比特币成新潮玩家投资热点 大学生打工买币现值3万多

资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:19 评论:0
  比特币成一些新潮玩家投资热点 佛山大学生打工买币现已值3万多元 Bitcoin is a hot spot for some newcomers to invest in.  正当“中国大妈”们在黄金市场里忙得不可开交之时,另一种看不见...



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  比特币成一些新潮玩家投资热点 佛山大学生打工买币现已值3万多元

Bitcoin is a hot spot for some newcomers to invest in.


At a time when “China’s Great Mothers” were too busy in the gold market, another invisible investment – Bitcoin – began to be a hot spot for some new fashion players. Bitcoin is a currency that has no issuer and no in-kind banknotes, and is produced entirely by a calculation process. With more players, Bitcoin began to exchange the currency for ordinary currencies, such as the renminbi and the dollar.


Given the low number of domestic firms that currently support Bitcoin payments, most people are now profiting from the exchange of the renminbi. For this new thing, even many financiers say they have never been involved, but because of the risks involved, the idea is ahead of schedule, and it is important to be cautious about investing in newcomers.


What's a bitcoin?


It was reported that Bitcoin appeared in 2008 as a virtual electronic currency, that bitcoin did not belong to any country or financial institution, and that there was no central bank to control such indicators as how much it was issued and how high the exchange rate. In 2009, Bitcoin completed its first transaction as a currency.


Madness: Virtual currency booms and falls draw attention


Although called “the currency” and in the eyes of some of the elites, bitcoin is “the future currency”, at this point bitcoin is more speculatively sold as a stock. According to some bitcoin players in Foshan, the initial method of using bitcoin was presented by only one paper, and the author of this paper has not yet been able to verify it. Bitcoin also has a “note-printer” compared to the ordinary currency, but the machine is a calculation program that everyone can download, and the user can ultimately obtain bitcoin by running it.


In 2009, Bitcoin completed its first trade as a currency. As more and more people began to join the Bitcoin market, it naturally established a bitcoin exchange rate with other currencies, which also laid the foundation for the later frenzy of speculation. At the beginning, Bitcoin’s exchange rate was extremely low, with one bitcoin hovering for a long time below US$ 0.1, then rising slowly, reaching a price of US$ 30, US$ 40 in 2013 and finally US$ 100 on 1 April, and US$ 266 in 10 April 10 days later.

  故事:“挖矿机”太贵 玩家组团“挖矿”

story: Too expensive a miner to organize a group of players to dig a mine


“If there is to be a better understanding of the bitcoin, then the nature of the currency must be understood first.” A bitcoin player in Chen City introduced that any currency in itself is worthless and that credit systems give it value. There is no ordinary guarantor of bitcoin, and trust in it stems from this set of calculations for the generation of bitcoin itself. After numerous tests, the algorithm is considered unmanageable and the total amount of money distributed is limited, at around 21 million.


In order to get bitcoin, it can be obtained through “mining” in addition to ordinary renminbis, dollars, etc. The city tells journalists that mining is a term that means running the official bitcoin algorithm and eventually getting bitcoin. The general computer is no longer competitive, so someone buys multiple card combinations of specialized computers called “mining machines” and calculates the program 24 hours a day and 24 hours a day to get bitcoin.


The city revealed that the cheapest miner is now worth tens of thousands of dollars at a price of hundreds of thousands of dollars. He introduced a top miner, which now digs one or two bitcoins at most a day, and a generally capable machine may not be able to dig one in a row for several years. So, a lot of players are groups that work together to dig mines and dig them evenly.

  案例:暑期打工买币 持币价值3万多元

case: summer workers buying currency with a value of 30,000 multipolar


In July 2012, he first came into contact with the concept of bitcoin, when the exchange rate was not more than 50 yuan, and he purchased two bitcoins on a domestic trading website, with a payment treasure of $100. As the new virtual currency of bitcoin became more and more known, he began to become a feverer friend.


Unlike the vast majority of the players, Xiao Xiang gained more and less, holding more than 60 bits of coins, “at most of which were bought with summer money.” On average, the purchase price is about $65, and the price is not too high. He is deeply aware of the volatility of the Bitcoin market, which rose suddenly to $100 a day last August, but fell again in less than a few hours and fell back to $80 the next day. Today, he still has 45 bits of bitcoins in his hand, counting around 30,000 yuan at yesterday’s exchange rate.


However, Xiaoqiang does not view Bitcoin as a speculative product, but rather as the future of the currency. He said that the future was not intended to be a desperate one, with long-term holdings to see how things evolved.


Views: Feels like player thinking's a little stiff


But perhaps the principles are too complicated and abstract, and bitcoin players are still very small. There are players who estimate that the little circle in Foshanbitco is not more than a few hundred people.


“I told my friends that it was difficult for them to understand and that their thinking was more traditional.” Mr. Liang said that his friends thought that “one idea could trigger a constant chase, and those people were stupid.” And the same thing happened to him, who said, “When he told his classmates very early, it was almost impossible to understand, and only recently, when the media came to notice, two students followed him and bought one for each of them.” Even then, Keung and his fellow finance professionals discussed the meaning of Bitcoin, and “it seems like they're a bit inflexible, and they all say that bitcoin has a lot of shortcomings to overcome.”


Indeed, with Bitcoin’s birth, this challenge has not stopped. Some think that its credit system is fragile, and that it collapses once the computing process is wrong.


Wirtschaftsprüfer: Be careful to enter the city. ]


Yesterday, journalists consulted several bank financiers, but many of them said that they had not been involved in this new type of investment. “Risk is high, customers are hard to accept, or stocks, funds, etc., which already have an understanding base, are easier to accept.” A financialian told journalists that investors must be very vigilant about such virtual items, and newers are better off. Journalists learned that virtually all of the players investing in bitcoin are “self-educated”.


If you're interested in playing bitcoin too, the little bitcoin is a matter of measure, and in fact his own bitcoin is invested in his various investment instruments, and the ratio is only around 10.





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