USDT is an encrypted currency, or digital currency. It is a stable currency, the name of which means "TethUSD." Its issuer is TetherLimited, which claims that the price of USDT is pegged to the dollar, i.e. that one USDT is equal to one dollar.
USDT operates on the basis of block chain technology. The block chain is a distributed database that records all transactions. Each item of USDT is purchased through a digital currency exchange, whose account is controlled by a block chain.
In order to avoid extreme price fluctuations, TetherLimited held the dollar in a trust account in the United States, at a price equal to $1.
1. 稳定性:USDT价格被锚定在美元上,不受大的市场波动影响。 2. 交易便捷:USDT的交易速度快,交易费用低,不受国家管制。 3. 保值功能:保持美元价值的USDT可以保护用户的数字资产免受市场波动的影响。 4. 流动性好:USDT可以在多个数字货币交易所之间流通,对数字货币市场提供了方便。
Stability: USDT prices are anchored in the United States dollar and are not affected by large market fluctuations. 2. Transactions are easy: USDT transactions are fast, transaction costs are low and not regulated by the State. 3. Value-preservation function: USDTs that maintain dollar values protect users'digital assets from market fluctuations. 4. Good liquidity: USDTs can circulate between multiple digital currency exchanges and facilitate digital money markets.
USDT was originally created to facilitate digital currency transactions, because many digital currency exchanges prohibit legal currency transactions. USDT can be used to convert currencies into digital currencies. In addition, USDT can be used as a value-saving tool for digital assets as a storage tool for more stable returns. USDT can also be used for cross-border settlements between exchanges, as it has global liquidity.
The USDT is a stable currency whose value is pegged to the dollar and operates using block chain technology. The USDT is characterized by stability, ease of trade, security and liquidity. It is used mainly for digital currency transactions, preservation of digital assets, and cross-border settlements. The USDT influence is an important presence in the field of digital assets worldwide.
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