BTC周报 | 比特币周内涨近50%;“买比特币”谷歌搜索量超“买黄金”(3.16-3.22)
BTC Weekly: up by nearly 50% in Bitcoin week; “Buy Bitcoin” Google search is outnumbered by “buying gold” (3.16-3.22)
Ten minutes ago, it was yellow snow.
The Bitcoin Volatility Index is six years old.
Large transfers decreased by 32 per cent;
17 per cent decrease in active addresses;
(a) A 22 per cent decline in the full network computing week and a four-day delay in the difficulty of adjustment;
The Bitcoin Volatility Index is six years old;
Marquis: If the price of the currency does not increase significantly, 70 per cent of the mine machine will be available on the net.
Secondary market
Following a sharp fall of 50 per cent in the course of the week, Bitcoin fell back this week, rising from a low of $4,600 to $6,800 in the week, with a cumulative increase of 48 per cent, but a slight fall since then. By the time of the release, Bitcoin had provisionally reported $5,800, which was nearly 40 per cent short of the 8,000-dollar mark before the fall.
The gold-digger analyses that the BTC rolls up to $6,900, stubbles, line-levels, and continues with a small shock along the Ma60 average line. Overall, it is a backlash. If there is some amount to stand on $6,400, there is still a greater probability of hitting the area again at $670-6900, but the key to a breakthrough is the strength of the rebound.
The BTC has not changed much in the past week in relation to the number of empty contracts compared to the total stock of contracts, reflecting a weak climate in which the contract market is going to deliver, representing a temporary rest of market power, in which expectations of a major rebound or the probability of a Great Falls are not so high. More likely, the BTC will be driven by the prevailing external economic environment.
Net inflow of small amounts of money to
Compared to last week's net gain of $1.5 billion in bitcoin, this week, despite the outflow of funds, there was also a lot of bottom-up funding, resulting in a positive net inflow of $56 million.
US$, Japanese yen to bitcoin trades down
This week, the United States dollar ranked first in its transactions with French currency, with a slight decrease of 79 per cent; the yen remained at 12 per cent; and the third-highest euro, with an increase of 3.3 per cent.
Data on the chain
大额转账方面,本周大额转账共发生5875+次 ≥ 100BTC的交易,相较上周下跌32%。
In terms of large transfers, a total of 5875 + 100 BTC transactions were made this week, a decrease of 32 per cent compared to the previous week.
The active address of 截至3月22日,比特币新增地址数略有增加,为25万+,与上周持平;活跃地址周内高点为75万+,低点为50万+,高点相较上周下跌17.6%。 As at 22 March, the number of additional Bitcoin addresses had increased slightly to 250,000 +, the same level as last week; the active address week was 750,000 + and the active address week was 500,000 +, which was 17.6 per cent lower than last week. 每日比特币活跃/新增地址数,数据来自Tokenview Daily Bitcoin active/new address, data from Tokenview 小额持币地址占比近50% 比特币地址中,48.46% 的地址占有全部币量的0.02%,24.68% 的地址占有全部币量的0.16%,两个数据相较上周均有微微下跌。 Of the Bitcoin addresses, 48.46 per cent accounted for 0.02 per cent of total currency, 24.68 per cent for 0.16 per cent of total currency, and both figures showed a slight decline from the previous week. Bitinfochart 挖矿 Mining 全网算力周内下跌22%,难度调整延后4天 根据BTC.com数据,近一周全网算力为95.2EH/s,相较上周下跌22%;受算力下降影响,全网出块时间减缓,通常应在第14日(3月22日)调整难度的比特币,向后推迟了约4天,预计将于26日进行调整,预计全网难度将下降11%。 According to data, the full net capacity in the last week was 95.2 EH/s, a decrease of 22 per cent compared to the previous week; as a result of the decline in computing power, the size of the whole net was slowed down, usually by adjusting the difficult bitcoin on the 14th (22 March), which was postponed by about four days and is expected to be adjusted on the 26th, with an expected 11 per cent reduction in the full web. 根据BTC.com数据,F2pool自公布的算力为18.4EH/s,与上周持平,目前位列第一;近一周算力占比(出块份额)上升一位,为19.1%; According to data, F2pool's self-published factor was 18.4 EH/s, which is the same as last week, and is now ranked first; the ratio of arithmetical power (share share) increased by one to 19.1 per cent in the last week; 币印矿池当前自公布算力为16.3EH/s,相较上周微跌;近一周算力占比下降一位,为17.2%; The currency printing pool is currently self-published at 16.3 EH/s, a slight decline from last week; it has fallen by one in the last week, at 17.2 per cent; BTC.com自公布算力为10.03EH/s,相较上周跌幅最大,达25%;但幸运值有所回升(80%),算力占比大幅上升一位至第三; has a disclosure capacity of 10.03 EH/s, the largest drop of 25 per cent since last week; however, the lucky value has recovered (80 per cent) and the arithmetic ratio has risen significantly by one to three; 蚂蚁矿池自公布算力为10.8EH/s,相较上周略有回升,但算力占比仍下降一位,为12.3%; (a) Ants ponds have a published capacity of 10.8 EH/s, a slight recovery from the previous week, but the arithmetic ratio has declined by one, at 12.3 per cent; 相关消息 Relevant information Tezos基金会拥有6.35亿美元资产,47%为比特币 Tezos Foundation owns $635 million in assets, 47 per cent in Bitcoin 上周,Tezos基金会基金会发布半年报,其累计资产为6.35亿美元,这些资产的大部分(47%)是比特币,其次为基金会的XTZ代币(23%)和稳定基金(16%),据称,该基金比特币的份额在去年7月份时一度达到61%。(The Block) Last week, the Tezos Foundation issued its semi-annual report, with accumulated assets of $635 million, the majority of which (47 per cent) was Bitcoin, followed by the Foundation’s XTZ token (23 per cent) and the Stabilization Fund (16 per cent), whose share was said to have reached 61 per cent in July last year. “比特币”登微博热搜榜,现排名第10位 "bitcoin" on Twitter, now in 10th place. 3月16日晚,“比特币”再次登上微博热搜榜,以1184490的搜索热度排名第10位。 On the evening of 16 March, “bitcoin” was again on the microblogging list, ranking 10th on the search heat of 1184490. 数据:“购买比特币”谷歌搜索量一度超过“购买黄金” Data: “Buy Bitcoin” Google search for more than “buy gold” once 自3月11日加密货币剧烈震荡以来,“购买比特币”(Buy Bitcoin)的谷歌搜索量一直处于上升趋势,超过了“购买黄金”(Buy Gold)搜索量。根据Google内部指标,“购买比特币”的搜索量飙升至95,而“购买黄金”的搜索量则达到94。不过,BTC搜索量的爆炸性增长很快降至57,黄金搜索量继续上升至100。(CoinGape) Google searches for the purchase of “bitcoin” have been on the rise since the sharp shock of the encrypted currency on March 11th, surpassing the search for “buy gold”. According to Google's internal indicators, the search for “buying of bitcoin” has skyrocketed to 95, while the search for “buying of gold” has reached 94. However, the explosive growth in the BTC search has quickly declined to 57, and the search for gold has continued to rise to 100. 数据:比特币波动性指数创6年来新高 Data: Bitcoin Volatility Index is six years old BuyBitcoinWorldwide数据显示,比特币的波动性指数目前处于过去6年来的历史高点。即使是在2017年的泡沫市场,波动率也仅限于7.7%左右,而目前的波动率达到了10.3%,且自3月16日以来一直在10%以上。比特币现在的价格走势正表现出与加密市场早期类似的特征。2013年的价格波动率高达12-15%。另,股市的波动率指数(VIX)也处于80美元上方的高位。(CoinGape) According to the Buy Bitcoin Worldwide data, the Bitcoin Volatility Index is now at an all-time high of the past six years. Even in the 2017 foam market, the volatility rate was limited to around 7.7%, while the current rate has reached 10.3% and has been above 10% since March 16. Bitcoin’s current price movement is showing a similar pattern to the early days of the encryption market. Price volatility in 2013 was as high as 12-15%. 贝宝金融CEO杨舟:比特币与美股开始脱钩,或已走出美股流动性危机 Bébo Finance CEO: Bitcoin started decoupling from the US stock, or has emerged from the US liquidity crisis 自上周四全球市场动荡以来,比特币上周首次突破6000美元。至少就目前而言,比特币似乎已经与缓慢复苏的股市脱钩。贝宝金融联合创始人兼首席执行官杨舟表示,“从3月12日开始,比特币的价格与美国股市挂钩。然而,3月19日,它们开始脱钩。从这个角度来看,我觉得比特币这次走出了美国股市的流动性危机。”(The Block) Bitcoin, for the first time since last Thursday’s global market turmoil, broke $6,000 last week. At least for the moment, Bitcoin seems to have been delinked from a slowly recovering stock market. “From March 12, the price of Bitcoin is tied to the United States stock market. 近日,F2Pool联合创始人、Cobo联合创始人神鱼表示,如果币价没有明显上涨,全网将会有70%的矿机关机,对矿工来说将是灾难。 今年的这一次减半原本对矿工和矿机就是一次非常大的冲击。在减半前,已经出现了大规模的关机,基本S9这类矿机已提前退出舞台。如果在减半后出现暴跌,再加上全球疫情等因素的影响,市场情绪恐慌,出现踩踏式出逃,有可能造成短时间的死亡螺旋。经过洗牌期和调整,市场情绪逐步恢复再迎来一个新的周期。这种情况比较极端,市场是不可预测的,只能顺势而为。 In recent days, the F2Pool co-founder, Cobo co-founder, said that if currency prices did not increase significantly, 70% of the entire network would have been a disaster for miners. This year’s halving would have been a major shock to miners and miners. Odaily星球日报提醒,请广大读者树立正确的货币观念和投资理念,理性看待区块链,切实提高风险意识;对发现的违法犯罪线索,可积极向有关部门举报反映。 The Odaily Daily Daily Planet reminds readers that they are invited to develop sound monetary and investment concepts, to take a rational view of the chain of blocks and to raise real awareness of the risks involved, and to actively report to the relevant authorities any findings of criminal offences. 登录后参与讨论 Participate in the discussion after login 发布 Release
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