
资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:128 评论:0
  作者:王靖一 中央财经大学金融学院讲师/北京大学数字金融研究中心特约研究员Author: Wang Jingichi, Lecturer, Central School of Finance, University of Fin...



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  作者:王靖一 中央财经大学金融学院讲师/北京大学数字金融研究中心特约研究员

Author: Wang Jingichi, Lecturer, Central School of Finance, University of Finance/Expert Fellow, Centre for Digital Finance Studies, Beijing University


Block chains can generally be divided into public, union, and private chains according to the participants in their accounts. Since the birth of the block chains, the speculative value that they have associated with encrypted money and the value of changing the financial pillar of trust have been the subject of much attention and discussion.


The paper would like to discuss, from a more technical perspective, what the chain of blocks really makes us believe.


Moreover, it is a matter of concern that, after the country’s ban on encrypted currency exchanges in the country and the collapse of the ICO, a bubble of air currency, many public chains are shy of talking about “currencys” and are replaced by titles, hyphens, etc. These nuanced words are different translations of the word token, essentially from “currencys.” Speculation of these tokens remains a high risk, their efficient execution, or at the cost of “decentization” at the expense of Bitcoin.


With regard to Libra, it was not the block chain that guaranteed its credibility, but the size and status of the members of the Libra association themselves, which ensured that the records could not be altered and automatically executed, and the trust of the public in Libra was, in fact, more based on trust in its members.


I. Definition of block chain - accounting and consensus mechanism

  许多人认为,区块链这一概念诞生于中本聪2008年公布的比特币论文。然而有趣的是,区块链(block chain)这个词并没有出现在这篇论文之中,即其公认的发明人并未对这个术语给出一个明确的定义,这令区块链成为了一个商务应用中逐渐形成的约定概念,便使得区块链的准确含义与概念范围在很多时候显得含混不清。加之区块链包含的多项技术与其达成共识的算法对于非专业人士略显艰深,通俗化的传播中往往做一些不甚了了的比喻,之后便是立起诸如不可篡改、去中心化、去信任化、匿名化的牌子,将概念用特性替换。

According to many, the concept of block chains was born in the Bitcoin paper published by Chinabone in 2008. Interestingly, however, the word block chain did not appear in the paper, which was not clearly defined by its recognized inventors, and which made the block chain a gradual and agreed concept in a commercial application, which in many cases confused the precise meaning of the block chain with the scope of the concept. Together with the many techniques contained in the block chain and its consensus algorithms, it was difficult for non-professionals, and the popularization of the concept was often described in some way, followed by the creation of signs such as inextability, decentralization, detrusting, anonymity and the replacement of the concept with characteristics.


1, a narrow block chain contains only non-alterable


In order to better explain what the chain of blocks actually makes us believe, there is a need to clarify the concept of the chain of blocks here.


A narrow block chain is a data structure in which data are stored in a computer system. Data for a certain period of time are packaged into a block with a “chain” connected to the previous block, and the packing method ensures that any data in the block is detected and reported wrong if tampered with.


Such a mechanism ensures that data written into the block chain will not generally be tampered with quietly and that the block chain will only be partially or partially modified if more than 50 per cent of the computing capacity of the system so agrees.


It can be found that the narrow block chain only guarantees the immutable nature of the content of the record through this uniquely designed data structure, which does not involve trust, decentralization, anonymity.


2, the chain of blocks in a given context includes accounting methods, consensus mechanisms, etc.


The broader concept of the block chain, that is, the chain of blocks in the current general context, often includes two elements, accounting and consensus mechanisms, which are the key elements that really determine whether or not the block chain is going to the centre and de-trust.

  比特币使用了一种特殊的记账方式,UTXO,即unspent transaction output,一般被译作未使用交易输出。日常生活中的账本,账户是主体,即一个账户目前还有多少钱,当一笔交易发生时,交易双方的账户余额发生变动;而UTXO的主体则是币本身,即这个币从它因挖矿产生,先后被哪个账户持有,当一笔交易被发起,需要将参与交易的每一个比特币上溯至其诞生以验证交易的合法性。

Bitcoin uses a special method of accounting, UTXO, or unspent transport output, which is usually translated into unserviceable transactions. In everyday life, accounts are the subject, that is, how much is an account at present, and when a transaction occurs, the balance of the accounts of the parties to the transaction changes; while UTXO is the subject of the currency itself, that is, the account from which it arises and which account is held, and when the transaction is initiated, it is necessary to trace every bitcoin involved in the transaction to its birth in order to verify the legitimacy of the transaction.


The shortcomings in the way this design is designed are obvious, and it retroactively increases the costs of verifying legitimacy, yet it gives the system a strong stability.


If the traditional account-based books were used, a single malicious attack could lead to irreversible loss of the entire books, while the structure of UTXO ensured that a single attack would only make a number of recent transactions illegal, and that the next honest account node would simply have to ignore that part of the error from the previous honest node and the impact of the attack could be effectively controlled.


The design of UTXO corresponds to the data structure of the block chain and the consensus mechanism, but does not mean that UTXO is the only form of the block chain book in which all account information is kept in each block in the Taipan to improve the participation threshold and achieve a more efficient means of validation with some modest cost of reducing anonymity.


3, Breaking the Consensus: What has Bitcoin changed?


The consensus mechanism, on the other hand, is the most central part of the broader block chain and the biggest problem solved by the Chinese paper, namely, that in a distributed system, at least a few nodes are needed to ensure the system’s stability. In the previous study, the threshold was two-thirds, i.e., if one third or more of the participants in the entire accounting system were malicious, the system would become untrustworthy, a conclusion that was referred to as the issue of General Byzantine, which was presented in 1982 by the same name, and a viable solution was given in the 2002 paper.


The two-thirds threshold applies in a single-ownership network, where there is no subjective malice at the various nodes, and the possible malice comes only from malfunctions and accidents. Bitcoin tries to create a currency of point-to-point that applies to strange individuals, and the two-thirds threshold is too high.


Nakamoto, for its part, has creatively proposed a trust mechanism for proof of workload, namely that when a transaction is initiated, the information on the transaction is broadcast on the Internet and any point of interest in the bookkeeping can package the transaction into its own block, while at the same time, the account node seeks a random figure that will enable the blocks that it records to meet the characteristics of a system, and the first node to publish the legal block is rewarded for the block.


The search for random numbers is a process of mining, whereas block incentives are bitcoin. The search for random numbers as a whole is a difficult process, with the difficulty of automatically reconciling them through the system, and the interval between two random numbers is stabilized at about 10 minutes, but the validation of the random numbers is easy, and all nodes have sufficient computing power to verify the legality of the dug-out blocks in an instant. If a legitimate follow-up node continues to dig behind this block, the information on the transactions recorded in this block will be recognized and the mining incentives won by the miners will be honoured.


The consensus mechanism of Bitcoin, in effect, induces the bookkeeping nodes to be honest through the value of bitcoins, while the system is stable when only more than half of the nodes are honest, given the random nature of the rights and the way UTXO accounts are obtained, making the probability and benefits of a single attack very low.


II. Public chains and subsequent encrypted currencies: What are the costs of making transactions more efficient?


1, the absolute fair cost of Bitcoin: high energy consumption and "ineffectively designed"


A number of design “defects” were also targeted following the surge in Bitcoin's value, with seven frequency ceilings per second, a 60-minute trading waiting time and energy consumption typical.


Currently, the electricity consumed by each Bitcoin transaction can be used by an American family for 21.37 days, while the electricity consumed by the entire year's Bitcoin trade is equivalent to the electricity consumed by Austria as a whole.


This loss is undoubtedly exaggeration and unnecessary, as the process of mining is purely arithmetical competition and does not attempt to solve any real world or mathematical problems.


However, energy consumption is the result of a consensus mechanism evidenced by workloads and is not a common feature of the block chain, and it is not inevitable and one-size-fits-up, with few nodes participating in the bookkeeping process at an early stage, with low mining difficulties and low energy consumption, and with a subsequent decline in the difficulty and energy consumption of mining during the 2018 Bitcoin avalanche.


The low frequency of transactions and the longer delay were intentionally applied at the outset of the design, with a ceiling of seven times a second from a single account block size of 1MB, while waiting for 60 minutes because the legitimacy of a block required confirmation in six subsequent blocks, with a single block generating 10 minutes.


While increasing the capacity of blocks or reducing their spacing can be effective in increasing efficiency, the cost of such efficiency increases is that participating nodes require greater storage space and better network facilities, and in order to achieve the idea that one-CPU-one-vote (one CPU vote, every participant in the calculation can participate in overall decision-making at a very low threshold) is sufficiently low.


Although the emergence of dedicated computing chips and ponds has reduced this idea to an illusion, so far any interested person has been able to download the entire bitcoin trade history and listen to the entire deal to confirm that the system is operating honestly and efficiently: because the large spacing of small blocks allows for a one-year data ceiling of more than 50 GBs, it is also free of pressure on the average personal computer hard disk capacity.


The design of Bitcoin, which is not a substitute for the Visa or day-to-day payment system, pursues a completely uncentreded, trusting point-to-point value transfer tool, simply denying its value to inefficiency is actually an act of fish-seeking, but it is also not directly related to its current high-currency value, and it is difficult for scholars to explain where the value of Bitcoin is based on such a high-value value.


2, subsequent encrypted currency: efficiency gains at the expense of “decentralization”


The subsequent encrypt currency has also improved the pains of Bitcoin, for example, by using the Taipan for the initial use of larger blocks, with shorter 15-second intervals for the generation of blocks, bringing the maximum number of transactions per second to 15, while achieving programming to support additional functions.


After the transition, the number of transactional pens supported by Taiwan can reach 1,000 per second. A number of ambitious “third-generation block chains” contestants tend to sell at the rate of 10,000 and 100,000 transactions per second.


However, while promoting efficiency, the developers of these public chains will not tell the public that the consensus mechanism they have used has deviated from the Bitcoin workload proof.


The entry threshold for nodes is higher at small intervals at the beginning of the courtyard, where network requirements and storage requirements largely exclude individual participants and are unlikely to allow the entire network to be bugged on personal computers; while the later stages of consensus-building mechanisms are used to prove that the attribution of rights to bookkeeping is no longer based on arithmetic matching, but rather on the amount held in each node, i.e., “the rich decide”; while the proxy entitlements used by EOS are shown to be more extreme, with 21 supernodes selected at all nodes in the first stage, depending on the number of EOS coins held, and in the second stage, all bookkeeping is done by these 21 supernoms.


While dogmatic recognition of the design of Bitcoin is not desirable and public-chain consensus mechanisms such as proof of workload, proof of interests, proof of agency interests have their advantages and disadvantages, it must be made clear to the public that Bitcoin's absolute fairness and absolute detrust are built at the expense of inefficient transactions and high delays in transactions, that there is no free lunch in the world, that proof of rights and interests have proved to be more efficient at the expense of becoming more central, and that, at the same time as trading efficiency versus shoulder Visa, users'confidence in core players needs to be compared to shoulder Visa.


A simple discussion of block chains is not desirable, and it is the intention of the previous article to spend a lot of pens clarifying the concept. The encoded currency after Bitcoin is not fundamentally created, the consensus mechanism has been a trade-off between centralization and efficiency, and it is to be hoped that the reader will then be able to cross-examine the product of a block chain when promoting its effectiveness, “So, what is the cost?”


3, "passport" is a currency, and the public chain operates in a valuable way token


It is important to emphasize that, while Bitcoin and Etheria are technologically creating exciting creations, recognition of their pioneering nature does not mean that their value is being glorified, as the presence of ponds in the specialization of mining has seriously deviated from the original utopian vision.


The emergence of exchanges and highly leveraged derivatives makes a dry encrypted currency a speculative asset.


More often, they do not exchange money for goods or services as much as money, but for French currency, where people hold him for speculative demand rather than for trading or storage value.


In September 2017, our country imposed a total ban on the country’s encrypted currency exchange and the ICO, which is certainly the right thing to do to protect the interests of the population. But there has always been a legal exchange of encrypted money between individuals.


Another risk to be stated is that consensus mechanisms in all public chains require the existence of “currencys” and the value of “currencys”, both of which are unbreakable, but many of the public chains, after our ban on encrypted currency exchanges in our country and the collapse of the bubble of the ICO air currency, are shy of talking about “currencys” and are replaced by titles, hyphens and the like.


These nuanced wordings are actually different translations of the word token, and are not different in nature from the word “currency”, except in words games where the sponsors of the public chain are not committed to the value of the token and claim that these hyphens are of value, otherwise neither the proof of workload nor the proof of entitlement, nor their respective deformation, can be effectively realized.


Speculation of these tokens remains a high risk, and their efficient implementation is still costly. Indeed, one of the fundamental principles testing the value of a public chain of entrepreneurship is whether these functions can be achieved through a centralized database; if decentralization is necessary, whether its consensus mechanisms are sufficiently efficient to support these applications; and if efficiency is high, whether we can trust the initiators of this application.

  三、联盟链:信任的来源 使用区块链的必要性与可信的环节

III. Alliance chains: sources of trust The need to use block chains and credible links


1, Union and its distinction from the public chain


Unlike public chains, participants in the chain of association often need additional entry conditions, i.e. trust outside the chain between the account participants: they may have business contacts or have an essentially consistent interest in the scene where the chain of blocks operates. Thus, proof of well-designed workloads and entitlements on the public chain does not matter here, and they simply need to use a viable Byzantine miscalculation — an algorithm that is more efficient and does not need totoken to produce, but simply requires extra resources to ensure a credible ratio of more than two thirds of the participants.


While there are thresholds for participants in the chain of alliances, the services they provide can be either optimized transaction efficiency within the Union or targeted to the public.


2, Libra's credibility comes more from its members


A typical chain of alliances is Libra, which has been of interest since the summer, and although it is a digital currency, it is quite different from the previous batch of encrypted currencies, whose value derives from endorsements of assets, while the bookkeeping of transactions is done by members of the Libra association. In the Libra White Paper, it was clearly stated that the consensus mechanism used was by Byzantine, that is, when more than two thirds of the members of the association (of which there were 100 members at the time of the plan, 28 members at the time of the launch, followed by the withdrawal of PayPal, etc.) were honest, the system could be completed efficiently.


Thus, it is not the block chain that guarantees Libra's credibility, but the size and status of the Libra association itself that gives them mutual confidence, the chain of blocks that guarantees the immutable and automatic implementation of the record, and the trust of the public in Libra should in fact be derived from trust in its members — after all, if there are 34 or more discredited companies or individuals in these 100 members, the trust of Libra cannot be said, even if it still uses the block chain as a bottom-up technology, with assets such as the United States dollar as a endorsement of value.


Thus, as a technology, the chain of blocks in the chain of alliances can only guarantee that the record cannot be tampered with quietly, while trust among members requires outside force to maintain a two-thirds threshold and public trust in the service of the chain of alliances is also based on trust in the members of the alliance.


3 Viewing block chain applications from the Soyuz chain


In many cases, block chains can improve efficiency, but they are generally less efficient and more expensive than centralized databases in terms of the efficiency of simple technology. The cost of using a centralized database is to guarantee a credible cost for each transaction plus a centralized database, while the cost of using a union chain is to ensure that two-thirds of its members are credible and that a block chain is operated. Centralized databases remain a better solution in situations where strong centres can guarantee trust, such as the daily monetary clearing system, where we have unique and unbreakable confidence in central banks, and where nature does not require a greater degree of ownership of the chain.


For an enterprise, then, whether to use a block chain to replace the current solution, I believe that a more reasonable process of reflection should be as follows:


First of all, if there is a multiplicity of parties in this pending issue, it would not have been necessary to deal only with internal matters;


Secondly, whether there is a question of trust among the various parties, which cannot be resolved through a centralized trust mechanism, and whether a decentralized solution would not violate the relevant legal provisions, such as the use of the block chain for liquidation among local banks to bypass central bank supervision, may be beneficial to participating banks, but would undoubtedly be contrary to the relevant provisions;


Finally, whether the block chain is technically and cost-effective. Since the block chain has significantly changed the fundamental question of trust in finance, it is important to think carefully about a range of trust-related issues before adopting this transformative technique. If it is not targeted and is merely a concept fashion, so much is that it does not improve its own business substantially, but makes a lot of money for a technology provider.


And the public should think more carefully about the use of the chain of alliances. Even if the initiators of the chain of alliances are sufficiently credible, the question may give rise to a crisis of trust in data records. For example, the trueness of a wine, which does not focus on its production transport data in a block chain record, or on whether the record keeper is multiple or the wine factory itself — and we trust the nameplate as the centre itself — rather than whether the wine is digitally digitized in the material and data at hand, which is more about the content of the Internet connection on chip embedding and reading, entity digitizing, as to whether tracking data is centralized database preservation or chain preservation, is of little importance to ordinary consumers, in other words, as a consumer, pens are more willing to buy singles for the Internet chips than chain records. Green foods, imports, pharmaceuticals, etc., are similar to goods whose quality and source are questionable.


In fact, when the block chain emerges as a bottom-up technology in the form of a chain of alliances, it addresses the question of trust among coalition participants, and the public, as users of products or services, should not have a greater degree of confidence in the use of the technology. Good, suitable applications can be felt in places where the public has access to them, significantly reducing the operating costs of service providers and members of the alliance. This is similar to the intense cloud computing of previous years.


There is no doubt that the block chain should be one of the most important financial-related technological inventions at the beginning of the twenty-first century, and that the proper use of the block chain is revolutionary in terms of changing trust in the financial base, and that this technology can be an integral part of a national strategy, but the more important it is, the more rigorous and careful we must learn from the definitive and principled point of view and then apply and develop it carefully.


summarizes once again some of the points made in this paper:


There is a trade-off between efficiency and centralization in the public chain, and efficiency gains inevitably result in the centralization of the network, and the credibility of its sponsors becomes even more important; ownership (token) and currency in the public chain are inherently consistent; and I personally do not recommend investments in encrypted currency and believe that the decision of the State to ban the exchange and the ICO is correct and necessary to date.


In the case of a union chain, trust derives from outside force to guarantee an honest proportion of members; public confidence in the products of a union chain should be based on trust in its members rather than on the technology of a block chain; enterprises should be carefully thought out before using a block chain; the block chain is not a panacea for all questions of trust, and it must be made clear whether the link that may give rise to a trust problem is within the framework of the block chain.




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