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How has the BTC futures price fluctuated in the recent past? Does it augur well for the future of the Bitcoin market? When did Bitcoin’s historical lowest prices occur? What was the market environment at that time?

比特币(BTC) 今日行情

Bitcoin (BTC) today.


≈ 63,587.96 usdt

-6.21% ($ -3,949.05)

更新于:2024-03-19 16:49:38

Updated at: 2024-03-19 16:49:38

24H最高$ 67,686.4624H交易量27.78万24H最低$ 64,583.6124H交易额$ 176.66亿7D最高$72,745.50总市值$12,500.28亿7D最低$67,075.37首日开盘价$0.0025一年最高$72,745.50投资回报25,435,183倍一年最低$25,118.21支持交易所106 家

24H up to $67,686.4624H up to $27.78 million up to $64,583,6124H up to $72,745.50, with a total market value of $12,50.28 million up to $67,075.37 up to $72,745.50 a year, a return on investment of $25,435,183 times a year down to $25,118.21 supporting the Exchange 106


What's the reason for the cliff crash?


The co-director of the Center for Research in Digital Economy and Financial Innovation of the United Business School of Zhejiang University, a researcher, and Lin have interpreted both reasons. For the main reason, it is also the Fed’s entry into the interest-added cycle that virtual currency is itself a risky asset, with insufficient currency liquidity under a strong dollar and a fall in virtual currency, which is already surprising.


“The short-term reason, however, is market news, as the FTT virtual currency under the FTX exchange has plunged, which could replicate the earlier collapse of Luna, triggering a chain reaction, including the collapse of the associated funds.” Distinguished and Lin.


The founder, Zhao Chang Peng, wrote on social media, and the world-renowned encrypted currency exchange, FTX, came to her for help as a result of a “severe liquidity contraction” that led to the signing of a non-binding buy-in letter of intent with him. Prior to confirmation of the acquisition, the currency needed to complete full due diligence within the next few days.


That is, the virtual currency market fell after the two virtual currency exchanges had entered into a purchase agreement.

2011-02-09 比特币价格首次达1美元

For the first time, the price of the bitcoin was US$ 1 in 2011-02-09.

2012-11-28 比特币迎来首次“产量减半”

2012 - 11 - 28 Bitcoin welcomes the first “half of production”

2013-12-01 比特币价格达到峰值1150美元

2013-12-01 Bitcoin peaked at $1150

2014-04-11 比特币创当年新低314美元

2014-04-11 Bitcoin Newly Lower $314

2015-08-25 比特币价格跌破200美元,创六个月以来新低

2015-08-25 Bitcoin prices fell by $200, a six-month low

2016-07-09 比特币产量第二次减半,价格波动剧烈

Second halving of the production of bitcoin in 2016-07-09, with high price volatility

2016-09-02 比特币交易总额首次突破1000亿美元

First over $100 billion in total Bitcoin transactions, 2016-09-02

2017-01-02 比特币突破1000美元,微软宣布支持比特币支付

2017-01-02 Bitcoin exceeded $1,000 and Microsoft announced its support for Bitcoin payments

2017-10-13 比特币价格突破5000美元创历史新高

2017-10-13 Bitcoin over $5,000 to an all-time high

2017-12-18 比特币逼近2万美元、CME比特币期货上线

2017-12-18 Bitcoin approaching $20,000, CMEbitcoin futures online.

2018-08-08 SEC将对VanEck比特币ETF的决定推迟至9月30日,BTC跌破6700美元

2018-08-SEC postponed the decision on Van Eckbitcoin ETF until 30 September, when BTC fell by $6,700

2019-06-22 比特币再次突破1万美元

2019-06-22. Bitcoin out of $10,000 again.

2021-01-08 比特币首次突破68928美元,续创历史新高。

For the first time, 2021-01-08 bitcoin was able to break by $68,928 and continue at an all-time high.


ETH broke by $1,900, dropping by 2.6 per cent 24 hours.

MarsBit消息, OKX行情显示,ETH突破1900美元,一度上涨至1916美元,暂报1902美元,24小时跌幅2.6%;BTC突破29000美元,一度上涨至29500美元,暂报29180美元,24小时跌幅2.2%。

According to MarsBit, according to OKX, ETH had passed $1,900, at one point up to $1916, provisionally reported $1902, dropping by 2.6 per cent on a 24-hour basis; BTC had passed $29,000, at one point up to $29,500, provisionally reported $29180, falling by 2.2 per cent on a 24-hour basis.

比特币在哪些平台可以交易:1. Coinbase、2. Binance、3. Bitstamp、4. Kraken、5. OKEx、6. Huobi、7. CoinEx、8. Bitfinex、9. Gemini、10. BitMEX。

For which platforms Bitcoin may be traded: 1. Coinbase, 2. Binance, 3. Bitstamp, 4. Kraken, 5. OKEx, 6. Huobi, 7. CoinEx, 8. Bitfinex, 9. Gemini, 10. BitMEX.

1. Coinbase

作为全球最大的比特币交易平台之一,Coinbase 提供了一个易于使用的界面,方便用户购买、出售和存储比特币。它还提供了与美元绑定的比特币交易选项。

As one of the largest bitcoin trading platforms in the world, Coinbase provides an easy-to-use interface for users to buy, sell, and store bitcoin. It also provides a bitcoin trading option tied to the United States dollar.

2. Binance

Binance 是一个全球知名的加密货币交易平台,不仅提供比特币交易,还提供多种其他数字资产的交易选项。它以低手续费和高流动性著称。

Binance is a globally known crypto-currency trading platform that provides not only Bitcoin transactions, but also trading options for a variety of other digital assets. It is known for its low fees and high liquidity.

3. Bitstamp

Bitstamp 成立于2011年,是最早的比特币交易平台之一,受到了众多投资者的信任。它提供了一个安全可靠的交易环境,并支持比特币与其他法定货币的交易。

Bitstamp was established in 2011 as one of the first Bitcoin trading platforms to be trusted by many investors. It provides a safe and secure trading environment and supports Bitcoin’s transactions with other legal currencies.

4. Kraken

Kraken 提供比特币和其他数字资产的交易选项,同时还允许用户进行杠杆交易。它是传统金融机构认可度高的平台之一,并有着强大的安全措施。

Kraken offers trading options for bitcoin and other digital assets, while allowing users to leverage transactions. It is one of the platforms with high recognition by traditional financial institutions and has strong security measures.

5. OKEx

OKEx 是全球领先的数字资产交易平台之一,支持比特币和其他加密货币的交易。它提供了丰富的交易选项和高流动性,适合不同类型的交易者。

OKEx is one of the world’s leading digital asset trading platforms that supports transactions in bitcoin and other encrypted currencies. It provides rich trading options and high liquidity that suit different types of traders.

6. Huobi

Huobi 是亚洲最大的比特币交易平台之一,提供全球用户交易加密货币的机会。它提供了高级交易功能和一流的安全措施,备受用户信任。

Huobe is one of the largest bitcoin trading platforms in Asia, offering global users the opportunity to trade encrypted currencies. It provides high-level transactional functionality and first-class security measures that are trusted by users.

7. CoinEx

CoinEx 是一家致力于为用户提供优质数字资产交易服务的交易平台。它提供了全球多元化的交易市场和具有竞争力的手续费。

CoinEx is a trading platform dedicated to providing high-quality digital asset trading services to users. It provides a diversified global trading market and competitive fees.

8. Bitfinex

Bitfinex 是一个交易平台和加密货币钱包,提供比特币和其他数字资产的交易选项。它支持杠杆交易和多种交易类型,适用于各类交易者。

Bitfinex is a trading platform and encrypted currency , providing trading options for Bitcoins and other digital assets.

9. Gemini

Gemini 是一个受合规要求监管的比特币交易平台,提供了安全可靠的交易环境。它与传统金融机构合作,为用户提供额外的信任度。

Gemini is a compliance-regulated Bitcoin trading platform that provides a safe and secure trading environment. It works with traditional financial institutions to provide users with additional trust.

10. BitMEX

BitMEX 是一个面向专业交易者的比特币交易平台,提供了高杠杆交易和多种交易类型的选项。它在期货和衍生品交易中备受关注。

BitMEX is a bitcoin trading platform for professional traders, offering options for high-leverage transactions and multiple types of transactions. It is of interest in futures and derivatives transactions.



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