during the investigation. In accordance with the guidelines of the Internet company, please submit relevant information to cooperate with the Internet company's investigations in order to remove the protective measures of your role as soon as possible. < < < < /span > >


If a player's game violates the law by causing damage to a network company or to a cooperative company, you shall be legally liable and have the right to take all reasonable action against your own damaged network company, including, but not limited to: taking back the virtual items of the game; directly from you & ldquo; Internet treasure & rdquo; deducting the amount from the balance of the account, if it is imported into your bank account, the Internet company shall have the right to demand and demand that you pay for the company's reasonable recovery.


This is an important tip.


Our goal is to create a comfortable, fair and humane game environment. Minibus will open up to players from different geographical, age and cultural backgrounds. In the game, our staff, or tens of thousands of other players, are playing different roles and missions. We are grateful and respectful to players who respect the rules of the game and respect others, so let's build green webs and make our dreams together.


Youth users must comply with the nation-wide youth Internet civilization pact: learn well online and do not read bad information; communicate honestly and amicable without insulting others; raise their self-esteem and not go out with their friends at will; maintain Internet security and not disrupt the Internet order; and benefit physical and mental health and do not drown in virtual time and space.


The Player's Code, as an annex to the minibus service, forms an integral part of the minibus service and has the same legal effect. /span>

  網易公司有權根據《迷你西遊》的發展和需要,保留修改本《玩家守則》的權利。修改本《玩家守則》時,如有必要,網易公司將會在遊戲內或“迷你西遊”遊戲官網或Facebook Fan page公告修改後的內容,而不另對用戶進行個別通知。

> Internet companies have the right to reserve the right to modify this Player Code in the light of the developments and needs of the Minibus. When changing this Player Code, the Internet company will be in the game or &ldquao, if necessary; Minibus & rdquo; the content of the modified version of the Game Officer Network or Facebook Fan Page bulletin, without any further notice to users.


The provisions of the Act of Players shall be subject to the laws and regulations of the law if they are contrary to the laws and regulations.



The services provided by the Internet company must be strictly enforced in accordance with the company charters, rules and operating rules issued by the company. The service coverage extends to all products and services involved in the service area, and the user should be bound by the service provision when he or she receives any service in the service area. If the user does not agree with the service provision, do not use the service. Once the user hits & ldquo; accepts & & rdquo; and installs the free-for-west game software, or if the user starts to use and/or continue to use the service in the service area, the user should be bound by the service provision.


The account referred to in this service code is a user’s Internet-accessible or other Internet-friendly account, registered under the Internet-accessible service regulations, through which users can log in to the guest service area.


(1) Provision of equipment such as personal computers, mobile phones or other on-line devices.


(ii) Personal access to the Internet and payment of fees related to this service.


Considering the importance of customer service, the user agreed: /span>


  (2)為避免用戶在使用客服專區服務時影響其它使用者正常享用網易公司的服務或使網易公司的客服專區服務負擔超過網易公司認定的正常限度,如用戶在客服專區24小時內重複進行2次及2次以上提單的或從事其他影響客服專區的正常工作和問題處理行為的, 網易公司有權暫時禁止該用戶登陸客服專區。暫時禁止登陸的時長由網易公司視使用者提單的具體情況決定。

(ii) To prevent users from using customer service in the district, which affects the regular access of other users to the services of Internet-based companies, or to place the customer-based services of Internet-friendly companies beyond the normal limits recognized by Internet-based companies, e.g., the user repeats two or more statements within 24 hours of the guest-served area, or deals with the normal work and problems of other areas affecting the customer-services area. /span> Internet-based companies have the right to temporarily prohibit the user from boarding the service area.


>u>(3) If a user violates any of the terms of this service when using a customer service area (including, but not limited to, inaccurate, untrue and invalid information provided by the user), Internet-friendly companies have the right to request the user to correct or take directly all necessary measures (including but not limited to the deletion of content issued by the user, prohibition of user statements, temporary prohibition of user login, suspension or termination of user's right to use customer service in the district), to mitigate the user's inactivity; if the user's behaviour results in loss to the network, the user should pay, among other things, compensation.


web-based companies have the right to modify the service by issuing announcements on the web page, if necessary. Users should check the content of the change in time when they are served in the district and feel they are complying with it. Users who continue to use the service under the service are deemed to agree to the change; users have the right to stop using the service under the service if they do not agree to the change.


The user agrees that the Internet company has the right to exercise these rights.


Once a user is registered as a user, the user will be given a password and an account. If the user fails to keep its account and password in order to cause damage to the user, network or cooperative manufacturer, the user will be held fully accountable. In addition, every user will be held fully accountable for all activities and events in its account. The user can change the user's password and icon at any time, or close an old account to reopen a new account.


The user of is personally responsible for the risk of force majeure when the user expressly agrees to use the Internet service. The company is not responsible for loss or loss due to force majeure. The service refers to changes in force majeure, such as natural disasters, laws and regulations, or government directives, for reasons specific to the characteristics of the Internet service, such as failures of external and external base telecommunications operators, computer or network-related technical deficiencies, sudden-onset software and electronic communication devices, Internet coverage restrictions, computer viruses, hacker attacks, etc., as well as non-foreseeable, unavoidable and unreceivable guest situations within legal boundaries. /span>


Users promise that they will not be able to use the services of the client service for marketing or other commercial purposes without the consent of the Internet-friendly company. If users need to use the services for commercial purposes, book-based notification will be easily and explicitly authorized online.


Users must comply with all applicable local, national and international laws. Users promise:


(1) Users must comply with Chinese law when posting information or using Internet-friendly services on a web-friendly web page and must not make, copy, publish or disseminate information on a web-friendly web page or using a web-friendly service:

  (a) 違反憲法確定的基本原則的;

(a) In violation of the fundamental principles established by the Constitution;

  (b) 危害國家安全,洩露國家秘密,顛覆國家政權,破壞國家統一的;

(b) Imperiling national security, revealing State secrets, overthrowing State power and undermining national unity;

  (c) 損害國家榮譽和利益的;

(c) Harming the country's honour and interests;

  (d) 煽動民族仇恨、民族歧視,破壞民族團結的;

(d) Incitement to national hatred and discrimination and undermining national unity;

  (e) 破壞國家宗教政策,宣揚邪教和封建迷信的;

(e) Disruption of State religious policies and the promotion of cults and feudal superstitions;

  (f) 散佈謠言,擾亂社會秩序,破壞社會穩定的;

(f) To spread rumours that disturb social order and destabilize society;

  (g) 散佈淫穢、色情、賭博、暴力、恐怖或者教唆犯罪的;

(g) Distribute prostitution, pornography, gambling, violence, terror or incitement to commit a crime;

  (h) 侮辱或者誹謗他人,侵害他人合法權益的;

(h) Indulging or defaming another person or infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of another person;

  (i) 煽動非法集會、結社、遊行、示威、聚眾擾亂社會秩序的;

(i) Incitement to illegal gatherings, rallies, marches, demonstrations, crowds disturbing the social order;

  (j) 以非法民間組織名義活動的;

(j) Acting in the name of illegal civil organizations;

  (k) 含有法律、行政法規禁止的其他內容的。

(k) Contains other elements prohibited by law, administrative rules and regulations.


(2) Users must also comply with other national and regional laws, as well as relevant international laws, when posting information on Internet-friendly websites or using Internet-friendly services.


(3) Users are not allowed to use Internet-friendly services for the following activities:

  (a) 未經允許,進入電腦資訊網路或者使用電腦資訊網路資源的;

(a) Access to or access to computer information networks without permission;

  (b) 未經允許,對電腦資訊網路功能進行刪除、修改或者增加的;

(b) Deleting, modifying or adding computer information network functions without permission;

  (c) 未經允許,對進入電腦資訊網路中存儲、處理或者傳輸的資料和應用程式進行刪除、修改或者增加的;

(c) Deleting, modifying or adding data and applications stored, processed or transferred into the computer information network without permission;

  (d) 故意製作、傳播電腦病毒等破壞性程式的;

(d) The intentional production and dissemination of destructive programs such as computer viruses;

  (e) 其他危害電腦資訊網路安全的行為。

(e) Other acts that endanger the security of computer information networks.


(4) Users shall not interfere in any way with Internet-friendly services.


(5) Users should comply with all other rules and programs that are web-friendly.


Users must assume full legal responsibility for their own actions in the use of services in the area of customer service. Users can assume legal responsibility in the form of, but not limited to, the payment of damages to the aggrieved person, as well as the payment of compensation for damage to the administrative penalty or authority caused by the user’s actions first and foremost to the Internet company. Users understand that if information about their website’s transmission is easily found to belong to one of the elements listed in paragraph (1) above, under Chinese law, it is easy for the Internet to immediately stop transmission, keep records, report to the country about the damage caused by the user’s actions, and delete the address, directory or shut-down server containing the content.


Users agree to safeguard and maintain the interests of all members of the company, and are responsible for paying the fees of lawyers who use the service beyond the service line, for violating the service regulations, and others who use the user’s computer, account, etc.. Users or others who use the user’s account are liable for violating the intellectual property rights and other rights of a cooperative manufacturer in the course of the game.


Users or Internet-friendly companies can end their customer service on a case-by-case basis at any time. Internet-friendly companies have the right to provide one or more services to users without notice of the end of service; users have the right not to notify a single party of the end of service. The user's right to use Internet-friendly services ceases immediately after the end of user services. Since then, Internet-friendly companies have no responsibility for users. Users know and agree that services change, suspend and terminate services that are part of the decision of the Internet-friendly business. Users should not require Internet-friendly companies to continue to provide services or accept any form of liability for the change, suspension or termination of service, etc.


This provision applies to the laws of the People's Republic of China and excludes any conflict of laws.


This paragraph is signed in Guangzhou City, Tianxi. In the event of an incident, the user and the Internet company agree to submit it to the People's Court, which has jurisdiction over the territory under a signed agreement.


> web-based companies will do their best to maintain the safety and convenience of all services in the client-services area, but they will not be responsible for deleting or storing information (including, but not limited to, user-issued information) that has been misdirected by the services of the Central African Internet-based companies. The Internet-based companies retain the right to determine whether the user's behaviour meets the requirements of this service regulation. If the user violates the service regulations, the Internet-based companies will have the right to suspend or end the service in the service area for those users. /span>


> network companies have legal rights under the law in relation to the client service area, including, but not limited to, the name, graphics, logos, signs, textual expressions, layouts, formatting and/or other products or services of the network. Users have a legal right under the law to release all content they have uploaded in the client service area, and there is no legitimate right to infringe on any cooperative manufacturer. If the content they have uploaded violates the legal rights of any unionized company, the network company has the right to recover from the user if the content is lost because it violates the legal rights of any union company. /span>


The non-exercise, failure to exercise in due time, or failure to exercise fully the rights provided for in this article or in accordance with the law should not be regarded as a waiver of that right, nor should it affect the future exercise of that right by the Internet company.




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