
资讯 2024-06-20 阅读:22 评论:0
全文导读 full text guide 众所周知,NFT概念是现在币圈被炒的很热一个概念,现在有越来越多的艺术家也开始试水NFT领域,他们通过...



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It is well known that xff0c; that the NFT concept is a very hot one that is now fired from the currency circle xff0c; that a growing number of artists are now also testing the NFT field xff0c; that they are making their work an NFT by casting their work xff0c; that their NFT works will be published in the first level market xff0c; that if someone buys their NFT xff0c; and that after this NFT,


It is well known that xff0c; the NFT concept is a very hot one that is now fired from the currency circle xff0c; an increasing number of artists are now also testing the NFT field xff0c; they are making their work a NFT by casting their work xff0c; they are making their work a NFT art. Their NFT works will be published in the first level market xff0c; if someone buys their NFT xff0c; if anyone buys them xff0c; if there is a possibility that the NFT will also enter the second level market xff0c; if there are multiple circulations xff0c; and if every transaction can bring the artist's corresponding profits xff0c; now the NFT art market is very hot. So what about NFT art is used fff; if anyone really buys it xff1f; let the currency circle write down below.


NFT plays a larger role in the purchase and ownership of digital works of art. We all know that xff0c; ownership of works of art in kind is usually proved by the beneficial possession of the owner. If it is an ancient or high value of works of art xff0c; it may have a physical document (known as “outline”) xff0c; it shows who owns the works at what time and how it is transferred. However xff0c; some fish in the art market are mixed xff0c; many art lovers are unable to discern the authenticity of the works of art xff0c; second, it is impossible to purchase them at an appropriate price xff0c; some platforms are better able to achieve the issue of circulation and copyright ownership of the objects of art in kind.


This allows collectors to own digital art in a new way and allow artists to sell digital art in a new way. It also allows artists to sell digital art in a new way.


2020 xff0c; the first WebXR award was “delivered” to recipients in the form of NFT. Although physics is not a touchable trophy xff0c; but the design of the award can be extended as a three-dimensional digital craft. While anyone can submit and upload pictures of the XR award xff0c; only true winners can prove to everyone that they have received the honor through the NFT address and wallet.


Today, almost most of the awards and trophies are in kind xff0c; the winners need to get their trophies by fielding or mailing them. However, xff0c; limitations of space and geography may affect the winners’ presence. For example, xff0c; xff0c during the epidemic; transnational awards are not very realistic. As globalization and digitization evolves xff0c; there will be more competitions or nominations. xff0c; if institutions send NFT trophies xff0c; if the chain is traceable xff0c; and if they are shown to the general public through the NFT wallet. Not only the issue of winning the trophies is solved, but also the problem of xff0c; the real identification of the trophies xff0c; for example, the counterfeiting of the prizes.


The trophies and NFT attributes are very consistent xff0c; limit xff0c; rare. Similar applications are numerous xff0c; e.g. diploma xff0c; even property. These ideas also have the potential to be linked to the development of “smart contracts” xff0c; agreements supported by block chains can facilitate transactions between individuals xff0c; they no longer require the involvement of third parties as in the past.


The NFT artwork was purchased by someone xff0c; the NFT data-tracking website Nonfungible shows xff0c; xff0c between the end of July and August 2021; the total value of the NFT artwork is increasing xff0c; a NFT art can be transferred six times xff0c in five minutes; and it is good enough to see how well it is traded.


#xff0c for those who spend a lot of money on NFT art; my first feeling is that these people are either too rich #xff0c; or stupid #xff0c; but is that true #xff1f; to start investing in NFT art #xff0c; to think about xff1a; and what drives people to get or buy NFT #xff1f;


If we look at xff0c from the demand theory; the famous Maslow demand-level theory summed up human needs at five levels xff0c; from the bottom of the structure xff1a; from the physiological (food and clothing), safety (work security), social needs (friendliness), self-realization. Together with the NFT summarized above, we always have two sides: "creator" and "owner" #xfff0c; we can imagine the roles of both sides in demand #xff1a;


There are also five levels of demand for NFT art by the "buyer" & #xff0c; from the bottom of the structure & #xff1a; from short-term speculative gains, from long-term investment returns, from fans or ecological rights, from social attributes (chain identity symbols, interactive social certificates) and from happy collections.


xff0c can be found; often the news we see xff0c; including the high price of millions of dollars taken by a numbered Cryptopunk xff0c; probably a group of collectors with a higher level of demand for NFT art. But over time xff0c; we cannot ignore the desire of more ordinary people to invest in NFT and fans’ rights or social certificates.


We see xff0c; a growing number of newcomers are beginning to tend to collect some of the valuable NFT artworks xff0c; one can imagine xff0c; the larger the base of the population involved in the NFT art field xff0c; the larger the collection and the investment population xff0c; and the easier it is to have more expensive art.


In summary, xff0c; the answer to the question as to the usefulness of currency circles for NFT works and whether NFT works are actually bought by anyone. If NFT works are considered commercial, xff0c; indeed, encryption art projects do not necessarily require the so-called business model xff0c; standards for various works of art are also relevant to the audience’s preferences. But NFT itself is a self-encrypted currency attribute xff0c; so it also establishes a set of project design and distribution criteria in intangible terms for the creation of NFT cryptography projects for exploring master collections. If we are to invest, xff0c; it is also important to see whether the works of art themselves are attractive.


This document is from the currency circle website & #xff0c; for reproduction please refer to & #xff01;




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