
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:19 评论:0
公司董事涉嫌挪用资金购买比特币矿机、擅自转移公司资金、私刻公章……案件最新进展来了。The director of the company is suspected of misappropriation of funds for the...



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The director of the company is suspected of misappropriation of funds for the purchase of the Bitcoin mine, unauthorized transfer of company funds, and private public seals... The latest developments in the case have taken place.


During the evening of 2 June, *St. Nakachan announced that the director of the company had opened a criminal case against him by the Beijing City Public Security Bureau (PSA) in the Yang district of Beijing on suspicion of misappropriation of funds. The company was informed by the public security judiciary that on 1 June 2022, the prosecutor's office of Beijing city in the Yang district had taken a decision to approve the arrest.


Source: *ST China Proclamation


* According to ST Mid-Chang's 2021 annual report, Ngong Sul was born in 1982 and has been a member of the Board of Directors of Yunk Network Science and Technology Ltd. in Shanghai; he was President, General Manager of ST and is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Corporation.


is suspected of misappropriation of funds for the purchase of mining machines, private seals


According to a letter of enquiry sent in response to the request dated 14 May*ST, the funds that were supposed to be used for the company's operations were diverted during the term of office of the director and former head of the subsidiary Shanghai Yunk Network Technology Ltd. (“Shanghai Yunk”), such as the suspected misappropriation of funds for the purchase of mining machines and the payment of trust funds, the self-determination of the south and the payment of funds for the purpose of investing abroad, and the unauthorized transfer of company funds without implementing the approval process.


On 2 September 2021, the company's subsidiary, Holgos Yunran Network Technology Ltd. (“The Yunan Network”), entered into an Investment Agreement with Wu and Lu, with an investment of 40 million yuan in Jiangsu Salt Communications and Technology Ltd., holding 20 per cent of the shares, which included a payment of 5 million yuan by the Yunang Network's Pro-Sun Sun and a proxy share of 2.50 per cent; the actual investment in the Yunang Network was 35 million yuan, with 17.50 per cent of the shares held, which was implemented at the discretion of the board of directors in the South.


The company's inspection of bank statements found that from 22 September to 31 December 2021, 19 transfers of funds were not carried out effectively in accordance with the company's statutes and financial management requirements, involving an amount of RMB 11,953.83 million, S$ 2.99 million and S$ 1.94 million, with a total of RMB 4,17.44 million converted at the exchange rate of 31 December 2021.


Source: Corporate bulletins


The company's inspection contract found that in January-September 2021, the company paid $2.781.21 million for the purchase of servers and did not create assets on the company's books or in substance. A contract for the purchase of assets of this type was checked and found that the purchase of the Mima Miner (model: M31S-76T44W), the super-counting server (model S10Pro), which was the mainstream Bitcoin Mine, was used only for the mining of bitcoins and could not be used for the company's operations. Moreover, the company's daily operation did not require large-scale purchase of servers as support for its operations, and simply leased the flow of servers from the upstream industry as required. In addition, the company's purchase of $25,234 million for hosting fees was the cost of hosting the above-mentioned Miner, the company paid $49.17 million for the deposit, which was also held for deposits for the above-mentioned Miner, for a total of $53.5472 million.


Source: Corporate bulletins


According to the company, in the Shanghai Beacon case against Shanghai Beacon in connection with the above-mentioned mine, it was mentioned in the Shanghai Beacon suit that Shanghai today had “a sudden alteration of the account address of the proceeds of 313 mining machines on the morning of 13 May 2021”, while Shanghai today did not receive the proceeds of the relevant revenue account address.


As at the date of disclosure of the announcement, the company had not taken stock of the assets associated with the mine purchased by the company on suspicion of misappropriation of the company's funds; nor had the company reaped the proceeds of the high trust charges on suspicion of misappropriation of the company's funds.


After the company reported the incident, on 11 November 2021, the Beijing City Public Security Bureau in Yooyang issued a notice of suspicion of misappropriation of company funds in Ngingang Nam and requested the Gang to go to the public security organs to cooperate with the investigation and to give sufficient time, but it refused to do so.


seriously affects the normal operation of the company


According to the *ST Mid-Chang announcement, during the course of the company's operations, the company and its subordinates were not properly managed and some of its operations were adversely affected. The company lost $28,661.2 million net in January-June 2021, representing a decrease of $17,905.60 per cent from the previous year's deficit of $15.9 million in the same period; of this amount, the subsidiary, Yunkai Shanghai, recorded a net profit of $29,281.5 million in January-June 2020, a net profit of $76,86.2 million in January-December, compared with a net profit of $9,88.34 million in January-June 2021 and a significant decline in performance in the first half of 2021 compared to the first half of 2020.


In the wake of the company’s debt crisis, poor management by the former management team and poor management of operations have led to a contraction in the overall scale of business as major clients, such as my family, major suppliers, and others, have stopped working with Nakachan. The alleged misappropriation of listed company funds in the south has created financial liquidity difficulties for companies, straining the flow of company funds, preventing the payment of much of the business, stagnating a large amount of business, and the company’s exposure to the risk of a break in cash flow at any given time.


In order to regulate corporate governance, the new management of the company undertook a verification exercise of its subsidiaries at the end of September, and reassigned and appointed senior officers of its directors-in-charge. During the handover process, however, staff members of the subordinate companies were discharged from the company in an intensive manner, while the company was at the same time the supervisor, the time supervisor and some of its employees refused to hand over some of the financial and personnel information. In the process, there were instances of uncontrollable public seals, the suspension of cooperation from major client suppliers, the failure to recover large amounts of receivables in a timely manner, and the failure to provide some of the financial information, leading to significant deficiencies in the implementation of internal controls in a number of important processes related to financial reporting, such as stamp management, sales and receipts, procurement and payments, revenue and cost recognition.


As at 31 December 2021, the matter of suspected misappropriation of funds had not been properly addressed, resulting in significant deficiencies in the implementation of internal controls, such as the corporate internal oversight environment, approval of decisions on the purchase of significant assets and approval of external payments, and the inability to determine whether the subject matter of the criminal case constituted related party transactions and related party funds, as well as the existence of other forms of potentially related transactions, and the failure of related internal controls to function, resulting in internal control audit reports issued by the firm's accounting firm in 2021.


extension to reply to the annual report inquiry


On 25 May 2022, *ST Mid-Chang received a regulatory inquiry from the Shanghai Stock Exchange for the disclosure of information on an annual basis. The annual report showed that the company had failed to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence as at the date of the audit report to determine the nature, authenticity, impairment and recoverability of receivables and advance payments.


As required by the submission, the company discloses: whether the transaction is of a commercial nature, whether it constitutes a related transaction or whether it constitutes an occupancy of funds, taking into account the transaction background of the related receivables, other receivables and advances, the counterparty to the transaction; whether there is an accrual impairment but not a reduction in the preparation of other receivables for the current period, taking into account the company's business, customers, bad debt preparation policy, etc.; whether the above receivables, the advance payment items are supported by the original transaction material, indicating the specific impact on the financial statements, taking into account the reconciliation with the customer, supplier, etc.; and, taking into account the actual circumstances, the reasons for and reasonableness of the preparation of the advance payment without a reduction in value.


On 1 June 2022, *St. Chuchang announced that, following receipt of the above-mentioned regulatory inquiry, the company had actively organized a follow-up and response to each of the issues involved.




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