"One hundred years a year in a traditional business." In a low-profile office in Beijing, Chen Hong's "Golden Jing" came out to stimulate the nerves of some of the students under the stage.
In Chen Hongguchi, this investment depends on a chain and hand-to-hand, a multi-million-volume wealth feast, and a rare multi-fold increase in investment. “Inputs a million dollars a year,” 30 players make 24 million dollars a year, and Chen Hong builds a wealth future worth investing in by making every single gain available to the audience at a small point.
A New Kyoto newspaper reporter's survey found that this project, known as the “Giving Dynasty,” was aimed specifically at older groups, and that the internal data even explicitly stated that “promoting the role of older persons as non-players, with patterns highlighting the distribution of property.” These “entry” investors tended to focus on older groups, explaining what was a chain, and then came out of their pocket. Counter-distributionrs analysed it as a typical model of virtual currency plus currency, using virtual currency fraud in the name of a sector chain, in fact false currency, false ICO, and in essence, in the form of fraud.
11月30日,朝陽區一間辦公室內,“講師”陳洪(化名)正向台下的投資者宣講“一年如何賺到 2400 萬”,其項目主要針對老年群體,涉及傳銷模式。新京報記者 王飛翔 攝
On November 30, in an office in the Yangtze district, Chen Hong, the “Speaker” is speaking to investors on the stage about “How to earn 24 million a year”, a project that focuses on older people and deals with distribution patterns.
On 30 November, Chen Hong, in an office on the 19th floor of the modern city of Soho in Beijing, spoke to listeners on the stage about how to earn $24 million in a year.
"Only a fast car with a chain of ups and downs is possible." Chan Hong said that the five most promising areas of the 21st century: artificial intelligence, a chain, cloud computing, new energy and great health, but with a chain of low-gates, high-return items, "Standards, one of the things we're doing now is the Qing Qing Dynasty Games Platform, the only new product that we've developed in the same time with a chain technology."
According to Chen Hong, it is called a dual-genomic project with a “block chain” and an “interconnected web tour” that requires an investment of only $660 in full gold, and the platform returns its profits every day according to the sum of the banknotes.
他指著旁邊展示的一些手游產品的廣告告訴記者,這些游戲是由業內頂級的“FD游戲工作室”團隊開發的。記者查詢發現,FD只是單機游戲Fan Disk的英文簡稱,無論是國內還是國外,均沒有“FD游戲工作室”這個機構。
He pointed to ads on some of the hand-held products that were displayed next to him, telling reporters that the games had been developed by the top team in the industry, the “FD Game Studio.” The journalist found out that the FD was simply a simple English version of Fan Disk, and that there was no “FD Game Studio” in either the country or abroad.
“Our game platform combines the technical features of point-to-point transactions, decentralization, immobilization, complete anonymity, etc. The company's main body in Singapore, which is now open only to the domestic market, is now a rare investment period.” Chen Hong, while always presenting the background of the company, never revealed its specific name.
According to Chen Hong, this fast-growing path is that consumers need to invest $660 to buy 600 dollars in a platform to build a house in the platform's game town. After that, the platform returns a daily interest rate of between 1 and 3 per cent of the investor's principal, “This is the return of the money, and if you don't raise it, you'll get more and more money.”
He took out the Mark note and put a bill on it, starting with the principal of $660, and six months later the investors would be paid a profit of about $8,000 and a return of $100,000 a year.
And investors don't really have to play the game on the platform, "Only open the platform interface, click on it every day, and maintain their activity."
陳洪(化名)在授課現場向記者展示的游戲金幣交易界面。新京報記者 王飛翔 攝
平台金幣不能直接提現,需要在“盛世王朝”平台內與其他玩家點對點交易,一枚金幣的交易價格是一元人民幣。辦公室裡其他的“講師”似乎看出了投資者擔心無法變現的顧慮,說道:“金幣可以賣給我們,有多少收多少,不過現在基本都不會賣金幣,因為以后金幣的價格還會上漲。” The platform gold coins cannot be directly mentioned, and they need to be traded with other players on the platform of the Great Dynasty, where the price of a gold coin is one dollar. The other “speakers” in the office seem to see the investor's fear that they will not be able to change, saying, “The gold coins can be sold to us, how much they will be collected, but they will not be sold now, because the price of the gold will rise.”
如果著急提現怎麼辦?陳洪給出了另一個變現的路徑——直推,“如果你發展5個玩家(投資人),就可以獲得平台獎勵的50個USDT﹔發展到10個玩家,且其中三個每人再發展3個玩家,就可以獲得100個USDT。” What if you're anxious about it? Chen Hong gave us another path of change -- to push it straight, "If you develop five players, you get 50 USDTs for the platform; if you develop 10 players, and three of them develop three more, you get 100 USDTs."
USDT中文名泰達幣,由一家海外加密貨幣公司Tether發行,號稱1:1錨定美元,1USDT價格總是維持在1美元左右。但該幣種目前也未獲得中國、美國等國金融監管部門的認可。 USDT’s Chinese name, Tether, is issued by an overseas encrypted currency company called 1:1 puncture dollar, and the price of 1 USDT is always around $1. But the currency is not currently recognized by China, the United States, or other financial regulatory agencies.
在“講師”們口中,每發展一名玩家,上線將獲得該玩家總收益的10%。以此類推,如果發展到30個玩家,每個玩家系統裡有10000個用戶,平台將獎勵2000000個USDT。加上每個下線玩家10%的收益值,用戶可一次性獲得2400萬元人民幣,成為名副其實的千萬富翁。再過幾個月,平台將發行專屬FDG虛擬貨幣,平台內的玩家可獲得優先認購權,打造全球首家鏈游資產交易所。 In the words of “speakers,” every player that develops will receive 10% of the player's total earnings. Thus, for example, if 30 players are developed, with 10,000 users in each player's system, the platform will reward 20,000 USDT. With 10% of the value of each downline player, the user will receive 24 million yuan in a single lump sum and become a truly millionaire. In a few months, the platform will issue FDG's virtual currency, and the platform's players will be given the privilege to buy and build the world's premier equity exchange.
記者獲得的一份用於內部交流的“盛世王朝”《FDG白皮書》顯示,平台將發行2.1億枚FDG,其中30%用於市場推廣、技術團隊以及生態建設,剩下的70%才分配到礦工挖礦。 According to a reporter's FDG White Book, which is used for internal exchanges, the platform will issue 210 million FDGs, 30 per cent of which will be used for market promotion, technical teams and construction, and the remaining 70 per cent will be allocated to miners to dig for mining.
這樣小投資高回報的項目贏利點在哪裡?陳洪表示,平台賺的是游戲公司和平台入駐商城的錢,所以每推廣一名投資人,就相當於平台的“大數據庫”多了一個玩家。游戲公司和商城會給平台返利。 What is the point of success of the small investment-back project? Chen Hong says that the platform earns a lot of money from game companies and platforms that are in the city, so every investor that is promoted is equal to one player in the platform's “large database.” Game companies and malls are going to return to the platform.
這一說法並未得到部分游戲公司的認可。經查詢,平台內一款名為《小小勇士》的游戲由廣東星輝天拓互動娛樂有限公司運營。記者致電該公司發現,對方並沒有跟區塊鏈項目合作過,也沒有聽過“盛世王朝”這個平台。 According to a query, a game called Little Warrior is run by the Guangdong Star Expedition Entertainment Company. The journalist called the company and found that the other party had not cooperated with the chain project or heard of the platform, the "Hong Kong Dynasty".
推廣對象: promoter:
鎖定不玩游戲的老年人 locks up older people who don't play games
陳洪此前是一名房產中介,在朋友的介紹下了解到了“盛世王朝”項目。一個月前,他從公司辭職,開始全職運營自己的“財富團隊”。 Chen Hong, a former real estate agent who was introduced by a friend, learned about the "Hong Kong Dynasty" project. A month ago, he resigned from the company and started running his own "rich group" full time.
“我剛做半個月就分享了5個玩家,已經獲得了50個USDT了。”在講課中,這一點他至少強調了三次,試圖以此讓聽眾相信,平台不會虧待任何一個努力的投資者。 "I've shared five players in the first half of the month, and I've got 50 USDTs." In his lecture, he stressed this at least three times, trying to convince the listeners that the platform would not lose any hard-working investor.
11月30日,頭發花白的李愛萍又一次聽完陳洪老師的課,仍然是一片茫然。盡管同樣的內容,她已經聽過好幾次,但對於區塊鏈、手游平台,她仍是不懂,“但我知道這個很賺錢。” On November 30, the white-haired Li E-Ping, once again listening to Mr. Chen Hung's class, was still confused. Despite the same content, she has heard it several times, but she still doesn't understand the chain, the hand-walking platform, "but I know it makes money."
而在另一個房間,一場玩家交流會也在熱鬧地進行著,大多數是老年人。“我們這些老年人都開始推廣團隊了,你們年輕人早點加入肯定比我們賺的多。”“玩家”田玉蘭說。另一位投資者告訴記者,“田玉蘭已經有200多個玩家了,是我們這團隊做得最好的。” And in the other room, there's a gamer meeting, mostly older people. “We're older people, and you young people must have made more money early than us.” The player says. Another investor told the press, “Tamachi has more than 200 players, and our team is doing the best.”
記者添加田玉蘭的微信后發現,她的朋友圈幾乎全部是跟“盛世王朝”相關的內容。“親戚是最好發展的,其次就是同事,還有同事的朋友。”田玉蘭透露了自己的經營秘訣。 The journalist added a micro-letter from Tamachiland and found that her circle of friends was almost entirely connected to the “Hong Kong dynasty.” “Relationships are best developed, followed by colleagues and friends of colleagues.” Tamachi revealed her secret business.
當記者問起什麼是去中心化時,田玉蘭神色一變,“了解那些干嗎,你隻管賺錢不就行了”。 When journalists asked what was going to be centralized, the gods changed, “know what's going on, just make money”.
在記者獲得的一份“盛世王朝”《游戲項目》內部文件中,一行不起眼的小字寫著“主要推廣對象:不玩游戲的老年人,模式突出傳銷屬性”。 In a reporter's internal document entitled “The Great Dynasty of the Games”, the word “primarily promotive: older persons who don't play games, in a way that highlights the attributes of distribution” was written in a small line of words.
據陳洪介紹,目前平台剛剛上線三個月,已經有10000多名用戶了,僅注冊費,平台已經淨收660多萬元,“北京這邊只是市場部,全國設立了很多市場部,包括上海、深圳、西安、成都等十幾個省會城市都有。” According to Chen Hong, the platform has only been on the line for three months now and has more than 10,000 users, only for registration, and the platform has collected over $6.6 million. “This is only the market in Beijing, where a number of markets have been set up throughout the country, including Shanghai, Shenzhen, Xian, Chengdu and more than a dozen provincial capitals.”
專家分析: expert analysis:
As early as September 4, 2017, seven ministries, including the People’s Bank of China, issued the Proclamation on Protection against the Risk of Indignity in Currency Development, which prohibits all types of ICO indulging.
“This means that it is illegal to issue and trade in all kinds of games and games within the country.” According to Liu, the head of the Thaksin Collar Institute in Saidi, the only legal digital currency in our country is currently issued by the central bank.
As a new generation of online technologies, the chain can have many applications, and the virtual currency is only one of them. But because the chain is a very complex new technology, the ordinary people are confused, and it is easy to mix the chain with the virtual currency, and the outlaws use it to deceive the population.
With regard to how ordinary people could protect themselves from financial fraud under the banner of a chain, Zhao Yongzhin said that no one who asks you to invest in a steady profit should be easily trusted.
Counter-distribution agents have analysed the typical virtual currency plus currency model, using virtual currency fraud in the name of a chain, and whether it is a fake currency, a fake ICO, or a fraud in nature. “The bubble of the original number currency is large, and the bubble is bigger, with the money being transferred. Such a project is almost inevitable, and it is only a matter of time and time.”
Chen Hong, Li Yi Ping, Tan Yu Lan
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