
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:21 评论:0
区块链大讲堂(五)开讲啦,爱分析在之前的区块链大讲堂中,解读了区块链在支付、交易所结算、物联网和保险等领域的应用。The Block Chain Lecture (V) was opened, and in the previous Blo...



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The Block Chain Lecture (V) was opened, and in the previous Block Chain Lecture, the use of the Block Chain in the areas of payments, exchange settlements, material networking and insurance was interpreted.


The first solution to the application of these block chains is the distribution of digital currency.


The Swedish Central Bank was pressured by the decline in domestic cash use to consider issuing a digital currency. At the same time, Governor Zhou Xiaochuan of the Central Bank of China announced that a national digital currency would be issued, one stone fuelling thousands of waves.


So why does the central bank, as the brain of the Chinese financial system, issue digital currencies with a national credit endorsement, how does the legal digital currency differ from the existing private digital currency, and what opportunities do digital money regulation offer for the application of block chains?


Today's analysis of love will provide you with a detailed reading of what changes and opportunities digital currency has brought us in the future and in the present.


After an interview, I concluded that the digital currency issued by the central bank would have far-reaching consequences, and the following conclusions are available:


At the macro level, the financial system will be transparent in the future. The emergence of central banks’ digital currencies can help regulatory authorities to use policy instruments more accurately and flexibly to track financial flows.


At the same time, digital money can help central banks to monitor and evaluate financial risks in a comprehensive manner, and provide a transparent account for the financial system. Added to the intervention of big data analysis, illegal transactions, such as tax evasion, tax evasion, corruption, money-laundering, etc., that were previously hidden under cover.


At the micro level, digital currency also presents challenges and opportunities for industries.


First, digital money that can be programmed can be earmarked and routed. So, for the lending industry, the direction of the loan can be controlled.


For example, in the case of renovating-type borrowings, digital money can be limited to the company’s or supplier’s account. In this case, even without a platform for borrowing the consumption scene, it can ensure that lending out is not used in high-risk areas.


Second, digital money can carry smart contracts and offer possibilities for upgrading financial payment and liquidation systems.


Digital money enables direct P2P transactions, not through the traditional payment settlement system. The entire payment chain, such as the payment of purses, is hit.


The clearing market for digital-currency-based financial institutions, such as the tectonic blocks chain for 10,000-to-distributed capital investments, focuses on inter-bank liquidations, and the gold stock chain for the Bubi block chain investments on the liquidation of various exchanges.


Third, digital money is usually stored in digital wallets. Digital wallets have the function of protecting digital cash security, and digital money may be stolen if passwords are stolen, thus raising the requirements for cybersecurity.


This means that future digital wallet security will be a high demand, and market prospects for cybersecurity and financial infrastructure enterprises will become wider.


Fourth, digital money, because of its traceability, makes credit files and transactions accessible to all. This helps to build social credit systems, which are important for companies in the mail class.


By analysing transactional information on digital currencies, letter-writing companies can collate and complete the message files. At the same time, digital-currency-based mail-writing data can become more credible and an effective basis for financial institution control.


Below, I will present a detailed analysis of the digital currency.



As the first application of the block chain, bitcoins have attracted the world’s eyes, with a market value of $12 billion. China is also on the cutting edge in the area of bitcoins, with annual digital currency transactions accounting for 70% of total global transactions.


The Global STI Survey published by KPMG lists digital currency and 3D printing, object networking, biotech, IT, etc. as the most promising technologies in the next three years.


In fact, in each block chain system, there are its own digital currency, such as in the settlement network of the multinational bank transfer company Ripple, in the settlement network of the block chain starter Oklink, and in the settlement network of the settlement company Oklink. Of course, these currencies can only be used as settlement intermediaries in a particular block chain.


The money we used in those years.


To help you understand digital money, we can briefly review the evolution of the currency. As an intermediary in the exchange of human values, the history of money is one of human economic history.


Currency, a stage in the development of social productivity, entails a trade-off when people have the remaining commodities and naturally generates a currency that is a general equivalent.


1) shells and bronze


In ancient times, the currency is rare shells and bronze products. So, to this day, we have & & & & ldquao; & & rdquao; the headlines in Chinese and Chinese.


2. Gold and silver


Since then, the gold and silver have become fixed as general equivalents because of their natural characteristics, such as their homogeneity, size and value, easy to divide and portability, as well as currencies recognized by the Government and all sectors of society, which, with its credit, ensures that they are of accurate weight and full colour, avoiding the inconvenience to economic activity caused by the circulation of different standards of casting coins issued by different institutions.


(3) Banknotes


But as the metal currency remains stored and traded, with commercial activity developing, our country began to emerge as the world’s first banknote-synchronous in Song Dynasty. After entering modern times, the circulation of banknotes became the mainstream of economic development, with our current renminbi, the United States dollar, and the euro being the modern currency of credit.


If, in the age of physical currency, the metals themselves have an intrinsic value that allows them to perform their intelligence, the value of modern credit currencies is supported by the credit of the State and the Government, i.e. the French currency, when they enter the age of paper currency.


4) Electronic currency


With the advent of the electronic age, the currency began to become virtualized, and the micro-letters and payment wallets we now use are the prototypes of e-money.


According to the definition of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Commission on Payments and Market Infrastructure (CPMI), electronic currency is the equivalent price that can be used in payment and settlement systems and is stored on equipment such as chip cards or personal computer hard drives, which are common throughout the world.


5) Digital Currency

2008年,以比特币为代表的数字货币Digital Currency,开始出现,其实质是基于密码学的可编程货币。

In 2008, Digital Currence, the digital currency represented by Bitcoin, began to emerge and was based in substance on cryptographically programmable currencies.


However, Bitcoin’s volatility has led to a high level of speculation and financial risk. In 2014, the Central Bank issued a circular to five ministries on protection against Bitcoin risks, restricting the circulation of bitcoin and prohibiting financial institutions from participating in bitcoin projects.


What's the advantage of digital currency over traditional banknotes?


Digital currencies, too, distinguish from existing electronic currencies. The future digital currencies are full of technology and a new generation of credit currencies that combine block chains, mobile payments, cloud computing, cryptography, and secure chips.


First, digital money is encrypted and secure. The current French currency, because of its unprogrammable limitations, costs a lot in terms of security, traceability, etc. The digital currency is traceable and difficult to forge compared to the traditional French currency.


Second, the digital currency is a virtual asset registered on the block chain, without physical facilities and therefore inexpensive.


The chief architect of the Central Bank's Monetary Institute said that the central bank spends 35 billion yuan a year on currency deposits, with the cost of printing and recovering two yuan apiece. The use of algorithmic currencies eliminates the cost of currency circulation.


In addition, digital money exists in the form of a computer code that allows programming and thus intelligent operation. In other words, the issuer can specify the use of the currency, such as the digital currency in a charitable fund, which can only be used for specified purposes and cannot be diverted.


Differences between digital and electronic currencies


Digital currencies are, of course, already ahead of banknotes and are also distinguished from electronic currencies.


For example, the money we usually use in transactions such as micro-credit payments, payment of treasures, etc. still corresponds to a bank note in a bank account, which is essentially an electronic currency. Digital money and electronic money, while similar in their use, are inherently different.


First, digital currencies differ in legal definitions from electronic currencies. In the jurisdictional area, electronic currencies need to be denominated in sovereign currencies, such as the United States dollar, which is still one to one.


Second, the value attributes of digital currencies differ from those of electronic currencies. Digital currencies are defined as large commodities whose value is entirely determined by supply and demand, unlike electronic currencies based on sovereign currencies, which are affected by monetary policy.


At the same time, the issuance, operation, receipt, liquidation, etc. of digital currencies have a pattern that is completely different from that of electronic currencies.


Private digital currency has limitations


Although digital currencies have more than one advantage, their own limitations are more pronounced because they are self-issued by the private sector.


First, the private digital currency solves the problem of credit and does not solve the problem of sharp currency fluctuations. Bitcoins, for example, are highly volatile because they do not follow the country’s monetary policy’s macro-regulations, and apparently too volatile equivalents cannot take on the role of monetary value scales.


Second, whether digital currencies can wait until they are widely used depends on the acceptance of all parties. A currency without a national credit endorsement or reserve is difficult to obtain broad recognition in the financial community.


Digital Currency National Team, Central Bank Digital Currency


Unlike decentralized currencies such as Bitcoin, central banks’ digital currencies, analytical speculations must be centralized digital currencies, distinct from the decentralization of bitcoins. In the form most likely, the central bank’s United Nations has banks and stock-based commercial banks working together to build a chain of alliances.


A digital currency issued by a central bank can be regulated and traceable. Similarly, the management of digital money will be integrated with traditional currencies and run in an integrated manner within the framework of the central bank.


At the same time, the issue of the renminbi is an expression of national sovereignty, and the issuance of digital currency by central banks preserves national control over the sovereign issue of the currency.


The difference between the central bank's digital currency and the Bitcoin, that is to say, the digital currency, is as follows:


Data source: Central Bank Survey Statistics Division


Unlike Bitcoin, which has no specific issuer, it needs to be obtained through mining, and the technology threshold is high. The central bank’s digital currency should be simple and non-threshold, which can deter money-laundering, terrorism, etc.


Central Bank Digital Monetary Strategic Plan


The Central Bank launched a group to study the legal digital currency in 2014, and two rounds of revisions of the digital currency have now been completed.


Recently, central bankers published an online recruitment announcement to recruit professionals to study digital money. As can be seen, the central bank’s establishment of the Digital Monetary Institute is already on the rise.


The Deputy Director of Science and Technology of the Central Bank and Head of the Preparatory Group for the Digital Monetary Institute, Yao, said that the issuance of digital currency would be dominated by the central bank and that, while maintaining the issuance of banknotes, some of the cash in circulation would be replaced by digital currency. Issuers could use a safe chip as a vehicle to protect the security of key and algorithm operations.


The general framework is also completed under the dualist system of the Central Bank and the Commercial Bank, which is responsible for issuing and validating digital money, and the Commercial Bank, which is responsible for applying for digital money, directs it to society for the establishment of an applied ecological system.

据中国金融(中国人民银行主管的媒体)的报道, 法定数字货币的核心要素可以概括为:一币,两库,三中心,具体的构成如下表:

According to China Finance (the media in charge of the People's Bank of China), the core elements of the legal digital currency can be summarized as follows: one currency, two banks, three centres, specifically:


Digital money will be applied in a gradual manner, for example, in an exchange of notes. An exchange of notes, which is now being developed by a number of industry and central bank institutions in cooperation with the central bank, is expected to be officially launched in December, with access to 43 financial institutions, and the digital currency will replace a portion of cash in a ticket exchange.


So why does it have to be piloted on an exchange of notes?


First, the paper market is large in our country. It has now been in operation for 30 years, reaching 50 trillion dollars, and secondly, such a large market has not been sufficiently digitized and seven years of online penetration of electronic paper trading systems has been low.


This has led to a large proportion of paper-based instruments traded, with paper-based instruments with the highest face value of RMB 900 million and high operational risks. As a result, cases of paper counterfeiting, such as this year’s 3.9 billion yuan case in the Beijing branch of the Farmers’ Bank, have erupted.


As a result, the Central Bank issued a circular stating that, as of January 2017, more than 3 million instruments would be electronicized in their entirety, and that the establishment of this electronic instrument exchange is also a follow-up to this policy.

纸币时代走向终结, 数字货币时代可期

The Times of Paper and Digital Currency


The spread of mobile payment micro-credit wallets and payment treasures has allowed e-money to penetrate our lives quickly, and my visual perception is that there have been no banknotes for a long time.


So would the central bank's digital currency be the last straw to crush the banknotes?


By the end of 2015, the broad currency of the renminbi, M2 had a balance of 13,923 trillion yuan, cash in circulation was 6.32 trillion yuan, and the amount of cash that needed to be printed and released by the central bank had fallen to less than 5%. As can be seen, the decline in the share of cash and the rise in the currency of the algorithm based on the block chain are on the rise.


Of course, the former Director-General of Yao also said that our country has a large population and a large size, with a small country that can be completed in a few months, and that it will take us about 10 years. So, in the longer term, digital currency and banknotes will be in circulation together.


It is believed that in the near future there will be fewer and fewer banknotes on the road and that counterfeit currency will be eliminated.




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