比特币突破5万美元大关 英伟达市值一度超过谷歌和亚马逊 | 环球市场

资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:21 评论:0
隔夜股市 overnight stock market 全球主要股指周一多数上涨,美股三大股指涨跌互现,道指再创历史新高,标普500指数小幅下跌。The world's major shares are the majority of...



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overnight stock market



The world's major shares are the majority of Monday's rises, and the three major shares of the United States are the same, with a further historical high and a small drop in the Papp 500 index.


Commodity Market



As of that date, the price of light crude oil futures delivered by the New York Commodity Exchange in March had increased by 8 cents to $76.92 per barrel, or 0.1 per cent, and the London Brent futures, delivered in April, had fallen by 19 cents to $82 per barrel, or 0.23 per cent.


The most active gold futures market on the New York Commodity Exchange fell by $5.7 on 12 April, to $2033 per ounce, or 0.28 per cent; and the silver futures cut in March rose by 17.3 cents, to $22.767 per ounce, or 0.77 per cent.


United States gas futures continued their downward trend, with prices falling by more than 5 per cent to their lowest level in more than three years.


Market News

【比特币突破5万美元 续刷两年多来新高】

{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}(bitcoin breaking $50,000) {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}

比特币价格周一突破5万美元,达到2021年底以来的最高水平。九只新的现货比特币基金于1月11日开始在美国交易,迄今为止已吸引超过90亿美元的资金流入。加密货币平台BTC Markets Pty首席执行官Caroline Bowler表示,有迹象表明“机构资金越来越多地流入这类资产”。

Nine new spot bitcoin funds began trading in the United States on 11 January, and have so far attracted more than $9 billion in inflows. The encrypted currency platform BTC Markets Pty, Chief Executive Officer Caroline Bowler, says that there are signs that “institutional funds are increasingly flowing into such assets.”



According to Federal Reserve Governor Bowman, the Fed still faces many risks in fighting inflation; it is too early to predict when and how much interest will fall on the Fed; it is not considered appropriate to reduce interest rates “in the near future”; and, for the time being, the Fed's policy interest rate is “reasonable”.



According to reports from various media outlets, including Alabia Television, on the evening of 12 local time, the Israeli side has confirmed that it will send a delegation to the Egyptian capital, Cairo, to participate in negotiations between Israel and Palestine on the exchange of detainees. The mission will be led by the heads of the Israeli intelligence organization Sinbert and Mossad. The report does not mention the specific timing of the mission’s trip to Cairo. The Israeli government has not responded to the reports.

【美国当前财年前四个月的预算赤字扩大16% 偿债成本进一步攀升】


As the cost of debt servicing rose further, the United States budget deficit increased in the four months up to January. According to data released by the United States Treasury Department on 12 February, the deficit reached $532 billion in the first four months of 2024, a 16 per cent increase over the same period last year. Interest costs during the period amounted to $357 billion, an increase of 37 per cent over 2023.


摩根士丹利将2024年和2025年的布油价格预测上调了2.50-5美元/桶,称最近的库存下降表明市场比最初预期的要紧张。目前其预计第一季度布伦特原油价格约为82.50美元/桶,而此前为80美元/桶;第四季度预计价格约为80美元/桶,而此前为75美元/桶;到2025年下半年,预计价格将从之前预测的72.50美元升至77.50美元。包括Martijn Rats在内的分析师认为,欧佩克对减产政策的执行率好于预期,以及美国原油产量因寒冷天气而减少,推动了库存减少。该行还将其石油需求增长预测从130万桶/日上调至150万桶/日,并将非欧佩克国家的需求增长预测从170万桶/日下调至150万桶/日。

Morgan Stanley increased the forecast of tar prices by $2.50-5 per barrel in 2024 and 2025, stating that the recent decline in stocks suggests that the market was more strained than originally anticipated. It now expects Brent crude oil prices to be approximately $82.50 per barrel in the first quarter, compared to $80 per barrel previously; it is projected to be about $80 per barrel in the fourth quarter, compared to $75 per barrel previously; by the second half of 2025, prices are expected to rise from the previously projected $72.50 to $77.50 per barrel. Analysts, including Martijn Rats, believe that OPEC’s implementation rate of production reduction policy is better than expected, and that crude oil production in the United States has been reduced by cold weather, contributing to the decline in stocks. The Bank has also moved its oil demand growth projections from 1.3 million barrels per day to 1.5 million barrels per barrel per day and from 1.7 million barrels per day to 1.5 million barrels per day for non-OPEC countries.


[International Monetary Fund: gold reserves in Kazakhstan increased by 6.157 tons in January]


According to IMF data, Kazakhstan's gold reserves increased by 6.157 tons in January 2024, to 300.399 tons; Australia increased its gold holdings by 2.986 tons to 79.876 tons in January 2024; and the Bank for International Settlements reduced its gold holdings by 4.906 tons in January 2024, to 218.174 tons.

【“X”推出新的广告定向功能 为创作者提供赚钱新方式】


The social media platform “X” under the Mask flag is adding a new advertising agreed position to better attract video creators and compete with YouTube. A statement on Monday indicates that starting later this month, the company will allow advertisers to advertise in front of the video of the creator of their choice.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}It's been more than Google and Amazon once.


On Monday, the market value of British Weida was once greater than that of Amazon and Google's parent company, Alphabet, and became the fourth-highest market company in the world, after Microsoft, Apple and Saudi Amer.


By Monday, the stock price of British Weida had risen by 0.16 per cent to $72,248 per unit, continuing its record high, with a market value of $1.78 trillion, slightly lower than that of Amazon and Alphabet.



On Monday, the British chip design firm Arm’s stock price surged by 42%, continuing its earlier surge. Arm published excellent financial statements last week, and performance guidelines are impressive, and the company’s share price has risen significantly since then.


As at Monday, Arm had risen by 29.30 per cent, with a market value of $153,152 million.

【特斯拉中国:中国市场今年没有Model Y的改款计划】


记者从特斯拉中国方面获悉,针对中国市场,今年并没有Model Y的改款计划。今日,对于最近几周特斯拉一直在北美大幅下调Model Y价格而引发的该款车型试图在更新之前清理库存的猜测,特斯拉宣布,北美地区今年不会有改款Model Y。

Journalists have learned from Tesla’s Chinese side that there are no Model Y restructuring plans for the Chinese market this year. Today, Tesla announced that there will be no change in Model Y in the North American region this year, in response to the speculation that the model of this car, which has been drastically downgraded in North America in recent weeks, is trying to clear stocks before it is updated.


(Google committed 25 million euros for training in European artificial intelligence skills)


On February 12, Google pledged 25 million euros to help Europeans learn to use artificial intelligence. On Monday, the technology giant announced that it had opened its application to social enterprises and non-profit organizations to help those most likely to benefit from training. The company would also run a series of “growth colleges” to support companies that use artificial intelligence to scale up their companies and expand its free online training courses on artificial intelligence to 18 languages.




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