
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:56 评论:0
两个月前,Arbitrum 基金会正式公布空投信息。尽管不少羊毛党在Arbitrum“很卷”的空投规则中阵亡,但仍然不能否认,这是币圈又一场声势浩大的造富运动,“刷了几千个号”“拿了几十万个Token”“一夜自由”的传奇故事因这场空投再度广...



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两个月前,Arbitrum 基金会正式公布空投信息。尽管不少羊毛党在Arbitrum“很卷”的空投规则中阵亡,但仍然不能否认,这是币圈又一场声势浩大的造富运动,“刷了几千个号”“拿了几十万个Token”“一夜自由”的传奇故事因这场空投再度广为流传。

Two months ago, the Arbitrum Foundation officially released airdrop information. Despite the fact that a number of wool parties were killed in Arbitrum’s “very voluminous” airdrop rules, it cannot be denied that this is yet another huge enrichment campaign in currency circles, and that the legend of “showing thousands of symbols” “taking hundreds of thousands of Tokens” “one-night freedom” is once again widely heard as a result of the airdrop.


A Cat and Mouse Game

近期,币圈空投运动再次掀起热潮,一些有潜力的项目,如zkSync和StarkNet受到了市场的热情追捧,其每日活跃用户数增长约10倍以上,专业空投工作室也开始针对zkSync空投开展了“带撸”、培训班等业务。甚至不少网友调侃,最近zkSync Era交互已经卷到“有大爷大妈带退休金入场”。

In recent times, the currency-spilling movement has rekindled, with potential projects such as zkSync and StarkNet enthusiastically promoted by the market, whose number of active users has increased by more than 10 times a day, and specialized air-spill studios, which have also started “bringing” and training courses on the zkSync airdrops. Even a number of online friends have spoken, and the recent interaction of zkSync Era has been rolled over to “Grand Mothers with Pensions”.


Thus, less than three years have passed since the launch of the drop-out feast by Uniswap in 2020, and the form, nature, scale of participation, etc., have changed dramatically.


Airdrops are no longer simply a chain-by-chain carnival, involving stakeholders who are increasingly involved in marketing, centralizing exchanges, wallets, etc.


However, both the project side and the wool party have escalated their methods of warfare in this game of cats and mice and have evolved into a strange relationship of confrontation but interdependence.


Each side tries to gain more benefits and advantages, yet they are interdependent, because the project side needs participants, and the participants also need incentives and benefits from the project side. This strange relationship is gradually becoming part of the airdrop ecosystem.


A brief history of air input evolution.


Airdrop refers to an act in the area of block chains that sends free encrypted tokens by sending them to a particular digital wallet address. In other words, airdrops are an act of giving encrypted assets to users by the project party.

因此,加密空投是一种营销策略,旨在推广新项目和其加密代币。用户可以免费接收代币,但有时需要完成特定任务。参与加密空投可以获得经济收益,成熟的 Web3 项目也可以使用此策略来奖励忠诚社区成员并完善代币分配。

As a result, encryption airdrops are a marketing strategy designed to promote new projects and their encrypted tokens. Users can receive tokens free of charge, but sometimes have to perform specific tasks.


If Uniswap is used as the starting point for the Web3 air drop dinner, the development of the air drop can be broadly divided into the following stages:


1. Interaction before snapshots: users are entitled to airdrops such as Uniswap, if they have had at least one before the snapshot.


2- Filtering addresses based on a few conditions: project parties began to invest in air spaces with restrictions, and the average drop value rose to the height of the ship, such as the Appleforth, Tornado.Cash and others.

3、搭建节点等“硬核”交互要求:公链项目提高测试网用户的交互门槛,如Aptos、Aleo、Iron Fish等项目,用户需要购买云服务器。

3. “ Hard core” interactive requirements, such as building nodes: The public chain project raises the interactive threshold for test network users, such as the Aptos, Aleo and Iron Fish projects, where users need to purchase cloud servers.


4. Numerical air drops: incentives for users, such as the NFT market air drop rule in Blur, guarantee user retention and loyalty through multiple air drops, phased air drops.


5. Community-based witch-reporting campaigns: Some of the project partners are also working together to identify more witch addresses (multiple addresses controlled by an entity) to launch air-throwers and report witches in the community, such as Hop, Optimism, Safe, etc.


Identifications such as KYC, soul binding tokens (SBTs): Although SBTs can be used against witches, they are not currently widely used by project parties for aerial drop tests.

总体而言,加密空投一直在不断的迭代进化。按参与空投的难以程度,历史上空投可以分为以下几个阶段:确认是社区成员、简单登记或 0 转、简单交互、查女巫做筛选和重度参与用户,多维度作为空投条件。

In general, encryption airdrops have evolved over time. Historically, based on the difficulty of participating in airdrops, airdrops can be divided into the following stages: community membership, simple registration or 0 rotation, simple interaction, witch screening and heavy participation, with multidimensionality as a condition for airdrops.


At the same time, the evolution of airdrops is tantamount to the history of anti-witches. Increasingly, projects and data analysis platforms have developed their own standards and tools for the identification of witches.


The Maoists are becoming professional.


In the early years of the airdrops, the wool party, which uses a large number of multiple addresses, is seen as a speculator and spoiler, and short-term data may look good, but in the long run they do not bring real value to the project side. In addition, witch attacks or witch communities can also lead to the accumulation of tokens through brushing, affecting the fairness of the distribution of tokens.

以Aptos为例,该项目在测试网阶段展示出了惊人的性能。在不到两周的时间内,测试网完成了超过8亿笔交易,实现了超过4000 TPS的高性能表现。

In the case of Aptos, the project showed amazing performance during the testing of the network. In less than two weeks, the network completed more than 800 million transactions and achieved a high performance of more than 4,000 TPS.


However, after the drop, the number of active addresses, transactional pens and TPS fell rapidly. Currently, the average TPS on the Aptos chain is only 10. Moreover, the lack of measures to prevent witch attacks has resulted in a huge amount of tokens on the Aptos, which has led directly to a huge puncture when the tokens went online.


Despite the increasingly demanding conditions of the project's air drops and the gradual professionalization and refinement of anti-witch technology, the “Moat Party” has not been weak, has been arming itself in confrontation with the project's side, has begun to specialize, and has begun to see a large number of drop-in workshops, training courses and distribution patterns, to some extent signaling the gradual maturity of this small industry.


"The Mao Party" is changing.


The airdrops triggered an unprecedented wealth effect and a network effect, with a massive influx of gold diggers into Web3 to begin, with enthusiasm, the search for the next opportunity for wealth, and the encrypt market’s evaluation of the Maoists seems to have begun to shift.


Today's “float” ecology has become a “conspiracy” between project participants, users and VC agencies, drawing on each other's needs and eventually drawing benefits from the sub-market of the tokens.


Encrypted KOL@brain has written in its social media: "It's not the hair that's inherently hairy, it's the original share of the start-up business of the block chain star." And the founder of Element, Wang Peak, has said on Twitter: "In the last year, hair is becoming a quasi-market investment..."


First, the Maoists have to some extent changed the pattern of investment in primary markets, such as the Arbitrum and Aptos projects, where only the top VCs have an opportunity to receive their share of the early currency, while the “flash” is one of the ways in which ordinary users can obtain quality projects.


Secondly, Bear City has not let many users out of the market, but has chosen to continue waiting and “goat wool”, which has helped to some extent the quality project community to survive.


Finally, as the hair industry continues to “intra-curve”, the division of the track becomes more and more sophisticated, with specialized air-drop studios and specialized anti-witch institutions, which will force the project team to become more professional in the area of serious product development, thus driving the industry forward.




The airdrops brought with them another wealth effect and the ultimate ideal of decentralisation, attracting more and more people into the Web3 area.


But, like the Internet industry, as the flow dividend fades, factors such as the increased volume of airdrops and the upgrading of project-based anti-witch techniques make the studio-style “brushing” unsustainable. As an emerging industry, Web3’s future is uncertain, and only projects that are truly valuable and can provide practical help to users can continue to develop in this area.




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