In recent years, as the Internet has evolved, new technologies have emerged and technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing and big data have been widely applied, while the heat of Bitcoin has been of great interest, which has also made the bottom technology of Bitcoin — block chain technology — interesting.
By 2015, when the block chain technology began to rise, the fire in Inbitcoin has caused the chain to remain unheated. Unleashing its mysterious veil, what exactly is the block chain technology?
interprets block chains in scientific terms. block chains are records of permanent, irreversible modifications resulting from the stacking of encrypted data (blocks) in chronological order. It is a credit document created through computer encryption technology, which means that block chain technology is a mechanism for resolving the trust of strangers. In the absence of a credible third party, all transaction data are stored in a data block, where the transaction information is contained in a complete chain, and all data is generated by computer encryption, which is the ultimate solution that is more reliable than a reliable third party.
The block chain technology is a way of recording people's participation. In a block chain system, every record can be recorded, and everyone sends the record back to everyone in the system like a shared book of accounts. Such a decentralised approach greatly enhances system security.
What corresponds to decentralisation is centralization, the main application of which is the big data technology that is now well known. Big data, cloud computing, and block chain technology will be the three main technological directions for the future.
What are the advantages of
, the most commonly mentioned word in block chain technology, and previously recorded and maintained data by third parties, each trading participant now has the right and the duty to maintain the data on the block chain. Everyone has a copy of all complete data, and your letter will no longer depend on third parties, as all participants in the transaction can prove.
is likely to be forged as long as they are controlled. But block chain technology makes counterfeiting almost impossible, unless most trading nodes are associated with your forgery of a transaction data, knowing that three or four individuals are likely to be difficult to collude with, and that the possibility of completing a tampering is almost zero.
The transparency of the block chain is demonstrated by the fact that any data updates on the block chain are synchronized to the entire block chain, and any data records on the block chain network are available at all nodes. The block chain removes the asymmetrical nature of the data and enhances trust between network nodes.
4. The data on the block chain of
is transparent, so that each record should be real and easily accessible at nodes, so that all data updates must be irreversible. In simple terms, they can only be added, cannot be modified, cannot be deleted, because one of the important features of the block chain technology is that the data blocks are constantly stacked to form chains, and any modification or deletion is not allowed.
Block chain technology is now widely applied in the fields of digital currency, payment settlements, digital paper, securities trading, insurance administration, financial auditing, and more will be involved in the future in anticipation of the age of block chain!
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