
资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:109 评论:0
cryptoquant表示如果以太坊etf被拒绝,以太坊价格将出现回调和波动!链上分析公司cryptoquant警告称,如果待定现货以太坊 etf 遇到不确定性,以太坊价格可能会波动。今...



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cryptoquant表示如果以太坊etf被拒绝,以太坊价格将出现回调和波动!链上分析公司cryptoquant警告称,如果待定现货以太坊 etf 遇到不确定性,以太坊价格可能会波动。今天本站小编给大家分享的如果以太坊etf被拒绝,以太坊价格将出现回调和波动的详细介绍,需要的朋友一起看看吧!

Cryptoquant says if > > < > > > > > >to analyse the price of the company cryptoquant's warning: #f60; > > the small editor of the station today has been rejected, so that if the price of the < /a'blankkf > < > < > > > > < < < > > > < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < > > < < > > > > > < < > < < > > > > > < > > > > > > > > > < < < < < < < < < <


该机构警告称,如果美国证券交易委员会拒绝 ETH ETF 申请或推迟审批流程,ETH 可能会经历“大幅价格调整”。

The agency warned that if the United States Securities and Exchange Commission refused the ETH ETF application or delayed the approval process, ETH might experience “substantial price adjustments”.

此外,高交易流量可能会在未来几天导致 ETH 价格波动。在现货 ETH ETF 待批准的传言中,交易流量达到 62,000 ETH,为 3 月份以来的最高水平。

In addition, high trade flows may cause ETH price fluctuations in the next few days. In the rumour that the spot ETH ETF is pending approval, trade flows reach 62,000 ETH, the highest level since March.

尽管可能有所下跌,但在有传言称美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 将批准与数字资产相关的现货 ETF 之后,ETH 价格在几天内上涨。

Although there may have been a decline, ETH prices rose in a few days after the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) reportedly approved spot ETFs related to digital assets.

根据 CryptoSlate 的数据,截至 5 月 22 日发稿时,以太坊的交易价格为 3,735 美元,24 小时内上涨约 21%。

According to CryptoSlate, at the time of its release as of May 22, it had increased by approximately 21 per cent in 24 hours at a transaction price of US$ 3,735.

CryptoQuant 表示,交易员因预期价格上涨而在未来市场大举开立多头头寸,从而产生价格上行压力,导致 ETH 持仓量从 2.8 枚增至 320 万枚 ETH,创 2023 年 1 月以来最高水平。

CryptoQuant states that traders have opened up large numbers of positions in future markets in anticipation of higher prices, thus creating upward pressure on prices, which has led to an increase in ETH holdings from 2.8 to 3.2 million ETHs, the highest level since January 2023.


This activity resulted in empty presses and a chain of clearing.

永久 ETH 持有者,或者持有但不出售 ETH 的账户,还通过购买大量 ETH 产生了价格上涨的压力。永久持有者一天内购买了超过 100,000 ETH,这是自 2023 年 9 月以来的最高单日金额。

The permanent ETH holder, or holding but not selling an ETH account, is also under pressure to increase prices by purchasing a large amount of ETH. The permanent holder buys more than 100,000 ETH in one day, the highest single-day amount since September 2023.

ETH永续期货市场以买单为主,吃单买/卖 比率高于1,给市场带来进一步压力。

The ETH ETC futures market is dominated by the purchase of bills and the purchase/sale ratio is higher than 1, putting further pressure on the market.

ETH 空头仓位清算量达到 9,300 ETH,创下 2024 年以来最高每小时交易量,并引发期货市场的空头挤压。

The ETH clearing of empty warehouses reached 9,300 ETH, the highest volume of transactions per hour since 2024, and triggered a squeeze on the futures market.

SEC 必须于 5 月 23 日就 VanEck 的现货 ETH ETF 提案做出决定,但可能会同时就类似的申请做出决定。

The EC must take a decision on the present ETH ETF proposal of Van Eck on 23 May, but may decide on a similar application at the same time.

审批过程仍在进行中。5 月 21 日,Cboe 代表五家 ETH ETF 发行人提交了 19b-4 规则变更。纳斯达克还修改了贝莱德的 19b-4 文件,而 NYSE Arca 则提交了Grayscale 的以太坊迷你信托和Bitwise的申请的更新。

The approval process is still in progress. On May 21, Cboe submitted a 19b-4 rule change on behalf of five ETH ETF issuers. NASDAQ also modified the 19b-4 file on Belede, while NYSE Arca submitted an update of Grayscale’s Ether Mini Trust and Bitwise application.

FOX Business记者Eleanor Terrett表示, SEC和发行人目前正在就S-1注册声明展开谈判。彭博ETF分析师James Seyffart认为,基金在获得初步批准后,可能要数周或数月才能推出。

FOX Business journalist Eleanor Terret said that SEC and issuers are currently negotiating a S-1 registration declaration. James Seyffart, Bloomberg ETF analyst, argues that it may take weeks or months to launch the fund after initial approval.




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