产业链突围,共创新局!全体峰会干货重磅来袭丨Foodaily FBIC2024

资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:23 评论:0
過去一年,食品飲料行業從內到外都在發生著巨大變動。The past year has seen dramatic changes in the food industry, both...



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The past year has seen dramatic changes in the food industry, both inside and outside.


Global trade patterns are being reshaped, the domestic retail business environment is undergoing major changes, and China’s new zero-supply relationship is about to take shape, and the cost hierarchy is becoming clearer. Global information flows, supply chains, and channels, driven by such factors as technology and the Internet, are emerging in a flat-tight way in front of every interest at present, and space boundaries are shrinking or even being broken.


During the new food age, the food and drink industry has become more complex and more competitive. What challenges are the changes in consumption demand, the huge changes in channels, the digitalization of the industry, and the growth of the global market?

5月9-11日,由Foodaily每日食品主辦的Foodaily FBIC2024全球食品飲料創新大會(與Foodaily創博會同期)在上海國家會展中心召開。本屆大會以“產業鏈突圍,共創新局”為主題,希望以此作為創新交流、資源鏈接場域,產業核心決策人齊聚這裏,探討在食品新消費下半場,企業該如何以創新為核心驅動力,尋找從復雜的產業鏈生態突圍、創造新局面的有效路徑。

From 9 to 11 May, the Foodaily FBI C2024 Global Food and Drinking Innovations Conference, hosted by Foodaily's daily foods, was held at the Shanghai National Convention Center (along with the Foodaily Craft). The conference focused on the theme “Invasion of the Industrial Chain, Co-Creation of the New Bureau,” with the hope of bringing together the core decision makers of the new communication, resource linkages, to explore how, under the new consumption of food, the business sector could act as a catalyst for innovation and find effective ways to create a new situation from the complex of industrial linkages.


On May 9th, the summit invited representatives of leading companies and influential businesses to discuss topical issues such as retail trade transformation, digital innovation, landscape creation, and nationalization, and to explore new ways to break the country’s food and drink brand.


Shows first:


How should brands respond to opportunities and challenges in the context of major changes in the retail environment in the country?


2. How can brands break through the business chain and create new situations in the light of rapid advances in technology, AI and the emergence of intellectual development?


3. How can the age of information debris make effective use of the scene market to quickly reach users with an efficient link?


4. In a complex and changing international environment, how can the offshore brand effectively reach out to overseas consumers and successfully open up the growth of overseas markets?





The food and drink industry is still developing in a complex and challenging manner. Complex consumption classifications, demand for consumption, relative supply chains, new and emerging digital technologies, and massive changes in channels, and global fragmentation.


This year, we put forward the theme of "Attrenchment of the Industrial Chain, Together for a New Bureau." The links mentioned here include the front-end industry supply chain and the back-end channel chain. In this complex industry chain, we highlight the confluence of the new co-founder's solution from the perspective of the observers: to construct an all-out chain-friendly corporate organization and global experience, creative, resource-sharing and benefit-sharing, and to create brands and product combinations around the needs of users to make newer success rates.


We are committed to integrating the “global creative product experience” with the “food developers' conference” so that you can feel the strength of the new product and the new spirit in the field and make it a new wind sign for the industry. We want to be a field for new ideas, new products, new technologies, new brands, new marketing products, and a more efficient link between China’s food industry.



In the new age of consumption, we are witnessing a marked change in the group.


The Z generation, under the influence of the Internet and the media, is more inclined to pursue rapid, one-size-fits-all consumption experiences, social responsibility for brands, and environmental awareness. The rise of singles has led to the development of a market for easy and high-quality food, with a closer connection of consumption experiences and emotional values.


On the one hand, high-end consumers are more mature, stimulating the development of refined and customized services. On the other hand, more and more consumers are focusing more on sex price, lower consumption, and pursuing equality. At the same time, consumers expect more emotional value for food and drink, requiring deeper emotional connection and personal acceptance of products and services.


On the B end, business strategies and tactics are also changing dramatically. On-line integration becomes a standard configuration for retailing, such as pre-breeding from online social networking platforms, off-line flash shops, and even new shopping experiences created through virtual reality technology.




The path of business creation


Corney Management Consulting Global Partner Liu Xiaolong:


China’s consumption trend has been marked by four major turning points: the construction of the consumer base, the upgrading of the consumer charge, the revival of multiple consumption and consumption. In the aftermath of the epidemic, China’s consumption market will continue to grow from a time when high songs and boats are rising to a time when Delta will grow.


The growth of DELTA represents now five dimensions: D represents the division of demand; E is the Evoltional, the acceleration of replacement; L is Linked, the border break; T is Transformed; and AI-powered, the technological gift.


Diversified needs: Traditional E-based consumption patterns change, future consumption in China will present a trend towards a K-type demand split between high-end luxury and low-end price ratios, the traditional “big-species-all” model has become unwieldy, and the product matrix needs to be built around the need for detail.


Volutional replacement acceleration: Momentality suggests that China’s consumer market is undergoing a critical renewal period, that changes in business patterns are accelerating, and that businesses need to understand the rules of migration and set the pace for increasing commonality.


Linked border breakthroughs: In-house business is hard to increase in stock times, businesses start to jump across the border, either next door to the wall, or downwind to find new users and create new products.


Transformed chain re-engineering: supply and demand at both ends of the chain is challenging, and the entire chain is weak and less profitable.


AI-Powered Technology Empowerment: Expensive Industries have started to embrace AI technology, giving it the power to produce chain-to-end loops.


In the light of the five major trends of the Delta era, Corney made 15 core recommendations to help companies move through the cycle and achieve sustained high-intensity growth, including accelerating demand satisfaction, activating catch-up, digging for consumption sites, and enhancing corporate resilience and technological values.


According to the Corney Institute, a full recovery of one and a half years is required for the period of consumption, a year and a half, and even longer, for the period of DELTA growth, which is subject to pressure, which can be seen through the five above. What needs to be done is to use 15 coping programmes to bring about a breakover and to see more possibilities for new development.





The retail industry has changed dramatically in recent years. The impact of the epidemic has led to a change in the international distribution of supply chains, a clash of geographical politics as a result of competition and differences in values between geographical models, a lack of consumer confidence, and increased pressure on brands by markets and retailers to raise the quality of their products but not to raise prices.


Under this model of high-quality, low-priced consumption left-handed, determined to adjust and upgrade the supply chain, the core competition of the business and branded walls can be formed only if the production power is put together. Many decision makers in product development focus on the concept of red, explosive, but I think it is more important to improve supply chain efficiency and control the cost of the supply chain, and the retail industry in China is still going to finish the new retail revolution.


There have also been a few more significant changes: domestic retail patterns are shifting from shelf rental to self-run; retail commodity branding is moving rapidly towards commodity ownership; commodity management and class management are changing to consumers, consumer scenes; discounting low-price assumptions is based on the adequacy of the price quality over consumer sentiment; price-side management is shifting in the number of commodities allocated to core customer price areas; commodity design design is changing towards reduced and reduced SKU numbers; and wholesale systems are changing.


Based on the transformation of retail businesses, branders can adopt the following coping strategies:


1. Consumer research needs to move towards depth and breadth;


2. The transformation of business organizations requires the creation of a research facility specializing in consumer digitization.


3. Doing business with commodities;


4. Selection of channels - by standards of efficiency;


Improving marketing policies - changing the KA system;


Promotes the transformation of distributors, agents and wholesalers into distributors;


7. Multi-brand strategy to customize retailers;


8. Distribute incremental retailers and stock retailers and develop different marketing policies;


9. Multiple access to information on trends in product development and stereotypical data.


With regard to Chinese food companies in the US market in the sea, there are “line-driven” features in the US retail market, “food retailing is expanding in international food products”, and “China’s food scale base sales” where domestic brands enter the US market, taking into account local legal restrictions, and based on a variety of complementary brands, the creation of a branding union to provide it with a deep service model for Broker, and rapid access to and penetration into the mainstream US market can be sustained.




Brand Deeper Evolution


Director-General of the Digital Science and Technology Centre of the Illi Group:


In a market environment full of uncertainty and challenges, as national brands, Ili is committed to the idea of a consumer-centred approach, with innovative and innovative thinking, to seeking breakthroughs in products and services through the strengthening of new variables, making full use of big data and smart technologies to enhance brand competition in terms of intellectual growth.


For brands, constant changes in the demand for and structure of consumers are challenges, and all challenges give rise to rich opportunities for visible, analytical, accessible and operational health consumers.


Faced with rapidly changing consumer demand, brands need to build real digital intelligence, centred on consumers, creating value and upgrading brand experiences for consumers. Eli maintains a new rhythm in the chains and continues to create value for consumers: one is the creation of new products and services, the other is the creation of new marketing, the third is the purchase of new products and supply chains, and the last is the creation of new quality and supply chains, the constant upgrading of digital intelligence in key domains, and the creation of a “digital Ili” for higher quality goods and services for consumers.


On the creative side of products and services, Eli realized a real-time market scan of power-market platforms and key goods by creating an efficient system. Second, the DTC system, which builds and consumes a direct link to the consumer, is linked to 150 million consumers. In the creative links of products and services, artificial intelligence capabilities, including production-based and decision-making artificial intelligence capabilities, have been fully embedded in several nodes, not only to reduce product creation cycles, but also to introduce new products that truly satisfy the needs of consumers.


Given the difficulty of serving global consumers on the basis of a single enterprise and the need for more business partnerships, Eli has been constantly developing digital networks that are oriented towards consumers to realize consumer, business and environmental values.


圓桌 | 產業鏈突圍,如何共創新局?


沙利文大中華區合夥人兼董事總經理張葛健 :


How should the new consumer brand return to the core value of the chain of return, after a period of rapid growth and cool fever?

通用磨坊國際事業部副總裁 中國區總裁兼董事總經理蘇強:


The Chinese market has huge opportunities for crowds and product-specificities, which, for new consumer brands, are unique to the Chinese market. In the face of opportunities, to dig deep into the pains and needs of consumers, whether in terms of sex, price, or convenience, they must be mentally connected to the consumers.


Universal mills are designed to “create the world’s favorite foods” and are guided by new values that continue to grow. Among them, we attach particular importance to full value chain cost management. At the same time as maintaining core competitions such as good raw materials, ingredients, etc., they focus on consumers and remove low value-added activities from the entire operation, in order to make the product more expensive in today’s market environment.



The essence of the consumer product is three things: delivery of the product, focusing on the user, and linking the product to the user. Brands, operations, organizations, channels, etc. are all just connecting the two, the key being that the chain linking the product to the user becomes shorter or more efficient. If the consumer business is not equipped at the source, or if it does not improve the chain of production and consumption, it is difficult to stand on the market.


Business begins with a vision of long-term development that begins with imagination, or it is easy to hold hands and always solve the problems that lie ahead. It is to be hoped that people will face the future with unmatched confidence and determination, and that the food and drink industry will always follow the human cycle, regardless of the other industries. As long as we can produce better and better-characterized products than others, we can embrace the future.



In 2010, we started the October Rice Field brand, because the agricultural product needs to be branded and added value. Our products are hard to sell, so we seized the opportunity of the Internet to feed and operate deep online. In 2016, we caught up with China’s consumption upgrades and transformations in the Internet, creating a brand image of rice products in the consumer’s mind, and the previous segment was extremely counterproductive to the production of supply chains.


Informationization has indeed brought opportunities and challenges, as well as enormous opportunities for growth. The results of October’s rice paddy, from falling out to the present, have benefited from deep-ploughing and continuous evaporation of the entire channel.



Many lines of business have been cut off, and new channels of transformation are needed to create new brands. But the life cycle of new channels is often very short, and opportunities to use them for change and how to discern consumption demand are challenging for the development of new brands.


It is difficult to construct a supply chain without a new brand, and it is difficult to build a supply chain with a new brand. Because the life cycle of an Internet product is shorter, it may not be easy to sell once the supply chain has been built.


Although small firms are difficult, small firms also have opportunities to develop. Many large firms do not want to do too little business, are too expensive to balance short-term and long-term benefits, and these big firms take advantage of market problems and dilemmas, but are opportunities for small brands.


Golden sentences: The transformation of new channels gives birth to new brands, but in order to produce long-cycle products, there is also an organized management of the system systems of the various loops.



Foodaily's annual daily food consumption scenes release



We have just published a 2024-day annual food consumption scene, which is the sixth consecutive year we have published a forecast of annual consumption of Chinese food and drink, and look forward to finding new opportunities and business growth with industry decision makers and product creators.


Over the past six years, we have witnessed the collapse of China’s food industry, from a large number of new consumer brands to a rapid clean-up, and the emergence of more rational consumers who are fully available. In the face of many uncertainties, we believe that it is ultimately time to return to people’s nature, to the nature of the industry, and to find new solutions to the changing needs of people that create and sell new ways.


Different kinds of new opportunities arise in time, space, emotion, emotional needs and pains. This is the source of opportunity for fission. Breaking the habits of congenial thinking and awakening the consumer’s needs by discovering, creating, and stealing new consumption scenes is an effective way to create brand growth.


In the 10th year of consumption in 2024, we deconstructed some of the core insights from the demographic changes, the mood, social relationships, and the four dimensions of new health:


1. The changes in the composition of the population and the grade of demand bring with it a new, incremental scene. The continuing quest for a better life, the need for emotion and the need to improve the health of daily foods, etc., bring about new opportunities for healthy and predictable diets, such as foods and meals for the elderly.


2. The consumption of food and drink has evolved from functional to physical to emotional and empirical needs. We believe that the needs of young people who express their emotions will be reflected in the new consumption scenes of the workplace, such as power-generating foods and drinks, emotional foods and outdoors, among other things.


3. The transformation of social relationships has brought about a new demand for food and drink, as the present generation has built a new hysteria system, experienced social consumption has been taken into account, and meeting foods and custom-based foods and drinks are gradually becoming a reality. Moreover, the traditional culture of gifting is more daily, with new specials, such as baked snacks, natives, and cultural homogeneity, becoming a new kind of gift.


4. There are two types of consumption scenes in a healthy lifestyle, where healthy diets and diets are introduced into the daily “reduced diets” and “serious nutritions” guided by efficacy and science. There is a high degree of competition for the development of healthy daily foods and the development of healthyly managed foods, taking into account the development path of the Japanese market.






By the end of the year, 300 million menstrual lives had been created on the platform with a large number of young users. These young users shared their own life droplets in the book, pushing the dopamine, citywalk, and so on through the sharing of good content.


At a time when the demand of consumers of food and drink is more dependent on the “scene scene”, the marketing of the scene became the key to the competition for a drinking brand. The little red book, as a source of inspiration for the hot spots, can also lead to a long-cycle partnership of large-scale food and drink partners that digs, rides or co-initiates the scenes of the small red book, with its rising population of red book users, using the content of the small red book community to efficiently respond to events, rapidly raising the value of the scene, and with the unique advantage of continuing to see and implement more possibilities for future site sales.


The following core factors need to be captured in order to be able to do the right thing for the user of the scene:


1. The insight of the user reveals the real motivation of the user to purchase the product, drawing on the analysis and restructuring of the content, direction and direction of the young person.


2. With the advantage of the core population, the search for drivers and the matching of the needs of the core population can do more than anything.


The core values are linked to the needs and trends of the population. More detailed needs of the population are linked to the demands of the situation and the needs of the product, which can magnify the value of the product.




Create stung growth


Mr. Kato, Managing Director of Galicko, Shanghai River:


In 2017, however, we found that the Greco brand, which injected chocolate sauce with a unique stick technique and made a breakthrough in taste, had been able to take off in the market, which was dominated by pastries, and had seen a positive increase in sales from 2005 to 2015. However, in 2017, we found that the Greco brands had a hundred-ch's, one-ch's, one-ch's, one-ch's, one-ch's, one-ch's, one-ch's, one-ch's, one-ch's, one-ch's, one-ch's, one-ch's, one-ch's, one-ch's, one-ch's.


It is a very important subject for brands to identify what kind of people they are. We have designed the "Limitation of hours of alcohol" for centrinol, targeting those 16-34 years of age who are under a lot of stress and need to relax. When people are clear, it is easier to see the needs of the population, focus on the health of the young, focus on the health of the diet and the pain of the intestinal stomach, make a brand-new upgrade from a health upgrade, add wheat powder to make the product contain a rich dietary dish, and adjust the package according to the target user’s preferences.


In health problems, consumers are often not confident about their skin condition. To this end, we have chosen to use the amino composition as a product, and have worked with a new centre for the creation of the Skycat in the context of the development of taste, to match the needs of the population of the product, and to create a sub-brand brand called "Purchiol of Flowers".


In addition, we are focusing on working women, who live under stress and whose emotional and emotional problems are the most important health problems. As a result, we introduced the Tea Wind and Wind Series in 2020 by adding the GABA component to our product, with relaxing tea compositions and tastes. As a result of the stress of modern-day life, in 2023, we sold the “ol sleeping cats” series, adding nearly 10 times as many GABA components to the tea wind and wind series, as well as sleeping-friendly tea tea amazes, improving the problem of effective sleep and inadequate sleep time for consumers.


In the face of changing consumers, we aim to respond to each other's products and communication; but the core value of trying to pass it through is that they use it to reward themselves in their busy lives.




Special Technology Tezign Solutions Program executive VP Pan:


In the last few years, we have some new observations from brand-run viewers. From the cost side, consumers use content more often to recognize brands and products; from the brand side, content contacts have been expanding from the previous under-the-line shops, and many brands have set up their own contacts in social media overseas.


By digitizing content, we know the connection between the product and content, between content and the crowd, so that the digital infrastructure can better support the expansion of the brand field. In this process, we need the involvement of artificial intelligence to help digital content tools become faster and more efficient.


How can people be better involved in the process of content production and circulation?


Through AI participation in structured content creation, images, videos needed by branding channels can be scaled up in a more efficient way and eventually reach out to consumers on different platforms.


The process of producing artificial intelligence participation is a more efficient workflow, designed to reset and eventually produce new content by extracting past branding experience. Moreover, in addition to creative scenes, channel announcements, new content on products, we will have more marketing scenes that need to be presented in an intelligent way, with a more efficient and less costly cycle that saves a lot of time for brand holidays.


In addition to the production cycle, we need to focus on whether the product can keep pace with the product supply when it comes to the consumer. From the producer’s production to the internal review of the content, to the consumer’s counterstatement of the content, to the production team’s new creative and strategic development, and eventually to the closure of the production-to-flux process.


Data connectivity is crucial. When brands link goods, content, and crowd data to the same scene, they can not only be managed and delivered more efficiently by tagging, but also clearly show the consumer's reaction to the content.


Over the past seven years, we have been able to build infrastructure for more than 200 business content in the head, such as catering, make-up, and footwear. Our product capability matrix has also continued to be built around content and artificial intelligence. We believe that digital intelligence of content is the domain in which every brand needs to be built over a long period of time.






What's the change in the power provider in a situation where the generator AI is as hot as fire?


In December 2022, the 100-degree electrician was inaugurated against the backdrop of a massive model, hoping to raise the flag of an intelligent electricist.


In the past, traditional electronics used to rely mainly on decision-making AI technology, but only on the function of awareness and judgment. With the emergence of large models, decision-making AI moved to the generation AI, which was designed to perform and create functions. At the heart of the power provider was two ends of efficiency improvement: in the case of user experience, in the case of user purchasing and decision-making; and in the case of business, in the case of upgrading and reducing efficiency gains.


In the past, consumers learned that the commodity process was expensive, and smart guides could significantly improve the efficiency of the process. For example, consumers wanted to purchase anthropogenic products, ranging from anathetic knowledge, to appropriate formulations, to a variety of nuanced needs, relying on intellectual guides to identify precisely and quickly products that ultimately meet individualized needs, and to provide a 1v1 comparison, helping users to make the most effective decisions in the long run.


From shelf to content, to AI-supported smart power suppliers, it is a change in the way the future AI purchases are made. In order to be able to do this, back-to-back construction is required. For example, the natural language understanding is backed up by a multi-year knowledge mapping of 100-degree search, 100-degree encyclopedia, etc.


The 100-degree power provider has a highly competitive strategy that supports all aspects of the business of good traders, and the enabling brand has found new growth points in the “roll-and-hard” business environment.




{\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} 36 kryptons out of the Gulf League Founder Jung Seung Ho:


In recent years, branding has become a hot spot for all walks of life, and would you like to ask the guests to share their views on sailing?



At the same time, in the case of cross-border power suppliers, unlike 3C products, food needs to be tested for quarantine. Food can be used to control quarantines in transit, and international logistics costs can be challenged.


With regard to branding the way out, I think that the end of branding is home-grown to think about globalization at all times. For branding to go out and root locally, it is possible to choose the largest overseas market in the world, and Kindu has chosen the largest American market in the sugar market, making it the only Chinese brand in the mainstream market in the United States.


Golden sentences: The end of a brand trip to the sea is localization if it is to think about the layout of globalization for the rest of the day.



Going to sea is what we have to do. The domestic market is too intense, with more than 5 billion consumers abroad and less abundant than the domestic market.


In addition to international political risks, domestic brands are involved in local competition rules when doing overseas business. In the case of cross-border power suppliers, businesses do business in the Amazon, in keeping with the Amazon’s platform rules, cannot be billed, nor can they be judged by consumers.


In addition, overseas operators need to take full account of the life habits and consumption habits of consumers in different regions, as well as to conduct business and marketing campaigns on a sexual basis. For example, cross-stores of electricity businesses in the country, platforms are hard to do overseas, and they are the most open to direct discounts and sales activities.


Golden sentences: brands go out to the sea, first the product is better, and second the story of the back of the brand is disseminated locally to local consumers.

日日煮CMO Herbert Law:


Most people understand going out to sea to push Chinese brands abroad, but I think it is also a sea trip that uses Chinese technology and supply chains across Asia to increase operating efficiency or control costs by connecting supply chains.


While Chinese companies will certainly be more familiar with Asian-American foods than foreigners, research and development for overseas products will have to be re-studyed. Just as Chinese pizzas and Italian pizzas are not the same as those preferred by overseas consumers, they are not the same as those preferred by local consumers.


We play the American market abroad because Asian cuisine has been more popular in recent years in the North American market and is more likely to accept Asian cuisine because of the rise of Asian culture.



There are also a lot of market spaces abroad that are not covered by brands, and I think it's "the time for brands to go out."

無論是內容、電商、還是平台玩法,中國的商業模式在全球層面都是比較領先的。在食品行業,海外品牌的市場占有率可能對中國品牌有一定的威脅,但從商業模型、流量內容變現等維度來看,中國品牌已經非常高階了。在當下的出海風口利用好中國的模型 ,能分到海外市場的大蛋糕,這也是我們幫助企業在海外實現生意轉化的契機。

In the food industry, market ownership of overseas brands may pose a threat to Chinese brands, but Chinese brands are already very high in terms of business models, flow content, and so on. Using Chinese models at the current point of the sea, China can distribute large cakes to overseas markets.


When entering the overseas market, it is not possible to use the usual thinking, from electricity dealers to content. What we're used to in China, e.g., does not seem familiar in the overseas market.


Second, in terms of choice of country and territory, many brands will think that Europe and the United States market have greater profit margins. But based on our service case, in South-East Asia, for example, Viet Nam is the country with the highest rates of smartphone ownership in South-East Asia, and the country’s young people’s capacity to spend, their level of consumption, and their habits are more consistent with China’s electricity business practice and the prolonged thinking of branding.




This year, Foodaily continues to build on the concept of “Global Vision, Indigenous Landing, New Solutions” by strictly selecting more than 3,000 creative products from over 220,000 new annual products in 28 countries and regions, and classifying the site as a new exhibit, a visual exhibition, a new XIU branding exhibition, a dispensary site, five sections of a hot topic exhibition, three layers of products, brands, and type of opportunities, which combines the unique insights of the Foodaily Institute and helps people to learn new ideas.


At the Global Innovation Fair, we joined Red Books in immersion of the 10 largest annual consumption scenes, deep disassembly and intimacy demand, and brought 300+ global creative products and home-grown branding cases to provide ideas for brand creation and marketing, helping brands to discover similar opportunities and marketing ideas in the landscape.


The logic of using products as a starting point to visualize new trends around the globe can only be seen in the Foodaily Global Creative Commons.




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      上周日,比特币的价格创造了3000美元的历史新高,随后就开始各种高台跳水了。Last Sunday, the price of Bitcoin created a record high of $3,000, and then began to dive on all the high platforms.   据外媒报道,本周一,比特币价格一度下跌到2526.4美元,最高跌幅高达14.5%,这创造了2015年1月以来最大跌幅。According to external...
  • 加密货币之王重回王位:比特币飙升至 71,000 美元,还能再涨多少?

    加密货币之王重回王位:比特币飙升至 71,000 美元,还能再涨多少?
    比特币是市场上最大的加密货币,它再次打破了重要的7万美元门槛。 在短短的四舍五入(67,000美元到69,000美元之间)之后,价格在这一水平上遇到了强烈的抵制。 然而,势头的不断增强表明,比特币可能形成一个超过70 000美元的板块,为重新测试下一个抵抗阵地71 300美元和3月份可能攀升到历史最高点73 700美元铺平了道路。 问题仍然是:比特币能否维持预期的上升趋势并继续大幅上升?    分析家预计比特币价格将上升到74,400美元。 加密货币分析师Ali M...
  • 几张图看懂区块链技术到底是什么?https://www.cnblogs.com/behindman/p/8873191.html

    “区块链”的概念可以说是异常火爆,好像互联网金融峰会上没人谈一谈区块链技术就out了,BAT以及各大银行还有什么金融机构都在开始自己的区块链研究工作,就连IBM最近也成立了自己的区块链研究实验室,但其实区块链到底是什么?大家或许并不清楚,停留在雾里看花的状态。从今天开始,就让我们一起走进区块链,揭开区块链的神秘面纱吧!The concept of a block chain can be described as an unusually hot one, as if no...