
资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:24 评论:0
电子货币的风险研究篇1 比特币是由中本聪发明的一种去中心化的电子现金系统 [1]。它通过加密算法和p2p分布式网络技术,构筑全球分布式自治系统,是全球第一个分布式匿名数字货...



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比特币是由中本聪发明的一种去中心化的电子现金系统 [1]。它通过加密算法和p2p分布式网络技术,构筑全球分布式自治系统,是全球第一个分布式匿名数字货币 [2]。比特币的产生不依赖于第三方金融机构,而是依据特定算法,按照一定的规则产生;比特币的管理依赖于分布式网络中的众多节点,这些节点共同创建账本、管理账本、验证交易、确认交易,从而共同实现数字授信的追踪,解决虚拟经济的信用问题 [3],保证比特币的流通。比特币具有去中心化、匿名、不可逆、全球通用、开源、非超国家等特点。比特币自2009年问世以来,一方面,以其独特的创新吸引了全世界的关注,并在全球迅速崛起;另一方面,其价格的跌宕起伏、盗窃事件的多次发生、山寨币的竞相登台、国际网络犯罪的牵涉等等问题,让全球学者开始关注比特币的风险研究。目前,比特币风险研究主要集中在比特币风险的分析和管理方面,比特币风险的评估和防范研究较少,因而有必要认真研究。

Bitcoin is a decentralised electronic cash system invented by Central Hsibon [1]. It builds a global distributional self-government system through encryption algorithms and p2p distributed network technologies. Bitcoin is the world’s first distributed anonymous digital currency [2]. Bitcoin is generated not by third-party financial institutions, but by specific algorithms, in accordance with certain rules; Bitcoin management relies on numerous nodes in distributed networks, which collectively create ledgers, manage books, validate transactions, confirm transactions, jointly achieve digital credit tracking, solve the credit problems of the virtual economy [3], guarantee the circulation of bitcoins. Bitcoin has decentralized, anonymous, irreversible, global, open-source, non-stated, etc.


II. Bitcoin risk score


Parsing studies

比特币风险是指在从事比特币相关活动中,由于各种不确定性因素的影响给行为主体造成损害或损失,甚至阻碍其发展,让其走向衰亡的可能性。这里所说的行为主体,从狭义上讲,是指比特币及比特币用户、比特币企业;从广义上讲,还包括社会和国家。目前多数研究者都结合比特币的技术,针对比特币生态圈出现的各种问题,综合着分析各种风险,没有明确的分类导向;只有少数学者按照个人对比特币本质属性的理解对风险进行了专题研究,研究方法以定性研究为主,结合定量研究,比特币是货币 [4]、商品 [5]、支付手段 [6]还是投资品 [7],将学者们对比特币风险的研究进行综合、归纳,并按照风险承担的对象进行归类(见表1)。

The Bitcoin risk refers to the possibility of causing damage or loss to, or even hindering the development of, the actors involved in Bitcoin-related activities as a result of the influence of uncertainties. Here, the actors are referred to, in the narrow sense, as Bitcoin and Bitcoin users, Bitcoin enterprises; and, in the broad sense, as well as society and the state. Most researchers now combine Bitcoin techniques, analyse the risks in the various ways that have arisen in the Bitcoin biosphere and do not have a clear classification orientation; only a small number of scholars have conducted a thematic study of the risks based on an individual's understanding of the nature of the bitcoin, the methodology being based on qualitative studies, and, in the context of quantitative studies, the Bitcoins are currencies [4], commodities [5], means of payment [6] or investments [7], and integrate and group the studies of the scholars relative to the risks of the Bitcoin (see table 1).


III. Bitcoin risk management


R & D

目前国内外学者对比特币风险管理的研究主要集中在比特币的监管和立法方面,大部分采用定性研究,研究视角有所不同,主要分为四类:第一类是侧重于比特币本身独有的特性,主要是对比特币的匿名性、去中心化和全球通用性引发的风险问题进行分析并提出监管思路和建议。姜宇[23]提出以去匿名化和经验制度安排为监管思路,实现保护投资者、防范系统性风险以及反洗钱、反避税的监管目标[23]。Ajibola Ogunbadewa提出政府需要和投资专家建立“高科技犯罪”的执法机构计划,通过比特币地址有效地进行比特币经济体内的在线监控[24]。Nikolei M. Kaplanov提出,大多数用户会将比特币兑换成法币,所以,第三方兑换平台为跟踪和定位非法使用比特币提供一种机会[25]。Sundaresh Menon等人建议建立多边平台,构建国际公约,通过世界各国共同合作与Bitcoin的非法使用作国际斗争[26]。

The current study by national and international scholars of Bitcoin risk management focuses on the regulatory and legislative aspects of Bitcoin, mostly using qualitative studies, with different perspectives, and falls into four categories: the first, focusing on the unique characteristics of Bitcoin itself, analyses and offers regulatory ideas and recommendations on risks arising from Bitcoin's anonymity, de-centralization and global interoperability. Kang[23] proposes regulatory approaches to de-anonymization and the institutionalization of experience to protect investors, guard against systemic risks, and against money-laundering and tax avoidance. Ajibola Ogunbadewa, among others, proposes the establishment of a “high-tech crime” law enforcement agency programme by government needs and investment experts, effective online surveillance of the Bitcoin economy through a Bitcoin address [24]. Nikolei M. Kaplanov suggests that most users exchange bitcoin into French, so that a third-party exchange platform offers an opportunity to track and locate the illegal use of bitcoin [25].


The second category is to analyse and propose regulatory ideas or responses to specific risks in Bitcoin (see table 2).

第三类是结合各种法律对比特币监管的法律法规进行研究并提出一些监管对策。刘宁提出制定虚拟财产单行法,确立比特币价值认定办法,明确比特币合同效力认定思路,建立司法预警机制,使比特币在合法合规、风险可控的轨道运行[27]。张若竹依据民法学、物权法学、金融法学提出应针对比特币缺乏立法保障、管辖和准据法适用困难、信誉危机、税收征管和电子证据保全困难等问题加大立法和政府监管[28]。谢杰等人依据经济法提出应调整经济刑法规范、优化司法规则与执法机制、反思货币体系等制度来解决经济刑法困局和互联网金融市场风险问题[29]。Craig K. Elwell等人结合联邦税收法、联邦反洗钱法、商品期货交易监管、电子资金划拨法提出数字货币是无国界的,它需要一个国际性的解决方案[30]。Benjamin Akins结合联邦所得税法律提出比特币挖矿所得具备服务性收入特征,利用比特币进行法币、商品或服务的交换是资本利得或亏损的交易,都应该纳入税务监管[31]。Omri Marian结合犯罪行为学研究提出鼓励用户标识个人识别号码来放弃匿名性,从而增加排除匿名的犯罪可疑用户的检测概率,对利用数字货币的匿名性犯罪交易的人进行查处和制裁 [32]。

The third category is to study and propose regulatory responses in the context of laws and regulations regulating the various legal contrast currency. Liu Ning proposes to develop a virtual property single law, establish a Bitcoin value determination scheme, clarify the idea of a Bitcoin contractual validity determination, establish a judicial early warning mechanism to enable Bitcoin to operate in a legitimate compliance, risk-controlled orbit[27]. Craig K. Elwell et al. propose that digital currency should be raised against the lack of legislative safeguards, jurisdictional and applicable laws, reputational crises, tax administration and electronic evidence preservation difficulties[28]. Sheik et al., in the context of the economic code, propose systems such as the adjustment of economic criminal law norms, the optimization of judicial rules and enforcement mechanisms, rethinking of monetary systems to address the risk of economic criminal courts and Internet financial markets[29]. Craig K. Elwell et al., in the context of the federal tax law, the federal anti-money law, the regulation of anonymous currency and the sale of personalized currency, [32], which would require an international solution [30].

第四类是对比特币风险综合分析的基础上提出综合性对策,这些对策归纳为以下几个方面:第一,面对比特币的各种风险,应当正视比特币的存在,密切关注比特币和全球虚拟货币的发展变化。第二,实时提示比特币风险,加强消费者权益保护。第三,将交易平台、支付纳入监管框架,促进相关利益者之间的交流,同时加强各相关部门的协作沟通,保障比特币行业朝着安全、规范、健康的方向发展。第四,建立电子证据保全制度和预防为主的安全策略,加强比特币的相关法制建设,更新相应的法律框架,完善金融监管和司法保护体系。第五,成立比特币银行,加强比特币的国际监管,构建统一的比特币国际纠纷解决机制及其他监管 [4.13-16]。

The fourth category is a comprehensive response based on a comprehensive analysis of the risks of Bitcoin, which can be summarized as follows: first, in the face of the risks of Bitcoin, the existence of bitcoin should be addressed and the development of bitcoin and global virtual currency should be closely monitored. Second, real-time exposure to bitcoin risks should enhance consumer protection. Third, trade platforms, payments should be incorporated into the regulatory framework, exchanges between relevant stakeholders should be facilitated, and collaborative communication between the relevant sectors should be strengthened to ensure that the Bitcoin industry moves towards safety, regulation and health. Fourth, the establishment of an electronic evidence preservation system and preventive security strategy should strengthen the relevant legal framework for bitcoin and improve the financial regulatory and judicial protection system. Fifth, the establishment of Bitcoin Bank strengthens the international regulation of Bitcoin and the development of a unified Bitcoin international dispute resolution mechanism and other regulations [4.13-16].

除了上述四类比特币风险管理研究以外,Aleksandra Bal从监管成本、监管难度和可能的成效方面进行了分析权衡,认为可以对虚拟货币实施免税[33]。Jerry Brito和Houman Shadab等人研究指出,比特币下一步监管应针对金融工具,并且提出如果监管和执法的代价比监管带来的好处昂贵,那么政策制定者就应该从现实考虑,寻求富有弹性和适应新形势的新策略 [34]。

In addition to the above-mentioned four-category Bitcoin risk management studies, Aleksandra Bal conducted an analytical trade-off in terms of regulatory costs, regulatory difficulties, and possible effectiveness, suggesting that virtual currencies could be tax-free[33]. Jerry Brito and Houman Shadab et al. suggested that Bitcoin’s next regulatory step should target financial instruments and suggested that if the costs of regulation and enforcement are more expensive than the benefits of regulation, policymakers should realistically seek new strategies that are flexible and adapted to the new situation [34].


IV. Bitcoin risk assessment


Assessment and precautionary studies

比特币风险的预警、评估和防范研究很少,大都集中在比特币交易和支付环节。Malte ■ser等人不仅对比特币交易风险进行了定性研究,而且还采用实证通过对比特币公开交易数据以及已经发生的比特币损失案件的数据进行分析、研究,指出通过交易平台的交易量、交易频率(非法比特币操作必定会急于转移)、交易地址多变等方面对比特币交易风险预测评估;而比特币风险的防范方面建议用户在比特币交易平台“快兑少存” [8]。Tyler Moore也采用实证方法对比特币交易平台的风险进行了预测和评估,通过对交易平台相关数据的分析研究指出,比特币交易量越多的平台越不容易关闭,而且交易量与受攻击的次数成反比,即交易量越多越容易成为黑客攻击的目标 [18]。

There are few early warning, assessment and preparedness studies on Bitcoin risks, which are mostly concentrated in bitcoin transactions and payment links. Malte ser et al. not only undertook a qualitative study of the risk of bitcoin transactions, but also used empirical evidence to analyse and assess the risks of the bitcoin trading platforms by means of data on their public transactions and on cases of Bitcoin losses that have occurred. It was noted that the more transactions in the trading platforms, the frequency of transactions (unlawful operations of bitcoins are bound to move quickly), the more volatile transaction addresses are assessed, and the greater the risk prevention of bitcoin, the greater the volume of transactions is recommended to be targeted by hackers.




In recent years, there has been an upward trend in the study of the risk of bitcoin by national and international scholars, and some results have been achieved. However, the following shortcomings in the study of bitcoin risk have been identified through the collection and collation of existing literature, and the following two suggestions are made.


(i) Content of the study


1. Lack of studies on the content of the Bitcoin risk. For example, how the concept of Bitcoin risk is defined remains a blank area for academic discussion.


2. There is a lack of studies to classify the risk in bitcoin. For example, given the current status of the Bitcoin risk study, there are many complex types of risk, but the attribution of the risk in bitcoin is barely discussed.


3. In the case of Bitcoin, horizontal and vertical studies have yet to be expanded. Horizontal research is not comprehensive enough, and there is a lack of research on the ethical risks associated with the diversion of money from businesses, especially from trading platforms, and the corruption risks associated with bitcoin; in the case of vertically, the analysis of bitcoin is mostly based on a comprehensive analysis, and the study of bitcoin risks is less intensive. Priority research on certain bitcoin risks of particular concern should therefore be strengthened.


Research on the prevention, early warning and assessment of Bitcoin risks is scarce and should be intensified.


(ii) Research methodology


In order to be able to conduct a more accurate quantitative study of the risk, we should increase the collection and practical study of the relevant data on the risk from a data point of view, so that we can contribute to the quantitative analysis of the risk from a data point of view, so as to provide a more accurate and reliable frame of reference for society and the country, so that society as a whole can become more aware of the risk and take active measures to prevent it.



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关键词网上银行 业务风险 法律规制

Keywords online banking business risk legal regulation

中图分类号:d920.4 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1009-0592(2010)01-019-02

Central Chart Classification Number: d920.4 Bibliography ID Code: a Article No: 1009-0592 (2010)01-019-02


With the rapid development of Internet-based information technology, online banking has emerged and flourished globally. The most effective way to secure the web-based world is legislation, but the absence and imperfection of online banking as a new matter in our country’s relevant laws and regulations has become a major bottleneck in its further development. Given the fact that online banking itself depends on the Internet without borders, everyone can enjoy easy access to online banking services anywhere, thus further exacerbating the trend towards financial globalization, making market competition among international banking sectors a global competition.


I. The concept of online banking

网上银行(internet bank or e-bank)又称网络银行,根据巴塞尔银行监管委员会2001年5月的《电子银行业务风险管理规则》,所谓“电子银行业务”,不仅包括“通过电子渠道提供的零售和小额银行产品与服务”,还包括“以电子方式提供的大额电子支付与其他批发性银行服务”。所谓“批发性银行业务”其针对的对象是大型工商企业和机构,单笔业务数额巨大,不同于银行与客户之间以传统方式构成的零售银行业务。“它们既包括如获取财务信息、取得贷款和开立存款账户之类的传统业务活动,又包括如电子票据支付服务、个人理财、账户汇总及商户对商户市场与交换之类较新的产品与服务。”网上银行又被称为“aaa银行”,因为其为客户提供了“aaa”式服务,其业务操作可以不受时间、空间、地点的限制。笔者认为,网上银行其本质上是网络信息技术发展的产物,是银行业在网络信息时代的一场技术革新,其实质上仍是以传统的银行业务为基础,是银行业等金融机构为客户提供服务方式的改变,即通过电子渠道向客户提供各种金融产品和服务。

Internet banking or e-bank, also known as cyberbanks, includes not only “retail and small bank products and services provided through electronic channels” but also “substantial electronic payments and other wholesale banking services” under the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision's May 2001 Rules for the Management of the Risk of Electronic Banking Operations. “They include both traditional operations such as access to financial information, access to credit and deposit accounts, as well as electronic paper payment services, personal finance, bank consolidation, and business-to-business-to-business-to-business products and services.” Online banks are also referred to as “aaaa” banks, which provide customers with “aa”-type services that are not subject to time, space and location restrictions.

全球第一个严格意义上的网上银行于1995年10月诞生于美国——安全第一网上银行(security first network bank),它通过互联网向全球客户提供金融服务,包括在线交易登记、联机声明、电子钞票兑付以及支票转账。一时之间,许多金融机构纷纷开展自己的网上银行业务,网上银行发展势头强劲,大有取代传统银行成为未来世界银行业发展主导之势。然而,仅仅时隔三年,安全第一网上银行就因为业务亏损而被收购。网上银行作为新生事物在将网络信息技术的先进性和传统银行制度的优势充分结合的同时也面临着两者带来的双重风险。

The first online bank in the strict sense of the globe was born in October 1995 in the United States - Security First Network Bank, which provides financial services to global clients via the Internet, including online transaction registers, online statements, electronic bank notes, and cheque transfers. In the interim, many financial institutions are running their own online banking operations, with strong online banking momentum, replacing traditional banks for future World Bank developments.


II. Risk analysis for online banking


Because of the special nature of their operating mechanisms, online banks have new forms of risk in a network environment, in addition to the risks they face. Traditional forms of banking risk are mainly credit risk, reputational risk, foreign exchange risk, liquidity risk, etc. In the Risk Management of Electronic Banking and Electronic Currency Operations, published in 1998 by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, e-money business risks are classified as reputational risk, operating risk, credit risk, legal risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk, market risk and cross-border risk types. For effective regulation of online banking risk, different legal regulatory frameworks must be developed for different risk categories.


(i) Operational risks


Since online banking is based on web-based information systems, the potential for potential losses arising from major deficiencies in the system’s own security, stability and reliability is considered operational risk. In its report, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision considered that the risks involved in the operation included, inter alia, the following: e-money crime; employee fraud; system design, implementation and maintenance; and poor operation of customers. Operational risks can be seen in three main ways: one is the risks associated with the imperfect design and operation of the system and the equipment itself; and two are the risks associated with inadequate management control mechanisms within banks, the third being the risks associated with poor operation of the system by customers as participants in online banking operations.


(ii) Credit risk


Credit risk is the most common risk in online banking, which exists in the course of the debtor's performance of the contract with the bank, and the risk to the bank's capital or earnings as a result of the debtor's failure to perform as agreed in the contract. Since the bank is not the issuer of electronic currency, but simply the “underwriter” of electronic currency purchases from the issuer to the customer, the bank's credit risk is created if the issuer of electronic currency does not exchange the electronic currency; at the same time, defaults, such as late or non-performance, are likely to occur in the course of the customer's use of electronic banking, creating credit risk for online banking.


(iii) Credibility risk


Credibility risk is also referred to as reputational risk, which is the risk of significant losses in banks’ capital and earnings due to adverse public opinion-oriented or negative public assessments. In today’s financial globalization, credibility is the backbone of banks’ survival, especially in a web-based environment where the lack of borders makes the transmission of information more rapid than ever before, and where there are systemic flaws in online banks or security incidents, it is bound to spread rapidly.


(iv) Legal risks


The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision considers that the legal risk also includes risks arising from the failure to identify legal rights obligations of the subject of the transaction. The legal risk can be understood in three ways: first, because of the differences between online banking as a new business and traditional banking operations, it is difficult for laws and regulations to regulate traditional banking operations. Second, because of the legal risks arising out of infractions by participating banks themselves, or indirectly from violations by other subjects. Third, because of the transnational nature of online banking transactions, there is no uniform international legislation on risk regulation of online banking operations, depending on the country's circumstances, it is necessary to develop different legal norms. There is therefore a conflict of jurisdiction and application of laws in relation to private international law. Intangiblely, the legal costs increase and the development of cross-border transactions in online banking may be hindered.


III. International legal regime on online banking risk regulation


Given the cross-border nature of online banking risks, research on online banking risk regulation can no longer be limited to the traditional level of purely domestic law, and its characteristics and future directions urgently require the international community not only to develop relevant laws and regulations on online banking risk regulation at the level of domestic law, but also to reach consensus among the international community on important legal issues, including risk regulation, to bridge differences in national legislation, to harmonize and harmonize relevant laws and regulations on online banking risk regulation and to develop international practices and standards. Based on the salient findings of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision on online banking risk regulation, this paper outlines the international legal regime on online banking risk regulation, starting with the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.

巴塞尔银行监管委员会早在1997年就了《银行有效监管核心原则》。1998年3月,该委员会成立了专门工作组,对电子银行与电子货币的风险管理意义进行了研究,并了《电子银行和电子货币交易的风险管理》的报告。报告在肯定电子银行和电子货币交易的良好发展前景的基础上也指出了其作为新生事物对传统银行业的影响及带来的风险和挑战,并得出在电子银行业务风险管理领域进一步开展工作的必要性的结论。1999年11月,委员会设立了电子银行业务工作组(the electronic banking group), 致力于为电子银行业务制定相关的风险监管和银行监管指南。由来自成员国或地区的中央银行和银行监管机构组成。在此基础上,委员会在2001年5月公布了《电子银行业务的风险管理原则》报告,该报告对此前的相关研究进行了初步的总结,提出了14条电子银行业务风险管理的原则,以促进电子银行业务的安全与稳定发展。巴塞尔银行监管委员会对电子银行业务风险监管的最新阶段性成果。其内容包括有关董事会与管理层监控、安全控制和法律与信誉风险管理的原则。2007年7月,委员会又了《跨境电子银行业务活动的管理和监督》,其目的是对跨境电子银行业务的风险进行规制,构成了对上述《电子银行业务的风险管理原则》的重要的补充。

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision adopted the Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision as early as 1997. In March 1998, the Committee established a special working group to study the significance of e-banking and e-currency risk management and a report on e-banking and e-money transactions. On the basis of its recognition of the prospects for the good development of e-banking and e-money transactions, the report also identified the risks and challenges it posed to the traditional banking sector as an emerging matter and concluded that further work was necessary in the area of e-banking risk management. In November 1999, the Committee established a working group on e-banking (the e-banking group) to work on the development of relevant risk-management and banking guidance for e-banking operations.

此外,欧盟(european union)作为重要的国际组织也对网上银行业务的风险监管进行了积极地探索和研究。其于2000年6月了《关于内部市场电子商务若干法律方面的欧共体指令》《关于信用机构业务开办与经营的2000/12/ec指令》为欧洲一体化过程中促进欧盟银行业市场一体化,为欧盟网上银行业务的监管提供了重要的指导原则,该指令涵盖了欧洲银行业务审慎监管的主要方面,确立了诸如相互承认原则、协调原则、互惠原则以及单一许可原则等一系列促进银行业务监管与发展的重要指导性原则。亚洲与太平洋经济合作组织(asian-pacific economic cooperation)作为亚洲及太平洋地区最具影响力的区域性经济组织,在对作为组织成员的各个经济实体网上银行业务的监管和发展进行深入研究的基础上提出了数项原则性建议,以期促进各成员网上银行业务的健康发展。其中包括实施风险管理、保护消费者、有效利用稳健做法、确立准入要求的建议。

In addition, the EU (european unit) as an important international organization has actively explored and studied risk regulation of online banking. Its June 2000 EC Directive 2000/12/ec on Certain Legal Aspects of Electronic Commerce in Internal Markets, which promotes the integration of the EU banking market in the context of European integration, provides important guidelines for the regulation of EU online banking operations, covering key aspects of prudential regulation of European banking operations, establishing a range of important guiding principles for promoting banking regulation and development, such as the principles of mutual recognition, harmonization, reciprocity and single licensing. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, as the most influential regional economic organization in Asia and the Pacific, has made a number of principled recommendations based on an in-depth study of the regulation and development of online banking operations of the various economic entities that are members of the organization, with a view to promoting the healthy development of the operations of member banks, including the implementation of risk management, consumer protection, effective use of sound practices, and the establishment of access requirements.


In addition to international organizations, online banking was the first to emerge as a new phenomenon in developed countries, and the world's first strictly online bank, “Safe First Online Bank,” was born in the United States. The United States, as a pioneer in the development of online banking, also has the most in-depth research into online banking regulation.

在美国对银行业实施诸多的法律法规中,尤以规范银行业监管为主要内容。美国的银行业监管模式为双重银行监管机制,联邦和州均有权对银行进行监管,在联邦一级,负责银行监管的主要机构有三个:财政部货币监理署、联邦储备局和联邦存款保险公司。美国银行监管法基本上由国会颁布的法律和联邦、各州颁布的法规组成。1999年11月,美国国会通过了规制美国金融业经营和管理的《金融服务现代化法》为网上银行业务的监管问题提供了初步指导。该法以金融混业经营为核心,废除了分业隔离,鼓励银行与证券保险公司三者的联合经营,并加强了对金融消费者隐私的保护。《联邦银行法》是规制美国联邦银行业务活动的基本法律规范,该法为制定适合网上银行业务风险特征的新的监管法规提供了新的依据。其允许银行利用所有能够促进其银行业务的“剩余权限”,还规定“联邦银行可以从事开展银行业务所必需的附带业务”。此外,传统法律规范中有关网上银行业务的大量条款仍可适用。如《电子资金划拨法》中规定,从事网上银行业务的银行机构应当遵循其中关于扣抵客户账户款项的相关操作程序。 编辑整理

In November 1999, the United States Congress adopted the Financial Services Modernization Act, which regulates the operation and management of the United States financial sector, which provides initial guidance on the regulation of online banking operations. The Act places the central focus on financial banking operations, abolishes segregation, encourages joint banking with securities insurers, and strengthens the protection of the privacy of financial consumers. The Federal Banking Act, which is the basic legal norm governing the operations of United States federal banks, provides a new basis for the development of new regulatory regulations appropriate to the risk characteristics of online banking operations. It allows banks to use all “residual competencies” that can facilitate their banking operations. It also provides that “federal banks can undertake the incidental operations necessary for banking operations”.




[1] Yusumi. Study on legal safeguards for the security of online banking operations. Wuhan University Press. 2006 edition.


(辽宁科技大学工商管理学院,辽宁 鞍山 114051)

Liaoning University School of Business Administration, Liaoning Saddle Mountain 114051

摘 要:电子商务的普及,使得电子货币即将取代传统货币成为主要交易支付手段进入人民日常生活的步伐不断加快。本文首先将电子货币与传统货币相比,阐述了电子货币的特点。其次,根据电子货币的特点从五个方面分析其存在的风险,在此基础上加强对电子货币的风险防范措施,健全相关法律法规体系,加强风险控制已是金融体系国际化发展的必经之路。最后,对电子货币风险防范具有的深远意义进行总结。

This paper first describes the characteristics of e-money in relation to the traditional currency. Second, by analysing its five dimensions of risk, it strengthens risk prevention measures for e-money, improves the relevant legal and regulatory systems, and strengthens risk control as an essential part of the development of the internationalization of the financial system.

关键词 :电子货币;风险;意义

Keywords: electronic currency; risk; meaning


Central Chart Classification Number: F822 Documental Mark Code: Article No. A: 1000-8772 (2014)10-0135-02


1. Foreword


As the economy flourishes, as electronic information technology progresses, as financial markets become more competitive, and people’s lives enter a new economic era – the era of e-commerce, which must be built on the presence of e-money, which, as a product of financial digitization, has gradually replaced traditional currencies as the main medium of economic transactions, and electronic currencies, represented by electronic cheques, electronic wallets, credit cards, etc., have become an essential part of people’s economic life. E-currency has become more efficient than traditional currencies, resolving the time and space gap.


2. Risks and precautions associated with the presence of electronic currencies


As e-commerce enters all spheres of people’s lives, e-money is widely used because of its advantages of simplicity, security, etc., but a range of risks follow.[1] The rapid advances in computer technology have increased and increased the risks of e-money, mainly in the form of technical risks, liquidity risks, credit risks, legal risks and interest rate risks.


2.1 Technical security risks and their precautions


Electronic money is a special web product, and control of electronic money in a network virtual financial environment is done by computer programs and software systems, while the equipment and procedures of open networks and their complexity can threaten the payment and circulation of electronic money at any point. [2] The risks to the technical security of electronic money are mainly in two ways: on the one hand, electronic money can easily be exposed to risks arising from the system’s own failures, such as computer failures, regulatory and control system deficiencies; and, on the other hand, computer viruses interfere with and disrupt the normal operation or data of electronic payment systems. On the other hand, unlike traditional currencies, e-money, because of its dependence on electronic information technology and the network financial system, and because electronic counterfeit currency is technically almost identical to electronic real currency, it is easy to tamper with key coding techniques and data secrets of electronic currency.[3]


In response to technological security risks, issuers should undertake a feasibility analysis of the technical and safety aspects of electronic currency before it is developed. A reasonable and effective internal risk control system and an electronic monetary identification system are in place to enable them to identify potential technological security risks, protect against computer viruses, computer crime, hacking, etc., ensure the integrity of information and protect consumer privacy. A safe and reliable electronic currency product, legal transactions in electronic currency, and secure payment.


2.2 Liquidity risk and its precautions


Liquidity risk refers to the risk posed when the issuer of an electronic currency does not have sufficient funds to meet the consumer’s settlement requirements. Liquidity risk arises for a complex reason. The greater the volume of the risk associated with the size and volume of the issue and the price, the greater the volume of the issue, the larger the amount of money not used for settlement, and the greater the risk of liquidity risk.


In response to the liquidity risk of e-money, issuers should undertake prior cost and benefit analysis of e-money to ensure that management and internal control procedures are in place, with a proportion of reserves and sufficient capital.


2.3 Credit risk and its precautions


Credit risks are associated with the level of public confidence in e-money, the issuance of which necessarily absorbs large amounts of advance money from the public at large, and the circulation of e-money may be hampered to a great extent if the public is suspicious of its viability. Such business models tend to create a risk of deviations between default gains and default costs. Such credit risks may arise from the cyber-finance system and e-money itself not achieving the desired results and causing widespread negative effects in the consumer’s mind, as well as from customers, who do not have sufficient knowledge of e-money, and whether there are reliable safeguards for problems.[4]


In order to protect against credit risk, issuers should establish mechanisms for the allocation of loss guarantees and other losses in e-money in order to preserve consumer confidence in e-money and reduce business losses.


2.4 Legal risks and measures to prevent them


The risk of transactions involving e-money is currently due to relatively poor and inadequate cyber-finance legislation. Electronic money is in the early stages of our country. Various laws and regulations are being explored.[5] The legal literature on the issuance of e-money by non-banking institutions is not clearly defined.


In response to legal risks, the State should establish sound laws and regulations governing electronic currency, restricting the issuer of electronic currency,[6] allowing the private sector to issue electronic currency, provided that the issuer is a bank, so that the existing laws on the banking regulatory system are still applicable, etc. Electronic currency laws are becoming more mature to allow information enterprises to cooperate with banks in the development of electronic currency, subject to prior authorization, to meet certain minimum standards of financing and to have sound operating mechanisms and regulations in place to enhance the coverage and international competitiveness of the country's electronic currency.


2.5 Interest rate risk and its precautions


Interest rate risk is the risk of loss to e-money issuers and commercial banks as a result of uncertainty about changes in market interest rates.[7] Interest rate movements are faster because of the rapid flow of e-money over the Internet, which may result in a departure from the asset against the liability, thereby increasing the risk of loss to issuers and thus assuming a high interest rate risk.


In response to interest rate risks, on the one hand, the issuing agency of an electronic currency should establish an interest rate reserve, which could include additional gains and losses arising from changes in real interest rates, similar to bank bad debt preparation, to compensate for losses incurred by the issuer as a result of changes in interest rates. On the other hand, interest rate risks for all or part of assets could be reduced by matching funds and liabilities equivalent to electronic currencies.


3. The importance of protecting against electronic currency


So far, the development of e-money is at an early stage, and there is no single e-money that is generally accepted, and there is no clear regulatory regime for e-money in various countries or areas, relying only on pre-existing banking regulations. But e-money development has been rapid and has become increasingly widely applied, there is growing demand for e-money, and, given the limited level of financial regulation, protection against e-money risks is of great importance.

3.1 有利于确保商业银行资金安全

3.1 Contribution to ensuring the financial security of commercial banks


With the emergence of e-commerce development and cyberbanks and the increasing frequency of using e-money as a medium for transactions, protection against the risk of e-money and ensuring its security have become the mainstream of e-money issuers and commercial banks. Developments in traditional currency towards e-money have led commercial banks to move from traditional modes of management and operation to information and electronicization.

3.2 有利于确保电子商务等经济活动的顺利进行

3.2 Contribution to ensuring the smooth functioning of economic activities such as e-commerce


Electronic commerce is the use of modern computer-based information and communication technologies (ICTs) and web-based technologies, relying on the open international Internet to conduct business exchanges, marketing campaigns, and electronic transactions, such as payment settlements, in various countries or areas, and related service activities. The development of electronic commerce itself is closely related to electronic currency, which can be widely used in electronic commerce only if its security and confidentiality are guaranteed.

3.3 有利于防范金融风险,保证社会稳定

3.3 Financial risk prevention and social stability


Electronic money has become an important component of commercial banking services, and with the rapid socio-economic development it has become very closely linked to the daily lives of the people, such as credit card payment operations, treasures, Queens, and new bitcoins have gradually replaced traditional currencies in the lives of the people. The use of electronic money has reduced the flow of traditional currencies, speeded up the flow of funds and improved the quality and efficiency of services. Since the security of electronic money is linked to the security of currency flows and the confidentiality of people’s daily lives, it is imperative to guard against electronic currency risks, which are linked to the healthy development of the financial community and the national economy as a whole, contributing to social stability, ensuring the normal life of the population and preserving public confidence in electronic money.[7]


4. Concluding remarks


E-money has advantages other than traditional currencies, but there are also risks associated with e-money because of its own characteristics and the diversity of issuers, as well as the fact that e-money is at an early stage, which poses an enormous challenge to the existing banking regulatory system. There are no clear laws and regulations in place at the international level to improve the banking system, and we are currently exploring an adequate legal regime to protect against the risks associated with e-money.



[1] 曹协和刘春梅范静我国电子货币发展的风险与对策[期刊论文]南方金融2009(1)61-63.

[1] Risks and responses to the development of our e-money [Journal paper] by Cao Cong and Liu Chun Mei Jing Jing Jing] South Finance 2009 (1) 61-63.

[2] 王瑞花基于AHR的电子货币风险研究[期刊论文]中国管理 信息化2009,12(3)95-98.

[2] AHR-based E-Money Risk Study [Journal Paper] by Wang Sihua [China Management] Informationation 2009, 12(3)95-98.

[3] 钟源朱方策电子货币风险分析及其央行监管的影响[期刊论文]青海金融2010(13)28-30.

[3] Qinghai Finance 2010 (13) 28-30.

[4] 李静电子货币风险的超前防范措施[期刊论文]济南金融 2001(6)59-60.

[4] Expeditious precautionary measures against the risk of Lee's electronic currency [Journal thesis] 2001 (6)59-60.

[5] 王倩纪玉山电子货币对货币供应量的冲击机应对策略[期刊论文]经济社会体制比较2005(4)121-122.

[5] An economic and social system comparison between 2005 (4) 121-122.

[6] 吴礼斌电子货币的风险管理及法律监管[期刊论文]电子商务 2009(4)56-61.

[6] Risk management and legal regulation of the Wu Reuben electronic currency [Journal paper] E-commerce 2009(4)56-61.

[7] 徐文辉电子货币的风险防范[硕士学位论文]西南财经大学1999 14-16.

[7] Risk prevention in Xu Wenhui electronic currency [master's degree paper] 1999 14-16.

[8] 姜立文胡玥比特币对传统货币的理念的挑战[期刊论文]南方 金融2013(10)31-36.

[8] The challenge to the idea of traditional currency by the Kang Li Wen Huan Bitcoin [Journal paper] South 2013(10) 31-36.

[9] 杜延庆货币电子化的风险及防范[期刊论文]统计与信息论坛2002,17(2)41-45.

[9] Risks of the electronicization of currencies and protection against [Journal thesis] Statistical and Information Forum 2002, 17 (2) 41-45.

[10] 韩留卿电子货币市场的创新与风险控制[期刊论文]金融理论与实践2003(9)32-33.

[10] Innovation and risk control in the electronic currency market [Journal paper] Finance Theory and Practice 2003(9)32-33.



Keywords: virtual currency; money-laundering risk; regulation

中图分类号:F830.92 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1674-0017-2016(6)-0064-04

Central Chart Classification Number: F830.92 Bibliography ID Code: B Articles No: 1674-0017-2016(6)-0064-04


I. Status of the development and regulation of our virtual currency


Virtual currency is a new type of virtual credit currency issued by non-financial companies in the context of the network economy, stored in a digitalized form in the network or related electronic equipment, and delivered through the network system to enable the flow and payment function, which is an approximation of the function of a digital transaction medium. Under normal circumstances, virtual currency has no physical form, is not issued by a monetary authority, is used in a limited way, cannot be consumed or converted in real life, but is pre-positioned in the network.


The virtual currency trading platform, represented by “bitcoin,” has become the world's first-largest bitcoin trading platform. Similar to the “bitcoin,” virtual currency trading platforms such as “tweets,” “796-phased goods,” apart from the short-term targeting of the virtual currency in the trading market, which is the country's leading industry, such as the Bitcoin era, “bitcoin,” “bitcoin,” and so forth, has attracted a large number of participants. In addition, the virtual currency trading platform, represented by “bitcoin,” has become the world's largest bitcoin trading platform.

(二)我国虚拟货币监管现状。2013年12月5日,中国人民银行联合工信部、银监会、证监会、保监会了《关于防范比特币风险的通知》(以下简称《通知》),明确了我国相关部门对待比特币的监管态度。一是明确了比特币不具有法偿性与强制性等货币属性,不是真正意义上的货币,从性质上将比特币定义为“一种特定的虚拟商品”,间接认可了虚拟货币存在的合法性;二是 明确规定金融机构和支付机构不得从事与比特币相关的金融活动,防止虚拟货币投机风险向金融体系传导;三是采取登记备案的管理模式,加强对比特币的互联网站的管理;四是根据属地监管原则,人民银行各分支机构将辖内依法设立并提供比特币登记、交易等服务的机构纳入反洗钱监管,防范比特币可能产生的洗钱风险;五是从宣传教育的角度,要求各部门、金融机构和支付机构对社会公众进行风险教育。

On 5 December 2013, the joint People's Bank of China Department of Trade and Finance, the Banking Supervisory Board, the Securities Supervisory Board and the Insurance Supervisory Board issued the Notice on Protection against Bitcoin Risk (hereinafter referred to as the Notice), which clarifies the regulatory approach of the relevant sectors in the country to Bitcoin. First, it is clear that Bitcoin has no legal and mandatory monetary attributes and is not a currency in the true sense that by its nature Bitcoin is defined as a “specific virtual commodity” and indirectly recognizes the legitimacy of the existence of virtual money; second, it is clearly stated that financial institutions and payment institutions are not allowed to engage in financial activities related to Bitcoin, preventing the risk of virtual currency speculation from passing on to the financial system; third, it is a model for the management of records and strengthening the management of Bitcoin's Internet stations; fourth, in accordance with the principle of territorial supervision, the branches of the People's Bank incorporate into anti-money-laundering control institutions legally established and providing services such as Bitcoin, preventing the risk of money laundering; fifth, from the perspective of education, the departments, financial institutions and payment agencies are required to educate the public at risk education.


Although our country has included virtual currency in its anti-money-laundering controls, there is still a gap with the FATF proposal: one is a single set of virtual currency varieties that are included in the anti-money-laundering regulatory framework. The Circular includes agencies involved in Bitcoin registration and transaction services in the anti-money-laundering regulatory framework. Other virtual currency products and services with similar features as anonymity, ease of cross-border circulation, etc., require only “a close look at trends and dynamics” and “exploration of the risk of money-laundering”. The second is that the Circular specifies only the functional requirements of payment agencies and makes no provision for other specific non-financial institutions.


II. Money-laundering risks inherent in virtual currency


(i) There is a legislative gap in the regulation of money-laundering in virtual transactions. In view of the current state of regulation of virtual money, the regulation of money-laundering in virtual currency is at an exploratory stage, and no reasonable and effective risk assessment criteria have been developed for such institutions. The Anti-Money-Laundering Act has not yet included virtual money in the scope of anti-money-laundering control, nor has it specified the anti-money-laundering responsibilities of its trading platform.


(ii) Customer identification requirements in virtual currency transactions are difficult to implement. The personal information of users is not accessible because of the anonymous, borderless, cross-border nature of virtual currency. While the current Circular requires virtual trading platforms to effectively fulfil their anti-money-laundering obligations, identify users, register users with their names, identity numbers, etc., when they are registered. The working principle of real names is simply to require users to provide real names and identification numbers at the time of registration, and to complete the registration if the identity information of others is borrowed or stolen.


(iii) Difficulties in identifying suspicious transactions in virtual currency transactions. Currently, the Circular provides that the Bitcoin trading platform should report suspicious transactions detected in relation to Bitcoin and other virtual commodities, but details of specific reporting standards, reporting deadlines, reporting modalities etc. are not specified in the Anti-Money Laundering Act, leading to a lack of reporting obligations on suspicious transactions. In addition, the virtual currency does not exist in one centre, is distributed, operates in a system maintained through the existence of bills on each network node, does not have a central server, does not have physical entities, and is difficult to monitor.


III. Reference to FATF-related regulatory recommendations


In June 2015, the FATF organized the Virtual Currency Risks as an Approach Guide, hereinafter referred to as the Guide, which makes it clear that in the context of risk, countries and regions should, in conjunction with FATF organizations, propose anti-money-laundering controls on virtual currency to prevent or reduce the risk of money-laundering and terrorist financing associated with the payment of products and services by virtual currency.


(i) Application at the national and regulatory levels. Risk assessment exercises. Anti-money-laundering regulators should conduct a risk assessment of products and services for the payment of virtual currency, identifying, mastering and accurately assessing the possible risk of money-laundering and terrorist financing in the territory of the virtual currency. Subject to the risk, reasonable and effective allocation of anti-money-laundering and anti-terrorist financing regulatory resources, taking regulatory measures commensurate with the risk of money-laundering and terrorist financing in the virtual currency, and taking stricter regulatory measures in high-risk areas.


Establish sound mechanisms for cooperation. States may establish mechanisms for coordination of cooperation to ensure that anti-money-laundering policy-making, regulatory, supervisory, financial intelligence and law enforcement authorities work together effectively and that other functional units develop and implement effective risk prevention measures.


As virtual money exchanges digitize money transfers via the Internet, they are not restricted to territorial areas, nor are the recipients of virtual money services necessarily real. States should therefore take the form of licensing or registration to ensure that subjects of obligation carry out virtual money payment services under anti-money-laundering and anti-terrorist financing regulatory requirements.


Countries should identify and assess the potential risks of money-laundering and terrorist financing in the development of new products and operations. At the same time, financial institutions, before introducing new products, operations, use or development of new technologies, should ensure that appropriate risk controls are in place to reduce the risk of money-laundering associated with new products and operations.


Countries must ensure that virtual money exchanges, when transferring money to customers through wire transfers, attach basic information about the originator and the actual beneficiary of the wire transfer. Countries can set a threshold for cross-border wire transfers up to a maximum of US$ 1,000/euro, while ensuring that financial institutions take timely and reasonable measures to deal with transactions that lack basic information about the originator and beneficiary when monitoring virtual currency funds.


Monitor and regulate virtual money entity institutions. Countries should provide adequate external oversight and management of virtual currency exchanges that function as interfaces between virtual and legal currencies.

实施有效合理的惩戒措施。各国应当针对FATF建议 所涉及的自然人和法人,在违反了反洗钱和反恐怖融资相关规定的前提下,给予其有效、适当和劝诫性的刑事、民事或行政处罚。但由于现阶段,虚拟货币支付产品和服务大多数是匿名交易,为执法追查虚拟货币非法所得带来很大难度。各国可以通过运用许可或登记注册、客户真实身份核查、交易记录的保存等手段,为实施有效合理的惩戒措施提供有效途径。

States should provide effective, appropriate and dissuasive criminal, civil, or administrative penalties for natural and legal persons involved in the FATF proposal, in violation of the relevant provisions on money-laundering and counter-terrorism financing. As at this stage, virtual currency payment products and services are mostly anonymous, making it difficult for law enforcement to trace illicit proceeds of virtual currency.


States should provide efficient and effective international collaboration to assist other States in combating money-laundering, terrorist financing and other predicate criminal activities, such as mutual legal assistance, auxiliary identification, freezing of funds, pursuit of suspicious persons, confiscation of stolen funds or criminal instruments that may exist in virtual currency.


(ii) Application at the entity level. Client due diligence is performed on the basis of risk status. According to the best practice recommendations presented in the FATF's June 2013 Guidelines for New Payment Tools and Services, AML obligors conduct customer due diligence by obtaining reliable information from a third-party database or from other information sources to confirm the authenticity of previous identification information provided by the client, such as identification numbers, tracking the customer's transaction IP address, and searching from an Internet site for relevant information that can confirm the compatibility of client transactions with client activities, provided that the data is obtained in a manner consistent with national privacy laws.


Financial institutions and specific non-financial institutions should maintain records of transactions, including information identifying the subject of the transaction, public keys, addresses or accounts involved, the nature and date of the transaction and the amount of funds transferred.


Risk assessment of new products, new operations. Subjects of anti-money-laundering obligations, including the virtual currency exchange, should identify, assess the risks of money-laundering and terrorist financing that may arise from the development of new products, new operations and delivery mechanisms, the application of new technologies in existing products or in research and development. The above entities should take appropriate measures to manage and reduce the risk of money-laundering and terrorist financing before new products, new operations and the application of new technologies.


IV. Strengthening our anti-money-laundering regulatory response to the virtual currency


(i) Improvement of laws and regulations and the accompanying anti-money-laundering regulatory regime. Expedited anti-money-laundering legislation will incorporate the virtual currency payments represented by Bitcoin into the existing regulatory framework for anti-money-laundering, counter-terrorism financing, and develop corresponding laws and regulations to regulate the virtual money market. It is recommended that the General Directorate should introduce our national standards for the regulation of money-laundering in virtual currency.


(ii) Enhanced access management and strict enforcement of systems for the maintenance of real names and transaction records. First, focusing on the registration of trade platforms, the entry thresholds are set with a view to taking full account of the anti-money-laundering obligations that they are required to fulfil. It is recommended that the competent authorities, at the stage of access to the transaction platforms, decide whether to authorize the organization to operate a virtual currency operation, depending on the size of the institution, its business situation, its credit rating, its internal system, its anti-money-laundering leadership group, the monitoring and reporting of suspicious transactions, etc. Second, to make the necessary knowledge and review of the identity, the status of the customer requesting the purchase, exchange, the trading virtual currency, and to verify and record the identity of its client. Third, for every transaction occurring on a web server that exceeds a certain amount, the transaction platform should be kept for a certain period of time, including the time of the transaction, the subject of the transaction, the amount of the transaction, etc. Fourth, is to promote and enhance the authentication of users, improve the authenticity of online transactions and reduce the number of fraudulent transactions.


(iii) Establishment of well-coordinated cooperation mechanisms. First, it is recommended that the regulatory authorities actively undertake risk studies to assess in a timely manner the real and potential impact of virtual currency on the security of our financial system and to take the necessary regulatory measures, as required. Second, that they establish working mechanisms for complementarity. Given the wide range of areas covered by virtual currency, there is a need for close attention and research by the relevant ministries to develop working mechanisms for joint cooperation and coordinated communication. Third, it is recommended that the main economies where the Central Bank of People's Banks shares the renminbi, agree on transnational virtual currency monitoring regulations, as represented by bitcoin, to provide investors with a healthy development environment.


(iv) Increased scientific and technical input for the implementation of suspicious transaction reporting systems. First, explicit restrictions on the use and usage of virtual currency should be introduced to limit the amount and frequency of online transactions with low security and limit the number of financial transfers to such transactions. Second, the simultaneous development of the anti-money-laundering monitoring system and the development of an automated electronic banking reporting system for payment transactions, which periodically evaluates and evaluates the speed of circulation, integrity, etc. of virtual currency accounts. Third, greater scientific and technological input should be made to identify suspicious transactions by tracking IP addresses, chat records, servers and rental of domain names left by online activities, or by reporting transactions above the prescribed amount or at source and to transactions with unusual circumstances. Fourth, regular bill analysis is carried out, taking into account the amount and flow of funds at time points where transactions take place, comparing them with data mining, data collisions, black lists, etc.


(v) Transnational cooperation in the area of anti-money-laundering. Virtual currency transactions and payments have the characteristics of globalization, which may lead to problems such as transnational money-laundering, terrorist financing, etc., which cannot be solved by a single country, so that the regulation of virtual currency cannot be completely isolated from our national territory, but should be carried out in broad cooperation with official regulatory bodies abroad, drawing on the advanced regulatory experience acquired by economically developed countries and linking regulatory information-sharing and regulatory procedures in order to achieve more effective regulatory objectives.




[1] FATF. Virtual currency risk guides this approach [M], 2015.


[2] Panjudi. Narrator of our virtual currency development and its future [J]. Enterprise Monitor, 2015, (7): 24-25.


[3] Zhang Wan... Thinking about strengthening our network of virtual money regulation [J]. West Finance, 2010, (5): 38-39.


[4] Zheng Wen. Credit model [J]. Information security and communications confidentiality based on the P2P network Bitcoin virtual currency, 2012, (3): 72-75.



Keywords: digital currency; payment settlement

中图分类号:F830.31 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1674-0017-2016(11)-0058-04

Central Chart Classification Number: F 830.31 Bibliography ID Code: B Articles No: 1674-0017-2016 (11)-0058-04




(i) The concept of digital currency


Digital currency, according to Wikipedia’s web definition, is an electronic currency created, distributed and circulated by means of verification and password-based technology. Digital money technology is completely removed from traditional currency use, using a full range of Internet-based technical tools, including block-chain technology, cryptographic technology, etc., to ensure that digital money can be used unhinderedly on the Internet. This definition clearly focuses more on the technical definition of the Internet, and there are some obstacles in the legal definition of digital currency.


(ii) Status of digital currencies

就目前来看,大多数数字货币的体量较小,现今的数字货币市场仍以Bitcoin为主,但Ethereum、Ripple、Litecoin、Ethereum Classic等也占据了一定的市场份额。尤其是被誉为Bitcoin 2.0的Ethereum,其作为新型数字货币,现已超越Ripple和Litecoin成为全球第二大数字货币。在众多的数字货币中,市值超过一亿美元的数字货币有四家,市值超过一千万美元的数字货币有24家。以市值排名前五的数字货币为例,截至2016年10月份相关数据如下:

At present, most of the digital currencies are smaller in size, and the digital currency market is still dominated by Bitcoin, but Etherum, Ripple, Litecoin, Etherum Classic, among others, also accounts for a certain share of the market. In particular, Etheeum, known as Bitcoin 2.0, is now the second largest digital currency in the world as a new digital currency. Four of the many digital currencies have a market value of more than $100 million, and 24 have a market value of more than $10 million.


It is clear from the above data that Bitcoin has always been the mainstream of digital currencies, with information such as transactional data being relatively easy to obtain, while other smaller digital currencies have difficulty in obtaining transactional data. It is worth noting that Bitcoin’s transactions in the last 24 hours on 16 October 2016 alone have amounted to $37,897,000.


II. The positive relationship between digital currency and payments


(i) Digital currencies can lead to more economical and efficient payment systems


The issuance of digital currency can effectively reduce the cost of issuing, circulating, and improving the ease and transparency of economic transactions compared with traditional banknotes. Digital currency uses block-chain technology, automated, intelligent processing, real-time validation and approval, which greatly reduces input and improves efficiency; the use of technological fairness and inflexibility can significantly reduce human-induced failures and transactional disputes. First, in the distribution chain, digital currency does not have to pay for the costs of issuing the entity’s currency; second, in the transaction chain, digital currency is fully recorded electronically and does not require the establishment and maintenance of personal accounts; and third, the digital currency transaction log is the only one that does not require the liquidation of the currency, reducing the link in the entity’s currency transactions, thereby reducing transaction costs.


If banks or other entities agree to use a public account that does not require central bank records and allow each bank to hold a copy of the distributed general account, and if domestic and cross-border transfers of remittances are carried out at points through block-chain technology using digital money points, the settlement of accounts operated by the central bank may no longer be needed, while the cost and maintenance costs of central banks will be reduced and the other will change the regulatory pattern. The central bank will be transformed from a direct provider of payment services into a regulator of payment behaviour, payment security, guarantors, regulators from a limited number of large sub-centres (commercial banks) to numerous individual traders, and regulatory techniques and instruments will be more demanding, with greater responsibility for financial security. That is to say, future central bank digital currencies will be able to make “point-to-point” payments, without the need to use third-party centralization institutions, which will help the country to build a completely new financial infrastructure, further improve our payment system and improve the efficiency of payment settlements.


(ii) Digital currencies conducive to the globalization of payment activities


It is well known that one of the challenges faced by cross-border consumers is the problem of “cross-border payments” involving foreign exchange controls, cross-border logistics distribution, customs clearance of entry and exits, and regulatory conditions for online transactions. At present, cross-border payment channels are in the hands of foreign financial giants Visa, Master, while China’s silver union, which has developed overseas, is highly expensive to pay across borders on the basis of traditional financial agreements, and because international remittances generally remain unpredictable for at least three days.


(iii) Digital currency payments contribute to lower regulatory costs


Digital money technically records key information throughout the currency’s life cycle, based on distributed accounting, financial flows traceable, transactional information permanently maintained, the context of each transaction is clearly documented, and regulators may be able to monitor the flow of funds without having to go on-site, backstage, and improve the efficiency and accuracy of regulatory efforts such as anti-money-laundering and counter-terrorism. That is, digital money can be recorded, including information on transactions such as currency generation, the reasons for payment, payment routes, data integrity and openness, resolving information asymmetries that can help enterprises and institutions to find valuable information from it, to some extent improving the fairness and efficiency of social transactions, regulating resource allocation and saving social resources.


(iv) Digital currency payments are conducive to shared financial development


At both the technical and institutional levels, digital money fits the core concept of shared finance. First, digital money does not need to be traded remotely through financial intermediaries, it can also interface with modern technologies such as the Internet and the Internet, and the Internet, as well as Internet-based mobile technologies, and it significantly improves the coverage and accessibility of financial services. Second, digital-currency-based financial services have the characteristics of being small and easy to do with “big trades, small amounts of small amounts of small amounts” and have a strong advantage in the area of accessible services, filling the gaps in traditional financial services and meeting the demands of the general public for high-quality financial services that integrate, secure, and standardized.


(v) Digital currency payments are conducive to the creation of emerging financial regimes


The issuance of digital money may weaken some of the banking’s traditional functions and help it to open up new areas of business. For example, the use of block-chain technology frees up large numbers of human resources from petty, operational jobs and from intellectually intensive and value-added jobs.


III. Reverse relationship between digital currency and payments


(i) Digital currencies may create competitive pressures on cash and bank deposits


If individuals and businesses are allowed to hold digital money wallets and to conduct point-to-point transactions through block-to-point technology, the impact of digital money on bank deposits may be greater than the impact on bank deposits, and its impact on the macroeconomy. But even so, existing bank deposits will be partially lost, and the more similar they are to bank accounts, the more obvious they will be left in commercial banks.


(ii) Greater risk of payment that will flow from digital currency payments


As a rule, digital money is stored in digital wallets with the function of protecting digital cash security, while digital wallets typically use encryption tools to protect digital cash. But the problem is that, once passwords are stolen, digital money is likely to be stolen. And, again, most digital money mimics cash transactions with a relatively anonymous character, and payments, once they are confirmed that their operation is generally irrevocable, can lead to a dilemma that would be difficult to recover if lost.


(iii) A degree of settlement risk will arise in digital currencies

一方面,大多数数字货币支付机制表面上并不存在流动性或信用风险,但支付数字货币使用的第三方机构则需要管理数字货币和其他货币的流动性,这很可能将结算风险引入到支付系统中。也就是说,与数字货币相关的制度安排将带来一定程度的结算风险。另一方面,数字货币交易系统存在明显漏洞,易被不法分子利用。其一,数字货币资产无法与所有人建立强大的映射关系,钱包数据可被窃取或遗忘;其二,部分数字货币并非真正的开源,比如有的数字货币源代码掌握在数字货币运营商手中,这存在极大的道德风险,数字货币运营商有可能通过屏蔽部分 IP 地址的方式窃取投资者的数字货币。

On the one hand, most digital money payment mechanisms do not appear to have liquidity or credit risks, but third-party institutions that pay digital money need to manage the liquidity of digital and other currencies, which is likely to introduce the settlement risk into payment systems. That is, the institutional arrangements associated with digital money present a certain level of settlement risk. On the other hand, there are obvious loopholes in the digital currency trading system that can be easily exploited by outlaws. First, digital currency assets cannot establish a strong mapping relationship with everyone and wallet data can be stolen or forgotten; and, on the other hand, part of digital currency is not a real source, for example, the digital currency source code is in the hands of digital money operators, which poses a great moral risk, and there is the possibility that digital money operators can steal investors' digital currency by blocking the IP address.


(iv) The stability of digital currencies has a direct impact on the realization of the scalability of their payment functions


The volatility of the digital currency exchange rate and the volatility of the currency are the biggest obstacles to the realization of a digital currency payment function. Instability of the value of the currency can affect consumer confidence in holding the digital currency, as well as the risk of “hidden” losses on one side of the transaction, which ultimately affect the realization and diffusion of the digital currency payment function.


(v) Digital currency will lead to the transfer of risk from payment mechanisms


In traditional retail payment systems, the risk of payment mechanisms is usually borne by financial institutions; in the case of digital money mechanisms, the risk of payment mechanisms is borne directly by end-users. It is worth noting that the degree of risk associated with the operation of digital money mechanisms depends to a great extent on the design of their mechanisms.


(vi) Cost advantages of digital currencies are more difficult to sustain


One of the salient advantages of digital currency payments is that they are less costly to pay, but whether the digital currency’s cost advantage can be sustained with enhanced regulation, business progression, and outside competition is of concern. First, enhanced regulation will increase the cost of running the digital currency, which will be shared with users; second, unlike the cumulative cost processes and stages of the digital currency’s traditional payments, there may be an increase in network management costs and operating costs in the future, and the cost of the increase will be shared with businesses or users; and third, traditional payments will be subject to competitive pressures and may also reduce fees or absorb digital currency techniques, and digital currency cost advantages will be reduced.


As regulators of payment systems and financial-market infrastructure, as well as catalysts for research and development and innovation in payment systems, central banks are responsible for improving the security and effectiveness of payment systems. The introduction and circulation of digital currencies by central banks is likely to have a greater impact on the down-line traditional payment clearing and financial systems.




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[2] Winnie, twilight... explore the legal regulation of digital money [J]. Application of the law in bits, 2014, (7): 48-52.


[3] The effect of digital cash on the supply and speed of currency flows [J]. Financial studies, 2002, (5): 81-89.


[4] Xieping, Stone Light. Digital encrypted currency study: a literature overview [J]. Financial study, 2015 (1): 1-15.


[5] RYU Jia. Digital money function exploration and reflection [J]. Hainan Finance, 2016, (3): 79-83.


[6] Zhang Zhengzheng, Zhao Yu. Central Bank explores the international experience of statutory digital currencies [J]. Chinese Finance, 2016, (17): 28-30.

The Research on the Relationship between Digital Currency and Payment

GUO Xiaomei

(Weinan Municipal Sub-branch PBC, Weinan Shannxi 714000)

Abstract:With the innovation of the information technology and the development of the sharing economy, that the digital currency has been derived and expanded has made the payment system, an important part of the financial infrastructure, undergo significant changes. In order to improve the security and efficiency of the payment system, the relationship between the digital currency and payment should be understood in advance. The study finds that there is a positive and reverse relationship between the digital currency and payment, that is to say, the development of the digital currency will bring new opportunities and challenges to the central bank’s payment system.



Keywords: regulatory risk protection in the legal nature of e-money issuance


As e-commerce develops, e-money is also widely used as a means of payment for e-commerce. In order for e-money to develop well in our country, a number of legal issues relating to e-money, such as the legal character of e-money, how to identify the issuer of e-money, and how to guard against the risk of its functioning, are issues that need to be addressed urgently.


Legal nature of electronic currency


There is currently no uniform definition of e-money, which generally refers to a non-cash currency in which electronic equipment and various trading cards are used as a medium, stored in the form of electronic data by means of computer technology and communication technology, and in which the circulation and payment functions are carried out through computer network systems in the form of electronic messages. E-money is a new type of payment instrument based on electronic computer technology, with the advantages of payment adaptability, adaptability, low transaction costs, etc. The form of e-money is not clearly defined in our banking law.


Regulatory issues for the subject of electronic currency issuances


Monetary stability is the key to the stability of a country’s financial order, with countries adopting strict monetary issuance systems, mostly regulated by central banks. Since e-money is a form of currency, financial regulators also strengthen the regulation of e-money.


Qualifying the subject of electronic currency issuance


At present, there are banks, non-bank financial institutions and non-financial institutions that issue electronic money. Since the issuance of electronic money is equivalent to deposits, the EU has in recent years begun to allow non-financial institutions to act as issuers of electronic money, to the direct detriment of users; and, given the relatively effective regulation of non-banking institutions in the United States and the fact that the development of smart cards lags far behind European countries, to adopt a more liberal regulation of electronic money-issuing entities, to prevent the issuance of electronic money by private institutions other than banks. In our country, while there is no clear legal provision for electronic money-issuing entities, in the face of competition between non-financial institutions and non-financial companies in the United States in the area of electronic money-issuing, the EU has also begun to allow non-financial institutions to act as issuers of electronic money.


Reserve for deposit required to be paid by the main issuer of electronic currency


In accordance with the relevant provisions of our banking law, financial institutions such as commercial banks are required to deposit with the Central Bank a corresponding proportion of the total deposits they absorb. The ratio of such payments to the total deposits is the deposit reserve rate.


In order to avoid the adverse situation in which financial institutions have to pay their reserves, which has an impact on the expansion of their capital, the issuance of large amounts of e-money is bound to be used as a means of financing, leading to unrestricted distribution of e-money and causing inflation and price fluctuations.


Non-bank financial institutions and non-financial institutions would have had a weaker creditworthiness and ability to cope with financial risks vis-à-vis banks and, without provisions for them, might have suffered from poor payments in the event of risk, creating financial market disruptions and causing losses to the interests of a user of electronic currency.


I believe that central banks should set different reserve ratios based on the risk factors of the issuers of electronic currencies and the ease with which they can be managed. Electronic currencies issued to financial institutions should be the same as or at least not too different from those issued for demand deposits; and higher reserve ratios should be established to limit credit expansion in the case of electronic currencies issued by enterprises, large supermarkets, etc., whose credit and risk security are less favourable than that of financial institutions, and which are not themselves financial institutions.


Regulation of the main conditions for the issuance of electronic currencies and investment restrictions


In order to ensure the security of financial transactions and the interests of depositors, central banks are subject to strict scrutiny of the issuers. In my view, the issuers of electronic currencies must meet the following requirements, apart from the different requirements for reserves: the issuers of electronic currencies must be sound and properly regulated and have sound finances; they must be subject to the continued supervision of the central bank by providing the central bank with timely information on the total volume of electronic currency issuance and other monetary policy-related issues; and all risks involved in electronic currency operations must be managed effectively and on a continuous basis.


The issuer of e-money invests in, and earns profits and gains from, the sale of funds through the sale of e-money, which involves investing money from the sale of e-money. Since the issuer is exposed to greater liquidity risk, preventing risk, ensuring the safety of the issuer and protecting the stability of the payment system and the interests of consumers, I believe that the issuer’s investment activities should be strictly regulated and that the issuer can only invest in areas of high liquidity and low risk.


Risk protection in the operation of electronic currency


Since e-money is a form of currency, the risks of currency fraud, money-laundering, etc. in currency operations at this stage also arise in the course of the operation of e-money. As a result, the idea of preventing e-money fraud and the use of e-money for money-laundering is advocated, and legal protection of the privacy of users of e-money must also be achieved.


Question of electronic currency fraud


The existence of fraud is essentially due to the currency itself, and traditional payment instruments, such as banknotes, cheques, credit cards and debit cards, are subject to fraud. On the basis of maintaining the stability of the payment system and the issuer’s control over the payment system as a whole, it is often the issuer who bears the loss of fraud.


I have already analysed the potential for fraud and counterfeiting of electronic money. If there is fraud and counterfeiting of electronic money, I believe that the bearer of the loss due to the fraud should also be the issuer of the electronic currency. For the following reasons, the issuer should bear the loss of fraud for the sake of maintaining the stability of the electronic currency payment system. If the loss is borne by the recipient of the electronic currency, or by an individual, the issuer will be directly responsible for the security of the electronic currency. In order to reduce the loss of the electronic currency, the issuer will improve and improve its distribution technology by, for example, reducing the face value of the electronic currency and producing a “card machine” that can test the authenticity of the memory card.


With regard to the prevention of e-money fraud, I believe that by creating a central processor and database to track and record electronic transactions, the seller can quickly obtain information about the buyer, such as the balance of the buyer's account, and minimize the anonymity of the e-money. As a result, fraud can be prevented to a greater extent.


Prevention of the use of electronic currency for money-laundering


Electronic money-laundering is an act of money-laundering in the form of electronic money. Since the development of electronic money is still at an early stage, electronic money-laundering is still at the theoretical level. The control and prevention of traditional forms of money-laundering are limited by law to the following: financial institutions, such as banks, are required by law to record transactions and are not involved with non-financial institutions. As previously known, the issuers of electronic money include banks, non-bank financial institutions and non-financial institutions (e.g., communication companies, software companies and other technology manufacturers), so that the requirement for non-financial institutions to record transactions is a vacuum in the law in force; the application of encryption technology makes it impossible for law enforcement agencies to investigate and punish money-laundering in electronic currency.


In order to be more effective in preventing money-laundering in electronic currency, the following two aspects should be addressed: first, amending existing legislation to require that all issuers of electronic currency (including non-financial institutions) maintain records of transactions relating to the transfer of national and international electronic currency; and second, that the Government establish an independent body to hold the keys used by all the public. The executive branch of government should comply with certain enforcement procedures and obtain private secret keys used by the public from the agency that manages the keys after holding the relevant supporting documents, thus enabling law enforcement agencies to track and punish money-laundering in electronic currency.


Protection of the privacy of electronic currency users


In order to stabilize the e-money exchange market and to guard against risks in the operation of e-money, the author proposes the creation of a central processor and database to track and record electronic transactions, the establishment of an independent body to host all keys used by the public, etc., but, if these practices are not legally regulated, to some extent infringes on the privacy of users. The confidence of users is the most important prerequisite for the survival of the e-money mechanism, and if users'privacy is improperly disclosed in the use of e-money, it leads to a crisis of confidence in the use of e-money, ultimately leading to fluctuations in the e-money system. In order to achieve the protection of the privacy of users of e-money, I propose the following:


First, there should be a clear definition of the institutions that have the right to access records of transactions and private keys.


Second, the conditions for obtaining records of transactions and private keys are clearly defined. In order to avoid the free access of the above-mentioned institutions to records of transactions and private keys, the above-mentioned institutions must also comply with the conditions for carrying out the above-mentioned acts.


Finally, an electronic currency user has the right to seek relief. A user may seek relief if the above-mentioned institution improperly discloses the record of the transaction and the private key, or if the above-mentioned institution uses illegal means to obtain data or information, or if the agency recording the transaction and the agency in charge of the private key illegally discloses the data and information of the user for improper benefit, etc.




Maggie, Legal Aspects of Electronic Currency, Journal of Jurisprudence, No. 1, 2002


Wang Jing, Liu Hong, Regulation of the Electronic Currency of Western Countries and its Apocalypse to Our Country, Hubei Social Sciences, No. 8 of 2003


3. Liu Po, “Preliminary exploration of selected legal issues arising from electronic currency”, Fujian School of Administration, Fujian School of Economic Management, Supplement, 2003


4. Yang Luming, Chen Hung Yin, The Impact of Electronic Currency on Monetary Reforms in Central Bank and Policy Responses, Financial and Economic Studies, No. 8 of 2002



Keywords: virtual currency; consumption stimulus effects; reference points; loss aversion; cash preferences


Central Chart Classification Number: F8309 Document Identification Code: A


Article number: 1000176X (2015) 11001107




Research on virtual currency now focuses mostly on conceptual definition and diagnosis, the impact on traditional monetary theory, the impact on real monetary systems, financial regulation, tax administration, and consumer adoption behaviour, to a lesser extent on virtual currency consumption behaviour. There are three main views on the impact of virtual currency on consumption: first, the benefits of electronicization, including rapid settlement of payments, avoidance of zero, loss, and counterfeit currency, increase people’s willingness to use it. Second, business interests can increase consumption by improving technology, adopting relevant factors, and increasing the willingness to use virtual currency, [1-2].


However, the above-mentioned study does not address three issues: first, the ease of electronicization is not unique to virtual currencies, which have the same characteristics as electronic currencies represented by bank cards, and the unique role of virtual currencies in stimulating consumption remains to be explored. Second, the increased use of will represents only consumer choice in the way consumers pay, and does not imply an increase in consumption, and the real effects of virtual currencies in stimulating consumption are yet to be examined. Finally, the increase in consumption achieved through marketing strategies is ultimately due to marketing factors, and virtual currencies may be able to regulate marketing effects and may have a direct contribution to consumption, which requires further study. For this reason, Li Qi and Li Pei[6] have demonstrated by experimenting that virtual currencies have a unique role in stimulating consumption, that is, consumption spillover effects.


II. Theoretical analysis


1 Virtual currency and liquidity depreciation

虚拟货币的界定在学术界还存在争议,外延也不够清晰[7],因此,学者们多根据论述需要使用工作定义。本文采用欧洲中央银行给出的官方定义:一种不受(货币当局)管制的、通常被制造者发行与控制,并在特定虚拟社区中被接受与使用的数字货币。见欧洲中央银行于2012年10月的研究报告《Virtual Currency Schemes》。根据与真实货币的流通关系,虚拟货币可分为三类:一是不流通,如游戏中的道具类货币、论坛的积分等。二是单向流通,即只能用真实货币兑换虚拟货币,反之不可。大多数虚拟货币属于此类,如腾讯的Q币、商业预付卡等。三是双向流通,如比特币、林登币等。此分类实质上体现了虚拟货币流动性的差异(由低到高)。本文选取应用最广泛的第二类虚拟货币作为对象,如无特殊说明,以下所称“虚拟货币”皆指第二类虚拟货币。研究其对人们消费行为的影响。

The definition of a virtual currency is also controversial in the academic community, and the expansive extension is not sufficiently clear. For this reason, scholars rely more on the use of working definitions. The official definition given by the European Central Bank: a digital currency that is not regulated by (the monetary authority) and is usually issued and controlled by the manufacturer and accepted and used in a particular virtual community. See the study by the European Central Bank in October 2012.


Because virtual currencies do not provide official means of delivery, virtual currency discounts can only be achieved through spontaneous off-site transactions between consumers. Indeed, there are many trading platforms on the Internet for virtual currency, such as a synthesizing network of transactions, 58 conglomerates, catch-up networks, and a 5173-game trading platform for exclusive virtual currency transactions. But the transaction costs are significant because of the one-way liquidity of virtual currency. First, it is the search costs of buyers and sellers, who are obliged to sell virtual currency through open information platforms, which generate time costs and uncertainty. Second, because virtual currency clearing systems are not officially available, or because no pass-through services are available in virtual money platforms, buyers are often required to provide sellers with sensitive account information to complete transactions, with certain risk costs. Finally, because buyers can purchase virtual currency through official channels, buyers are usually required to sell virtual currency at below market prices.


2 reference points and transaction utility


When people hold virtual monetary assets, the liquidity loss has become a cost of sinking, and the current level of property is devalued due to a lack of liquidity. The value of the transaction (1-consideration) m is the value of wealth. When people use virtual currency consumption, it is not only the value of the commodity itself, i.e. the concept of consumer surplus in standard economics. It is the value perceived by people for the transaction itself, which is the difference between the reference price and the payment price[8]. In situations involving the reference point, it is the difference between the reference price and the payment price, which is actually paid less than the reference point and actually paid more than the reference point, the value of the transaction [9].


3 loss aversion and cash preferences


Virtual currency consumption not only brings additional transactional benefits, but also reduces the cost of consumption, mainly through two major psychological patterns: loss aversion to psychology and cash preferences. Loss aversion is another important concept in outlook theory, indicating that the benefits of loss are reduced to a higher degree than the benefits of the same gains, and can be attributed to (u-m)/u-(m) as a negative effect of (u-m) on losses, u (m) as a positive benefit to the same income, m as wealth. At the same time, there is much empirical evidence that people are more sensitive to cash when measuring different types of wealth [10-11], which is termed cash preferences, which imply a preference for liquidity.


Experimental design

本文的实验对象为60名广东五邑大学电子商务专业的本科生(男女生各占1/2)。实验采取2×2×2的因子设计,将是否虚拟货币、预算量与流动性折损水平作为主要的处理变量,由于实验对象的损失厌恶水平和现金偏好程度难以控制,因此,不作为处理变量,但需要对它们进行测量,以研究其对消费量的影响。随机划分组如表1所示。由于现金无流动性折损,实验共分为六组。分组方式为:按照其签到的顺序与性别分开,第i + 6j位签到的男(女)生在第i组(i=1, 2, …,6;j=0, 1, …,4)。所有实验过程在电脑上完成,并禁止交流。实验对象没有经过决策理论的培训。为避免需求效应,为迎合实验者需求而做出对方所期待的选择,此处指有意区别两种情形下的消费量,如夸大虚拟货币的消费量,或减少现金消费量,从而隐藏了真实意愿。采用组间设计,让每个实验对象只体验一种消费情形。

The subject of the experiment is 60 undergraduates (1/2 male and female) in e-commerce at the University of Guangdong. The experiment uses a 2x2x2 factor design, using whether the virtual currency, budget volume and liquidity loss levels are treated as the main processing variable, not as a processing variable because the loss aversion level and cash preferences of the subjects are difficult to control, but they need to be measured in order to study their impact on consumption. The random grouping is shown in table 1. The experiment is divided into six groups, because there is no liquidity loss in cash. The grouping is: separation from gender in the order in which it is signed, the male (i + 6j) who are born in group I (i = 1, 2, 6 ; j = 0, 4, all of which are done on computers and are prohibited from communicating. The test group is not trained in decision-making theory.


The experiment was conducted in two phases:


The first stage is to measure the risk attitude, loss aversion level, and cash preferences of the subject. In this case, the risk attitude measures follow the experimental mechanisms in Li Qi and Li Pei[6], and similar mechanisms are used for the measurement of loss aversion to cash preferences, but the design of the scene differs. The process is omitted due to space constraints.


The second stage is the holding of the currency. The Q dollar is chosen as the virtual currency, and the ticket is the object of the consumption. The process is as follows:


(1) A certain initial asset is given to each subject (as shown in table 1).


(2) The subject is required to participate in a draw game. The rules are: to purchase a ticket with the assets allocated to it and to mark his or her test number on the ticket for purchase, and to enter the pool with the cash or Q-dollars spent. The price of each ticket is one dollar (Q-dollar).


(3) After the end of consumption, the subject may retain the remaining assets ultimately held, in which the cash group (groups 1 - 2) may take the cash directly, while the Q currency group (groups 3 - 6) may choose to charge the Q currency held to the QQQ account or to exchange it for cash at the established rate of exchange.


IV. Analysis of results


1. Descriptive statistics and random effects testing


The calculation of risk preferences, loss aversion and cash preference factors on the basis of experimental data. On average, the subject of the experiment shows a near-risk neutrality (0970), a clear loss aversion (1980), and a cash preference (4140). At the degree of dispersion, the risk attitude between the subject of the experiment (0190) does not differ significantly, suggesting that the use of a prize ticket as a consumer target may circumvent the effects of a personal preference differential to some extent; the dissociation between loss aversion (0600) and a cash preference factor (2060) is relatively large. In terms of consumption, groups 5 and 6 differ significantly from the first four.

为了检验随机化的分组效果,比较各组之间的风险偏好系数、损失厌恶系数和现金偏好系数的差异。Kruskal Wallis检验结果如表2所示。由表2可知,三个系数均无明显差异(p值显著高于0050),说明实验对象对奖票消费量的组间差异只与选择的处理变量有关。

In order to test random grouping effects, compare the differences in risk preferences, loss aversion and cash preferences between groups. The Kruskal Wallis test results are shown in table 2. It is clear from table 2 that there are no significant differences in either of the three factors (p values are significantly higher than 0050), indicating that the group differences among the subjects of the experiment in the consumption of the prize tickets relate only to the processing variables selected.


2 Consumption overflow test

通过比较相同预算下的消费结果来衡量消费溢出。本实验中,可选取第1组与第5组的比较、或第2组与第6组的比较。①对两个独立小样本选择Mann-Whitney U进行差异性检验,结果如表3所示。由表3可知,无论在10元还是50元预算下,都有显著差异,结果均支持H1。

Consumption spillovers are measured by comparing consumption results under the same budget. For the purposes of this experiment, groups 1 and 5, or groups 2 and 6, can be selected.1 Two small stand-alone samples, Mann-Whitney U, are tested for variation, as shown in table 3. Table 3 shows that there are significant differences, both under the $10 and $50 budgets, and the results support H1.


3 Impact of liquidity swings on consumption spillovers


In the same budget, a comparison of vm, = 0-cash and vm, =05-cash, i.e., a comparison of vm, = 0 and vm, = 05 (average consumption) can test the impact of a liquidity loss on an overflow of consumption. In this experiment, group 3 is selected for comparison with groups 5, 4 and 6. The test results are shown in table 4. It is clear from table 4 that there are significant differences in consumption between groups, whether under a budget of $10 or $50, and the results support H2.


4 Impact of the budget on consumption spillovers


The impact of the testing budget on consumption spillovers needs to be compared between 5-1 and 6-2 (i mean average consumption for group I). The measurement of the consumption spill is obtained through two stand-alone samples rather than pairing samples, so that the four sample data are translated into ordered data (in descending order) prior to the deviation (in this paper), measuring the consumption spill by measuring the effect of high (low) consumption in virtual currencies and high (low) cash (low) consumption, thereby achieving a degree of matching. This sorting does not change the consumption overflow average, but better reflects the consumption overflow value of each sample point, thus making the test more meaningful. The results are shown in table 5.


5 Impact of cash preferences on consumption spillovers


The impact of cash preferences on Q-currency consumption is tested through the results of group 3-6 experiments. As cash preferences have not been designed as treatment variables, the conversion of groups of cash preferences from a median to a binary variant represents low and high cash preferences. The results of the tests are shown in table 6. Table 6 shows that there are no significant differences between the risk preferences and the loss aversion factors of low and high cash preferences within the groups, while consumption shows clear differences, suggesting that cash preferences significantly affect Q-dollar consumption.


Groups 3 and 4 with low cash preferences show a higher trend of Q-currency consumption because the experiment sets the liquidity discount rate at 0 for both groups. Because the subject can convert Q-dollars into equivalent cash at no cost, high-cash preferences will abandon consumption and choose to convert more Q-dollars into cash, i.e. the higher the cash preference, the higher the number of Q-dollars will be, and there will be no conflict with H-4. In Groups 5 and 6 with liquidity losses, high-cash preferences show more Q-dollar consumption in support of H4.


1 The results of groups 5 and 6 were selected as the consumption of the virtual currency, owing to the fact that there was a liquidity loss in the virtual currency. Groups 4 and 5 were designed to verify the impact of the liquidity loss.


6 Impact of loss aversion on consumption spillovers


In testing the impact of loss aversion on consumption spillovers, the same treatment as the cash preference is applied. The results are shown in table 7. Table 7 shows that only cluster 4 has a significant relationship and does not fully exclude the effect of cash preferences (the differences in cash preferences are close to significant) and does not support H5. The reasons for the deviation may be:


(1) The sample size of the experiment was small and the results were accidental.


(2) The object of the experiment shows a distaste of the system, but the lack of control over the loss does not make it possible to distinguish between the subject's importance to the cost of consumption.


(3) The experimental environment is more complex. The fact that there is a cash-to-Q-currency exchange in the experiment, and the complex choices involving probability and play, may focus the attention of the subject on “reasonable” thinking about the loss of liquidity, the calculation of expected returns and costs, ignoring the aversion to costs that emerges from real consumption.


7 Secretic discussion


(1) The number of experimental samples is influenced by the fact that 60 undergraduates have been recruited to the experiment because of the limitations on the funding of the experiment and the availability of subjects for recruitment. The number of samples per grouping is 10, and while the conditions for non-parametric testing are met, it is clear that more samples will help to show more clearly the true relationship between the variables, especially in the case of the relationship between the aversion to insignificant losses and the overflow of consumption.


(2) With regard to real monetary incentives. Due to financial constraints, real monetary incentives were not used during the experimental phase, but rather to allow the subject to make a consumption choice in a hypothetical situation, raising the question of whether the subject had expressed a genuine will. Tversky and Kahneman[8] considered that there were no problems and that they had not used real incentives to measure risk attitudes and loss aversions; Camererer [13] had examined the role of incentives in hundreds of samples and found that the subjects actually involved in the experiment were largely the same as those who had not actually participated in the experiment (as in the case of this experiment).

(3)实验的外部效度问题。用Q币进行的实验能否代表所有虚拟货币? 本文理论模型的关键前提是虚拟货币的流动性折损,而实验也并未给Q币施加特殊限制,因此,只要满足流动性折损的特征,如发行方的较高信用、可购买的商品数量较多等,会造成其流动性较高,进而导致较少消费溢出,但并不影响本文的基本结论。

The key premise of the theoretical model is that the liquidity of the virtual currency is impaired, and the experiment does not impose any special restrictions on the Q currency, so that meeting the characteristics of the liquidity loss, such as the higher creditworthiness of the issuer and the larger number of goods that can be purchased, can lead to higher liquidity, which in turn leads to less consumption overflows, without prejudice to the basic conclusion of this paper.




This paper analyses the stimulating effects of virtual currencies on consumption based on the theory of outlook and psychological accounting. Unlike other e-money or promotional strategies, virtual currencies themselves can produce unique consumer spillover effects, mainly from two sources: first, the increased efficiency of transactions caused by the avoidance of liquidity losses. Second, the lower cost sensitivity resulting from cash preferences. The larger the consumption spill is mainly the result of a loss of liquidity, a loss of people's aversion to their cash preferences and budget wealth, and the lower the loss of liquidity, the higher the preference for cash, and the greater the budget wealth.


The study concluded that issuing a virtual currency would not only generate liquidity gains and potentially deposited funds, but also, more importantly, would generate more consumption, which would mean that businesses would not have to sell them at high cost discounts and promote activities. In the first place, cutting virtual currency liquidity would increase consumption. Businessers could reduce liquidity by raising the threshold for making a false transaction, such as non-reversible exchange of real money and non-provision of virtual money gifts. However, reducing liquidity would reduce the willingness to choose to hold a virtual currency and its holding, which would lead to the development of exclusive products for virtual money only, or to selling it as a gift card to other companies for employee welfare or to individuals in need of personal consumption.



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(1. Liaoning University, Shenyang 110136; 2. Northeast Finance University, Dalian 116025)


At the same time, the impact of virtual currency on traditional payment systems and the effectiveness of government monetary policy has led to countries’ cautious attitude toward virtual currency, with considerable uncertainty about its development. Using the development of bitcoin as an example, this paper highlights the background, characteristics, and potential risks in the current environment, and provides targeted regulatory recommendations for virtual currency.

关键词 :虚拟货币 去中心化投机泡沫比特币

Keyword: Virtual currency to centralize speculative bubble bitcoin


Central Chart Classification Number: F831

文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-9544( 2015 )08-0092-05

Documentation code: Article No. A: 1672-9544(2015)08-0092-05


[Date received] 2015-02-07


[Introduction by author] Lawside, Lecturer, Institute of Public Fundamentals, Master of Economics, directed towards finance; Chen Ming, 2012 Level Accounting, International Business School, directed towards finance and accounting.




In fact, the virtual currency has developed so rapidly in just a few years, largely because of the emergence of Internet transactions and the ease with which virtual money is available, the tolerance of countries such as Germany and the United States towards virtual currencies, such as Bitcoins, has increased the expected value added of virtual money. In recent years, the virtual currency has been highly appreciated as a source of innovation in traditional currency flows, a gradual shift to more open, secure, low-cost means of payment in the Internet era, and the need for stable monetary systems.


In support of virtual currency, such as Monjian (2014), which considers virtual currency to be a major change in the currency market, it not only contributes to the development and improvement of the international monetary credit system, but also expands access to financing for the real financial system and guarantees the value of the people’s own assets; in the view of Wang Xinjian (2013), virtual currency is adapted to the development of the Internet, following the science’s digitalization mechanism, and its decentralized and stable volume distribution, which reduces transaction costs and avoids the risk of government manipulation and hyperinflation in favour of stable economic development.


II. Features of virtual currency


As virtual currencies are increasingly discovered and accepted, they have some initial features of the currency, including value scales, means of circulation, means of payment, etc. From now on, virtual currencies have a number of common advantages: easy access, rapid security, and full optimization of resource allocation, for example, on the Internet, where virtual products and services are the main types of rich resources that can meet the diverse needs of the public.


(i) Decentralization


Bitcoin is based on the Internet, generated by a sophisticated computer algorithm based on an encryption algorithm, so there is no specialized central issuer, and anyone can develop bitcoin, and central banks are unable to control the distribution and timing of bitcoin. Moreover, Bitcoin’s payments have no central control centre, transfers are managed centrally by network nodes, all transaction details are broadcast publicly, so the Bitcoin payment system assumes regulatory responsibility for all nodes in the network, removing third-party manipulation through its fragmentation, achieving a decentralized effect that avoids the impact on the monetary financial system of possible adverse manipulation and intervention by government central banks, and can adapt to changes in financial markets through its own self-regulatory mechanisms.


(ii) Extremely low transaction costs


The “third-party intermediary mechanism” created by the traditional banking system makes it possible for buyers and sellers to enter into transactions at a certain cost, while the virtual currency, e.g. Bitcoin, relies on Internet platforms for transactions, not only without limits on amount and formalities, but also without any intermediary, to remove third-party transactions from the point-to-point point-to-point in the true sense, in addition to the fact that Bitcoin is free to circulate and pay globally, and that participants are free to exchange bitcoins with real currencies, thereby achieving quick and efficient payments, which, through free worldwide Internet traffic, improves the speed of the flow of information, makes transactions easier and faster... and reduces the opportunity costs of the various links and improves the efficiency of financial markets as a whole.


(iii) Counterfeitness and security


As the workload proof mechanism for each transaction and new block will take longer and more complex operations, unless the tamperer has super-powerful computing capabilities that go beyond the sum of all other network nodes, he will be excluded from a secure Bitcoin computing system, and, in addition, every transaction, the recording and broadcasting of an additional flow of information on a point-to-point network will allow all nodes to maintain full circulation of all currency, thus making it easier to detect counterfeit currency before the transaction, thereby ensuring the security of Bitcoin, avoiding the creation of “false currency” and largely eliminating the possibility of illegal manipulation of historical transaction records, thereby safeguarding the safety of Bitcoins and the normal operation of the network, reducing technological risks and providing some safeguard for the stability of the financial system order.


(iv) Complete anonymity


Bitcoin can not disclose the identity of the dealer at all in the course of the transaction, mainly because the private key technology of Bitcoin guarantees that only the user has access to personal transaction information, that details in the transaction cannot be disclosed without the user’s permission, and that it is difficult to be found, and that the outside world can only see a random array of figures generated by the transaction, which makes it impossible to identify personal information. The anonymous nature of Bitcoin, which attracts many customers who seek to protect personal privacy, has the effect of protecting personal privacy, avoiding the risk that traditional banks may leak customer information, thereby increasing the safety of the financial system’s operations.


Risk considerations in virtual currency


In addition, virtual currency can cause market disruption, disrupt the order of currency circulation, purchase real goods and services, and indirectly increase the total volume of currency in the real world, which may result in central banks having no control over the total amount of virtual currency, thus hampering the implementation of central bank monetary policy and even causing inflation. In practice, it may also make it difficult to effectively safeguard consumers’ legitimate rights and interests and virtual property, for example, by using virtual currency as an example:


(i) Market risk


In June 2011, the security gap at the Mt.Gox bitcoin trading centre led to a fall in the price of one bitcoin from $15 to $1 cent. The price of bitcoin was so volatile that the price of bitcoin was no longer perceived as a bitcoin function and outlook, and the price of bitcoin was more than a higher price in the short term, thereby increasing its profit for the next household. Because of the short-term rise in bitcoin, the purchasers were prepared to accept the price of the price of the price simply on the basis of the profits of the short-term and the potential risks of the bitcoin trading centre, the price of the bitcoin fell from $15 to $1 cent.


(ii) Credit risk


In contrast, there are three advantages to banknotes: the more people participate in the bitcoin system and the closer the real economy, the greater the recognition of the value of the bitcoins. At the same time, some entities begin to accept the bitcoins as collateral, thereby reflecting the value of the notes, but as the price of the bitcoins is unstable, the latter may be less likely to accept the bitcoins. Thus, in the absence of a country’s mandatory credit, the value of the bitcoins cannot be easily accepted by the general public. The value of the bitcoins depends entirely on trust and expectations. The greater the number of people involved in the bitcoin system and the closer the entity’s economy together, the greater the recognition of the value of the bitcoins is.


(iii) Technical and safety risks


On February 25, 2014, MT.GOX, the largest global Bitcoin platform, based in Tokyo, Japan, closed its own website and stopped trading because of a web-based security gap. At the same time, Bitcoin, as an electronic currency stored on a computer in the form of a document, was completely dependent on the normal functioning of a computer, and damage to personal equipment or loss of documents could result in loss of bitcoin and loss of any compensation.


(iv) Ethical hazard


The anonymity of Bitcoin transactions, the lack of a central surveillance system, and the lack of documentation may be used to carry out illegal transactions, such as money-laundering and drug-related transactions. Bitcoin is hidden at the time of the transaction, both parties can hide their identities by converting IP addresses and their personal accounts can be immediately registered for write-off, while, in the context of personal information verification, it is difficult to trace to end-users the use of public-private key technology. This anonymous feature provides criminals with hidden trade routes, while Bitcoin can move freely and deliver across major global trading platforms, with little restrictions on its payments, which also facilitates money-laundering and the transfer of illicit assets.


IV. Regulatory recommendations for virtual currency


In most countries, however, virtual currency transactions as a virtual commodity are permitted and legal, and in 2013 Bitcoin was identified by the German Treasury as a “recording unit” that could be used to pay taxes and engage in trade activities; Federal Reserve President Bernanke stated that Bitcoin was not an illegal currency; Norway would include the proceeds of Bitcoin transactions in regulatory terms and would impose an income tax on profits earned through Bitcoin. At the same time, governments had developed policies to regulate the adverse effects that virtual money could have on the economy, such as the United Kingdom’s planned establishment of a government-supervised Bitcoin exchange, which in 2013 required users to provide proof of identity to identify criminal acts; the French Central Exchange of Bitcoin operated within the legal framework of the European Union; and the United States would freeze two bank accounts in 2013 owned by the world’s largest Bitcoin Exchange, Met.


The current attitude of the country in question is mainly based on its consideration of payment systems and financial regulation, as well as on its prevention of possible financial risks. Also based on this consideration, the following recommendations are made for the regulation of virtual currencies:


(i) Clarifying the legal status of virtual currency and establishing relevant legislation


At present, the legal status of virtual money on the Internet is unclear, and there is a lack of financial regulation in terms of its legitimacy and regulation. Therefore, the state should enact legislation as soon as possible, identifying the subjects to be regulated and regulating the distribution and circulation of virtual money.


(ii) Establishment of a virtual currency risk early warning mechanism


Introduction of regulatory, supervisory and punitive mechanisms in the virtual currency exchange market, setting up crisis management and market exit mechanisms for virtual currency, and maintaining order in the market. Regulators observe the total volume of transaction information in the trading platform, regulators monitor the movements of transactions, observe unusual changes in the volume of virtual currency transactions in a timely manner, and prevent adverse effects in the wake of the collapse of the virtual monetary system.


(iii) Management oversight and punishment mechanisms established


Technical departments and legislative bodies should strengthen their research and legislative regulation of the characteristics of virtual currency, focusing on current issues of anonymity and technical security, and on possible problems with virtual currency transactions. An Internet tracking system should be established, with detailed records and easy access to oversight authorities, in order to avoid the loss of virtual assets on the Internet, with a modest principle, and a platform dedicated to virtual currency transactions should be established to regulate the disclosure of information on virtual currency; it should neither stifle the necessary financial innovations nor allow for the monitoring of the risks posed by virtual money itself.


(iv) Strict control over the issuance, use and conversion of virtual currencies


The distribution of virtual currency will be monitored by the relevant state departments to prevent inflation. At the same time, in order to prevent the use of virtual currency by illegal traffickers and even by influencing the real currency, the scope of its use should be controlled in order to control the occurrence of financial crime.


(v) Construction of a new trading platform for virtual currency


The new trading platform, which performs two main functions of authentication and regulation of virtual currencies, guarantees the legitimate rights and interests of consumers by publishing real-time transaction reports, making a credit-worthy virtual currency strong and a credit-deficit virtual currency obsolete, while a trading platform can make information known to consumers more transparent.


As we can see, virtual currencies, while changing established perceptions of currencies, have a huge impact on traditional financial systems, and may provide new ideas and ideas for the development and innovation of monetary systems in the future. Bitcoins, for example, have not only payment and circulation functions as currencies, but also advantages that do not exist in real currencies, and their liberalization, decentralization, and design concepts may represent one of the directions of future mainstream monetary development.




[1] Issues and impact analysis of Lee Shee-win Bitcoin investments. Science and technology entrepreneurship, 2014, (2).


[2] The new currency “bitcoin”: generation, rationale and development. Gilling Financial Research, 2013, (5).


[3] Wang Kaifan Bitcoin’s principles, roles and regulatory strategies, finance and economy, 2013, (11).


[4] Chen Yiu, “Digital Credit” and the new “Internet payment system”, theoretical exploration, 2014, (3).


[5] Yelly Liu, the evolution, merit and regulation of Bitcoin. Theoretical paper, 2014, (3).


[6] Monchom. Looking at future monetary developments from Bitcoin, Modern Economic Information, 2014, (4).


[7] Exploration and reflection on the impact of Wang Yu. Bitcoin on the financial system, Xian Electric University Journal, 2013, (3).


[8] Tanjong Cheng. Virtual currency is not essentially currency. China Electronic Banking Network, January 2014.


[9] Chen Dafu Bitcoin Risk Characteristics and Regulatory Recommendations, China Economic News Network, June 2014.


[10] Yevonne Bitcoin is an electronic virtual currency, Eyenet, October 2013.




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