In January of this year, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved nine new ETFs to invest in Bitcoins only through the spot market, a significant improvement over the future ETFs launched in 2021. In the first quarter of the transaction, these ETFs were configured to be larger than expected.
is widely used by institutions
Over the past few years, institutional investors’ possession of bitcoin has become a news flash, even affecting the market. Three years ago, Tesla added bitcoin to its balance sheet, raising bitcoin by more than 13% in one day.
Why is Bitcoin ETF so attractive to the institution?
Large institutional investors are usually slow to act and are bound by traditional, risk management and regulatory systems. The pension fund’s renewal of its portfolio takes months or even years of committee meetings, due diligence and board approvals, which often require repeated approvals.
相比之下,通过购买ETF来接触比特币则简单得多。正如Lyn Alden在TFTC播客中所说,“从开发者的角度来看,ETF基本上是法定系统的API。它只是让法定系统比以前更好地接入比特币。”
By contrast, it is much easier to contact bitcoin by purchasing ETFs. As Lyn Alden said in TFTC podcasts, "From the perspective of developers, ETFs are basically statutory APIs. It only allows the statutory system to access bitcoins better than before."
Direct purchase and possession of bitcoin requires a thorough review of multiple transaction providers, trustees, and evidentiary services, as well as the development of new accounting and risk management processes. Through ETFs, agencies can easily access bitcoin by simply purchasing ETFs from companies like Belede.
ETF strengths and limitations ETF虽然便利,但并非理想的比特币投资方式。除了管理费之外,ETF还带来许多权衡,这些权衡可能会损害比特币提供的核心价值——不会被收买的货币。尽管这些权衡超出了本文的讨论范围,但它们确实存在。
ETFs, while convenient, are not the ideal way to invest in bitcoins. In addition to management fees, ETFs carry a lot of trade-offs that could undermine the core value that Bitcoins provides – currencies that are not bought.
Why didn't the price of the bitcoin rise further?
尽管ETF的采用率很高,但比特币价格今年迄今仅上涨50%。事实上,即使有48%的顶级对冲基金配置了该基金,比特币的上涨空间仍然有限。持有这些ETF的机构的平均配置比例相对较小。在已进行配置的大型对冲基金、RIA和养老金中,加权平均配置不到资产管理总额的0.20%。即使是Millennium Management的20亿美元配置也只占其报告的13F持股的不到1%。
Despite the high rate of ETF adoption, bitcoin prices have increased by only 50% so far this year. Indeed, even if 48% of top hedge funds were allocated to the fund, bitcoin’s scope for increase remains limited. The average share of agencies holding these ETFs is relatively small.
Thus, the first quarter of 2024 is considered a period when the institution “goes out of zero.” Only time will tell us when it will be able to hold bitcoin on a truly large scale.
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