
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:26 评论:0
6年,30项建议(包括今年刚提的8项),这是马化腾担任人大代表的“成绩单”。For six years, 30 recommendations (including 8 just mentioned this year) are the “...



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For six years, 30 recommendations (including 8 just mentioned this year) are the “records” of the Magentine as the representative of the Great People's Congress.


On the evening of 3 March, the representative of the National People's Congress, the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of the Tetsu Corporation, announced his proposal for two meetings this year, which, according to the Maiteng version, was “five plus two” for a total of eight items: the first and largest of them was to accelerate the construction of a digital China; the five recommendations made in that framework concerned industry, culture, finance, health care and education; the seventh was to speed up the construction of the Bay of Australasia district in Hong Kong and promote regional integration; and the eighth was related to the environment, which proposed the construction of a national park and the promotion of the National Park Act.


It is conceivable that digital China will be a concept of intense advocacy and promotion, like the past Internet+, the digital economy, and the Bay of Australasia in Hong Kong.


The construction of the Bay of Australasia remains the most intriguing area this year. In his view, the port of Australasia currently lacks a mechanism for consultation at the highest level of decision-making, and he recommends that “a coordinated leadership group be set up at the central level for the Bay of Australasia of Australasia at the central level, consisting of leaders, preferably at a higher level, to take up the title and promote the development of the Great Bay region”.


In order to promote interaction between Hong Kong and the mainland, and especially between the urban population in Hong Kong and the Australasia Bay region, “Can we build a pilot in the Australasia Bay region of Hong Kong, or a pilot like EID?” Magenteng said, “We think this is a small step, or at least a real proposal”.


also suggested that (the Bay of Australasia region of Hong Kong) become a bridgehead for Chinese enterprises and China's capital on a global scale, and hoped that the country would put in place a policy to encourage the establishment of an international headquarters in Hong Kong and Hong Kong for the country's large and small enterprises.


In an hour and a half, Matchen has been pragmatic as always, and he has seen that each proposal has been carefully thought out and has even proposed some practical solutions for each.



In an interview with the media, Matilten was asked 17 questions. Asked about the block chain, he said, "It's a very innovative technology, you know, technology is good, but it's another way to use it. If ICO is a digital currency, I think there's still a lot of risks, not technical immaturity, but a lot of regulatory problems if you can use block chain technology to distribute digital coins. Now digital money is hot, but we're not involved, and we don't think about it, because I think it's a very risky thing.


At the same time, however, he said that the block chain could be applied in a number of scenarios: “Teaming is also actively exploring the use of the block chain in various scenarios, but it is still an early stage of development, and everyone is now looking at digital money, and I think that this is a solution to the block chain before it can continue to develop”.



Also in the area of finance, Matilten explained why he had proposed to protect against financial risks in an Internet environment this year, saying:


“There are a lot of illegal marketing, illegal fund-raising on the Internet, and a lot of it is on the Twitter public platform. We didn't expect it to be in this form, so there was a lot of pressure on us at the time.


The victim of strong says it's your platform's responsibility, even accountability, which puts a lot of pressure on us. Although we don't know what's going on, it's still our responsibility and obligation to deal with it.


So there's a lot of pressure on us to push ourselves. It's not about us, it's about us, it's about us, it's about us, and if we don't find a good way, the responsibility for the platform's regulation will not be fulfilled. Because it's really going to be involved, that's why we're talking about it.


Secondly, we're doing our own formal Internet finance business, and we're actually safe with micro-lending, but if many outside companies do this, we could be implicated, and our normal business could be affected.


So think about it. How can we not care about it?



When it comes to responsibility, the blame is often played, and the King's Glory is played as a “destroyed” pesticide. The better the game, the more the individual wealth the horse has, the more people blame the game business, especially when the game is tied up with schoolchildren and teenagers.


There is no impunity for this on the part of Matilten, who said that there has been some success since the launch of the Game Growing Guardian platform, especially in the area of anti-intense, that “it is not good that anything goes too far, that there must be a structured mechanism for age-based management, and that there must be parental and platform involvement when control, especially of minors, is not mature enough.” This is true of


But thinks that it is also important to see the positive nature of the game, which allows parents and children to manage the game in a better way of interaction than in a very rough way and so on.


"Calling is now also developing a functional game, and in many ways, it is actually a positive value that can be further played. For example, the recent jump of micro-letters, and many older people who say it's good to prevent brain dementia, and they think it's funny and simple. It's also a very similar kind of functional game, and I think it's worth exploring, and `strong' is not a simple, tasteless demonization.



When asked about the progress of the internationalization of the payment of micro-credits, the horse was soberingly aware of the real difficulties that China faced in making mobile payments abroad: “It was slow and difficult for businesses that actually had to make cross-border payments, including locally applying for mobile payment license plates similar to that of third parties. We went out to explore a round before knowing that China’s third-party payments were so advanced that there was no such advantage outside the country.”


With regard to specific problems, he said two examples: “In Hong Kong, China, for example, they had a new financial payment system (FTS) that could have been developed in the course of the year, and now, at the end of the year, it would have been able to make rapid transfers between banks, and we were waiting for those systems to be developed to speed up the local payment layout. In the off-shore market, for example, we applied for third-party payment plates, which were very difficult to apply for. But when we got the license plates, we also found that much of the local infrastructure was still to be built and some banks could not provide interfaces. Many of the progress could not be further advanced if connectivity was not achieved. We are aware of the importance of this, and we are also promoting technological improvements among banks.”


And when a reporter told Mardi Grasten that there was a particularly hot video on the Internet that his French brother was unable to pay in France with a micromail, he said, "This video was transmitted to me by hundreds of people. My biggest complaint is that I'm not too old to see him. Why call me uncle?"


Matilten has shown a great deal of performance this time, and he has twice offered to mention the payment of treasures, one of which refers to the fact that Hong Kongers and him are not able to pay, pay and tip on the mainland as easily as mainland users, and the other that he was asked to pay for the distributions abroad, saying: “Overseas, the development of the payment of micro-credits, including the payment of treasures, is still relatively high, allowing many foreigners to spend more easily while travelling abroad.”


But then I found in the official shorthand of the Circus that they had deleted all the words of the payment treasure, as if they had removed the mass of the horse.




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