比特币挖完后,矿工还能赚钱吗? 挖矿最直接的奖励莫过于出块奖励了。拿BTC来说,目前每挖出一个区块会得到6.25个BTC的出块奖励(按现价大约是240多...
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:119 评论:0挖矿最直接的奖励莫过于出块奖励了。拿BTC来说,目前每挖出一个区块会得到6.25个BTC的出块奖励(按现价大约是240多万RMB)。
For BTC, there are currently 6.25 BTC prizes (about 2.4 million RMBs at current prices) for each block.
不过,这个奖励每四年左右会减半,2024年5月左右会减半至3.125个BTC,等到了BTC全挖完的那天(大约在2140年),就不会再有新的比特币产出, 就算币价To Da Moon, 出块奖励也是零。那到时,矿工就只能集体转行了么?
However, the reward will be halved every four years or so, and will be halved to 3.125 BTCs in or around May 2024. By the day that BTC is fully dug out (about 2140), there will be no new bitcoin output, even if the currency is To Da Moon, the prize is zero.
事实上,矿工目前的收入由两部分组成:出块奖励+交易手续费( Coinbase+Fees) 。只不过目前,交易手续费和区块奖励相比,占比还非常低(如下图),出块奖励仍然是矿工的主要收益来源,交易手续费的平均占比不到2%。
In fact, the miners' current income consists of two components: an incentive + transaction fee (& nbsp; Coinbase+Fees) & nbsp; . is only currently a very low ratio between transaction fees and block incentives (see figure below), and an incentive remains the main source of revenue for miners, with an average transaction fee of less than 2 per cent.
▲ 交易手续费占比-2019/2/28 (来源:fork.lol)
& nbsp; transaction fee ratio - 2019/2/28 & nbsp; (source:fork.rol)
For the 10 blocks shown in the figure below, the transaction fee is a maximum of 0.54 BTCs (approximately 210,000 RMBs) and a minimum of 0.06 BTCs (approximately 23,000 RMBs).
For example, the average number of transactions per block in Bitcoin is about 2,000:
▲ BTC打包交易数-2019/2/28
nbsp; BTC packaged transactions 2019/2/28
units: pens/blocks (source:fork.rol)
What is the transaction fee? Simply put,
In order to ensure the security of point-to-point transactions, the transaction data are encrypted and digitally signed in addition to the transaction information, resulting in relevant script information.
As the volume of transactions increases, there will also be an increasing number of calculations involved in the process, and in order to do so, miners will need to have the appropriate equipment, sufficient storage space, and bandwidth. In theory, these costs should be covered by transaction fees (the lower the transaction costs are thought to be in order to increase the volume of transactions, but the fact is that sending transactions without any time and cost costs will greatly increase the likelihood of dust strikes, resulting in network congestion).
▲ 平均交易手续费-2019/2/28
& nbsp; average transaction fees 2019/2/28
units: hearing/bytes (source:fork.rol)
Currently, Bitcoin's transaction fees are 20.59 ears per byte (average per day), and is far less than the cost of the miners, let alone the profit.
What if the income depends mainly on an incentive and the transaction fee is low, and when the BTC is finished?
Because of the current income structure, it has been argued that, as block incentives decline, low transaction fees are not sustainable. In order to ensure that miners are motivated to continue mining, or to increase the price of bitcoin, or to increase transaction fees (price increases), it is believed that the increase in transaction fees is not a good idea under the current circumstances.
Many more believe that mining technology will develop rapidly in the years to come and that it is highly likely that mining chips will be miniature and cheap enough to be installed in a variety of equipment, and that mining from a large-scale asset-intensive industry will become a very routine and common matter, with each user participating in the mining itself.
In addition, the decline in block incentives is a relatively long process and will not suddenly come to zero, during which time miners will have enough time to adapt to the times in search of more diversified income patterns.
But in any case, the scale of the transaction is extremely important, both in terms of real benefits and in terms of ecological construction. As Nakamoto once said, in the next two decades, Bitcoins will either have an amazing volume of transactions or no volume of transactions.
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