
资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:20 评论:0



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Bitcoin achieves decentralised transaction logs and books by using block chain technology. Instead of relying on traditional financial institutions, such as banks or central banks, it is built on a distributed network that is maintained by global players. Bitcoins supply is limited, with a total of 21 million units. When is the next time that bitcoins are halved with the advantages of decentralisation, anonymity, and security?

比特币大约每四年减半一次,下一次减半将于明年即 2024 年发生。

Bitcoin is about halved every four years, and next half will happen next year, 2024.

准确地说,比特币协议的设计目的是每 210,000 个区块执行一次减半。由于开采一个新区块通常需要大约 10 分钟,因此每天大约开采 144 个区块,或者每月开采超过 4,300 个区块。

To be precise, the Bitcoin agreement is designed to be implemented by half of every 210,000 blocks. Since the extraction of a new block usually takes about 10 minutes, approximately 144 blocks per day are mined, or more than 4,300 blocks per month.

目前我们已经开采了不到 800,000 个区块,因此在我们到达下一个区块之前还需要开采 40,000 个区块。在不到十个月的时间里,我们应该会达到决定性的 840,000 个区块大关,这将触发第四次减半。

Now that we have mined less than 800,000 blocks, we need 40,000 blocks before we reach the next block. In less than 10 months, we should have reached the decisive 840,000 blocks, which will trigger a fourth reduction by half.

事实上,一个区块与下一个区块之间并不总是有 10 分钟的时间。

In fact, there is not always 10 minutes between one block and the next.


Digging a block means randomly searching for an alphanumeric string called Hashi to verify it, and the time for such a search is unpredictable because it is random.

然而,它可以以这样的方式完成:平均需要大约 10 分钟才能找到它,这意味着所谓的出块时间始终保持相当接近 10 分钟。

However, it can be done in such a way that it takes an average of about 10 minutes to find it, which means that the so-called block time is always quite close to 10 minutes.


For example, in May it was almost always slightly below this threshold, whereas in June it was usually slightly above that threshold.

另一方面,在 2023 年初,出块时间几乎总是低于 10 分钟,这稍微缩短了对下一个半年日期的估计。

On the other hand, at the beginning of 2023, the amount of time available was almost always less than 10 minutes, a slight reduction in the estimate of the next six-monthly date.

这意味着估计下一次减半的日期并不精确,即使您确定它会恰好发生在区块号 840,000 处。

This means that the estimate of the next halving date is not accurate, even if you are sure it will happen exactly at block number 840,000.


It also depends on how you do it, whether you use the theoretical average of 10 minutes to calculate it, or the current average of 10 minutes, or the average of the last few months or years.

然而,几乎所有的预测都表明,第 840,000 个区块将在明年 4 月至 5 月期间被开采,可能在 4 月底或 5 月初,从而引发第四次减半。

However, almost all projections indicate that the 840,000 blocks will be mined between April and May next year, possibly at the end of April or early May, triggering a fourth reduction by half.

在比特币(Bitcoin)的上,"减半"是指比特币区块奖励的减半事件,也称为"哈尔文事件"(Halving Event)。这是比特币的一个内置机制,旨在限制比特币的供应量,并控制通货膨胀。

In Bitcoin, &quat; halving & quot; refers to the halving of bitcoin block incentives, also known as &quat; Halving Event; this is a built-in mechanism for bitcoin aimed at limiting the supply of bitcoin and controlling inflation.


At first, the Bitcoin block reward was 50 bitcoins, but it would halve to 25 bitcoins in about four years after the creation of the Bitcoin grid. After that, it would halve to 12.5 bitcoins in four years.


As a result of the decline in the supply of bitcoins, halving usually results in an imbalance in supply and demand, which may have an impact on bitcoin prices. Generally, halving events are seen as a factor in the price increase of bitcoins, as the decline in supply often triggers concerns about scarcity among investors and traders, and market demand is likely to continue to rise.


However, halving events is not entirely certain that they will lead to price increases, that the Bitcoin market is affected by multiple factors, and that prices are combined by factors such as balance of supply and demand, investor sentiment, market liquidity, and global economic conditions. Therefore, when considering participation in Bitcoin, there is a need for a combination of factors and for adequate research and evaluation.


Exemption : This paper is for information purposes only and does not constitute an investment recommendation, operating on its own risk basis.




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