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This question can be said to be an issue that every investor wants to know. Before understanding it, investors need to know what is a Bitcoin contract deal. Like the Bitcoin futures principle, a two-way transaction can do much more or be empty. Before a transaction is made, both parties submit an agreement to do it at the agreed time.


For example, the new user of the OKX Exchange ("https://static.jbzj.com/qkl/ok/zhuce.html" Target="_blank"rel="external noollow") is registered :

欧易okx交易平台 for Android v6.72.1 官方安卓版


1. Transfer of funds: (For example, figure OKEX currently contains several accounts, including my wallet, currency accounts, contract accounts, French accounts, and if the new person buys the currency, it is found that the currency account is still empty because the currency you buy is still in the French currency account, and it is necessary to transfer it to the currency account for the transaction. If a contractual transaction is made, it is required to transfer it to the contractual account) e.g. by clicking on 1 - 2. Consignment of the contract account - number of transfers - 3. Confirmation of the transfer.


2. Login into the following contractual transaction interfaces.


3. Select the type of contract: a cut-off contract - click within the red circle - a week-long contract. (The short-line operation recommends the week-on-the-week contract, the long-term operational recommendation quarterly contract, the time available for the quarterly contract to be handed over, and it can be held in the short term or in the long term) The currency is selected: the mainstream currency is recommended and the smaller currency has insufficient depth of its transactions.


4. Contractual set-up: a more critical step, the incorrect set-up is prone to explosion.


The figure is as follows:


Currency denominated: United States dollars


Unit of transaction: set to the corresponding currency of transaction.


(It can also be set as one. Each contract represents a $100 BTC, or a $10 other currency: LTC, ETH, EOS, etc.


Account mode: Select a warehouse-by-ware guarantee (it is recommended that the warehouse-by-ware model be used in the operation). In setting up a contractual transaction account, the user needs to choose a bond model, and the trading bond calculation method and wind control differ from one security model. In the absence of a warehouse, the user can change the bond mode when the bond for all contracts is zero.


(1) A full warehouse deposit: an explanation from the reference map of the official network. Simplely understood: the remaining amount in the contract account that is not involved in the contract transaction will also be used to ensure the security of the warehouse space and is suitable for the operation of experienced investors.


(2) A warehouse-by-ware deposit: an explanation from the reference map.


Leverage options: It is recommended that a newcomer use 10 times for the first time, with low risk. Use 20 times with some experience.


5. Opening of warehouses (price limits)


Click on opening warehouse at the transaction interface - - look up selection & ldquo; buy up & ” see down & & & & & & rdquo; sell open & & rdquo; - - select a multiple of leverage (in a red box) - input price or select a number of forms of billing within a green frame - then click & & rdquo; buy open & & rdquao; or & & & & rdquao; sell open & & & rdquao;


Buy one price: is the first bill price to be purchased on the right and sells one price at the same price.


Competing price: The price of the counterparty is more than one order, and there is an empty list across the other side. If the user chooses the price, it can only enter the number of orders and cannot enter the price. The system will be able to read the current latest counterparty price (if the user buys it, the price is one price; if the counterparty sells it, the price is one price) and assigns a price limit on the price of the counterparty.


After the next order is successful, the order has been placed on “ warehouse & rdquao; and the unsold parts are shown on & & ldquao; the list & rdquao; the order can be withdrawn before the match is made. You can also click & ldquao; the history & rdquao; you can view the history records.


Click on the position of the right arrow to view the market, see the K-line of the futures, and recommend the K-line for a small cycle of 30 minutes, 1 hour and 4 hours.


For example, EOS buys 10 more EOS (the 10 EOS actually mortgaged only 1 EOS) because of the 10-fold leverage.


The purchase order can be withdrawn before the payment is made.

此时成交了:当前的持仓状况,10倍杠杆,看多,扣掉手续费,剩余持仓量,目前收益率2.14%,开仓均价3.738. 成交后,保证金是可以调整,如果行情开始下跌,快爆仓了,但是你依然坚信会涨,就可以补保证金,补了保证金后,强平价格就会相应的变化。

At this point in time, there is a deal: the current state of warehousing, 10 times the leverage, is high, charges are cut off, the remaining holdings are currently at a rate of 2.14 per cent, the average opening price is 3.738. After the deal, the bond can be adjusted, and if the movement starts to fall, it will explode, but you remain confident that the bond will rise, and that when the bond is replenished, the price will change accordingly.


1, hedging, the role of hedge risk


The contract currently has two main roles for users, ranging from small sizes to hedge risks. It is easy to understand it at a small scale, i.e. by leveraging gains, while the majority of the people who contract risk hedges are miners, with the following rationale for risk hedges:


If the BTC price rises, the futures will lose and the number of BTCs will decrease and the total value will remain essentially the same.


If the BTC price falls, the futures will earn and the number of BTCs will increase and the total value will remain unchanged.


Futures are sold and sold in the futures market in the same variety and quantity, but in the opposite direction futures contracts. The profits of one market compensate for the losses of another market and avoid price risks.


In addition to this, a contract would allow a countervailing force to push prices back to a relatively desirable state when they rise or fall unilaterally, to regulate spot market prices and to rationalize their short-term irrational prices.


2, increasing the liquidity of assets and facilitating the entry of more institutional investors


Since many institutional investors were unable to invest directly in Bitcoin, the launch of derivatives by the large exchange gave such investors access to the Bitcoin market.

研究机构Autonomous Next数据显示,2017年10月,投资比特币等数字货币的基金已经达到了124家,基金持有的数字货币资产总计价值23亿美元。截止目前,基金数量已经超过500家,管理资产100-150亿美元。迅速壮大的基金公司及投资机构,进一步降低了投资门槛,增加各种虚拟资产流动性。

Researcher Autonomous Next data show that, in October 2017, 124 funds invested in digital currencies such as bitcoin had reached a total value of $2.3 billion. To date, the number of funds has exceeded 500, with management assets of $10-15 billion.


3, expand the mode of dealing and compete for Bitcoin's pricing rights


Contractual transactions diversify virtual asset-trading strategies, and can do more. At the same time, the spot market and the contract market can lead each other, increasing the size of the entire digital money market.


Its futures trading derivatives are much more traded than gold in kind. Institutional investors, who find it difficult to obtain advantages in the spot market, can counter-act on the spot market by leading the derivatives market.


Through these presentations, it is believed that there is an understanding of the bitcoin contract trade curriculum and that the benefits and risks of the bitcoin contract transactions will increase at the same time as the leverage is scaled up, and that the risks are relatively high. So investors will have to be careful to invest, the good investments in the books are risky, and the transactions will be careful. If you want to know more about it, you can focus on the currency circles, and the editor-in-chief will keep the news up to date later.


This is how bitcoin is traded. The details of the bitcoin process step instruction, more information about bitcoin process, please follow other relevant script house articles!

Tag:比特币   交易  



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