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    为保护社会公众的财产权益,保障人民币的法定货币地位,防范洗钱风险,维护金融稳定,中国人民银行、工业和信息化部、中国银行业监督管理委员会、中国证券监督管理委员会、中国保险监督管理委员会日前联合印发了《中国人民银行 工业和信息化部 中国银行业监督管理委员会 中国证券监督管理委员会 中国保险监督管理委员会关于防范比特币风险的通知》(银发〔2013〕289号,以下简称“《通知》”)。


& #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; The Notice clarifies the nature of bitcoin, considering that bitcoin is not issued by monetary authorities, has no monetary attributes, such as legal remunerative and compulsory, and is not a currency in the real sense. By its nature, bitcoin is a specific virtual commodity with no legal equivalent to money, and cannot and should not be used as a currency in the market.


& #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; The Notice requires that, at this stage, financial institutions and payment agencies shall not price Bitcoin for products or services, buy or sell Bitcoin as a central counterpart, shall not encumber bitcoin-related insurance operations or include bitcoin in insurance liability, and shall not directly or indirectly provide customers with other bitcoin-related services, including: provision of Bitcoin registration, transactions, settlement, settlement services, etc. for customers; acceptance of bitcoin or use of bitcoin as a means of settlement; exchange services between bitcoin and renminbi and foreign currency; storage, trusteeship, mortgage, etc. of bitcoin; issuance of bitcoin-related financial products; use of bitcoin as the subject of investment, etc.


& #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; The Notice provides that the Bitcoin Internet site, which is the main trading platform for Bitcoin, shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Telecommunication Regulations of the People's Republic of China and the Measures for the Management of Internet Information Services, be filed with the telecommunications authorities in accordance with the law. At the same time, with respect to Bitcoin's high risk of money-laundering and the risk of being exploited by criminals, the Circular requires the relevant agencies to fulfil effectively their legal anti-money-laundering obligations, such as customer identification and suspicious transaction reporting, as required by the Anti-Money Laundering Law of the People's Republic of China, in order to effectively prevent money-laundering risks associated with Bitcoin.


& #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; and in order to avoid overexploitation of virtual goods such as Inbitcoin in the name of “virtual currency”, to the detriment of the public interest and the legal monetary status of the renminbi, the Circular requires financial institutions and payment agencies to use the monetary concept correctly in their daily work and to focus on strengthening the education of the public about the currency in society, incorporating a proper understanding of money, a proper view of virtual goods and money, rational investment, reasonable control of investment risks, and safeguarding of their property security into financial literacy activities, and guiding the public to develop the right monetary and investment concepts.


& #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; and in the future, the People's Bank will continue to pay close attention to the movement of Bitcoin and related risks, based on its own responsibility.


& #160; #160; #160; Annex:

中国人民银行 工业和信息化部 中国银行业监督管理委员会
中国证券监督管理委员会 中国保险监督管理委员会



& #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; and more recently, a so-called “bitcoin” which has been calculated through a specific computer program has attracted widespread international attention, and there are institutions and individuals in the country that have taken the opportunity to build bitcoin and its related products. In order to protect the property rights and interests of the public, safeguard the legal monetary position of the renminbi, protect against the risk of money-laundering and maintain financial stability, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China People's Bank Law, the People's Republic of China Anti-Money Laundering Law, the People's Republic of China Commercial Bank Law, the People's Republic of China Telecommunications Regulations, etc., the matter is notified as follows:


& #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; i. Correct understanding of Bitcoin's properties


& #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; Bitcoin has four main characteristics: it has no centralized issuer, its limited volume, and its use is not subject to geographical restrictions and anonymity. Although Bitcoin is referred to as a “currency”, it is not a currency in the real sense of the term because it is not issued by a monetary authority, it has no legal and compulsory monetary attributes. Bitcoin, by its nature, should be a specific virtual commodity, with no legal status equivalent to that of a currency, and cannot and should not be used as a currency in the market.


& #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; II. Financial institutions and payment agencies shall not conduct business related to Bitcoin


& #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; at this stage, financial institutions and payment agencies may not price Bitcoin for products or services, sell or sell Bitcoin as a central counterpart, cover Bitcoin-related insurance operations or include Bitcoin in insurance liability, provide other Bitcoin-related services to customers directly or indirectly, including: provision of Bitcoin registration, transactions, liquidation, settlement services for customers; acceptance of Bitcoin or use of Bitcoin as a payment settlement tool; exchange services for Bitcoin and renminbi and foreign currency; operation of Bitcoin storage, trusteeship, mortgage, etc.; issuance of Bitcoin-related financial products; use of Bitcoin as the subject of investments in trusts, funds, etc.


& #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; and #iii. Strengthening the management of the Bitcoin Internet site


& #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; and according to the Telecommunication Regulations of the People's Republic of China and the Measures for the Administration of Internet Information Services, Internet stations providing services such as Bitcoin registration, transactions, etc. should file with the Telecommunications Authority.


& #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; & #160; telecommunication authorities close down illegally Bitcoin Internet sites in accordance with the law, on the basis of the determination and punitive opinion of the relevant authorities.


& #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; iv. Protection against potential money-laundering risks in Bitcoin


& #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; and the branches of the People's Bank of China should pay close attention to the movements and dynamics of Bitcoin and other similar virtual goods with anonymous, cross-border circulation features, carefully consider the risk of money-laundering and develop targeted preventive measures. Branches should incorporate anti-money-laundering monitoring into their anti-money-laundering supervision the institutions that are established and provide Bitcoin registration, transactions, etc. in their jurisdictions in accordance with the law.


& #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; Internet stations providing services such as Bitcoin registration, transactions, etc. should effectively fulfil their anti-money-laundering obligations, identify users, require users to register using a real name, register names, identity numbers, etc.. Financial institutions, payment agencies, and Internet stations providing services such as Bitcoin registration, transactions etc. should immediately report suspicious transactions related to Bitcoin and other virtual goods to the China Anti-Money Laundering Monitoring and Analysis Centre and cooperate with the anti-money-laundering investigation activities of the People's Bank of China.


& #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; V, enhancing education about the public's monetary knowledge and investment risk tips


& #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; Ministries and financial institutions and payment institutions should use the concept of currency correctly in their daily work, with a focus on strengthening the education of the public about money, incorporating the concepts of a proper understanding of money, a proper view of virtual goods and money, rational investment, reasonable control of investment risks, and safeguarding the security of their property into their financial literacy activities, leading the public to develop the right idea of money and investment.


& #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; financial regulators may make implementing regulations based on this notification.


& #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; and request the Shanghai headquarters of the People's Bank of China, branches of the Department of Business Management, and branch offices of the city centre of the provincial capital (the capital) to forward this circular to local financial institutions and payment agencies within the jurisdiction.


& #160; #160; #160; #160; #160; Contact: Jang, Tel: 010-66194489



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