十大數字創新技術出爐 中國量子計算機“九章”榜上有名

资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:25 评论:0
原標題:十大數字創新技術出爐 中國量子計算機“九章”榜上有名   聯合國教科文組織2021年Netexplo創新論壇於2021年4月14日至15日在網上舉行。由技術領域全球知名大學組成的Netexpl...



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原標題:十大數字創新技術出爐 中國量子計算機“九章”榜上有名


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) launched a new forum in Netexplo in 2021, which took place online from 14 to 15 April 2021. One year after the University of Netexplo network, organized by leading universities worldwide in technical and technological fields, 10 cutting-edge digital innovation technologies have been selected around the world that have had a profound and lasting impact on society.


Argentine trading platform Abakus


As a result of the epidemic, Argentina’s economy has been devastated, and the country’s agricultural sector has become increasingly active. As a result, Argentina’s first-ever company, Abakus, and the Swiss sector’s chain of infrastructure provider, CoreLedger, have launched a digital platform to help farmers overcome the effects of financial shocks.


The Abakus system is based on an encrypted currency indexed to real goods (such as soybeans), which may be more stable than the country’s constant currency, which can be exchanged for goods or peso. The two companies say that monetized agricultural assets will help farmers to inflate their prices and gain mobility within the country and internationally.

  英國人工智能AlphaFold 2

UK artificial intelligence AlphaFold 2

  在國際象棋和圍棋領域取得巨大成功后,去年年底,人工智能再次大出風頭。在國際蛋白質結構預測賽中,AlphaFold 2摘得桂冠,並破解了一個困擾人類50年的難題:預測蛋白質如何折疊。

At the end of last year, after the great success of chess and chess fields, artificial intelligence resurfaced. In the International Protein Structure Forecasting Competition, AlphaFold 2 was crowned and solved a 50-year dilemma for humanity: predicting how the protein collapses.

  在過去50年中,“蛋白質折疊問題”一直是生物學界的重大挑戰。此前,生物學家主要利用X射線晶體學或冷凍電鏡等實驗技術來破譯蛋白質的三維結構,但這類方法耗時長、成本高。而AlphaFold 2不僅預測准確且效率高,有望促進醫學領域不斷取得進步。

In the last 50 years, the “protein folding problem” has been a major challenge for the biology community. Previously, biologists used experimental techniques such as X-ray crystallography or cold mirrors to interpret the three-dimensional structure of proteins, but these methods are time-consuming and costly.


American image generation systemDall-E


In January this year, the American A.I.A. non-profit organization OpenAI launched Dall-E, an artificial intelligence system that produces graphics based on written text, from the famous painters Darí and Wall-E.


The system can create accurate and clear images based on simple descriptions, mastering various artistic styles, including illustrations and landscapes. It can also generate text to make icons on buildings and separate sketches and colour images of the same scene.


Togo Philanthropists pay directly


Direct Money is a non-governmental organization that uses untied direct assistance to alleviate poverty, using an algorithm developed by the University of Berkeley in the United States to identify those most in need. This algorithm can use data from telecom operators to analyse user cell phone consumption and determine user poverty levels.


The Togolese government has launched the “Direct Money-Togo” project, using satellite images and cell phone data to find the citizens most in need. Using Novisi, the Togolese government’s mobile phone platform for the release of a new crown, researchers provide assistance to 57,000 vulnerable people in Togo’s poorest districts five times a month.


German text AI model GPT-Neo


OpenAI's GPS-3 is considered to be currently the best AI text generator, with 175 billion parameters, and has now been used by tens of thousands of developers for more than 300 different applications, with 4.5 billion words per day.


In response, the German company, Eleuther artificial intelligence, launched an open-source version of the GPT-Neo model in late March this year to fill this gap. Researchers claim that the GPT-Neo launch will generate a large number of new applications and release people’s imagination of the future of artificial intelligence at a lower cost.


Chinese Quantum Calculator Chapter 9


“Chapter 9” was developed by Chinese science technologists, such as Pan Jianwei, and Luang yang, to produce 76 photon quantum calculator prototypes.


Experiments have shown that the nine-chapter calculation of the classic mathematical algorithm Gospel is one billion times faster than the world's fastest ultra-rich, and that the second global realization of the “quantage hegemony” has led to a new altitude in the cutting edge of global quantum calculations, with super-calculations with potential applications in the fields of graphics, robotics, quantum chemistry, etc.


It takes 200 seconds to solve the Gospel sample problem of 50 million samples, while it takes 600 million years to solve the problem; it takes 10 hours to solve the 10 billion samples, and it takes 12 billion years to solve the problem.


For the breakthrough of the “nine chapters”, the science magazine reviewer commented that “it was a first experiment and a major achievement”.


American A.I.D.


“Dynamic Breaking” is an artificial intelligence software developed by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Google, based on the theory of language evolution, which can decipher an ancient language without knowing the origin of the language and reveal the connection between one language and another.


Using the same connection between different languages in the same language, the researchers decoded the two lost languages with the artificial intelligence: Ugarit and Linear B, which is the modern version of the Rosetta Stone, which is a stone written in three languages that helps linguists to read ancient scripts.


French consumer applicationRift


The Rift application is launched by the investment platform Rita. Investment and savings have at least the same impact on sustainable development as spending. Rift lets users know how banks use their money.


Indian section chain applicationSmashboard


The Smashboard website describes itself as an “other type of social media network that provides victims of sexual abuse with a unique function aimed at making their lives easier by reducing psychological trauma caused by the underreporting of cases”.


With block-link technology, Smashboard allows users to create private and encrypted accounts of the crimes they have suffered and to store them safely on the Internet. For example, Smashboard provides users with options for collecting materials that “can be used as journals or as a time stamp in encrypted personal spaces”.


More importantly, the procedure should allow victims of sexual assault to find legal counsel or lawyers and to interact with them in private.


Australasia A.I. "The Worm's Brain Driver"


Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence system, a worm brain drive, that controls auto-drive cars. Compared to the millions of neurons used in most networks, the system requires only a few neurons.

  該系統隻用了控制電路中的19個神經元和7.5萬個參數,就成功控制了一輛汽車。研究小組相信他們的新方法可減少訓練時間,並使人工智能在相對簡單的系統中實現成為可能。(記者 劉 霞)

With only 19 neurons and 75,000 parameters in the control circuit, the system succeeded in controlling a car. The research team believed that their new methods would reduce training time and make it possible for artificial intelligence to be realized in a relatively simple system.






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