
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:22 评论:0
从历史上看,ETH 空头在七个多月的时间里一直表现出从趋势线阻力位回调的意图。Historically, ETH has shown its intention of turning back from trend-line...



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从历史上看,ETH 空头在七个多月的时间里一直表现出从趋势线阻力位回调的意图。

Historically, ETH has shown its intention of turning back from trend-line resistance for more than seven months.

此外,1,648 美元的上限再次点燃看跌压力,削弱了近期突破该趋势线的涨势。结果,ETH 在其 20 EMA(红色)和 50 EMA(青色)的限制下方下滑。

In addition, the ceiling of $1,648 rekindled the downward pressure, weakening the recent upward trend of breaking the trend. As a result, ETH fell below its 20 EMA and 50 EMA (Cyan).

最近的价格走势在每日时间框架内形成了一个看跌的三角旗状结构。此外,如果趋势线阻力和 20 EMA 继续构成障碍,ETH 可能会跌破其直接支撑。在这种情况下,1,095 美元区域可能会继续支撑反弹。

Recent price trends have formed a watchful triangular flag structure over a daily time frame. Moreover, if trend-line resistance and 20 EMA continue to act as barriers, ETH may fall into its immediate support. In this case, the $1,095 area may continue to support a rebound.

另一方面,在趋势线阻力和近期均线上方立即反弹将确认看跌无效。为此,买家必须突破 1,360 美元的上限。

On the other hand, an immediate rebound over the trend-line resistance and the near-term average will confirm that the drop is not effective. To do so, buyers will have to break the ceiling of US$ 1,360.

相对强度指数 (RSI) 从超卖区域反转,表明抛售压力有所缓解。但移动平均线趋同散度 (MACD) 跌破零标记暗示更广泛的势头转向卖家。

The relative strength index (RSI) reverses from the oversale area, suggesting that the selling pressure has subsided. But the moving average line convergence (MACD) drops into zero marks suggest a broader shift towards sellers.


1. yo yo yo yo yo yo




The Exchange, established in 2013 as a British international station in Bitcoin, is a well-established trading platform. There are still a lot of users and people who are active.


Innovation and technology have created a stable API that meets the demand for high-frequency transactions by algorithms. Except for transactions between digital currencies, the exchange between French and digital currencies is offered to match the dollar and euro markets.


Taken together, the Exchange has so far been safe and secure, but since it is a British trading platform and its main user is the United Kingdom, it will be more likely than ours to choose a well-known exchange, with increased promotion and internationalization at a later stage.



As a platform for several platforms in the country, the pace has always been moderate. Although there has been an upturn in the later years, the overall trend has not been as strong as in the same period. In the long run, it is felt that investment is stable and can be part of the investment.


As a once-blowing bitcoin platform, the loss of the sea has been so great that it has opened a wide gap.



The Exchange has so far been relatively sound as a mathematical asset trading platform, the first of its kind, a contract trading platform, and the top three, almost all of which have been traded. In the area of the technology point exchange chain area, the industry military leader, an early digital currency hobby, the exchange can be said to be one of the most popular platforms for domestic contract users.



Digital asset trading platforms, built by the strength of former team members of Internet and financial companies such as ant gold uniforms, widely issued securities, currently account for less than 1.3 per cent of the world's market share of digital money trading platforms.

其创始团队在 2011 年就开始研究区块链技术,实现了交易平台的技术架构,在 2017 年团队正式进入数字资产交易服务平台领域。目前总部设在美国。

Its founding team began in 2011 to study , achieving the technical architecture of the trading platform, which is now based in the United States in 2017.


Currency support: Digital currency supports 71 digital currencies such as BTC, ETH and 161 pairing markets.


Processing rate: transaction fee 0.1 per cent




Weaknesses: The volume of transactions is small and does not support French currency, and the market share is relatively small compared to the current number of users.

6.Tripe Dice Exchange


It is an excellent virtual currency online trading platform and a well-designed financial function that meets users' digital transaction needs across the board if it is established that you want to be involved in an investment mentality in the area of


A 24-hour transaction of $47,657 million was made in favour of a total of 573. The number of employees was 2,680, covering more than 130 countries.


(1) Greater digital liquidity, comprehensive choice of transaction types, with users setting up early compensation mechanisms and investor protection funds at blank class=infotextkey> software to reduce the investment risk of users and make online financial investment safer!


(2) The Platform has six years of experience in digital asset financial services, a more mature system of digital financial services that provides users with better quality financial services, professional distribution structures and DDoS attack defence systems to ensure the security and stability of the Platform!


(3). We are committed to providing professional, secure and transparent one-stop shops for users and industries so that more digital users can be assured of online transactions and that it is easier to make money by investing in mobile phones!


(4). Detailed digital transaction data are available to you, allowing users to obtain more comprehensive and detailed historical transaction details on the platform and to facilitate better user access to online financial investment.


(5) The detailed presentation and analysis of the digital industry in a professional version provides easier assistance in the analysis of trends in monetary investment and markets, helping users to better capture trends in the digital sector!



A financial services platform that makes it possible to invest and trade in digital monetary assets without having to process or replace the network environment software /a>, and since this is a place where a uniquely independent digital asset trading server is built in many parts of the world, it is not possible to miss the best available value when dealing with transactions such as investment transactions related to the currency that you hold here because of unexpected delays.




Since its establishment in September 2017, it has maintained a high rate of growth and has grown into a world-renowned crypto-currency exchange. By integrating high-quality global assets and setting up a first-class platform, it is committed to providing user-friendly, secure and fully functional digital asset transactions and conversion services. To date, the number of registered users has reached 5 million, supporting more than 350 transactions.



At the time of its creation, Mr. Timdraper was one of the world’s leading investors in the world’s leading enterprises, such as Hotmail, 100 degrees, and Tesla. At the beginning of 2014, EX-EX-TechnologyCompanyLimited, a well-known venture capital fund initiative, and Hong Kong’s listed company, Meto (01357.HK) founder, won a million-dollar round of investment.



Since its inception in 2017, operating centres have been set up in various locations, including Russia and Italy. As of July 2020, more than 3.5 million users had been registered, from 158 countries and territories.



If you have questions, send an e-mail to: bangqikecontract@gmail.com




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