
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:18 评论:0
前言Foreword to 2018年9月,笔者曾经写了一篇<<我是如何投资数字货币的>>的文章,介绍了笔者本人在投资数字货币上的一些认知。原文链接:随着时间的推移,后面对...



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Foreword to


In September 2018, I wrote an article < < > how I invested in digital currencies; > and I gave some information on my own perception of investing in digital currencies. Link to original text: over time, some additions and changes to the original text were made to become version 1.1. Link to original text:


This is a new addition based on version 1.1, which will serve as a further summary of my investment in digital currencies. The full text of the paper is over 9,000 words and will take about 20 minutes to read.

1. 要善于学习

1. Be good at learning


When we join or enter a business, we should first learn about it and learn about it, raise our awareness about it, and use it as a tool for our minds. Don’t invest in an industry without knowing it at all, which is likely to cause investment mistakes, leading to investment failures.


Similarly, before investing in digital money, we need to have an understanding of digital currency, and it is suggested that we begin with the first part of the book How to invest in digital currency – the basics (chapters 1 to 8), what is digital currency, what are the main currencies of digital money, some basic concepts of digital currency (such as wallets, private keys, public keys, addresses, etc.), how to acquire basic knowledge of digital money, etc., before we get into the field.

2. 集思广益,同时要有自己的判断

2. Brainstorming, while at the same time having its own judgement


In addition to self-learning, there is a need to increase the breadth of their knowledge of digital money, focusing more on the major media outlets of digital money, such as Babbitt. Whether you are a beginner of digital money or a senior stubble, Babbit has articles suitable for you, including various introductions, various currency presentations, and detailed project analyses, covering a wide range of reading needs.


In addition to receiving knowledge from outside, it is more important to have its own analysis and judgment. Others’ articles can be used as a basis for their own reference, but not for their own consideration, but for their blind belief in other people’s views, even in the words of some big money circles. You know, the judgment of the future is not 100% accurate. Most of the time, people with high-level experience and excellent analytical skills do look further ahead and the results are more objective and accurate.

3. 人们对项目的共识程度

3. Level of consensus on the project


The success of a block chain project is, in my view, important in at least three factors:

a) 共识度

(a) Level of consensus

b) 应用前景和商业模式

b) Application prospects and business models

c) 技术

(c) Technology


In addition to consensus and technology, the project needs an implementable business model that addresses real-life problems or pains in people’s lives, allows real-life applications and provides incentives for the project to evolve and move forward.


A lot of people entering the currency circle may think of a problem like that. If the bitcoin code is open, why can't I just slightly modify the bitcoin parameters or improve the code, and issue another bitcoin yourself? Yes, you can issue your own bitcoin, but the essence of the problem is that it is more likely to be accepted and accepted when there are no other digital money and it competes. Like in ancient times, when there is no legal currency, people start to buy what they need in the form of easy goods. In the absence of an intermediate medium that can only be used on a large scale, such a bitcoin is of little value.


We need to pay enough attention to this degree of consensus. The degree of consensus on the digital currency can be analysed in the following ways:

a) 人们对该数字货币的信仰。

(a) The belief of the people in that digital currency.

b) 人们对该数字货币的应用前景的看法。

(b) Views on the prospects for the application of the digital currency.

c) 该数字货币的诞生时间的长短

(c) The time of birth of the digital currency

d) 人们对该数字货币的接受认可程度和使用人群范围

(d) Level of acceptance and use of the digital currency by the population

e) 该数字货币的流通程度,世界各国对该数字货币的态度,金融机构对该数字货币的接纳态度

e) The degree of circulation of the digital currency, the attitude of the countries of the world towards the digital currency and the attitude of financial institutions towards the acceptance of the digital currency


These points are, in fact, permeating and influencing each other, and are not separated from each other.


Let's take the example of Bitcoin BTC and Bitcoin's cash BCH. We know that Bitcoin BTC and Bitcoin's total cash BCH is 21 million, and their prices and market values are very different. BTC's market value is $12 billion, and BCH's value is $12 billion, which is 10 times different.


BTC: Born in 2009, about 11 years ago. Bitcoin was the first breakthrough in the history of cryptography, consensus mechanisms, point-to-point networks. As the first digital currency, and after 11 years of development, it has been recognized and used by the largest number of people in the world.


BCH: Born in 2017, about a year ago. BCH, as a BTC forklift, has technically improved BTC (e.g. block capacity increases. Bit cash raises block capacity to 8MB, while Bitcoin's block capacity is 1MB. And, according to Bitcoin ABC's announcement, bit cash block capacity will be adjusted to 32MB.


In addition, in December 2018, Bitcoin futures were officially introduced. This means that Bitcoin has been recognized by some financial institutions and has facilitated its circulation.


Although technically BCH is more advanced than BTC, BTC is the nominee of a digital currency, has the pre-eminence, has the status of a leader, has a longer operating time and has a wider reach, resulting in different levels of consensus on BTC and BCH, resulting in different prices recognized by BTC and BCH.

4 看应用前景和商业模式

4 See application prospects and business models


One important aspect of the value of a digital currency is to see whether it has good application prospects and business models, and whether there is a high degree of consensus on the digital currency. Among them, the business model is more important to me. The business model encompasses a range of operational issues, such as how the project is landed and how it is profitable.

一个数字货币对应的应用前景,是否是热门和有前途(如是否是针对行业内的热切需求或存在问题,是否是能解决人们生活工作上的痛点。对于同一个痛点,是否已经存在着解决该痛点的一个或多个的落地应用;如果有,它们的市场地位分别是怎样),对数字货币的价值影响是十分重要的。当今的一些热门应用,如人工智能、 物联网、大数据、云计算等。试想一下,如果一个数字货币是用于一个冷门应用,关注者和使用者都不会太多,其价值又能如何体现呢。一个好的数字货币,一般都有好的落地应用。另外,越容易落地的区块链应用,其数字货币越容易被认可,价值也容易形成,如比特币(价值存储)、狗狗币(打赏小费文化)。相反,越复杂的,难于实现的,或实现周期很长的,价值形成的难度就越大,相对的风险也越高。再次,我们要注意到一点,每个细分领域,头部效应是非常明显的。很多时候,同一领域的第一名和第二名差距会比较大,更不用说排名第三或更后的了。对于处于龙头地位的领头羊,更值得我们去关注和投资。举个例子,例如无人机领域,大家提起无人机很多时候就会联想到大疆这个无人机企业,而对于无人机领域的老二老三们,可能很多人都不一定知道是哪个企业,关注度是远远不及老大的高。所以如果有多个数字货币的应用前景是类似,一般选居于龙头地位的数字货币。

The value of a digital currency is important. Some of today’s popular applications, such as artificial intelligence, networking, big data, cloud computing, etc., are hot. If a digital currency is used for a cold-door application, neither interested nor user, and if so, how can its value be expressed. A good digital currency, usually well-placed, has one or more applications; if so, the market position is different, and the value of the digital currency is very important.

对于数字货币的应用前景,我个人最看好的金融领域方面的应用。我们看看比特币,比特币就是为了对抗金融危机所带来的货币超发而诞生的,并实现了价值存储和转移的功能。另外一个例子就是瑞波币,也是金融领域方面的应用。而对于以太坊,它也有金融领域方面的一个重要应用,就是Defi(Decentralized Finance,去中心化金融)。当然,其它领域的数字货币并不是不好,而是金融应用领域方面的数字货币的涨幅是相对比较大的。

Another example is Riboche, which is also an application in the area of finance. For Ether, it also has an important application in the area of finance, namely Defi. Of course, other areas of digital currency are not bad, but rather relatively large increases in digital money in the area of financial applications.

5. 看采用的技术和共识算法

5. Look at the technology and consensus algorithms used

不同的数字货币,背后所采用的技术和共识算法也不尽相同。共识算法越简单,越容易让人明白,越容易获得人们的共识。例如比特币,采用的是pow共识算法,虽然在一定程度上浪费了电力,但却让人们易于理解和乐于接受,共识也容易达成,其高安全性也是有目共睹!所谓大道至简,也是有其一定的道理。当然,也不是复杂的算法就不好,只是让人们理解和接受的成本会更高。但复杂的算法也有其有用的地方。例如比特币,虽然算法简单,但其较长的交易确认时间(约10分钟产生一个区块,交易需要经过6个区块才能完全确认,即至少1小时),使其应用范围比较狭小,不适合应用用于现实生活中的快速支付。相反,一些共识算法相对复杂,但交易效率却更高。如比特股,使用DPOS共识算法,交易确认时间就大大缩短(在部署11个见证人的情况下,每3秒产生一个区块,经过7个区块即可确认交易,也就是不到1分钟就能完全确认)。EOS在比特股的基础上,使用DPOS和拜占庭容错算法,使得出块的速度提升至0.5秒。目前,应用更前沿的区块链技术DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph,有向无环图)的公链也出来了,交易速度会更加快。

Different digital currencies have different technical and consensus algorithms. The simpler the consensus algorithms are, the easier to understand, the easier to gain common understanding. For example, Bitcoin uses the pow consensus algorithm, which, although wasted to some extent, is easy to understand and accept, and the greater security is easy to achieve.


Different digital currencies, because of their different applications, do not necessarily use the same technology. But whether their technology is advanced and their algorithms are easy to accept, we can use it as a basis for judging whether a digital currency is promising and valuable.


At present, consensus algorithms are mainly of the following categories:

a) POW,工作量证明,去中心化程度最高,安全性和公平性最好,但效率低,能耗高

(a) Pow, the workload proves that the most centralized, safe and fair, but inefficient and energy-intensive

b) POS,权益证明,去中心化程度低于POW

(b) POS, certificate of entitlement, decentralisation below Pow

c) DPOS,委托权益证明,出块节点相对集中,中心化程度相对较高

(c) DPOS, commissioning certificate, relative concentration of point out and relatively high degree of centralization

d) Ripple共识算法

d) Ripple Consensus Algorithm

e) DAG,有向无环图

(e) DAG, with no ring map


There are other consensus algorithms that are not always enumerated.

6. 看白皮书和开发计划

6. Read the White Paper and the Development Plan


If a project’s white paper and development plan are merely general in content, or even a collection of white papers from other projects. At this point, caution should be exercised as to whether the project is an air project, whether or not the digital currency it issues is an air currency, and whether it is just a cheap cut.


But as the project evolves further, there is no viable and sustainable profit model, and without external replenishment, projects are likely to fail due to lack of financial resources. So, in the medium and long term, viable and sustainable profitability models are essential to a project.


If the project is open-sourced, the project can be updated on the uploading site, keeping in mind the speed with which the code is updated and the number of people who submit the code, it can be verified to some extent. If you're a programmer and you can read the code inside, it's easier to understand the project's progress. For example, a famous EOS project is a code open-source project. If the project code does not open and, as a responsible development team, at least, a regular external progress report on the development of the project is published. If you don't even have it, you really need to be careful. A number of well-known projects will open their source code on the site.


And, of course, there are some projects whose codes are largely copying other projects, with minor modifications that need to be noticed. Also, some of the project development progress reports are just constantly writing up things to block investors, and that is what needs to be noticed.

7. 看项目团队和社区

7. Look at the project team and the community


We need to understand the composition of the project team, make a basic survey of their membership, confirm whether these members are real, possess relevant qualifications and strengths, and actually participate in the development or promotion of the project. We need to be clear about this. Don't blindly believe in the content of the project's white paper. For some projects with famous people or big money circles, we need to understand their work and role in the project.


In addition to the project team, the project’s community is very important. If there is a strong and active community behind a project, the project’s replication and decentralization, as well as the degree of consensus on the project’s digital currency, are helpful.

8. 看发行量和发行价,关注总市值

8. Focus on total market value by volume and value of issuance


The reasonableness of the price of a digital currency depends, in addition to the price of that digital currency, on the volume of its issuance and its total market value.


For the number of issuances, it is necessary to know whether their total number is fixed. For some digital currencies, the total number is fixed, while others are not. For example, the total number of bitcoins is 21 million, never increasing. But the total number of EOS issuances is not fixed.


The larger the number of digital currencies at the same price, the greater the total market value, the greater the demand for money in the market that needs to support its value, and the more difficult it is to increase prices. Especially for some digital currencies whose application prospects are not very good, if they are issued in very large quantities, even if their distribution prices are very low, and therefore their overall market value is higher, we need to be more careful not to think that their prices are cheap enough to justify investment, but also to look at their total market value.


In the digital currency market, the greater the real total market value of a digital currency, the greater the degree of consensus and acceptance of it, the greater the financial support it receives. Because only a widely accepted and accepted digital currency will allow more people to buy and hold it, thereby gaining more financial support.


Here's a site where the total market value of the digital money market can be ranked:


You can look up. The figure below is the top 10 digital currencies in mid-September 2018.


From another perspective, those who know economics are aware of a fundamental principle: that prices fluctuate around the value, and are the expression of the value pattern. That is, in the short term, supply-and-demand relationships affect prices and cause price fluctuations; in the long term, however, values determine prices and prices eventually return to value. In the stock market, there are two more important indicators: the net market rate and the market rate. If the net assets of an enterprise fluctuate, the market ratio reflects the profitability of an enterprise. These two indicators are essential for the overall valuation of an enterprise.


With regard to the calculation of the total market value, there are two methods of calculation:

a) 按照总的发行量来计算,即:总市值=当前币价*总发行量

a) Based on total circulation, i.e. total market value = total issuance at current currency *

b) 按照当前流通量来计算,即:总市值=当前币价*当前流通量

(b) Based on current circulation, i.e. total market value = current currency * current circulation


In the case of bitcoin, for example, the total circulation of bitcoin is 21 million and the current circulation is about 18 million (i.e., the number that has been excavated and released), approximately

以第1种计算,比特币的总市值=单个比特币价格 * 2100万

Total market value of Bitcoins = individual Bitcoins prices * 21 million

以第2种计算,比特币的总市值=单个比特币价格 * 1800万

Total market value of bitcoins = individual bitcoins *18 million in category 2


Personally, I prefer the first calculation to calculate the total market value of a currency. Because the non-negotiable part is also a real part of the market, it cannot be traded, so it should not be overlooked.


When a currency has not yet been traded, it can be valued on the basis of the item or company in which it is located, and on the basis of the same appliance. For example, you have just set up an electric company that can think about companies in the field of electricity, such as Bao, Kyoutung, and so on, using their corporate valuations at different times in their different sizes and stages of development. We can look back on the fact that there are few users and few people who understand their business models. But the value of the company will increase considerably as business improves and develops and the number of users increases.


So, for potential currencies, you need to test your eyes to become the circle of money. If you can hold potential currencies before they explode, then the gains that follow are probably not a few times as many as ten. As in Bitcoin, for example, in the Tails.


As the digital currency is not widely available, the total market value and the traditional giants are far apart from each other, making them easy to manipulate the currency price, even if it is the biggest bitcoin in the market. Thus, even if a currency already has a transaction price, the price of its transaction price does not necessarily reflect its true value. For our ordinary investors, there is a need to evaluate the reasonable valuation of the project or company in which the digital currency is located, and to judge whether it is reasonable on the basis of the current total market value of the digital currency.

9. 看技术分析指标

9. Look at the indicators of technical analysis


In addition to the choice of a good digital currency for investment, low-price purchases and high-price sales are key to profitability. Technical indicators for analysis, such as stock markets and currency circles, are useful for judging trends in the price of digital money and future trends, especially for short-term investment behaviour. There is no absolute technical indicator, and a technical indicator is available to you as a probability, and we can only use it as a reference to improve the accuracy of our judgements. In stock markets and currency circles, although these technical indicators have their advantages and their application, and when they fail, they can make you operate with greater certainty. Given the limited energy of a person, I suggest that just two or four of the indicators for technical analysis are sufficient, e.g. transactions, average daily lines, Klines and MACDs, KDJ.


At the same time, we need to note that some centralized exchanges, some of which can be faked through the exchange’s internal data, make technical indicators false and lose their own reference value. In this case, it is no longer necessary to refer to technical indicators.


In general, the indicators for technical analysis are not flawed, and different people prefer to use different indicators for technical analysis. In any case, the indicators for technical analysis can increase our chances of success and provide a basis for our buying and selling.


As far as I am concerned, the basic analysis is largely based, supported by technical analysis (mainly transactional, solar, K-line and MACD). Poor basic digital currencies, even if they are better, tend to be short-lived.

10. 数字货币操作策略

10. Digital currency operations strategy

正如《如何投资数字货币》第3篇--投资理念篇 的第6章标题:鸡蛋不能放在一个篮子,我们不应该用全部投资的钱只买入一种数字货币,应该学会分散投资。如果我们把全部投资的钱都只买入一种数字货币,风险是极其巨大的。一旦该数字货币出现暴跌或崩盘,我们就可能血本无归了。当然,笔者也不建议太过分散地投资多种数字货币,因为一个人的时间和精力有限,投资数字货币的种类过多,必然无暇顾及,顾此失彼。笔者建议,关注2到5个币种,对一般人而言就已经足够了。

As in the sixth title of “How to invest in digital money” in book 3, “The concept of investment”: eggs cannot be placed in a basket, we should not buy only one digital currency with all the money invested, and we should learn to diversify. If we buy all the money invested in only one digital currency, the risk is enormous.


In addition, in terms of the investment cycle, I do not propose to buy and sell frequently. Too often, it is easy to mess up its own investment plans. Part of the money can be invested in the long term, buying into its preferred digital currency and holding it for a long time. For example, I prefer Bitcoin’s long-term investment value, because the amount of bitcoins is fixed, the consensus is broad, and production is reduced by half every four years. In terms of anti-currency inflation, it is a good investment target (personal opinion, not a basis for investment).


It is also important to note that even if you look at a digital currency, the best way to be profitable is to avoid buying it in high places. The best way to do that is to buy it on the right, that is, to buy it when the price is confirmed at the bottom of the valley. Of course, it takes a lot of patience and skill. It requires constantly increasing individual capabilities and accumulated experience in order to be able to do it. As to how the bottom of the valley can be judged from the point of view of technical analysis < & lt; stock market drills & gt; & gt; there is a more detailed presentation that you can draw on.


It is also called “I fear when others are greedy, I fear when others are afraid”, and when the market is hot, stay sober and calm, properly reduce and even leave the market, make a reasonable stop to the surplus, and do not lose currency blindly. This is done in order to avoid risk and prevent a sharp fall in currency prices. After all, when the market is profitable, when a large number of people rush into the market, it creates a stage-by-stage overpurchase that leads to an irrational rise in currency prices. This overpurchase is unsustainable, when, to a certain extent, the supply of money is not keeping pace with demand, and the profit side quickly sells the digital money held in its hands to stop it, leading to a rapid fall or even a collapse in currency prices.


In terms of the currency allocation of the digital currency, the individual suggests that as much attention as possible be paid to the top 10 digital currencies in the overall market value. The individual prefers: of these, bitcoins account for about 50% of the investment, 20-30% in the Pacific, and the rest in the top 10. The situation is different for everyone, depending on the individual’s investment preferences and strategies.


Finally, special attention needs to be paid to the fact that, without much certainty, individuals’ capabilities are not yet at the same level as they are, and that it is quite dangerous not to use leverage easily to trade in digital money contracts. An unbridled operation could lead to a loss of property and tears.


Other investment concepts and operational strategies are also better articulated in the third issue of How to Invest Digital Currency, which is not exhaustive here.


Concluding remarks


The above-mentioned ideas and operational strategies are a summary of some of my experiences in actual investment operations, which are not necessarily accurate or appropriate for everyone, after all, each and every one of them has different circumstances and different operational strategies. Welcome to each and every one of you to discuss and advance together!


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If you think this article is okay, please give me a compliment. Thank you.


Your encouragement, my motivation!




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    比特币是市场上最大的加密货币,它再次打破了重要的7万美元门槛。 在短短的四舍五入(67,000美元到69,000美元之间)之后,价格在这一水平上遇到了强烈的抵制。 然而,势头的不断增强表明,比特币可能形成一个超过70 000美元的板块,为重新测试下一个抵抗阵地71 300美元和3月份可能攀升到历史最高点73 700美元铺平了道路。 问题仍然是:比特币能否维持预期的上升趋势并继续大幅上升?    分析家预计比特币价格将上升到74,400美元。 加密货币分析师Ali M...
  • 几张图看懂区块链技术到底是什么?

    “区块链”的概念可以说是异常火爆,好像互联网金融峰会上没人谈一谈区块链技术就out了,BAT以及各大银行还有什么金融机构都在开始自己的区块链研究工作,就连IBM最近也成立了自己的区块链研究实验室,但其实区块链到底是什么?大家或许并不清楚,停留在雾里看花的状态。从今天开始,就让我们一起走进区块链,揭开区块链的神秘面纱吧!The concept of a block chain can be described as an unusually hot one, as if no...