
资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:17 评论:0
原标题:中本聪被提名诺贝尔奖,世界上却没有人能够找到他Original title: ˂a target="_blank" href="https://ne...



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Original title:

全世界有数百万名比特币持有者,今年 9 月下旬的某一天时全球每天交易 24 万“枚”比特币,按照当天的比特币美元价格计算高达 5600 万美元。

There are millions of Bitcoin holders around the world, and one day in late September this year, the world traded 240,000 bitcoins a day, up to $56 million at the same day's dollar price.

这种以加密代码形态存在的虚拟货币已经风靡全球,以至于它的发明者“中本聪”刚刚被经济和金融学界提名为诺奖候选人。昨天加州大学洛杉矶分校的金融学教授 Bhagwan Chowdhry 在赫芬顿邮报(Huffinton Post)上撰文表示,已经提名中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)为 2016 年诺贝尔奖经济学奖的候选人。

This virtual currency, which is in the form of encryption code, has become global, to the extent that its inventor, Hmong Ben, has just been nominated by the economics and finance community for the Nobel Prize. Bhagwan Chowdhury, a finance professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, wrote in the Huffinton Post yesterday that Satoshi Nakamoto had been nominated as a candidate for the 2016 Nobel Prize for Economics.


Yet to this day, no one in the world can find him.

自从 2010 年最后一次在比特币社区以“中本聪”的账号名称露面回帖之后,这位比特币的发明者,传说中的数学家、密码学家至今没有在网上或现实生活中公开露面过。根据 Tech2ipo 的一篇报道,截止至 2014 年, 外界估算“中本聪”本人可能持有多达一百万枚比特币,按照今天的美元比价计算,大约价值 3.7 亿美元。

Since the last appearance in the Bitcoin community in 2010 in the name of the account, the inventor of Bitcoin, the legendary mathematician and cryptographer, has not appeared publicly on the Internet or in real life. According to a story by Tech2ipo, as of 2014, the outside world estimates that the “medium bellow” himself may hold up to one million bitcoins, valued at about $370 million at today's dollar value.

去年三月,《新闻周刊》记者莉亚·古德曼在美国加州 Temple City 找到了一位姓名为多利安·中本(Dorian Nakamoto)的男子,将其认作为“中本聪”并率队对其大肆“采访”。多利安·中本家住洛杉矶圣贝纳蒂诺山脚下,今年 65 岁,是一名日裔美国人,毕业于加州州立理工大学,获物理学士学位。1973 年他 23 岁时将自己的名字从中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)更改为多利安·普伦蒂斯·中本聪(Dorian Prentice Satoshi Nakamoto),之后便不再使用原名,并使用多利安·S·中本作为签名。

In March last year, Leia Goodman, a journalist for Newsweek, found a man named Dorian Nakamoto, California, who was identified as a “medium bellicose” and “interviewed” with the team. Dorian Nakamoto lived at the foot of Santa Benatino, Los Angeles, 65 years old, a Japanese-American who graduated from California State Polytechnic University and obtained a Physics degree. In 1973, he changed his name from Satoshi Nakamoto to Dorian Prentice Satoshi Nakamoto, after which he stopped using his original name and used it as a signature.


Dorian Nakamoto, who has had prostate cancer, suffered a stroke as a result of the intrusion into his life in Newsweek and subsequent media interviews. He tried to call the police, and once he went to court.

去年九月,一位匿名黑客“LulzClerk”在 Pastbin 上发帖,生成自己黑入了“中本聪” 2010 年沉寂之前,在比特币社区个人账号所用的电子邮件地址:satoshin@gmx.com。该黑客提供了自己取得该邮箱控制权的证据:两张截图,显示名叫“中本聪”的邮箱主人于 2013 年 6 月 14 日在 Card Reader Factory 购买了一款读卡器,订单发票寄送和送货地址为密苏里州圣路易斯某地。

Last September, an anonymous hacker, LulzClerk, posted a post on Pastbin, generating an e-mail address used in the Bitcoin community's personal account number: satoshin@gmx.com, before he hacked into the middle belle in 2010, and before it sank. The hacker provided evidence that he had taken control of the mailbox: two screenshots showing that the owner of the mailbox named "medium bell bell bell bell bell bell bell bell bell bell bell belle" purchased a card reader in Card Reader Factory in June 2013, and the order invoice was sent and delivered to a location in St. Louis, Missouri.

有趣的是,在 LulzClerk 黑入该电子邮件之后,邮件的原控制者还曾多次成功修改密码,只不过之后又被这名黑客夺取控制权。科技媒体 Motherboard 尝试跟这个电子邮件取得联系,发现先后联系上了两个人,一个是黑客,另一个则是“主人”。这名“主人”对 Motherbord 表示,自己只是出于兴趣偶然获得了邮箱地址和密码。目前尚无公开的证据可以确认这名“主人”就是“中本聪”本人。

Interestingly, after LulzClerk hacked into the e-mail, the original controller of the mail succeeded in changing the password several times, but was later seized control by the hacker. Technology media tried to contact the e-mail, finding that two individuals, one hacker and the other owner, had been contacted. The “owner” said to Moherbord that he had only obtained the address and password by accident out of interest. There is no public evidence to confirm that the “owner” is the “blind” himself.

“中本聪”的身世之谜,成为了除了比特币的实时比价以及新的加密技术之外,最让比特币玩家们关心的话题。提名中本聪参选诺奖的 Bhagwan Chowdhry 认为,如果要找对经济体系造成了巨大的颠覆式的影响,比特币发明者的名字瞬间就跳入他的脑海中:

Bhagwan Chowdhury, the nominee nominee in the nomination, argued that the name of the inventor of Bitcoin would jump into his head at once if the search had a huge destabilizing effect on the economic system:


Not only will the contribution of the middle-class be a radical change in the way we think about money, it is likely to undermine the central bank’s role in monetary policy, but it will also undermine high-cost remittance services such as the Western Union, completely eliminate the 2-4% middle-mediator transaction tax that they charge, such as Visa, MasterCard and Paypal, and eliminate expensive and expensive notary and intermediary services, which in fact will radically change the way legal contracts are made.

根据 2016 年诺奖评选、开奖和颁奖的日程设置,明年的 10 月评选结果才会公布,而颁奖典礼将设在 12 月。也就是说,不管“中本聪”是否能够被成功提名进而参选、进而获奖,至少要到一年后才能揭晓了。

According to the schedule for the 2016 Nobel Prizes, awards and awards, the results will not be published until next October, and the award ceremony will be held in December. That is, regardless of whether or not the “medium-brain” can be successfully nominated for election and subsequently won, it will not be known until at least one year later.




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