
资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:21 评论:0
一、比特币 i, Bitcoin 比特币是什么What's a bitcoin? 比特币是一种基于区块链产生的数字加密货币。由中本聪在2009年提出,并用唯一版本的矿工软件挖了近98万个比特币。货币系统曾在4年内只有不超过1050万个,之后...



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i, Bitcoin


What's a bitcoin?


Bitcoin is a digitally encrypted currency based on block chains. It was proposed by Nakamoto in 2009, and nearly 980,000 bitcoins were dug with the only version of miner software.


Bitcoin’s circulation began in the programmer circle, and mining and trading were concentrated in the circle, so the holders of bitcoin were mostly confined to the circle. Bitcoin never had a valuable set of codes that created $19,000 today.


bitcoin's investment value


Factor of Bitcoin '/strong'


Secrecy attributes: Bitcoin is an encrypted currency, and the system guarantees the security of transactions. At the same time, the information of each trader in the Bitcoin trading system is only a few IP addresses and does not reveal any personal information, making it a currency of many underground black markets and a means of laundering money by corrupt officials.


Bitcoin is similar to the investment attributes of gold: most of the Bitcoin transactions are still aimed at preserving their value as collections, similar to gold, and the vast majority of investors do not use bitcoin as a currency for trading.


The advent of the options: on December 11, 2017, the Chicago options exchange started trading in bitcoins. Compared to the lack of a sufficiently rich and secure way to do bitcoins, the advent of the options meant that there was a safe, empty tool.


Some countries support Bitcoin: the United States and Russia view Bitcoin as a legitimate financial instrument, strengthening regulation while complying with bitcoin transactions. Venezuela sees Bitcoin as a hedge currency, and, in the face of a rapid decline in its oil industry and a sharp rise in inflation (now 741%), residents view Bitcoin as a more stable and reliable type of currency.

ICO的禁止:Initial Coin Offering首次代币公开发行,具有与IPO类似的性质,是全新数字代笔进行募资的手段。但由于高风险,高泡沫,高不确定性,ICO已遭到各国叫停。ICO的禁止虽然对于数字货币的发展是一种阻碍,但是确实对现存数字货币巨头比特币地位的保障,可以说今后由个人发行的数字货币将很难取代比特币的地位。

The ICO’s ban has been suspended by countries because of high risk, high bubbles, and high uncertainty. The ICO’s ban, while an impediment to digital currency development, does guarantee the status of the existing digital currency giant Bitcoin, and it can be said that it will be difficult for individuals to issue digital currency to replace Bitcoin in the future.


Bitcoin Potential Risk

比特币做空工具的出现,可能导致大量做空订单。 在每一次市场大热的过后,每一种投资工具都会面临一定程度的市场回调,而突然出现的期权交易可能会引导持有者大量做空脱手比特币,导致其大幅下跌。

The emergence of a bitcoin as an empty tool could lead to a large number of empty orders. After every hot market, each investment instrument would face a certain amount of market rewinding, and sudden options transactions could lead its holders to do a lot of empty bitcoins, causing them to fall sharply.

各国对于比特币的不同态度 印度英国等国家对待比特币的态度较为模糊,并不加强监管却也不承认比特币的合法性,将比特币交易视作一种投资者自觉自愿投资并承担风险的行为。也有部分国家对比特币是加强监管甚至禁止的态度,如中国对于比特币交易的禁止, 韩国对于比特币期货交易的禁止等。

The attitude of countries toward bitcoin is more vague, with countries like India and the United Kingdom not strengthening regulation, but not recognizing the legitimacy of bitcoin, and treating bitcoin transactions as an act of conscious voluntary investment and risk-taking by investors. There are also some countries where bitcoin is more regulated or even prohibited, such as China’s ban on bitcoin and South Korea’s ban on bitcoin futures.

庞氏骗局的怀疑 市场上有多方声音怀疑比特币是继MMM之后的又一次庞氏骗局。所谓庞氏骗局,为以发展下线为途径,以下线加入时的“会费”完成上线投资的增值。显然比特币的实际价值与挖矿难度保障了其与庞氏骗局的区别。然而,比特币的暴涨确实存在经济泡沫的可能性,因此也存在瞬间破裂,所有投资全部清空的可能性。同时很多以传销为本质的山寨数字货币,如万福币,云金豆等会导致国家对数字货币的进一步禁止,从而影响比特币前景。

The Ponzi scheme has the suspicion that Bitcoin is a further Ponzi scheme after the MMM. The Ponzi scheme, the & ldquo; dues & & rdquo; the value added of up-to-line investment when the line is added, is a way of developing the bottom line. It is clear that the real value of Bitcoin and the difficulty of mining it secures a difference from the Ponzi scheme.

央行合法数字货币的发行 比特币的部分价值在于其区块链的应用,去中心化的安全性与加密程序的保密性质的确是作为安全可靠货币类型必不可少的特性。而区块链的交易方式也是银行今后发展的一大方向。然而,在把比特币列入全球合法货币,承认比特币合法性并鼓励其作为新型货币之外的另一种可能,便是国家用同样的技术创造各国自己的数字货币,掌控挖矿,确定其与实体货币汇率。正式合法数字货币的出现将会使得比特币退出明面交易的舞台。

In addition to including Bitcoin in the global legal currency, recognizing its legitimacy, and encouraging it as a new currency, it is possible that countries use the same technology to create their own digital currency, control mining, and determine their real currency exchange rates. The emergence of a formal legal digital currency would allow Bitcoin to step out of the face-to-face trading arena.

比特币拆分下的价值稀释: 比特币保值的其中一个因素便是其恒定数量为2100万个,避免了类似于货币加印所导致的通货膨胀。然而值得注意的是,虽然各国会通过增加发行稀释货币价值,但是货币的最小单位是固定的,如美元的最小交易单位为美分。比特币与普通实体货币不同的是,虽然总数固定,但可以无限再分。现在1BTC被分为一亿Satoshi(聪)。而今后每一聪也可被分成大量的更小单位,可以说即便比特币一直在增值,但其最小单位的价值可能反而会减小,其效果也会类似于增加货币发行。

One of the factors in the preservation of Bitcoins is its constant number of 21 million, avoiding inflation similar to that caused by the printing of currencies. It is worth noting, however, that, while countries may increase the value of diluted currencies, the smallest units of currency are fixed, such as the minimum transaction unit of the dollar, which, unlike ordinary entity currencies, can be split indefinitely, although the total is fixed. Now that 1BTC is divided into 100 million Satoshi (hear), it can be said that even if the bitcoins continue to add value, the value of their smallest units may be reduced and their effects similar to those of increased currency issuance.


effect of bitcoin futures price on bitcoin


The emergence of the Bitcoin futures increased the need for bitcoin, but also facilitated the creation of empty bitcoins.


On the one hand, the emergence of futures will lead to the image of bitcoins as mainstream investments, increasing their attractiveness and demand, and increasing their value. On the other hand, investors who look down bitcoins will actually use their options to emptify them, thereby causing bitcoins to fall sharply. On the other hand, now that bitcoins are essentially seen as a special commodity protected by the normal rules of investment, they occupy a unique space that does not apply to normal investment rules, but the emergence of Bitcoins’ formal financial derivatives markets may blur and even disappear.


Of course, in the long run, the existence of bitcoin futures is a guarantee of the stability of bitcoin transactions, and the appearance of bitcoin in the long run will obviously have a positive impact on bitcoin if both are price-transparent and have a stable large number of participants.


II, sunset in mining industry >mdash; — take Bitcoin as an example of mining


Every Bitcoin transaction needs to be recorded, and the first node will be rewarded by bitcoin, which is the explanation for the bitcoin mining front. Each mining can be viewed as a challenge, and only the fastest-made miner will be rewarded. While bitcoin is on the rise, the Tetco mining industry is in the sunset for a number of reasons:



Due to the limitations of the total amount of Bitcoin, the Bitcoin Open Source Agreement provides for a reduction of the Bitcoin block incentive by half for every 210,000 blocks generated. Each mining operation will cost a lot of electricity and, if the Bitcoin block incentive fails to cover the cost, a large number of miners will stop digging and leave the industry. Today, the block rewards continue to fall by half, while part of the miners work together to form a huge mining pond, which will gain a monopoly once a pond is sure to occupy half or less of it.


Policy regulation:


On October 17, according to the Russian news agency TASS, in a meeting last week between Russian President Vladimir Putin and fiscal officials, Russian regulators decided to officially launch the regulation of the mining industry for digitally encrypted currencies, such as bitcoin. Other countries, even without a formal regulation, would have to monitor the mining industry while regulating bitcoin transactions.


Mining difficulties are increasing:


The surge in Bitcoin has led to the entry of a large number of miners, and, in order to provide incentives to slow down mining, i.e. to lower the value of the system's target, the system's difficulty in mining will increase rapidly. It has now become difficult to raise it once a week.


Electricity consumption:


Mining is a bulk-quantized operation in which ordinary residential areas are unable to provide electricity, and therefore only use commercial electricity, which is much higher than electricity in normal residential areas. Large amounts of rapid electricity can attract the attention of regulatory agencies, and it can act as a barrier to mining.


III, digital currency


What's the digital currency?

数字货币(digital currency)是电子货币形式的替代货币。数字金币和密码货币都属于数字货币(DIGICCY)。它不能完全等同于虚拟世界中的虚拟货币,因为它经常被用于真实的商品和服务交易,而不仅仅局限在网络游戏等虚拟空间中。数字金币实际上是一种实物货币形式,其存款以黄金而不是法定货币为单位计量。因此数字黄金货币的购买力波动和黄金价格相关。密码货币,Cryptocurrency,是不依托任何实物,使用密码算法的数字货币,比特币即为其中一种。以下讨论的其他货币类型也是这种密码货币。

Digital currency is an alternative currency in the form of electronic currency. Digital gold and cryptographic currency are digital money (DIGICCY). It cannot be fully equivalent to virtual currency in the virtual world, because it is often used in real goods and services transactions, not just in virtual spaces such as cyber games. Digital gold is actually a form of money in kind, whose deposits are measured in terms of gold rather than in legal currencies. So the purchasing power of digital gold currency is associated with gold prices.


More common digital currencies other than bitcoins


In the face of the surge in bitcoins, money poured into bitcoins. However, in analysing whether a digital currency had an investment value in excess of bitcoins, it was important to analyse whether its technology was innovative or whether its equivalent was of greater quality than bitcoins.


Other digital currencies of investment value


Bitcoin’s market-market dominance has been declining from 90% of its monopolistic position in 2013 to below 40% of its lowest level in July of this year, and has risen slightly since then. The bull market began, with the value of many of the competing coins being excavated, while Bitcoin’s development stagnated by the block capacity freeze.


The market value of the major digital currencies is as follows:


In the view of individuals, there are two main types of potential that may exceed the Bitcoin status and have a greater investment value at this stage:




Ether is a smart contractual platform that builds a platform based on a block chain to create and run smart contracts for users. Smart contracts are contracts that are automatically executed (when they meet, trigger, trigger predefined conditions). The usefulness of Ether is to create block chain solutions for clients, avoiding complex technological processes that begin with block chains. In a situation where the block chain concept quickly attracts attention from a large number of investors, the potential of Ether is unlimited.


The Ethercopic currency (ETH) is the currency used to pay royalties (in the currency of the Etherm system) when creating an intelligent contract. The Ethercopic currency is a different area from that of Bitcoin under the block chain, with different objectives and no direct comparative value.

以太坊的这个智能合约平台,正在蓬勃发展,有很多很有潜力的项目。另外,一些全球500强企业、创业公司、学院、技术提供商也联合创建了企业以太坊联盟(EEA)Enterprise Ethereum Alliance。这些企业包括了微软、英特尔、bp、ING、三星、丰田等。目前以太币处于加密货币市值第二的位置。同时以太币非常适合作为比特币的对冲,与比特币同时持有,因为以太币交易速度快,交易成本小,暂时无类似于比特币的分裂风险。

In addition, a number of top 500 companies, start-ups, colleges, technology providers have joined forces to create the EEA Enderprise Enterprise Alliance. These include Microsoft, Intel, bp, ING, Samsung, Toyota, and others. They are now in second place in the market value of encrypted currencies. Tainotes are also well suited as a counterweight to Bitcoin and are held alongside Bitcoin because they are fast-trading and transaction costs are small, and for the time being do not pose the risk of splits similar to Bitcoins.




Litecoin is a good option in this case, if it is suitable for long-term possession.


If it were to invest in the short term, it would be worth considering, because it had activated isolation certification and would later support the lightning network. Technically, it had grown from a pure bitcoin brand to a testing network for bitcoin technological development, which now exceeds bitcoin. But the current price is only half as high as 13 years ago.


National Official Digital Currency Distribution


On October 17, 2017, according to the Russian news agency TASS, in a meeting last week between Russian President Vladimir Putin and fiscal officials, Russian regulators decided to officially launch the regulation of the mining industry for digitally encrypted currencies, such as bitcoin. At the same time, Russia plans to introduce the national digital currency, CryptoRuble.


In February 2017, the middle-line digital currency made new progress. The block-based digital paper trading platform, promoted by the central bank, has been tested successfully, and the statutory digital currency issued by the central bank has been piloted, and the Digital Monetary Institute, under the central bank’s banner after spring, will be officially listed.


IV, summary


The main value of Bitcoin at this stage is the value of the investment, which is concentrated in illegal money-laundering and black market transactions. At the same time, the risk is greater because of the recent surge, which is suspected of manual manipulation.


The mining industry (including bitcoin and other digital currencies) needs to be more cautious about entry due to increasing difficulties. Players should look more rationally before digital currencies are officially recognized and legalized by most countries.

(转载来源:微信公众号 线性资本  作者:陈俊杉)

(Reproduced from: Weibo Public & Linear Capital & nbsp; author: Jin Joon-sun)




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