Source: Yuanryon.
June 26, Shanghai City Council Municipality issued " Shanghai City Implementation Programme for Accelerating New Industrialization in Shanghai " .
By 2027, the industrial value added of had stabilized at more than 25 per cent of the region's gross domestic product (GDP), with a gross industrial output of over $5 trillion on the new steps, a cumulative investment of over $800 billion over four years, an average annual increase of over 10 per cent in the size of the three leading industries, and a 50 per cent share of total industrial output of more than size in strategic and emerging industries.
The Implementation Programme proposes 20 measures around five major initiatives: new-quality productivity development, economic upgrading, industrial eco-efficiency, upgrading of business services, and open cooperation.
- 以底层技术突破支撑人工智能迭代升级,实施大模型创新扶持计划,丰富智能算力、高质量语料供给,加快科学智能、具身智能、无人驾驶等核心技术突破。
- 支持企业在生物制造、脑机接口、Web3.0、元宇宙、6G、量子技术、空间信息、低空经济等新科技变革领域率先突破,培育产业“核爆点”。
- 打造未来产业先导区和综合性应用试验场,建设未来产业研究院和技术学院,设立新型工业化促进中心。
- 布局超大规模异构智算集群支撑万亿级参数大模型训练,支持创新企业用好算力统筹调度平台,将算力纳入新基建贴息政策范围。
In addition, in terms of financial support, up to $100 million has been given to major projects in strategic emerging industries and advanced manufacturing.

as an old industrial city, manufacturing can be said to have been the front of Shanghai.
Since 2021, four new lanes and five future industries have been set in motion in Shanghai.
, coupled with the acceleration of the digitalization of traditional industries and the transformation of greening, has led to the consolidation of the Shanghai Modern Industrial System, which now has a pattern of `(2+2)+(3+6+5)+(4+5)'.
Last year, the Shanghai Market's Three-Year Action Plan for Quality Manufacturing Development (2023-2025) was launched, bringing industry's value added to more than 25 per cent of GDP, consistent with the objectives of the implementation programme.
To achieve this, developed a large model industry in Shanghai.

As of mid-month of this year, 34 large models had been filed in Shanghai.
He In-Long, Managing Director of Shanghai Flows Imaging Corporation, said that large models could capture truly high-quality language from the manufacturing scene and that experts in the manufacturing field could play the role of big model trainers.
The benefits of
At present, Shanghai has accumulated three state-level landmark smart factories, 19 state-level demonstration smart factories, and 60 state-level smarts to create excellent scenes. Production efficiency in built smart factories has increased by an average of 50%, operating costs have been reduced by an average of 30%, and unit-based value-added energy consumption has declined by 13.8% cumulatively.

In , the total value of the integrated industrial output of the smart manufacturing system was 60 billion yuan, the smart manufacturing and equipment industry was 100 billion yuan in size, and the China Advanced Manufacturing Urban Development Index was the country's first in three consecutive years.
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