Keep an eye on me. Your mind will rise.
From Bullock City to the planetary base, more and more block-link projects are beginning to reach out to communities. We often see words:
The essence of the chain of blocks is community.
The essence of the community is consensus.
The community is where a crowd gathers.
— Web access to information
Is this the original definition of a community, which, for a block chain, is merely bringing all the people together?
What does the community mean in a world of block chains?
The core is to understand the meaning or value of the community in the way of organizational governance, starting with the business model of the block chain.
Two of the cornerstones of the pass economy are the block chain and the token system design, where token becomes the payment medium and the incentive medium, where users buy token to pay for the products and services provided by the commercial system, while those who design and operate the system to provide the products and services receive token, which represents ownership of the assets of the commercial system.
上述是从一个商业系统的激励与约束机制维度来看这个系统,但在这个生产协作过程中,除了程序系统之初就已经设计好的之外,在这个过程中还需要面临不少新情况、新事项、新问题, 需要全体token持有者做出重大决策,比如最近闹的沸沸扬扬的EOS超级节点竞选,需要通过持有EOS的人通过投票选出超级节点,这个过程就需要大量的讨论决策并达成共识,所以除了token制度之外,还需要一套组织治理与运作模式。
This system is viewed in terms of the dimension of the incentive and restraint mechanisms of a commercial system, but in this process of production collaboration, in addition to the process that was designed at the beginning of the process, there are a number of new situations, issues and problems that need to be addressed in the process, major decisions that need to be taken by all token holders, such as the recent booming EOS supernode campaign, and the need to elect supernodes by voting by those holding the EOS, a process that requires a great deal of discussion and consensus, so that, in addition to the TOKEN system, there is a need for an organizational governance and operational model.
Looking at the corporate governance and operating model of a traditional company makes it easier to understand why block chain projects require communities.
In traditional companies, shareholders finance shareholders as shareholders and form boards and supervisory boards through shareholders’ congresses, which appoint executive management companies such as CEOs, executives as required by the leadership and corporate system, regular employees at headquarters or branches, and a well-functioning company through three meetings and various corporate meetings. In addition, in addition to corporate governance deconstructing/organizing institutions/processes, good companies have a strong corporate culture, i.e., core values with a shared mission vision, creating principles for doing business and promoting efficient organizational assistance.
Thus, in addition to core incentive binding mechanisms such as shares/ options/cash, a block chain project operates well and requires soft systems such as governance structures/organizational structures/processes and business culture to be safeguarded, as do block chain companies.
At the same time, there are significant differences between block chain companies and traditional ones.
Traditional companies are central to the organization, while block chains are decentralized, all hold token, are co-builders and owners of the commercial system, have no fixed traditional company pyramid-style organizational structure and no fixed office space, and are more often based on common objectives (material and spiritual), common rules and professional collaboration.
Therefore, the concept of the community is understood on the basis of the above:
In the sector chain business system, the community is the confluence of a group of people who hold token, with established incentive and restraint mechanisms (token system) based on common objectives (material and spiritual, in which spirit is very important), professional division of labour and community autonomy.
Good communities are needed for a great company and organization, even religion, block chain projects, and good communities have open/transparent/equitable rules, in addition to good block chain systems +token systems, where great leaders and faiths are better, a community or organization is made up of people, not just economic animals, but also products of faith.
It was also a time when it was suddenly understood that the very nature of the functioning of the community on the market was the same as that of the community, which needed to be built around the conditions in which the good community was operating, otherwise all the means would be in vain and futile.
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