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「这是我参与11月更文挑战的第23天,活动详情查看:2021最后一次更文挑战」。"This is the twenty-third day of my involvement in the November Change Challenge...



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"This is the twenty-third day of my involvement in the November Change Challenge, and the details of the event are available at:

In 2014, block chain 2.0 became a term for decentralised block chain databases. For this second-generation programmable block chain, economists consider it a programming language that allows users to write more sophisticated and intelligent protocols.

  • 2015年12月,纳斯达克首次在个股交易商中使用区块链技术,其合作伙伴Chain.com在对一位私人投资者发行股票时首次使用了纳斯达克的基于区块链技术的交易平台Linq,该平台正是纳斯达克与Chain.com合作开发的。

    In December 2015, NASDAQ used block chain technology for the first time in a stock dealer, and its partner Chain.com used, for the first time, Linq, NASDAQ's block chain-based trading platform, developed by NASDAQ in partnership with Chain.com, when issuing shares to a private investor.

  • 2016年1月20日,China人民银行数字货币研讨会宣布对数字货币研究取得阶段性成果。会议肯定了数字货币在降低传统货币发行等方面的价值,并表示央行在探索发行数字货币。

    On January 20, 2016, the China People’s Bank seminar on digital currency announced a phased outcome to the digital currency study. The meeting affirmed the value of digital currency in reducing traditional currency distribution, among other things, and stated that the central bank was exploring digital currency distribution.

  • 2016年12月20日,数字货币联盟——中国FinTech数字货币联盟及FinTech研究院正式筹建 。

    On 20 December 2016, the Digital Monetary Union, the Digital Monetary Union of FinTech, China, and the FinTech Institute were officially prepared.

  • 现在区块链技术可能带来互联网的二次革命,把互联网从“信息互联网”带向“价值互联网”。在区块链的对照之下,人们发现,最初被形象地称为“信息高速公路”的互联网处理的是“信息”,而区块链能处理的是“价值”。

    Now block chain technology may lead to a second revolution in the Internet, bringing the Internet from the “information Internet” to the “value Internet”. In contrast to the block chain, it has been found that the Internet, originally portrayed as the “information superhighway”, deals with “information”, while the block chain deals with “value”.


    Change is coming, and the future is coming. Once again, we are at the beginning of a revolution — a change in the value of the Internet, and to understand the future of the value of the Internet, we need to figure out what block chain technology is.



    A general understanding of the block chain could begin with the following concepts:

    • 交易(Transaction):一次对账本的操作,导致账本状态的一次改变,如添加一条转账记录;

      transaction: an operation of a reconciliation that results in a change in the account's status, such as the addition of a transfer record;

    • 区块(Block):记录一段时间内发生的所有交易和状态结果等,是对当前账本状态的一次共识;

      Block (Block): Recording all transactions and status results over a period of time, etc., is a common understanding of the current account-book status;

    • 链(Chain):由区块按照发生顺序串联而成,是整个账本状态变化的日志记录。 如果把区块链系统作为一个状态机,则每次交易意味着一次状态改变;生成的区块,就是参与者对其中交易导致状态改变结果的共识。 在这里插入图片描述

      Chain (Chain): A log record of a change in the entire account state by block in order of occurrence. If a block chain system is used as a state machine, each transaction means a change of state; the resulting block is the participant's consensus on the result of the change of status of the transaction.  inserts a picture here to describe

    • 挖矿(Mining)指通过计算形成新的区块,是交易的支持者利用自身的计算机硬件为网络做数学计算进行交易确认和提高安全性的过程。以比特币为例:交易支持者(矿工)在电脑上运行比特币软件不断计算软件提供的复杂的密码学问题来保证交易的进行。作为对他们服务的奖励,矿工可以得到他们所确认的交易中包含的手续费,以及新创建的比特币。

      Mining refers to the process by which supporters of the transaction use their computer hardware for mathematical calculations of the network to confirm and enhance their security. In bitcoin, for example, trade supporters (miners) run the complex cryptography problems offered by Bitcoin's ongoing computing software on computers to ensure that the transaction takes place.

    • 对等式网络(Peer-to-Peer Network)是指通过允许单个节点与其他节点直接交互,从而实现整个系统像有组织的集体一样运作的系统。以比特币为例:网络以这样一种方式构建——每个用户都在传播其他用户的交易。而且重要的是,不需要银行或其他金融机构作为第三方。

      Peer-to-Peer Network refers to a system that operates as an organized group by allowing individual nodes to interact directly with other nodes. By way of example, the network is structured in such a way that each user disseminates the transactions of other users. And, importantly, banks or other financial institutions are not required as third parties.

    • 哈希散列(Hash)是密码学里的经典技术,把任意长度的字符串输入通过Hash算法,变换成固定长度的由字母和数字组成的输出。

      Hash is a classic cryptography technique that enters any string of length through the Hash algorithm and converts it into a fixed length output consisting of letters and numbers.

    • 数字签名(Digital Signature)是一个让人可以证明其所有权的数学机制。

      Digital Signature is a mathematical mechanism that allows people to prove their ownership.

    • 私钥(Private Key)是一个证明你有权从一个特定的钱包消费电子货币的保密数据块,是通过数字签名来实现的 。

      Private Key (Private Key) is a secret data block that demonstrates your right to consume electronic currency from a particular wallet and is done by digital signature.

    • 双重消费指用户试图非法将电子货币同时支付给两个不同的收款人,是电子货币的最大风险之一。

      Dual consumption refers to an attempt by users to illegally pay electronic currencies to two different recipients at the same time, which is one of the greatest risks for electronic currencies.

    区块链的目标是实现一个分布的数据记录账本,这个账本只允许添加、不允许删除。账本底层的基本结构是一个线性的链表。链表由一个个“区块”串联组成,后继区块中记录前导区块的哈希(Hash)值。某个区块(以及块里的交易)是否合法,可通过计算哈希值的方式进行快速检验。网络中节点可以提议添加一个新的区块,但必须经过共识机制来对区块达成确认。 下图是基于第三方机构的消费系统存在的问题,这也是比特币创立背景。 在这里插入图片描述 区块链技术是如何进行交易的呢?下面以比特币的交易流通过程进行描述区块链的原理。 在这里插入图片描述 区块链技术作为比特币的基础性技术,具有高度透明、去中心化、去信任、不可篡改、匿名等性质。这些性质体现了分布式自治的理念,逐渐受到拥有创新意识的金融机构的广泛关注。所谓DAC(Distributed Autonomous Corporation,分布式自治机构),就是通过一系列公开公正的规则,以无人干预和管理的情况下自主运行的组织机构。 这些规则往往会以开源软件的形式出现,每个人可以通过支付手段获得不定形式的回报,分享收益,参与系统的成长。比如,比特币、纳斯达克的新平台以及其他应用就是典型的DAC。

    The goal of the block chain is to achieve a distributed data log book that allows only additions and non-removable deletions. The base structure of the account sheet is a linear chain table. The chain table consists of a chain of “blocks” in which the Hash values of the leading block are recorded. The legality of a block (as well as the transactions in the block) can be quickly tested by calculating Hashi values. The middle node of the network may propose the addition of a new block, but the confirmation of the block must be made through a consensus mechanism.


    1. Decentralization


    Decentralization is the most basic feature of the block chain, which no longer relies on centralized institutions, and which enables the distribution, storage and updating of data.


    In life, such as shopping for treasures, your money is actually managed and stored by institutions like paying treasures. Transfers, consumption, deductions from our account balances, additions to receipts. Your personal information is also in the data on paying treasures, which are all centralized around this third-party center.


    But if the server that paid for the treasure is damaged and the data are lost as a result of the attack, our records will be destroyed, the transaction will not be accessible, the transaction will be frozen at any time, the transaction will not be frozen, or the data will be destroyed as a result of a natural disaster, and there will be no recovery of the money in the payment treasure. Or another common problem: the disclosure of personal information. That is the disadvantage of centralization.


    But the pattern of transactions supported by block chain technology is different: buyers can deal directly, without having to pay through any third-party platform, and without fear of leaking their other information. Decentralization would be easier and easier, and when there is too much centralized transaction data, decentralization would save a lot of resources, simplify the entire transaction autonomously and eliminate the risk of centralization.


    2. Global circulation


    Block chain assets are first and foremost Internet-based, and transfers of block chain assets can take place wherever the Internet is available. In contrast to centralization, block chain assets circulate around the world with very low transfer fees, such as 0.0001 BTC for Bitcoin’s early transfer, which is also fast to account for block chain assets as compared to traditional transfers.

    3.匿名性 匿名性是比特币最基本的特性之一。区块链的匿名性是基于算法实现了以地址来寻址 ,而不是以个人身份信息进行交易流转。区块链的匿名性是指别人无法知道你的区块链资产有多少,和谁进行了转账等。这样,在区块链网络上只能查到转账记录,但不知道地址背后是谁,但是一旦知道这个地址背后对应的人是谁,也就能查到其所有相关的转账记录和资产。

    Anonymity, anonymity, is one of the most fundamental features of Bitcoin. The anonymousness of the block chain is based on an algorithm to find an address instead of a personal information flow. The anonymousness of the block chain means that no one can know how many of your block chain assets are and who made the transfer.


    4. Transparency


    Block chain systems are open and transparent, and in addition to the encryption of private information by the parties to the transaction, the data are transparent to the full web node, where anyone or participating node can search for block chain data records or develop related applications through open interfaces, which is the trusted basis of the block chain system. Block chain data recording and operating rules can be reviewed by the whole network node, traced back, and are highly transparent.


    5. Irreversible


    Once the information in the block chain system has been validated and added to the block chain, it is permanently stored and cannot be changed (except for systems such as the private block chain with special change needs). Unless more than 51 per cent of nodes in the system can be controlled simultaneously, changes to the database on a single node are not valid, and therefore the data stability and reliability of the block chain are extremely high. The one-way nature of the Hashi algorithm is one of the basic techniques for ensuring that the block chain network is not altered.


    6. Retroactivity


    The mechanism is to establish that the back block has the Hashi value of the front block, which, like a link, can only be hung up if the previous Hashi value is identified, thus forming an entire chain of traceability. A good feature of traceability is to facilitate the search of data, because the block is uniquely marked. For example, to search for a record in a database, there are many algorithms to search for, and in the chain it is easier to identify and find the location of a block within that time period by defining a time node.


    7. Autonomy


    The use of consensus-based norms and agreements in block chains (e.g. an open and transparent algorithm) allows all nodes of the system to exchange freely and secure data in a trusted environment, transforming trust in the “human person” into trust in the machine, and no one's intervention works.

    Blockchain 共享帐簿技术实现了在分布式环境里多方参与的双边交易中的去中介化。共享帐簿全网记录, 可追溯,防篡改具有最终性。从而在保证安全的情况下,提高效率,降低成本。

    Blockchain shared book technology has been de-mediated in bilateral transactions involving multiple players in a distributed environment. The shared book records are retraceable and anti-false changes are final.


    区块链(Blockchain)是一种将数据区块有序连接,并以密码学方式保证其不可篡改、不可伪造的分布式账本(数据库)技术。通俗的说,区块链技术可以在无需第三方背书情况下实现系统中所有数据信息的公开透明、不可篡改、不可伪造、可追溯。区块链作为一种底层协议或技术方案可以有效地解决信任问题,实现价值的自由传递,在数字货币、金融资产的交易结算、数字政务、存证防伪数据服务等领域具有广阔前景。 在这里插入图片描述

    Block chain (Blockchain) is a technology that provides for the orderly connection of data blocks and guarantees their immutable, non-falseable distribution books (databases) by cryptography. It is commonplace to say that block chain technology can make all data information in the system transparent, non-false, non-false, and retrospective without third-party endorsement. Block chain as a bottom-line agreement or technology programme can effectively resolve trust issues, achieve free transmission of value, and offer broad prospects in areas such as digital currency, financial asset transaction settlement, digital government, security against counterfeit data services.


    1. Digital currency


    After experiencing physical, precious metals, banknotes, etc., digital money has become the norm in the digital economy. Digital money has the characteristics of portable storage, low circulation costs, ease of use, ease of forgery and management, breaking geographical constraints, and better integration of resources than real currencies.


    Bitcoin has technically achieved an electronic cash system that allows both parties to transfer directly to each other without third-party transit or arbitration. In June 2019, Facebook, an Internet giant, released its White Paper on the encrypt currency scale (Libra).

    我国早在2014年就开始了央行数字货币的研制。我国的数字货币DC/EP采取双层运营体系:央行不直接向社会公众发放数字货币,而是由央行把数字货币兑付给各个商业银行或其他合法运营机构,再由这些机构兑换给社会公众供其使用。2019年8月初,央行召开下半年工作电视会议,会议要求加快推进国家法定数字货币研发步伐。    2.金融资产交易结算

    Our country began the development of central bank digital money as early as 2014. Our digital currency DC/EP operates on a two-tier basis: instead of issuing digital money directly to the public, the central bank issues digital money to commercial banks or other legitimate operators, which then convert it to the public for their use. In early August 2019, the central bank convened a working video conference for the second half of the year, which called for the acceleration of the pace of development and development of the country’s legal digital currency.


    Block chain technology is naturally financial in nature, and it is creating a disruptive change in the financial sector. In the context of payment settlements, under the block chain distribution system, multiple participants in the market jointly maintain and synchronize in real time a “basket account” that can be completed in just a few minutes on payments, liquidations, and settlement tasks that are now two or three days away, reducing the complexity and cost of cross-border transactions.


    In the case of securities issuance transactions, where traditional stock distribution processes are long, costly, complex, block-chain technologies can weaken the role of the underwriters, help parties to establish fast and accurate information-sharing channels, issuers do their own issuances through smart contracts, regulatory review checks, and investors can bypass intermediaries for direct operations. In the case of digital paper and supply chain finance, block-chain technologies can effectively address SME financing difficulties. Current supply chain finance is difficult to reach SMEs upstream of the industrial chain, as they often have no direct trade with core firms and financial institutions are difficult to assess their creditworthiness. Based on block-chain technology, a network of chains can be established that covers core enterprises, upstream and downstream suppliers, financial institutions, etc., core firms issue receivables certificates to their suppliers, documents can move between suppliers after the digitalization of the chain, and each level of suppliers can demonstrate on the basis of digital instruments that finance the counterpart.


    3. Digital governance


    Block chains can allow data to run and significantly streamline workflows. Block chain distribution techniques can bring government departments together in a single chain, all processes deliver smart contracts, which are automatically processed and streamed by an office through identification and electronic signature, and all subsequent approvals and signatures are completed in sequence.


    Block-chain invoices are the earliest applications of domestic block-chain technology. Tax authorities launch the block-chain electronic invoice “tax chain” platform, and tax authorities, tellers, and recipients join the “tax-chain” network through unique digital identities.


    Poverty alleviation is another field application of block-chain technology.


    4. Witness protection against forgery


    The block chain can prove the existence of a document or digital content at a given time by means of a Hashi time stamp, coupled with its public, non-manufacturing, traceability features, etc., provide a perfect solution for judicial identification, identification, property rights protection, protection against forgery, etc.


    In the area of intellectual property, digital signatures and chain documentation through block chain technology can confirm rights to text, pictures, audio-visuals, etc., create and execute transactions through smart contracts, re-pricing creators, and preserve real-time data into evidence chains, while covering the three scenarios of surety, trading, and defending rights. In the area of anti-false traceability, tracking block chain technology through the supply chain can be widely applied in areas such as food medicine, agricultural products, alcohol, luxury goods, etc.


    5. Data services


    Block chain technology will greatly optimize existing large data applications and play a significant role in data flow and sharing. In the future, the Internet, artificial intelligence, and object networking will generate big data, and existing centralized data storage (calculation models) will face enormous challenges, and peripheral storage (calculation) based on block chain technology is expected to be a future solution.


    Moreover, the inexorable and retraceable mechanisms of block chains for data guarantee the authenticity and quality of data, which form the basis for all data applications, such as big data, in-depth learning, and artificial intelligence. Finally, block chains can achieve multi-collateral data computing while protecting data privacy, and are expected to solve the problems of “data monopolies” and “data silos” and achieve data flow values.


    For the current block chain development stage, in order to meet the development and application needs of the general commercial user block chain, a number of traditional cloud service providers have begun to deploy their own BaaS (“block chain, services”) solutions. The combination of block chains and cloud computing will effectively reduce the cost of deploying the business block chain and promote its application.


    隐私和秘密都很重要:任何人的ID和行为模式,在blockchain的网络上都不应该被没有授权的人通过研究帐簿搞清楚。 任何在网络上的业务逻辑和交易参数也应该不能被除了保管方以外的其他人所访问。

    Privacy and secrecy are important: no one’s ID and behavior patterns, and no one who is not authorized to do so on Blockchai’s network should be made clear by studying the books. Any business logic and transactional parameters on the network should also not be accessed by anyone other than the custodian.


    1. JAVA development language (future currency)


    Definition: Java is an object-oriented programming language that not only absorbs the virtues of the c++ language, but also abandons the difficulty of understanding multiple successions in concepts such as c++, guidelines, etc. The Java language has two strong and easy-to-use features. As a representative of the static object-to-programming language, the Java language is perfect for object-oriented theory, allowing programmers to do complex programming in an elegant way.


    Java is characterized by simplicity, object orientation, distribution, robustness, security, platform independence and portability, multilinery and dynamics. Java can prepare desktop applications, Web applications, distribution systems and embedded system applications.


    2. C++ Language development (bitcoin, fair access, Ripoliple)


    Definition: c++ is the succession to C language, which can be a C-language program design process or an abstract data type, as a feature of object-based programming, and can also assume the succession and multi-morphivity of object-oriented programming. c++ is good at object-oriented programming. It can also perform process-based programming, so c++ is the size of the problem.


    3. GO development language (Ethio, IBM)


    Definition: Go is a new language, parallel, garbage collection, fast compilation. It has the following characteristics:


    It can be compiled on a computer for a few seconds with a large Go program. Go provides a software construction model that makes it easier to rely on analysis and avoids the start of most c styles, including files and libraries. Go is a static type of language, with no hierarchy of its type. Therefore, users do not need to spend time defining relationships between types, making them lighter than typical object-oriented languages. Go is a complete waste collection language that provides basic support for implementation and communication.


    Go is a compilation language that combines the flexibility to interpret languages, the efficiency of development of dynamic-type languages and the security of static-type types. It is also intended to be a modern language that supports networks and multi-nuclear calculations. To achieve these objectives, there are linguistic problems that need to be addressed: an expressive but light-weight type system, mechanisms for simultaneous distribution and garbage collection, strict rules of dependence, etc., which cannot be addressed through a library or tools, so they are created.


    4. Solidity Development Language (Etheria)


    Definition: Solidity is the advanced language of the intellectual contract running on the Etheum Virtual Machine (EVM). Its syntax is close to Javascript, a target-oriented language. But it is very different when it comes to using the network as a real thing.

    5.2 开发框架

    5.2 Development framework


    What are the frameworks for the development of block chains? Targeting to accommodate the needs of different scenarios, the use of block chains has always required multiple modifications in their actual use to meet the needs of specific operations, and the architecture used to customize the dedicated block chain systems has emerged, so that they can easily customize the block chain systems applicable to the business needs of the enterprise itself.


    1. Bitcoin architecture


    Bitcoin, the first of the block chain, has a significant influence in the extended family of the block chain. It is characterized by the following:

    无需中央机构就能够发售货币; 无需中介机构就能够支付; 维持用户匿名; 交易无法被撤销。

    A central agency is not required to be able to sell money; An intermediary is not required to be able to pay; A user's anonymity is maintained; A transaction cannot be avoided.


    2. The Ether-Team Architecture


    The goal of Etheeum is to provide a chain of blocks with a strong Turing language in which a contract can be created to create an arbitrary conversion function. By simply using a few lines of code to achieve logic, users can create an application based on a block chain and apply it to scenarios other than the currency. In addition to its function in Bitcoin, there are several design objectives:

    图灵完备的合约语言; 内置的持久化状态存储。

    A fully-fledged contract language for Turing; built-in permanent state storage.


    3. Fabric architecture


    Fabric is a block chain framework, developed by IBM and DAH, and is one of the project members of the super-accounts. It functions like Ether and is a distributed smart contract platform. Unlike Ether and Bitcoin, however, it has been a framework from the beginning, not a public chain, and has no built-in token (Token).


    As a block chain framework, Fabric uses a pine-coupled design that modularizes components such as consensus mechanisms, identification, etc., so that it can easily select the appropriate modules according to the application scenario. In addition, Fabric uses container technology to run the smart contract code (Chaincode) in Docker, allowing smart contracts to be written in almost any advanced language.

    下列是Fabric的一些设计目标: 模块化设计、组件可替换; 运行于Docker的智能合约;

    The following are some of Fabric's design objectives: Modular design, replacement of components; intelligent contracts running on Docker;

    4.Onchain DNA架构

    4. Onchain DNA structure

    Onchain DNA(Onchain Distributed Networks Architecture),能够同时支持公有链、联盟链、私有链等不同应用类型和场景,并快速与业务系统集成。

    The Onchain DNA (Onchaid Networks Agency) is capable of simultaneously supporting different application types and scenarios, such as public chains, union chains, private chains and fast integration with business systems.

    Onchain DNA的设计目标关键有下列几点: 多种数字资产的底层支持; 图灵完备的智能合约和持久化状态; 跨链互操作性; 交易的最终性。

    The design objectives of Onchain DNA are key to the following: Bottom support for multiple digital assets; a fully-fledged intellectual contract and sustainability state; interoperability across chains; and finality of the transaction.


    5. Corda architecture

    Corda由Java和Kotlin开发,并在其各项功能中充分依赖于Java,比如智能合约、数据访问接口等。Corda的设计目标关键是: 没有全局账本; 由公证人(Notaries)来解决交易的多重支付问题; 只有交易的参与者和公证人才能看到交易。 为此Corda的所有交易都不会向全网进行广播,而且所有的节点都是直接通信,没有P2P网络。这一点导致了其网络规模会被限制在一个较小的规模内,无法形成大规模的联盟链,适用的业务场景比较狭窄。

    Corda was developed by Java and Kotlin, and relied fully on Java in its functions, such as smart contracts, data access interfaces, etc. The key design objectives of Corda are: there is no global ledger; Notaries solve multiple payments of transactions; only participants and notaries can see transactions.


    The operational value of block chain technology lies in increased process transparency, data credibility and reduced efficiency gains.

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