来 源丨21世纪经济报道
Here's the economic report for the 21st century.
记 者丨白杨
Remember & nbsp;
Two years later, when the Senior Executive Vice-President, the Clouds and Smart Industries Group, CEO Toshio, once again sat before us, he drew my attention first and foremost to his Mandarin, which is a clear advance.
After being born and raised in Hong Kong and having studied in the United States for more than a decade, Mandarin is becoming more proficient.
通过公开信息亦能感知到,近两年,汤道生出现在公众面前的频率大大增加。三年前的“930调整”,腾讯通过整合内部的to B业务成立了云与智慧产业事业群,并将产业互联网上升为公司级的战略方向,汤道生也成为腾讯驶向产业互联网的掌舵者。
In the last two years, the frequency of Tang Taosheng’s appearance in the public domain has increased considerably, as can be seen from public information.
The progress made in the language of Tang Dao is a testament to his personal transformation over the past three years, and under his leadership, CSIG is well established on the industrial Internet.
CSIG成立之初,关于腾讯是否拥有to B基因的讨论还有很多,但三年后的今天,这已经不再是一个问题。汤道生谈到,做to B业务和to C业务是完全不一样的过程,期间有很多问题要解决,所以有没有to B基因,关键在于能不能学习和进化。
When CSIG was established, there was much discussion about whether to-B genes existed, but today, three years later, it's no longer a problem. Toyosheng said that to-B and to-C were completely different processes, that there were a lot of problems to solve, and that the key to to-B genes was learning and evolution.
Now that the news has evolved, the CSIG has now served more than 30 industries, with over 9,000 partners, and over 400 industry solutions, compared to the original business, which was mainly in the form of public clouds and service clients, mainly Internet companies.
But it's still just a start-up phase for CSIG. So what CSIG thinks about the industry Internet at this stage, and what new plans are next, are the answers that we want most from Toshio.
In the face of business clients, CSIG often refers to the phrase that “the successful transformation of an enterprise begins with the transformation of the human person.” It is also useful for CSIG.
At present, CSIG has a team of more than 10,000 people, and how to make communication more efficient in this large organization and more effective in servicing business clients has been of interest to Tom Dao-chung in recent years.
He said that CSIG had built a lot of in-house platforms to enhance internal synergies. For example, Cloud Awareness, a knowledge-sharing platform, where different product groups synchronized up-to-date product capabilities, solutions, and experience-sharing.
For example, Toshio and other management teams regularly share staged thinking with their employees, calling this exchange “CSIG is making a sound.” “It looks good at the moment.” Toyoshi says, “Sometimes, you can ask more acute questions, and we can be very open to them, because we want to be able to agree on the thinking of the whole team by collapsing with you and thinking with you.”
In addition, on the occasion of the third anniversary of this year, CSIG upgraded the values of the business community by adding “health sustainability” to the original “collaborative responsibility”, “entrepreneurship” into “collaborative win-win” and “steering”.
Business culture, indeed, sounds like a comparative retreat, but it is undeniable that it does have some latent effect on the employees of the company. Toyosheng argues that the CSIG values are also a common language in our daily work, and an important basis for dealing with conflicts and choices.
For example, in the past three years, the team's understanding of entrepreneurship has been to spell it out like entrepreneurship, “It's quite right, and the CSIG's rapid growth has benefited from this entrepreneurship.”
However, with the increasing number of new employees from different enterprises with different business cultures joining, the integration process has led many workers to become more restrictive and disobedient.
In Toshio’s view, problems are very likely to be solved from a company’s point of view, but sometimes they are delayed precisely because employees are afraid to say so. So CSIG has to set up a number of communication mechanisms to encourage people to speak up.
rushes out of the comfort zone
Two years ago, less than a year after the creation of CSIG, Tom Dao-sheng said that, in a highly competitive market environment, the Internet of the telecommunications industry would prioritize the path of development closer to its own strengths.
C2B, a path like this. In the entire industry’s Internet ecology, no enterprise has a C-side connection advantage, so C2B has been a core advantage in the past three years of Internet penetration.
However, digitizing links with end C is only a small part of the industry Internet demand, and it is the ultimate battle of the industry Internet that CSIG can be reached if it is able to meet the broader needs of more industries.
But leaving the C-end advantage aside, it also means that CSIG is moving out of the comfort zone based on the consumer Internet, towards a wider and more challenging industrial depth. This step is difficult, but vital.
In the course of the meeting, Tom Doseng referred to the case of Fuzzy High School in Shanghai. This is a specialized manufacturer of metal powder injecting (MIM) products, which was provided with a brand-new Quality Review Program last year, resulting in a 10-fold increase in the efficiency of the quality check compared to the original manual quality check, and a 99.5 per cent deficiency detection rate.
Prior to that, Quality Check was a long-standing challenge for Fuji High. In 2013, Fuji High established a dedicated automated unit to automate Quality Check, and in 2019, Fuji High also used the products of an advanced Internet company abroad, but the results were not enough for production.
Prior to last year's collaboration with Xeng Xingyun, Fujiko had also approached a number of other service providers, some of which had even taken samples for imaging analysis and initial algorithm studies, but the feedback was that the project was more difficult and the investment in solutions was so great that it was eventually abandoned.
Fortunko did not really understand the ability of tsong clouds before working with Tseng, but during his earlier contacts his attitude towards the project was first and foremost inspired by tseng tseng tsun.
“In the course of the project's research, Xeng Xingyun sent a team to follow up, and when he was in contact with his team, he made serious doubts and shared them. Qing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing gave us the feeling that it was our business, so, at least with heart, it was more than any other manufacturer”.
At the end of the day, it is recognized not only in attitude, but also in its ability to solve problems. For it, working with it, the challenge of censorship has been solved, and for it, it is a landmark project in the industrial landscape.
The future will be an important anchor for CSIG to go further into the industrial Internet, because the pains of the rich high school are purely industrial scenes, which help it solve its problems not by virtue of the advantages of the C-end, but by a more sincere attitude and the ability to do so.
At the same time, the introduction of more professionals is also a shortcut to CSIG’s rapid integration into the industry. Toyoshi says that, as he enters the digital economy, he feels that each industry has its own uniqueness.
Looking ahead, Tang Dao-sheng said at the 2021 Digital Ecology Congress that “number-and-number integration” was moving from a “question-and-answer” that each industry had to face. There was no outsider in the digital economy, and the industrial Internet would also be rooted in the development of industries.
The President and Chief Executive Officer of the Tetsu Board of Directors proposed that “number integration” be “business, business, business, business.” In his view, the value added to the real industry would be an important measure of the development of the Internet in the industry.
Based on this, CSIG will then build four major engines of users, technology, security and ecology to assist industries in discovering new digital energy.
In this case, the technology engine is the base of the ability to upgrade the industry. Toyosheng revealed in the Congress that there is a long-term chip development plan and input for a scene of strong business demand.
In fact, apart from tweaking, businesses like Ali and Wah have published their own chip products, which suggests that as cloud computing develops, the trend towards hard and hard integration becomes more evident. The tweaking also makes it clear that the chip is the core part of hardware and the core infrastructure of the industry’s Internet.
In addition, “scaling” is mentioned many times. For CSIG, if the last three years have been from 0 to 1, it is now from 1 to N.
但在to B行业,从1到N要比从0到1的难度更大,尤其是面对需求各不相同的行业,如何打造通用化的能力,以及平衡人力与需求间的关系,都是首先要解决的问题。
However, in industry to B, it is more difficult to build a universal capacity from 1 to N than from 0 to 1, especially in industries with different needs, and to balance the relationship between human capacity and demand are the first issues to be addressed.
The ecological engine, on the other hand, will be a bridgehead for scaling up CSIG. In Toshio’s view, platform companies need to develop more partners to serve their products. This means that even if they can earn more products or services, they will deliberately share them, because if they serve their clients on their own, they will soon encounter bottlenecks.
Currently, hundreds of partners have lost millions of dollars a year, a 150% increase over the same year. Over the next three years, more than 20 billion resources will be invested in the development of more than 1,000 partner businesses that have lost millions a year.
In 2020, China’s digital economy grew more than three times the rate of GDP growth. The 14th Five-Year Plan, launched this year, made it clear that “changes in the way of production, lifestyles and governance are driven by digital transformation.”
But the industry Internet is a long run, and each vertical area is very professional and complex, and the more we go forward, the more we should be wary.
Thus, when short-term interests are in conflict with long-term healthy development, Tom Do-sheng would prefer the team to focus on the health and sustainability of the business, “we must safeguard current development as well as the long-term values and internal skills”.
Ton Dozen said that a corporate manager would spend his energy wherever he looked. Instead of short-term competition and performance indicators, he was more concerned with building CSIG products, accumulation of capabilities, and “some industries need to take root, sank, and be patient. One of the inspiration for all of these years is that long-term values should be upheld, rather than just immediate interests”.
本期编辑 陈思 实习生 彭雅
Editor of this issue, Chen Se, intern, Penya.
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