火币七爷:打造首个“币圈双十一”Prime Day背后故事

资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:123 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: 博链财经BroadChain,(https://xueqiu.com/1112244722/127136264)编者按:9年前的5月22日,美国佛罗里达州的IT工程师Laszlo Hanyecz用10000个比特币...



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来源:雪球App,作者: 博链财经BroadChain,(https://xueqiu.com/1112244722/127136264)

编者按:9年前的5月22日,美国佛罗里达州的IT工程师Laszlo Hanyecz用10000个比特币买了2个披萨,后来,人们将这一天称作为“比特币披萨日”。

According to the editor, on 22 May, nine years ago, Laszlo Hanyecz, an IT engineer from Florida, bought two pizzas in 10,000 bitcoins, which was later referred to as “bitcoin pizza days”.


The block chain and practitioners in the digital currency industry commemorated this special holiday on that day in the form of pizza.

老牌数字货币交易所—火币将这一天打造成“币圈双十一”,又称Prime Day。

The old digital currency exchange - the currency coins made the day a “bill of 11”, also known as Prime Day.

5月22日上午10点:30,火币全球站CEO七爷做客博链财经《最前线直播间》,聊了聊火币是如何打造首个“币圈双十一”,Prime Day有哪些背后故事,以及接下来火币还有哪些动作?

On May 22nd, at 10:30 a.m., Mr. CEO's chain of guests, the frontline broadcast, talked about how the first ring was built, what was the story of Prime Day, and what was next about the gun?


Here are some of the social interviews:

博链财经:9年前的今天(5月22日),有人用10000个比特币买了2个披萨,这也是比特币与现实世界的第一次真实连接,火币内部将这一天定为Prime Day,背后都有哪些故事?为什么这个节日会被火币“抢注”?

9 years ago today (May 22), two pizzas were bought with 10,000 bitcoin, the first true connection between bitcoin and the real world. What stories are there of the day being called Prime Day inside the tender? Why is the festival being "tucked"?

七爷:火币推出Prime,从一期、二期,再到三期,到现在的Prime Day。这个过程现在总结下来,其实是市场和用户在不断地把我们推到今天这样的一个高度。

Seventh Master: The process is now summarized by the fact that the market and the users are constantly pushing us up to the level of today.

我们做了Prime一期、二期之后,市场反响比较好,然后很快就确定了三期项目,原计划是按照一个月有一期Prime这样的节奏,第三期项目应该是5月16号上线,因为5月9号有Prime Lite,我们希望跟Lite能够无缝衔接,之间有七天的准备期。

After the first and second phase of Prime, the market echoed better, and soon three projects were identified. The original plan was to have a one-month Prime, and the third was to be on line on May 16, because on May 9 there was Prime Lite, and we wanted to have a seamless connection with Lite, with a seven-day preparatory period.


Later on, Reserve contacted us and found out that 22 May coincided with a “bitcoin pizza day”, a day that everyone knew well.


This date in 2010 was the first time that Bitcoin had been used to pay, and Bitcoin had the first price because, with this transaction, Bitcoin had begun to be used for value conversion through off-site transactions and to evolve into some type of trading market, and then an exchange such as a gun money had been created.


Given the significance of the commemoration of 22 May, and in the context of the project side's proposal, the tender decided to postpone the three phases of Prime to this skyline.


I posted a poster on Twitter at the time of the three rounds of Prime's heat, just in time for May 11, when an online friend overseas saw the poster and said it looked like bitcoin, and then started a lot of discussion, and then bitcoin went up again, breaking 8,000 dollars.


When we look at community user discussions, we find that more Internet users are not buying bitcoin, which is very low, and very much regret not buying big pies (bitcoin).

后来我就想,如果用户呼声这么高,我们能不能给用户一次抢购的机会,火币拿出一部分的比特币,以这个很低的折扣,比如说以半价,直接让利给用户,所以就产生了Prime BTC的想法。

And then I thought, if the user's voice was so high, that we could give the user a chance to buy out a bit of bitcoin and give it to the user at this very low discount, for example, half-price, so that's what Prime BTC thought.

既然有了这个想法,同时也有披萨日,我们干脆就把这个Prime 三期直接升级成Prime Day,通过配套,Prime BTC半价这样的活动去营造一个更好的节日气氛,让火币用户能够获得更多的实惠。

With this idea and a pizza day, we could simply upgrade the three issues of Prime directly to Prime Day, and create a better atmosphere for the festival through a side event such as the half price of Prime BTC, so that the money users can get more benefits.

在我们推出半价抢购比特币活动之后,发现有更多的网友在说,其实最后悔的不是今年没有买,而是九年前没有买。后来我们就把这个情怀再升级了一下,我们又新增了一个活动叫“比特币时光机”,今天(5月22日)晚上8点30,我们在火币Prime Day的系列活动里,会从所有参加活动的用户中随机抽出来三名用户,能够用九年前的比特币价格,去购买一枚比特币,这算是“超级锦鲤”,相当于会白赚到几千美金。

After we launched the semi-priced Bitcoin campaign, it was discovered that more Internet users were saying that the most regrettable thing was not to buy this year, but to buy it nine years ago. Then we upgraded it, and we added a new activity called the Bitcoin Time Machine. Today, at 8:30 p.m. (May 22), we would draw three random users out of the Arsenal Prime Day series, and could buy a bitcoin at the price of nine years ago, which would amount to thousands of dollars.


In general, the process by which the tender Prime pushes, in fact, is constantly meeting the user's needs, and we meet what the user needs.

Prime Day一系列活动也是想表达火币对长期关注支持火币发展的忠实用户(包括HT持有者),一次有温度的回馈,我们会不断围绕着用户需求把产品和服务做到更好。

A series of activities by Plime Day is also intended to express the interest of the gun in loyal users (including HT holders) who have long-term interest in supporting the development of the gun, and at a time of temperature feedback, we will continue to better our products and services around the needs of the user.


(i) Linkage finance: Proposing Prime as a marketing platform, calling the coin ring "Twice 11" and the coin being the first, so what's the biggest difference between the two-thirteen in the ring and the one in the power provider?


Seven masters: It does look like a two-thirteen with the electrician. “Twenty-one” is actually a marketing platform, and then, on the day of “Twenty-one” there is a lot of sold-in-the-market-priced items, the purpose of which is for these brands to be able to attract the eyes of their users on that day and to provide users with an opportunity to try at a lower price, and if the product is of good quality, the user may subsequently be faithful to the brand.


For traders, many new flows can be obtained in such a holiday marketing; for users, goods can be bought at low prices; and for platforms, trading platforms as a whole can be made more prosperous and as a whole a win-win situation.


First, we have selected projects that already have a stable market price in the first and second-tier markets, or a reference market price. For example, TOP and NEW, we have a price that is based on private fund-raising, on the presence of certain small exchanges, or on a price that is already recognized in this range, which requires his early investors to transfer his holdings to HT holders at a very low price or discount.


This is the premise that the coin should have been paid before, and now no more, and we let the project side discount it and give it to the people who use it, so that it can take valuable Token at a very low price. Users also focus on a project and understand the rationale behind it, as well as the future prospects. We believe that the purpose of marketing is essentially to help the project find a better place to go.


The difference between the “two-one-one-one” and the “one-one-one-one-one” of the Prime Circle is that the “two-one-one-one” of the power suppliers is a process by which merchants make concessions and sell goods, and Prime is essentially helping to secure better and greater development space for these projects.


The whole of Prime works, and we hope to get out of a few very promising projects, and we hope that marketing will help the industry by generating ,

只有真正长期有价值的项目才能带动行业发展,整个行业才能回到一个长久的牛市里面去。我们可以看到2000年纳斯达克的互联网泡沫,其本质就是,当时的项目跟区块链行业上一轮牛市的I C O项目差不多,没有什么实际价值,都只是概念,最后发现,没有价值支撑,就会瞬间破发,形成踩踏。

Only truly long-term projects can drive the industry back into a long-term cattle market. We can see that in 2000


But through that round of Internet bubble shuffling, great companies like Google,


We don’t just sell these Tokens. By selling Token, we can provide a space of interest, allowing more investors, more users, to focus on projects with future space, and eventually hope to foster projects that are valuable to the industry.


Links of Finance: How do you see the advantages and disadvantages of this strategy, which seems to be driven by “operation and marketing” by the outside world's understanding of the gun price Prime?


Seventh Master: The gun did choose a “market drive” path, and the “market drive” corresponds to the “finance drive”.

我们可以看到,绝大部分的打新平台,采用的都是“融资驱动”,也就是我们常说的I E O 。

As we can see, the vast majority of new platforms are driven by finance, which is what we often call IE O.


Projects that come for money, and projects that lack money, in fact lead to some uncontrollable behaviour in secondary markets, such as “creakers”, “violent smashers”, etc., are more dangerous for users' assets, and we can see clearly that the “finance-driven” IEO platform, which poses a significant social risk, is “financing-driven”.


I have been starting a business myself, and starting a business is a difficult, long-term and demanding process. Financing is also a process that can range from an angel wheel of 2 to 5 million, and may now be higher, at about 10 million, A wheel of 10 to 20 million, B wheels of 30 to 50 million, C wheels of about tens to one billion, with the development of the project as a whole, with the evolution of its founders, and it is growing and the process is relatively scientific, fair and balanced.


But the whole block chain industry is still quite restless, with many projects with only one white paper, raising a lot of money, probably tens of millions of dollars in the first round, but his project is zero, and his team is probably only two or three people. Such a team, when it comes to getting a lot of money, has the choice of either trying to do it for 10 years, or trying to make it work for itself, or running for it. Most people have a high probability of choosing the latter, because humanity is hard to resist.

事实上,创业是个非常苦逼的过程,真正要把一个项目落地,然后从市场上获得回报,这个过程的失败率非常高,绝大部分人可能在拿到很多钱之后尝试了一下,遇到一些挫折就放弃了,这就是之前整个I C O融资市场带来很大风险和矛盾的地方。

In fact, entrepreneurship is a very hard process, really setting a project on the ground and getting a reward from the market. The rate of failure of this process is very high. The vast majority of people may have tried it after getting a lot of money, and some setbacks have given up, and that is where the whole ICO financing market before brought great risks and contradictions.


Arsenal Prime chooses to market, more fundamentally because it has a basic requirement that the projects are not short of money, they do not come for financing, and they do not actually have money on Prime, because the tokens are owned by their investors, who sacrificed not a large part of Token's hands to enable the project to develop better, so that the project can be better exposed, so that the projects on Prime are essentially unincorporated or even cost less. In the end, they let the money go to the users.


The "finance-driven" projects come for financing, for money. The projects on Prime are to attract people.


In such a position, the Prime issue attracted 130,000 people and helped to unlock the visibility of the TOP quickly, because the TOP itself was a very landing project, it had its own profit model, and the coin helped it become a red project overnight, and it helped it to land quickly.


The second phase of Newton, three hours after it went online through Prime, broke a billion dollars in turnover and a billion dollars in three hours, which is already the target for the head project, the head currency. With Prime's empowerment, Newton's chain of registrations increased by 100,000 during this period, greatly accelerating their development process, and Newton's registration account, NewID, over 300,000, has a significant import effect on NewMall, the first landing project, and has now begun to generate a steady income.


So the Prime model, driven by this marketing drive, can quickly help the project land. The block chain industry project is important. If the project does not land, the landing exchange is essentially an early investor's process to harvest secondary market handlers, and a zero-sum game of cutting each other's vegetables, which actually brings no new value to the industry as a whole.


Landing projects are not the same, because they are located, have their own users and client groups, can generate income through the market, and can eventually drive the Token value growth through buy-backs or in other forms. This is a virtuous growth that will eventually lead to more incremental capital.


However, the “market-driven” disadvantage of Prime lies in the fact that standard-compliant projects are not easy to find and that the tender requires excavation and educational guidance for many potential projects.


The price and cost are higher for the gun, but we are willing to invest in long-term worthwhile things on a continuous basis.


Links of Finance: Rules and Operational Strategies for Fire Rule, last issue, for everyone; Next issue, Raise the threshold, why does this happen?


Seventh Master: The essence of the change in the rules of the Prime project is how the discounts from the project side are distributed to the user.

第一期项目TOP吸引了13万人参加,当时的规则是没有门槛,来了就能抢,先到先得,有一部分人抢到了很开心, 几分钟后卖掉就赚到了十几万。但是中签的只有3000多人,绝大部分人是不满意的。

The first phase of the TOP attracted 130,000 participants, and the rule was that there was no threshold, that they could take it first, that some of them took it very


The second phase of NEW, in order to provide some benefits to long-term HT holders, changed the rules to a certain length of time, to reach average daily holdings, with a “sunshine picture” in place, with each person receiving hundreds or thousands of dollars, which would be more helpful in raising user satisfaction. Later, according to the user, we changed the position to a “random snapshot”.


In the future, our Prime rules will also be adjusted, for example, starting with the next issue, Prime uses a single time for the user and then comes down, and at the end of the period, each item generates a corresponding number, and the platform will decide randomly by the height and random number of a block to be signed among those users, avoiding the question of "mechanical billing".


On the basis of user feedback and market conditions, the rules relating to the tender Prime will continue to be revised and refined, and despite the pressure on technology research and development behind each rule adjustment and innovation, it will persist in gnawing, ultimately to the satisfaction of users.


(i) Links of finance: Since the introduction of Prime, TOP, NEW and TT have been falling for several days, and have they recently begun to recover slowly. Is there any pressure from investors on the gun? How will this be resolved in the future?

七爷:这是一个非常犀利的问题,过去几周,整体市场对于打新、I E O这种模式有了很大的质疑。

Seventh Master: This is a very sharp question, and over the past few weeks, the whole market has had great doubts about the new, I E O model.


In fact, many of the online projects of the trading platforms are inherently of little value and the exchanges are not sufficiently equipped with these online projects.


The Prime model, however, must be a head exchange plus a real head project in order to be of value. But the reality is that we see many non-head exchanges, even some of them in the mountains, rushing into currency that is not very valuable, causing a great deal of concern for the industry as a whole.

最近我们可以感受到的就是,整个I E O的这个忧虑逐步在淡去,Prime这些币种就开始进入到一个快速恢复的阶段,恢复到一个正常的一个值。

What we can feel recently is that this concern of the whole IEO has gradually faded and that the Prime currencies have begun to move into a rapid recovery phase and return to a normal value.

疯狂的I E O 会让我们会陷入到另外一种被动里面去,但是长期来看,这些优质项目的价值依然还会回到一个市场理性的波动范围内。

Crazy I.E.O. would get us into another kind of passivity, but in the long run, the value of these high-quality projects would still be in the realm of market rationality.

至于来自于投资者压力,这一点还好。因为其他I E O 项目有些已经破发,破发会带来比如维 权这样的一些压力。

As far as investor pressure is concerned, that's good. Because some of the other IEO projects have broken, and some of the other IEO projects have given rise to pressures like defending rights.


For Prime, because our online Token is at a higher position above the cost line, and throughout the downside, we see from the data that new users are less involved, and perhaps more of the effect is a reduction in the already floating portion.


Overall, however, this pressure from users is short-lived and the most difficult phase has passed.

博链财经:Prime Day的规则里,除了HT,还把通过Prime模式上线的项目(NEW、TOP、TT)也计入到持仓要求,用白话是否可以理解为,这是交易所平台替这些Token拉盘?

In Prime Day's rules, in addition to HT, projects (NEW, TOP, TT) that go online through the Prime mode are also included in the warehouse requirements.

七爷:这是一个更尖锐的问题。我们考虑把NEW、TOP、TT这几个Prime 币种纳入到Prime Day活动的持仓候选,体现了对用户的关怀和对项目方的支持。

Seventh Master: This is a more acute question. We are considering the inclusion of the NEW, TOP, TT, the Prime currency, in the candidate list for the Prime Day event, as a sign of user care and support for the project.

虽说在整体下行过程中,用户参与的比较少,但依然会有一批用户在高点买了、没有卖,这些套牢用户的体验非常不好,从这些用户的利益考虑,在制定Prime Day的规则的时候,不持有HT,持有这几个Token也是可以参与比如”五折买比特币“、”比特币时光机“等让利活动中。

While users are less involved in the overall downswing process, there will still be a group of users who buy and do not sell at highs, and who have very poor experience, given the interests of those users, who do not hold HT in the development of the Prime Day rules, and who may also be involved in concessionary activities such as the “Fifty-Fly Bitcoin” or the “bitcoin time machine”.


HT up to $3 this year, and then down, why is there always an investor, what's behind it? What kind of creative game would HT have in addition to destroying it?


Seventh Master: There are a number of factors behind the volatility of the market.


We are also reflecting deeply on the remix, and it is not really a good idea that a lot of HT has been delivered in the form of buybacks and airdrops in the past.


In other words, we have not reduced the circulation on the market and have dropped it on the user, who will think it is an interest and then drop it on the market as soon as it is available, causing a breakdown.

我们今年改成了销毁, 经过多次销毁之后,整体上手上持有这个币种的用户,相对就是对平台长期看好的投资人。

We changed to destruction this year, and after several destructions, the users of this currency in their hands as a whole are relatively long-serving investors of the platform.


Here, too, we would like to stress the premise that there will be no interference in the price of the HT secondary market because it is not conducive to long-term development and that some of the problems of legal compliance are not in keeping with our values.


All we can do is constantly increase the consumption and use of HT in a variety of scenarios.

比如用来对Prime和Prime Lite上优质资产的认购,未来HT还会成为一个公链的gas,另外就是费率的优惠,这个已经在紧锣密鼓的推进,这个市场呼声很高。

For example, the subscription of high-quality assets on Prime and Prime Lite, and the future of HT as a public-chain gas, as well as tariff preferences, have been strenched and the market has been very vocal.


It is an ongoing process for HT empowerment, and several more important initiatives will continue to emerge in the near future.

博链财经:火币内部有没有对Prime 进行复盘,都有哪些后来采纳了的正向反馈? 你认为Prime对火币有哪些影响?

(i) Link money: Do you have a copy of Prime inside the gun and any subsequent positive feedback? What do you think of the impact of Prime on the gun?


Mr. XVII: We have attached great importance to Prime within us, and each phase of the exercise has been followed by a very profound review.


As can be seen from our adjustments to the rules, we are constantly proposing better, more scientific, more user-friendly and more balanced rules based on user feedback and data performance.

采纳用户的这个规则和建议有多个:第一个就是取消了100%抢购、引入 “阳光普照”;第二个是将“平均持仓”改成“最低持仓”,引入了随机快照,现在叫不定时、不定次,随机快照。

There are many ways to adopt the user rule and recommendations: the first is to cancel 100 per cent of the purchase, to introduce “sunshots”; the second is to replace “average warehousing” with “minimum warehousing”, to introduce random snapshots, which are now called spotless, random snapshots.


Prime obviously has a very strong influence on the gun.


First of all, users have good opportunities to earn money through their participation in Prime, their satisfaction is higher, and they have indeed given 100% of their benefits to their users. We see many platforms that have a lot of nausea, but that is not in keeping with our values, and we never do anything like that.


Secondly, Prime is equivalent to providing better asset options, even for the long term, for the users of the currency.


And again, some overseas projects bring a good flow of coins.


In terms of the total net asset inflows to the platform, the past two phases have resulted in significant asset depositions of the currency and overall increased the competitiveness of the tender platform.


In terms of the volume of non-detailed transactions, the total volume of actual and future-sold in coins is significantly higher than the sum of other competitors, and this amount is very real.


Linkage finance: back to our theme, what are the next moves?


Seventh Master: The coin is followed by a series of major reforms and changes.

首先我们会将Prime Lite升级为FastTrack独立品牌,上币模式改为HT投票上币。一次性公布5个项目,HT持有者每周投出一个项目进行上币,通过HT投票来决定候选项目上币顺序。

First, we will upgrade Prime Lite to FastTrack's independent brand and change the upper currency model to HT votes.


In June, the HT “weekly voting, week-weekly destruction” model will be opened through four projects on FastTrack's line.


Another action is that the user feedback card is not enough, and it is hoped that the tender will support the HT credit charge. In June, we will focus on tariff reform, and a new tariff system to support the staircase rate plus the HT credit charge is in the development stage.


Through these key actions, the HT landscape can be increased or the flow of HT can be reduced, and the HT value will increase even more.


(i) Link money: as a professional manager who can hear the sound of a gun, do you feel that the gun has come out of the mud in the second half of 2018? What are the important indicators?


Seventh Master: The question is divided into two parts, one on the gun itself and the other on the external market.


External markets, from now on, have seen a contraction in the overall scale of transactions in the second half of 2018, a decline in the market climate, an industry that has entered a more recessionary state, and a more rapid departure of users, with the industry as a whole entering an ice-free period.


As the market warms, industry data, including active users, volume of transactions, number of new registered users, and number of new asset deposits, have risen to a new high. At present, without greater surprises, the market has gradually shifted to the good side.


In the second half of 2018, the tail of the cow market, or not yet fully transferred to the bear market, as business developed, income increased, the company became restless, and we expanded rapidly from a team of more than 200 people to 1400 people. In the process, it brought us a lot of obesity, inefficiency, communication problems, and each business did not go far.


In the second half of last year, a series of “deep-deep-farming” layouts have been thoroughly reflected on the above issues, and they have been very effective, as can be seen in the recent past, both in terms of the rate of turnover and in terms of the impact on the industry as a whole.


There has been a significant increase in internal efficiency, and we are in the midst of a good development of an “elite” organization.


At present, the improvement of the market and the improvement of the gun price itself will yield significant gains in 2019.


In terms of key indicators, the volume of the currency is ranked first in the industry on a non-small scale, and the depth and liquidity of the mainstream currency, such as Bitcoin, Etheria, etc., remain the market leader for the long term.




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    2022 即將過去,今年是風高浪急的一年,LikeCoin 社群繼續於驚濤中為實踐分散式出版而前進,感謝各位的同行。讓我們趁機回顧一下今年發生過的大小事。 2022 Towards the end of the year, this year is a year of great turmoil, and the community of ˂a href=https://like.co/"target="_blank" data-type="link" data-i...
  • 以太坊质押挖矿收益率

    展开全部 52%左右。根据跟踪公司StakingRewards的数据,质押的以太坊将产生回报,预计在合并后将达到52%左右。再加上预计在升级更新后不久以太坊供应量的净减少,这应该会使该币对投资者更具吸引力。According to the tracking company StakingRewards, the pledge will yield returns that are expected to reach about 52% after the merg...
  • 一个“币”卖出6930多万美元,它是何来头
