【數位時代】位元幣-重現淘金熱,誕生中的新時代貨幣 (上)

资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:21 评论:0
分享至■ 虛擬的位元幣,搖身一變躍上現實世界!strong ˃ strong ˃, swinging into the real world! ˂/span ˃ 撰文│陳文楠 written by Chen Wenna...



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strong > strong >, swinging into the real world! >


written by Chen Wennan


在文章開始之前,先看看以下幾條資訊 :

Before the article starts, look at the following information:


A 55,000-fold appreciation in three years.

從網路專欄有物報告「漲得比房地產更快的資產」的這篇文章中,我們首先發現了位元幣第一個引人注意的特質。以下是文章中提到的概念 :

From an article in the Internet column reporting ", we first discovered the first interesting feature of a bitcoin. The following is the concept mentioned in the article:

2010年5月22日,有一個人在網路上自稱他用10,000 Bitcoin成功地買到了兩塊價值25美元的 Pizza。3年過去了,在筆者撰文的當下,Bitcoin兌美金的匯率來到歷史的高檔,1 Bitcoin可兌換137美金!當初買了兩塊 Pizza 的這位老兄,如果他手上的 Bitcoin 沒有花掉的話,已經現值$1,370,000美金,換算台幣約 4千萬元。

On May 22, 2010, a man on the Internet claimed that he had successfully bought two Pizzas worth US$ 25 for 10,000 Bitcoin. Three years later, at the time of writing, Bitcoin's transfer rate came to the top of history, and one Bitcoin could exchange US$ 137. The man who bought two Pizzas first, if his Bitcoin had not been spent, was already US$ 1,370,000, or about US$ 40 million.


2. Trafficking in illicit drugs


And then we turn our eyes to the underground sector of the economy.


In March 2013, the British Guardian reported that Silkroad, a well-known national underground drug auction site, had traded $1.7 million a month, leaving the law enforcement units in disarray for reasons other than its highly anonymous and decentralized network structure, because the only currency it used was the bitcoin (Bitcoin), which was not administered by any country.


3. The U.S. Financial Supervisory Authority in New York will open an investigation into the bits.


According to reports, in August 2013, New York issued summonses to 22 large-scale investment or currency-trading companies, including Google’s Founder, Paypal’s Founders Fund, etc., because many drug and arms deals use local currency to escape surveillance, the US government will launch a series of in-depth investigations.

從以上三條資訊或新聞中,可以發現在2012與2013之交,世界對於一種根基於網路世界的新貨幣有著高度的關注。寫到這邊,想必許多人對於網路的虛擬貨幣會升值有著“不可能”的印象。我們一般對於網路貨幣的印象,大致上是建立在線上遊戲或者是網路購物的虛擬貨幣。舉在台灣歷代最紅的網路遊戲天堂裡的天幣為例,在2001年一元新台幣可以換800天幣,十年後到了2011年一元新台幣可以換65500天幣,總共貶值了超過80倍!對於網路虛擬貨幣一般有以下幾個印象 : 隨著時間快速貶值,交易不安全,操縱在單一公司或團體手上,會因為單一偶發事件造成經濟體系崩潰等.這樣特性的虛擬貨幣,根本無法在現今世界的經濟秩序下扮演著重要的角色,更遑論成為非法地下經濟裡面的支付清算保證。但本文要介紹的位元幣,卻在短短的數年間,聲勢浩大的登場,並被許多人寄與厚望,期待它成為新世代的世界流通貨幣。到底位元幣是一種什麼樣的東西?它的發展歷史又是如何呢?以下將一一的解釋。

From the above three sources of information or news, the world has a high interest in a new currency based on the Internet in 2012 and 2013, for example, in a new currency of 800 yen in 2001 and 65,500 yen in 2011, which is worth more than 80 times as much as it is possible to appreciate the Internet. Our impression of Internet currency is generally based on online games or virtual coins for Internet shopping. The currency in one of Taiwan’s rediest Internet games paradise, for example, in 2001, a new currency of 800 yen could be replaced by a new currency of 65,500 yen in 2011.



from gold to dollar hegemonies

在進入位元幣的發展歷史之前,先概略的談論一下近代貨幣的歷史與作用 :

Before entering the development history of the bits, a brief discussion of the history and role of the recent currency:

從十九世紀中期開始,世界開始盛行所謂的金本位制度。金本位制度是一種金屬貨幣制度,每單位的貨幣價值等同於若干含重量的黃金(即貨幣含金量);當不同國家使用金本位時,國家之間的匯率由它們各自貨幣的含金量之比值-金平價(Gold Parity)來決定。金本位制度統治了世界經濟超過一百年之久,直到第二次世界大戰末期的布雷頓森林協議。

From the middle of the nineteenth century, the world began to see the prevalence of the so-called gold standard. The gold standard is a metal currency system in which the value of each unit is equal to a number of weights of gold (i.e., the value of the currency in gold); when different countries use the gold standard, the ratio of gold in their respective currencies – Gold Parity – is determined by the ratio of gold in their respective currencies. The gold standard governed the world economy for more than a hundred years, until the Bretton Woods agreement at the end of the Second World War.



In July 1944, 44 countries held a conference at Bretton Woods Park, New Hampshire, to discuss the end of World War II, the rebuilding of the world economic system, in which a number of important decisions were adopted.


Created to engage in joint international negotiations on currency matters.


The United States dollar and gold hooks, the member national currency and the dollar hooks, implement an adjusted fixed-rate system (i.e. $35 for one ounce of gold).


But several dollar crises in the 1960’s and 1970’s rocked the Bretton Woods system, with US President announced in 1971 that US President


大衛喬姆(David Chaum)

電子貨幣的基礎? 密碼學

The base of the electronic currency?

1982年,密碼學家大衛喬姆(David Chaum)提出利用密碼學原理,在網路上時進行不可追蹤的支付的開創性概念。1990年時,大衛喬姆建立了以密碼學為基礎的匿名支付系統Ecash。

In 1982, the cryptographer David Chaum introduced the original concept of non-traceable payments on the Internet using cryptography. In 1990, David Chom set up an anonymous payment system based on cryptology, Ecash.

隨著網際網路在90年代中期開始發展起來,尼克?薩博(Nick Szabo)在1998年提出工作量證明機制,使用者通過競爭性地解決需要運算力的數學難題,然後將解答的結果用加密後的演算法串聯在一起公開發布,因而構建出一個產權的認證系統,也就是Bitgold。接下接力棒的是密碼學的知名程式設計師哈爾?芬尼(Hal Finney),他整理了尼克薩博的理論,提出了"可重複利用的工作量證明"。

As the Internet began to develop in the mid-1990s, Nick Szabo introduced a workload proof scheme in 1998, using a competitive solution to the mathematical difficulties that require arithmetic, and then linked the results of the solution to public distribution with an encrypted algorithm sequence, thus creating a system of authentication of rights, namely Bitgold. The relay was followed by a well-known programmer in cryptography, Hal Finney, who developed his theory and proposed a "reusable workload proof".

去中心化 點對點的傳輸技術


At this point, the section on cryptography prior to the indentation of the currency is ready, while the other core view, decentralised point-to-point transfer technology (P2P), has flourished over the next decade.


file-sharing service, which has developed rapidly since the late 1990s, starting with the legendary Napster, which has changed the way music is acquired around the world, the first technology service that allows MP3 to be widely shared online.

緊接著登場的是瑞典人詹斯特洛姆(Jann Tallinn),?他以P2P的技術為根基,一手創建了Kazaa這個極受歡迎的音樂、電影、檔案分享軟體,並在後來發展出改變人類通訊方式的Skype網路電話。時到今日,受歡迎的P2P技術服務有著名的BT與eDonkey等。

And then came the Swedish Jann Tallinn, who, based on P2P technology, created Kazaa, a popular music, film, file-sharing software, and later developed Skype online phone calls that changed the way people communicate. So far, the popular P2P technical services are known as BT and eDonkey.


After more than 20 years of Internet cryptography, dissatisfaction with the US government’s arbitrary release of the dollar to deliver inflation to the rest of the world, and the proliferation of technology for nearly 10 years (P2P). The new generation of online money, Bitcoin, can already be said to be due only to the east, and the blowing of the sky is in the air of the Internet on November 1, 2008.


神秘的創生者 中本聰

♪ Strong ♪ Mysterious founder ♪ ♪/ strong ♪

至今,人們還是無法判斷中本聰(Satoshi Nakamoto)?是一位很聰明很真誠,具有日本血統的年輕男子(哈爾芬尼語),抑或是一個網際網路上的神祕團隊,或者根本就是不出世的天才駭客。人們只知道,在金融海嘯爆發前夕,metzdowd.com的密碼學郵件組中,一位自稱中本聰的網友發表了《位元幣:一種點對點的現金支付系統》,討論的是他對於電子貨幣的新構想。在當時,並沒有獲得什麼關注,因為在網路世界中,有太多業餘愛好者憑藉著一股熱情,發表出許多不成熟的構想,但是中本聰能成為新世代貨幣的開創者,是在當時有兩個決定性的因素。

So far, people have been unable to judge Satoshi Nakamoto? A very smart and honest young man with Japanese blood (Halfenni), or a god team on the Internet, or simply an immature hacker. People only know that, on the eve of the financial boom, the metzdowd.com coded e-mail group, a self-proclaimed negotiator published a bit: a point-to-point cash payment system, discussing his new vision of electronic currency.


First of all, a very important figure in cryptography noticed China’s hearing, and that person was the previously mentioned Halfeni, because of the core technology that was used in the Chinese dissertation, the “repeatable workload proof” produced by Halfeni. After he released his vision, he began to communicate with him, pointing out a few operational problems and becoming the first to run a bit of the currency.


The second factor is that Nakamoto is not just a man who wants to be held hostage, he is an operative, and he released the first version of the Bitcoin client on 3 January 2009.


And Halfeni quickly tested and operated, and by e-mail pointed out a lot of instability, and the middle-class of the movement quickly began to improve, and Bitcoin quickly stabilized, and the first user, Halfeni, was said to be the first to make the program work on his own, and soon he dug up thousands of bits of coins, at which point Halfeni did not know that he had made a name in history.



參考資料 :

References to :

維基百科 http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E6%AF%94%E7%89%B9%E5%B8%81

Wikipedia/strang> http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E6%AF%89%E9%8%81

智庫百科 http://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/%E6%AF%94%E7%89%B9%E5%B8%81

/strang> http://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/%E6%AF%94%E7%89%E5%B8%81/strang>


(up and down) 36 kryptons
http://www.36kr.com/p/203443.html > http://www.html/

漲得比房地產更快的資產 — 比特幣 有物報告

責任編輯:Kerina Huang

A faster asset than real estate > Bitcoins




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