杨凯:笑谈比BTC还贵的YFI 聊聊它凭啥比币王还拽

资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:18 评论:0
刚入币市的有志青年A young man of interest who's just entered the market.刚刚进入币市的时候,我最希望自己能够,其实心里也坚信自己一定能够寻...



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A young man of interest who's just entered the market.


When I first entered the market, I wanted to be able, and I was convinced, to find a currency, even “some” like bitcoin. Of course, what is referred to here as “bitcoin,” does not mean that it is technically the same tangent as bitcoin, but that it is as profitable as bitcoin that can enrich the owners.


Because you don't know the technology, and you don't really care how much they're made of. It's really easy to want: a coin that I found, and I can sell it for 180,000, and when I get dozens, hundreds, thousands of it, my life will be a little bit more humane.


Two years of lost youth in the currency market.


However, two years after entering the currency market, as a man who wanted to find gold particles in the sand, he searched and searched for it. As a result, a currency with a wealth effect, like Bitcoin, could not find one, while various coins that cost him a lot of money were bought. So, the grey-faced investor had to admit that “there is no gold like bitcoins in the sandbox.” And because he failed to find which currency I could see as much as bitcoins in the price as there was. So he told himself; to admit that Bitcoin was a bitcoin, and to be able to enter the market after missing the dividend period earlier, it would be impossible to find another currency that was as high as bitcoins.


Laughing about the YFI price over bitcoin.


It's been decided that in the 2020 period of the DeFi fire, a currency called YFI pops out of nowhere. The price is more than 1YFI = 1BTC, it's more than Bitcoin, the height of the frenzy is more than 44,000, even twice the 20,000st blade in Bitcoin's history. And Bitcoin, I sleep at 12,000 blades. Do you really have no hurry?


In fact, the YFI price exceeds bitcoin, which is not something that makes me angry. There are few reasons why I'm really angry, and there are only two points, one of which is the emergence of YFI, and which, once again, subverts the "non-bit, unhonourable" market view that I built for two years.


And the second, and most crucial, is that the price rises so high that we don't get half of it. YFI, after the price peak, someone took the name of the man who gave him the sweets. I feel so hot to see it, because, in my view, it wasn't like the sweetest uncle we all knew, but more like what they used to say about "the old king next door"! Why do you think the aunts don't take good care of their nephews and nieces?


YFI's price exceeds bitcoin's cause


In order to solve these problems, central banks, including the US, have to take corresponding measures, which, like taking medications, can hurt people, and cause other problems to arise. In this special period of history, the Defi project has become a necessity.


In this context, the appeal of the Defi project naturally emerges. And when the defi fires, the best projects of the same time will naturally emerge. So, the YFI is, in fact, a natural thing to do.


This is just as Ben-Sweet released the White Paper Bitcoin in mid-2008 at the time of the 2008 financial crisis.


Because people were facing a crisis, and the emergence of the White Paper of China’s deaf bitcoin coincided with the attention of wise men who discovered problems in the crisis and hoped to find solutions to them. Many of the first people who cared about and agreed with Bitcoin were actually people of identity, and it was with their presence and their active push that Bitcoin would be able to develop today.


Second, YFI’s success has an enormous bearing on the project’s own lack of homogeneity with bitcoin. In the currency market, if a coin is to go beyond bitcoin, you cannot follow bitcoin’s track. Bitcoin, as a public chain, has its own shortcomings, and many of the projects that follow it want to improve bitcoin’s shortcomings so that it becomes a true bitcoin.


Also, in the success of YFI, its total number of coins is extremely scarce compared to that of Bitcoin, a major reason for its success. The total number of bitcoins is 21 million, while YFIs have only 30,000. The disparity of 700 to 1 has given YFI a great advantage today in the defi fire. It has given everyone who wants to find another currency worth as much as Bitcoin an infinite amount of imagination.


Also, YFI's currency is more concentrated, and it's a new currency, and the car is naturally light. In this case, it's not so difficult to let the price fly, it's just something that the big man wants to do. “It's not me, but me, if I want it; who says I can't, I will!” The phrase is used to describe the price of YFI, is it not appropriate?

  • Enterprise Bancorp Inc(EBTC)

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