
资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:21 评论:0
原標題:虛擬主播“果果”面世記   AI虛擬主播“果果”   “果果”的原型、人民日報社主持人果欣禹   “讀者朋友們,早安!今天是2019年6月20日,星期四。人民智播報虛擬播報...



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“Good morning, readers' friends! Today is Thursday, 20 June 2019. People's wisdom reports the fruit of the virtual reporter!” Recently, at 7 a.m., on the "People's Intelligence" micro-letter, the People's Daily A.I. (A.I.P.) virtual anchor, “The fruit” is on his way to show the viewers the hot spots both inside and outside the country.


AI's virtual anchor has been receiving much attention in recent years. Virtual anchors, made through the collection of live audio and images and the use of synthetic artificial intelligence techniques, can automatically generate multilingual voices and accompanying expressions and synthesize news videos by simply entering text-based news.


From “King Qing Qiao”, which is based on the prototype of the moderator, to a virtual women's anchor, the fruit of the People's Daily's Digital Dissemination and Big News, more and more artificial intelligence is coming to the news channel, using cutting-edge technology to produce good content in the media era, so that newscasts can be quick and accurate and can bring new insights to viewers.


How was the virtual anchor born? How was the daily life of the virtual anchor? Recently, the newspaper visited the first virtual anchor of the People's Daily and her team behind it, listening to their stories about the fruit.


Realising Multilingual Broadcasting


“Hello, I am the People's Daily, AI's virtual anchor!” On May 25, this year, at the 2019 International Digital Fair in Guiyang City, Guiyang Province, a special anchor was set to “flame” the whole scene. In a red suit, with a big smile on his face, the “fruit” on the screen was clearly aired to the audience in Mandarin, Guangdong, English and a variety of other languages. “It feels so good that everyone applauds.


In the afternoon of June, I saw Go Xinjun outside the studio of the People's Daily newspaper. “I'm the first person in the People's Daily newspaper to associate with AI technology, and it's amazing to think about it.” She also feels new about the details of participating in the production of the virtual anchor.


Goebbels told me that the technocrats who used the morning to collect her images and audio material for hours, and she said, "It's a bit tired, and they're gonna take a break in half an hour." She remembered.


On that day, she wore two red and blue suits. To make it easier for the later generation of the "fruit" portraits, her hair had to be combing off. The Goebbels also said that the text read on that day was unusual, similar to the text of the "Today" bird, "Green" and other types of text. "It was complicated when I read it, but the technologist asked me to keep the anchoring status and read it correctly."

  等到“果果”正式亮相后,果欣禹的家人和朋友都覺得很像她。“不過她沒有我標志性的大笑,比我端庄多了。” 果欣禹調侃說。

When the fruit comes to light, the family and friends feel like her. "But she doesn't laugh like me, and she's much more decent than me."


Underlying this interesting experience are a number of techno-moistures that have been carried out by the science majors. In an interview with this newspaper, the director of the science majors reported that the production of multi-language virtuals has been made using a variety of artificial intelligence techniques such as voice synthesis, human face recognition, human face modelling, image synthesis, machine translation, etc. So far, virtual anchors have been able to self-initiate news in many languages and have supported text-to-video self-inputs, and have quickly realized the transformation from text to video.


In addition to the People's Daily, during the past year or so, virtual anchors, many of which have been produced on the basis of well-known “faces”.


On May 2, 2018, Kan Xiaohui, the virtual host of the show, co-chaired with Yang Qi, the journalist Jiang Qi, co-sponsored the "Showing the Yangtze's Insignia". "Draw the beryllium on the pink wall, the beryllium on the pink wall." In the course of the show, Qiao Xiao Xiao also used the sound of Mr. Kang's e-mail to say such a light word to show the audience that he was “specially proficient”.


It is understood that the virtual host, Qing Xiaohui’s external remodeller, Qing Xiang Xiang, has created technology through the virtual image of the camera technology, and has made it possible through the virtual image-driven technology. The sound is made possible by the synthesis of the sound from the AI audio-synthesis platform under the CQ flag.


is a cultural product


The Chairman of the People's Daily Digital Broadcaster, Xu Jian, said to me, “The fruit is not an apocalypse, and we want it to be a cultural product that can really be used”.


Xu showed us how fruit is “work” every day: just seeing him enter a news article into the control system, five minutes later, a newscast on fruit was automatically generated by an artificial intelligence system. Xu explained that the fruit team would produce a news collection of news events every night in that way for about five minutes, and send it to the micro-public platform so that the fruit could meet with the audience every day.


Not only in the news show, virtual anchors “go” onto the online spring night stage. In 2019, on the evening of the Internet, the hosts Jojo, Goborg, Ryuyang, Sabine's bio-intelligence host, Chu Xiaojin, Ko Xiaobo, Yong Xiaoyang, and Xiaoza, made a scene. "Can I say something?"


scenes will have more dollars


On May 25, she witnessed the “birth” of the fruit with the audience at the Yooyang International Big Data Fair. She told me that the sound and image of the fruit that she had seen earlier had not yet been fully matched, so she was particularly nervous and sweaty.


“Now I'm often recognized outside, and it seems to me that my `compatriot sister' is more famous.” She also admits, however, that the present `fruits' are still not as rich as their expressions and voice is less emotional, and she hopes that, with technological innovation, she will be better off, and maybe one day we'll both be able to host the show together.”


And Xu Jian is not satisfied with this, and he tells me that the future “results” must not only be more realistic, but also more breakthroughs. “It is now the first generation, and then we must build a virtual anchor image of the news, and there will be more gestures and moves.”


In Xu’s view, the advent of the 5G era made it necessary to develop virtual anchors, “we are actually providing the nation’s press industry with a tool that can increase productivity.” He explained that, in the 5G era, the information superhighway is becoming more extensive and requires more quality content. The use of artificial intelligence technology saves the time and cost of video news production and helps the future production of content in the news industry.


Xu Dynasty, “In the future, the use of virtual anchors will be more diversified, and more and more virtual anchors may be present in video reports on public facilities such as subways, airports, etc.”.






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