When we look at articles that have been analysed & #xff0c; often there are words & #xff0c; for example, words such as “many empty head, look more empty”.
For the newcomer who has just entered the currency circle #xff0c; many do not know what these words mean.
一、 什么是“看多”“做多”?
i, what's "see more" xff1f;
Read more & #xff1a; that is, look at market developments.
Do more #xff1a; all purchases in the off-the-shelf market are multi-active xff0c with value added through low-cost, high prices.
多头: 是指投资者对币市看好,预计币价将会看涨,以目前价格买入一定数量的数字货币,等价格上涨后,高价卖出,从而赚取差价利润的,先买后卖的交易行为。
Multiple Head: refers to xff0c, which is expected to raise currency prices; xff0c, which buys a certain amount of digital currency at current prices xff0c; xff0c, after price increases; xff0c, which sells at a higher price; xff0c, which earns the difference in price; and xff0c, which sells after purchase.
Example: xff1a; what does it mean to see and do more xff0c; for example, there is a currency xff0c; the current price is xff0c; you buy this currency xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; when the price of this currency rises to xff0c; you sell it xff0c; xfff0c; xff0c; so much.
We do more than #xff0c in everything we buy; it's a spot deal.
ii, what's "see empty" xff1f;
看空: 认为市场行情会下跌。
Looking out: thinks the market will fall.
do empty xff1a; do post-market sales. You can't do this in the spot market. You can do nothing in futures xff0c; you can do nothing in leveraged transactions.
Empty xff1a; is an investor's belief that current currency prices are higher xff0c; they are bad for currency market prospects xff0c; currency prices are expected to fall xff0c; digital currency in hand is sold at current prices xff0c; purchase xff0c; profit margin is obtained when the movement falls.
e.g. #xff1a; see what it's like to be empty & #xff1f;
The price is now ten dollars a currency xff0c; at this point you think its price will fall in the future xff0c; but you do not have ten xff0c; you have only three or two xff0c; you do not have enough to buy one currency xff0c; you mortgage the existing two dollars out of your hand xff0c; borrow a currency from a third party xff0c; and the guarantee has stung two dollars.
After borrowing this currency, xff0c; immediately selling it directly on the market xff0c; turning into cash with ten dollars xff0c; but this ten dollar cash is not directly available xff0c; because you have not yet returned a currency to a third party.
So the borrowed act #xff0c; the loan becomes the beginning of an empty sale.
When the price fell on schedule xff0c; for example, it fell to $5 axff0c; you held ten dollars in cash xff0c; and you used five dollars of it to buy a currency back to a third party that lent it to you at the time.
For example, the exchange. After it's over xff0c; you don't owe each other xff0c; then the rest is your profit xff0c; if interest from third parties xff0c; it's five dollars.
That's a profit-making process that's empty.
But if at this point your empty price does not fall as scheduled, it will be xff0c; then your bond will be lost xff0c; once the loss exceeds the amount that the bond can bear xff0c; it is called a bomb warehouse xff0c; the principal money is gone.
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