新技术是双刃剑:发掘区块链潜力 警惕多种潜在风险

资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:22 评论:0



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The Secretary-General of Xi Yingping, during his eighteenth collective study by the Central Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, stressed that & ldquo; that the guidance and regulation of block chain techniques should be strengthened & & & & & & & & & & & ; that the rule of law network should be implemented in block chain management and that the secure and orderly development of the block chain & & rdquao should be promoted.


At present, the block chain is at an early stage of accelerated development, with great potential for technology and application, but the risks cannot be ignored as well.


beware of investment risk


& & ldquo; part of the track participants do not really understand what a distributed store is, nor how a block chain can contribute to a business model upgrading. Overinvestment is one of the risks facing the block chain industry today. & & rdquo;


In particular, under the concept of block chains, illegal and non-compliant projects packaged as investment targets have caused harm to society.


On 28 August 2018, the Silver Insurance Supervisory Board, the Central Networking Office, the Ministry of Public Security, the People's Bank and the General Directorate for the Supervision of State Markets jointly issued " On Prevention by “ Virtual Currency ” “ Block Chain & rdquo; Risk Notices for Illegal Money Collection in nominal name ", in which it was mentioned that some outlaws were using “ Financial Innovation & rdquo; & & & & ldquao; Block Chain & & rdquao; Flag, by issuing the so-called &ldquao; Virtual Currency & & & rdquao; & & & & ldquao; Digital Assets & & rdquo; etc., by, for example, absorbing funds to infringe the legitimate interests of the public.


If the application of block chain technology does not bring positive benefits to society, it is not a good project. How to agree with this view, &ldquao. Investors should be careful to screen many block chain projects at a time of risk. & & rdquao;


Beware of Financial Risk


He Ping stressed that fraud in the market, which was based on the concept of a block chain, created financial risks that could not be ignored, and that in the case of violations, the regulatory authorities were required to enforce the law strictly and to prevent the Ponzi scheme from emerging after punishment.


The People’s University’s big data block chain and the director of the regulatory science and technology laboratory, Yang Dong, introduced the risk of quantitative and qualitative changes in science and technology. For example, financial science and technology would significantly reduce the cost of connecting financial providers to those in need, but the hidden, sudden, contagious and negative externalities of financial risk would not disappear.

  “不仅如此,金融、技术和网络风险更易产生叠加与聚合效应,使风险传递得更快、波及面更广,且在技术性风险、操作性风险与系统性风险等层面表现得更为突出。” 杨东说。

& & ldquo; Moreover, financial, technological and network risks are more likely to produce cumulative and aggregate effects, allowing for faster and broader risk transfer and more prominent technical, operational and systemic risks.


Yang Dong added that the block chain was being integrated with different technologies, that the boundaries between the real and virtual worlds were being blurred, and that the risks they created in the area of financial science and technology were slowly becoming apparent.


Watch out for regulatory risks


According to Yang Dong, in response to the rapid development of the block chain industry, the traditional regulatory model is weak and the risks associated with information asymmetries are becoming more pronounced.


According to Yang Dong, changes in technology are taking place rapidly, thus making the fact-based regulatory path cumbersome for regulators, and the urgency of regulation can make data identification more difficult.


& ldquo; in an era of volatile, complex and disruptive innovations, it is not easy to identify regulatory targets, timings and forms of regulation. & rdquo;


At the legal level, Yang Dong believes that there is a lag in regulating the development of the block chain through traditional regulatory laws, which is particularly evident in the financial area of the application of block chain technology.


& ldquo; Regulatory principles as a whole tend to take lessons-learned legislation ex post, and such traditional principles, concepts, or even theories of prudential and behavioural regulation cannot effectively respond to the rapid development of new practices such as financial science and technology. & rdquao; Yang Dong said.


Beware of Technology Risks


The White Paper on Block Chains (2019), published by the China Institute of Information and Communications, shows that the number of applications for global open block chain patents currently stands at more than 18,000, with China accounting for more than half of the total, the world's largest.


At the same time, the White Paper shows that, while China currently has the highest number of patent applications for block chains in patent authorization, most of them are in the review phase, authorizing patents mostly for practical new and marginal patents.


By the end of 2018, 771 block chain inventions had been patented globally and only 53 in China.


The Director of the China Electronic Technology Standardization Institute’s Software Engineering and Assessment Centre, Zhouping, argues that the block chain has many risk points at the technical level. Open transparency and non-frozenness are the main features of the block chain, and as technology develops, the risks of new privacy protection cannot be ignored.


how to regulate the scientific effectiveness of


As the technology of block chains becomes more widely available and applied, in addition to regulation at the technical level, regulation at the institutional level, such as law and policy, becomes increasingly urgent.


Yang Dong said that, in the face of the new challenges posed by new technologies, it was urgent to move beyond the traditional regulatory dimension and take full advantage of the opportunities offered by technology to address the regulatory & & & & & & & & & & & & &, the shackles and to manage risks effectively while promoting innovation.


& & & ldquo; science and technology have profoundly influenced legal and governance systems, insisting that the combination of science and technology governance and legal governance is an effective way to reshape regulatory capacity. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & &, & & & &,, & & & & & &, &,, & & &, & & &, &, & &, & & & & & &, & &,, & &,,,, & &,,,, &, & & & &, & & & &,,,,, & &,,,,,,,,,, & &, & &,,,,, & &, & &,,,


In response to the need for effective scientific regulation, Li Ming, Director of the Block Chain Research Unit of the Chinese Institute for Standardization of Electronic Technology, argued that the relevant authorities should establish a well-established regulatory system, make use of laws and regulations to clarify the responsibilities of the subjects, use policy directions, and science and technology to manage and control technological risks. At the same time, they should explore targeted regulatory tools and methods to regulate networks, hardware, software, and information-related service providers.


Yang Dong also believes that regulators should actively explore the application of block chains, facilitate the development of this technology in an orderly manner and reduce the risks associated with it.




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