
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:21 评论:0
TED演讲者:Agnes Larsson / 艾格尼丝·拉尔森TED Speaker: Agnes Larsson/ Agnes Larson 演讲标题:The awesome potential of many metaverses /...



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TED演讲者:Agnes Larsson / 艾格尼丝·拉尔森

TED Speaker: Agnes Larsson/ Agnes Larson

演讲标题:The awesome potential of many metaverses / 元宇宙群的惊人潜力

The amazing potential of many metaverses/ meta-cosmies

内容概要:In the multitude of metaverses that exist there are infinite possibilities for inclusivity and creativity. Inviting us to craft our own digital universes, Minecraft's game director Agnes Larsson shares how the experience of building and sharing metaverses can foster dialogue, friendship and trust -- pointing to the meaningful impact virtual worlds can have on the real world.

In the multidirection of minutes that exist there are inventive possibilities for inclusivity and innovation. Inviting us tobraft our own digital effects, Minecraft and #39;s game director Agnes Larsson shares how the interpretation of building and share metavers can Foster world, friendship and trust-putting to the actual digital worlds can have on the real world.

在众多元宇宙的空间里,存在着无限的包容性和创造性的可能。《我的世界》(Minecraft)的游戏总监艾格尼丝·拉尔森(Agnes Larsson)邀请我们创造自己的元宇宙,分享了建立和共建元宇宙的经历,如何促进对话、友谊与信任,指出了虚拟世界可以对现实世界所产生的有意义的影响。

There are unlimited possibilities for inclusiveness and creativity in the space of many metaspaces. Agnes Larsson, the game director of My World, invited us to create our own meta-cosm, share experiences of building and building a compatriot, promote dialogue, friendship and trust, and point to the meaningful impact that the virtual world can have on the real world.


【1】There is this word that you might have heard a lot recently, like right now: metaverse.

你可能最近经常听到 这样一个词,比如现在: 元宇宙。

You've probably been hearing such a word lately, like now: the meta-cosmos.

【2】It's suddenly a huge thing.


This suddenly became a big deal.

【3】And while for many people, it causes a lot of excitement, I think it also causes other feelings, like confusion and concern.

虽然对很多人来说, 它很令人激动, 但我认为,它也带来了其他感受, 比如困惑和担忧。

And while it's exciting for a lot of people, I think it brings with it other feelings, such as confusion and worry.

【4】And I think that's fair.


I don't think that's hard to understand.

【5】And I've also felt confused.


I've been confused, too.

【6】Metaverse is not really a new thing.


The Yuan cosmos is no longer new.

【7】Many massively multiplayer online games, for example, can be seen as metaverses.

比如,许多大型多人在线游戏 也被视为元宇宙。

For example, a lot of large, multi-person online games are also considered to be the meta-cosm.

【8】And I've certainly also felt concerned, especially when people talk about "the metaverse."

我当然也感到担忧, 尤其是当人们谈论“此元宇宙”时。

I am, of course, concerned, especially when people are talking about the “cosmos”.

【9】That assumes that there's only one owner of the metaverse, and this owner would get far too much power and data.

那就是在假设元宇宙 只有一个所有者, 而这位所有者将拥有 过多的权力和数据。

That's assuming that there's only one owner in the metaspace, and the owner will have too much power and data.

【10】It also risks being exclusive.


It also runs the risk of exclusion.

【11】It might not be accessible for everyone, and will risk to introduce many of the inequities we see in the real world in the metaverse.

它可能不是对每个人都开放, 并且可能会在元宇宙中引入许多 现实生活中的不公平现象。

It may not be open to everyone, and it may introduce a lot of real-life inequities in the meta-cosmos.

【12】This was pretty sad to me.


It makes me sad.

【13】So then you might wonder like, why am I here talking about the metaverse?

你可能会想, 我为什么要在这里谈论元宇宙?

You might think, why am I here to talk about the Won-Cosmos?

【14】That doesn't make sense.


That doesn't make any sense.

【15】Well, the thing is, I'm not.


Well, the problem is, I didn't.

【16】I'm here to talk about metaverses and the vision of how they can provide a lot of delight to their communities and even make the real world a better place.

我是要在这里谈论诸多的元宇宙, 以及它们如何为社区带来更多乐趣, 甚至让现实世界变得更美好的愿景。

I'm here to talk about a lot of metacosystems, and how they bring more fun to the community, and even a better vision for the real world.

【17】And here we can learn a lot from games.


Here we can learn a lot from the game.

【18】So what is even a metaverse?


So, what exactly is Yuan cosmos?

【19】How do we create a delightful, long-lasting metaverses?

我们如何创造一个令人愉悦的、 持久性的元宇宙?

How do we create a pleasant, durable meta-cosm?

【20】And how can metaverses make the real world a better place?


How can the Yuan cosmos make the real world a better place?

【21】And there are, of course, many answers to these questions, and I cannot give you the answer, but I can give you one answer.

当然,这些问题有很多的答案。 我无法给你一个标准答案, 但是我可以给你一个答案。

I can't give you a standard answer, but I can give you an answer.

【22】If, instead of talking about the metaverse, we talked about thousands or millions of metaverses created by people from all around the world, it would be much more inclusive and less risk of toxic uses.

如果我们不是在谈论某个元宇宙, 而是谈论那些数以千计 或者数以百万计的、 由世界各地的人们 所创造的元宇宙, 那么它的包容性就会更强, 造成有害作用的风险就会更小。

If we're not talking about a meta-cosm, we're talking about the meta-cosmos that thousands or millions of people around the world have created, then it's more inclusive, and the risk of harmful effects is less.

【23】To me, that sounds quite lovely.

对我来说, 这听起来相当的美好。

For me, that sounds pretty good.

【24】What I'm showing you right now are persistent, endless virtual worlds where players can have lots of fun together.

我现在给你们展示的是 持续性的、无尽的虚拟世界。 在那里,玩家可以 一起享受诸多的乐趣,

And what I'm showing you now is a continuous, endless virtual world where players can enjoy a lot of fun together.

【25】They are worlds that connect people.


It's a world that connects people.

【26】Each of these worlds were made by individuals in Minecraft.

每一个世界都是由《我的世界》 (Minecraft)中的游戏者们创造出来的。

Every world was created by the players in My World.

【27】By removing and placing their own virtual building blocks, They could create anything they can imagine.

通过移除和放置 他们自己的虚拟构件, 他们可以创造出 任何他们能想象到的东西。

By removing and placing their own virtual components, they can create anything they can imagine.

【28】And to me, these are creative and delightful examples of metaverses.

对我来说,这些都是具有创造性的、 令人愉快的元宇宙的例子。

For me, these are creative and pleasant examples of the meta-cosmos.

【29】And I know the power and the beauty of these worlds because I have my own that's more than ten years old.

我知道这些世界里的力量 和它们的美丽, 因为我有自己的元宇宙空间 已经十多年了。

I know the power of these worlds and their beauty, because I've had my own metaspace for over a decade.

【30】This is my world.


That's my world.

【31】After many years of playing, developing, thinking and even dreaming about Minecraft, I have gained some experience and learnings.

经过多年的玩游戏、开发、思考, 甚至做梦都会梦到《我的世界》。 我获得了一些经验, 也学习到了不少。

After many years of playing, developing, thinking, even dreaming about My World, I've learned a lot, and I've learned a lot.

【32】Watching our community use the game in so many different ways made me realize how powerful metaverses can be.

看到我们的社区 以各种不同的方式使用游戏, 我意识到了元宇宙有多么强大。

Seeing our community using games in different ways, I realized how powerful the meta-cosmos is.

【33】So I would love to, with these learnings, paint a different picture of what metaverses can be if everyone could craft your own.

因此,如果每个人 都能创造自己的元宇宙, 我想通过 这些学习到的经验, 描绘出一幅不一样的 元宇宙图景。

So if everyone can create their own meta-cosm, I want to draw a different picture of the meta-cosm.

【34】And I hope it's a creative, fun and inclusive picture.

我希望这是一幅富有创造性、 趣味性和包容性的图景。

I hope it's a creative, interesting and inclusive picture.

【35】In Minecraft, this is one example of this.

在《我的世界》中, 就有这么一个例子。

In My World, there's such an example.

【36】We give the players tools and endless worlds and an infinite amount of building blocks to have fun and tinker with.

我们给玩家提供工具、无尽的世界 和无限的积木, 让他们摆弄、尝试、尽情开心。

We give the players the tools, the endless world and the infinite building blocks, making them play, try, have fun.

【37】And with these, the players can craft their own unique metaverses.

有了这些,玩家就可以创造 他们自己独特的元宇宙。

With these, players can create their own unique meta-cosmos.

【38】The metaverses, therefore, belong to the players.


So the meta-cosmos belongs to the player.

【39】They do not belong to us, making the game.


They don't belong to us who make games.

【40】And like, ah, it's so fascinating, because the players are so very, very creative with the metaverses.

啊,这太吸引人了, 因为玩家们在元宇宙方面 非常有创意。

Ah, it's so fascinating, because the players are very creative about the meta-cosmos.

【41】Some use them to be like, big cities, castles, or like my five-year-old daughter's recent project, an underwater playground for fishes.

有些人把它们建造成了 大城市、城堡, 或者像我五岁女儿最近的创作, 一个鱼类的水下游乐场。

Some people built them into big cities, castles, or like my five-year-old daughter's recent creation, a fish underwater playground.

【42】And some players are engineers and build the most complex machines.

有些玩家是工程师, 制造最复杂的机器。

Some of the players are engineers, making the most sophisticated machines.

【43】It's very, very impressive.


This is very impressive.

【44】And some prefer to just have a lovely time with their friends.

有些人更喜欢和他们的朋友 度过美好的时光。

Some people prefer to spend good times with their friends.

【45】The possibilities are endless, and it's up to each player to set their own goals and decide if they want to create their own metaverse or join someone else's.

可能性是无限的, 每个玩家都可以设定自己的目标, 并决定是想创建自己的元宇宙, 还是加入其他人的元宇宙。

The possibilities are infinite, and each player can set its own goals, and decide whether it wants to create its own meta-cosm, or join others.

【46】And it's easier to be creative and connect with people when you have fun.

当你兴致盎然时,更容易发挥创造力 并乐于与他人连接。

When you're excited, it's easier to be creative and to be happy to connect with others.

【47】Fun is important.


Fun is very important.

【48】And what's more fun than games?


What's more interesting than a game?

【49】Within games, we've actually had metaverses for a really long time.

在游戏领域中,我们实际上 拥有元宇宙有很长一段时间了。

In the field of games, we actually have the meta-cosmos for a long time.

【50】Long-lasting games like World of Warcraft or Eve Online could be seen as metaverses.

像《魔兽世界》 (World of Warcraft)

Like World of Warcraft.

【51】And this doesn't surprise me, because when we humans spend time together, we want to do it in a fun and joyful way.

这并不令我感到惊奇, 因为当人们花时间相处, 我们会希望以一种有趣和 快乐的方式在一起。

It doesn't surprise me, because when people spend time together, we want to be together in a funny and happy way.

【52】And this is true when we spend time together virtually too.

当我们在虚拟世界中 共度时光时亦是如此。

That's what happens when we spend time together in the virtual world.

【53】Fun means different things for different individuals.

乐趣对于不同的人来说, 意味着不同的东西。

Fun for different people, means different things.

【54】Maybe not all of you want to build fish playgrounds, even though that clearly is very fun.

并不是所有人都想建造鱼类游乐场, 尽管它非常有趣。

Not everyone wants to build a fish playground, though it's very interesting.

【55】But this is another reason to why there should be many different metaverses.

但这也是为什么应该有 众多不同的元宇宙的另一个原因。

But that's another reason why there should be so many different metaspaces.

【56】My dream is that there will be a huge and diverse set of metaverses.

我的梦想是,将有一个庞大的、 多样化的元宇宙集合体。

My dream is to have a huge, diverse meta-cosm.

【57】Having millions of metaverses with different strengths and focuses enables everyone to find virtual places they love, feel welcome in and just can have so much fun in.

拥有数以百万计的具有不同 优势和焦点的元宇宙, 使每个人都能找到 他们热爱的、 可以感到自己受欢迎的、 并在其中享有很多乐趣的 虚拟场所。

With millions of meta-cosmos with different strengths and focuses, everyone can find the virtual places they love, where they can feel popular and enjoy a lot of fun.

【58】We live in a time where almost everything seems to depend on statistics, metrics and diagrams, and we can for sure learn a lot from this.

我们生活在一个几乎所有事情 都依赖于统计数据、 模型和图表的时代, 我们肯定可以从中学到很多东西。

We live in an era where almost everything depends on statistics, models and graphs, and we certainly can learn a lot.

【59】But I feel there is a risk we forget the pure human side, the things that excite us, the things that make us passionate.

但我觉得我们可能忽略了 纯粹人性的一面, 那些让我们兴奋、 充满激情的东西。

But I think we may have ignored the purely human side of things that make us excited and passionate.

【60】I don't think Tolkien used metrics and stats when he wrote "Lord of the Rings."

我不认为托尔金(Tolkien) 在撰写《指环王》时 使用了参数和数据。

I don't think Tolkien used parameters and data when he wrote The Ring King.

【61】He crafted a universe based on passion, vision and delighting his readers.

他在激情、愿景和 取悦读者的基础上, 精心打造了一个宇宙。

He crafted a universe based on passion, vision and pleasure for the reader.

【62】And that's what metaverse developers shoul do too.


And that's what the developers of the meta-cosmos are supposed to do.

【63】We should bring smiles to our place.


We should bring smiles to our space.

【64】We should develop features to give this excited, butterfly-in-the-stomach feeling.

我们应该开发一些功能 带来这种兴奋的、 心潮澎湃的感觉。

We should develop some functions that bring this exciting, emotional feeling.

【65】And I hope this is the case for anyone building metaverses.

我希望所有建设元宇宙的人 都能做到这一点。

I want all the people who built the meta-cosmos to do it.

【66】But I must confess, I am a bit worried that the main question people will ask when they build future metaverses will be, "How can we profit from this?"

但我必须承认,我有点担心, 当人们在构建未来元宇宙时 会问的主要问题是: “我们如何从中获利?”

But I must admit, I'm a little worried that when people build the future meta-cosm, the main question is, "How do we profit from it?"

【67】That's the wrong question.


It's a wrong question.

【68】Instead, we should ask how will our metaverses benefit the users.

相反,我们应该问的是, 我们的元宇宙将如何使用户受益。

Instead, we should ask how our metacosystem will benefit users.

【69】And of course, I know that money is important in this real world we live in.

当然, 我知道金钱在我们生活的 现实世界中很重要。

Of course, I know that money is important in the real world in which we live.

【70】But the thing is, if players are super happy long-term, that's very likely also related to money.

但问题是, 如果玩家能长期保持超级快乐, 这就很有可能会牵涉到金钱。

But the problem is, if the player can stay super happy for a long time, it's likely to involve money.

【71】So everyone can be happy.


That way everyone will be happy.

【72】We must focus on taking care of our communities instead of taking from our communities.

我们必须专注于照顾我们的社区, 而不是从我们的社区索取。

We have to focus on caring for our community, not asking for it from our community.

【73】And that goes hand-in-hand with player trust and thinking long-term.

这与玩家的信任 和长远的想法是相辅相成的。

And that goes hand in hand with the player's trust and long-term thinking.

【74】Because if you know that you can trust that your beloved metaverse will be around and be very much alive for a lifetime, you feel safe to spend all this time and all this love on it.

因为如果你知道 你可以相信你所爱的元宇宙 就在你身边, 并且会伴随你的一生, 你就会觉得在它身上 倾注时间和爱是有安全感的。

Because if you knew that you could believe that you loved the meta-cosmos right next to you, and that would accompany you all your life, you'd feel safe in it, pouring time and love on it.

【75】Look at this amazing world.


Look at this amazing world.

【76】It started as a small family project, and now, ten years later, the family still plays together in this world.

一开始只是一个小小的家庭项目, 而现在,十年之后, 这家人仍然在那个世界里一起玩耍。

At first it was just a little family project, and now, 10 years later, the family is still playing in that world.

【77】I think this is a great example of why you should be able to trust that your metaverse will be around and work very well for a lifetime.

我认为这是一个很好的例子, 说明了为什么你应该能够相信 你的元宇宙会一直存在, 并陪伴你一辈子。

I think this is a good example of why you should be able to believe that your meta-cosm will always exist, and be with you for the rest of your life.

【78】It would be devastating for this family if they lost this project they have together and all the dreams they still hope to fulfill in this creative metaverse of theirs.

如果他们失去了这个 他们共同拥有的项目, 失去了希望能够在他们创造的 元宇宙里实现的所有梦想, 那对这个家庭会是打击巨大的。

If they lose this project that they share, and lose all the dreams that they hope to achieve in the meta-cosm that they create, that would be a huge blow to the family.

【79】As metaverse developers, we have a responsibility to keep people's memories and dreams safe.

作为元宇宙的开发者, 我们有责任确保人们记忆 和梦想的安全。

As developers of the meta-cosmos, we have a responsibility to ensure the security of people's memories and dreams.

【80】And there's one more thing.


One more thing.

【81】The virtual worlds can't reach their full potential on making the real world a better place if they don't represent and include everyone.

如果虚拟世界 不能代表和包括每一个人, 那它就不能充分发挥所有的潜力, 使现实世界变得更好。

If the virtual world is unable to represent and include everyone, then it cannot fully realize all its potential to make the real world a better place.

【82】Also, everyone deserves the joy and inspiration a lovely designed metaverse can give.

此外,每个人都应该 有权享受由亲切友善的元宇宙 所带来的快乐和灵感。

Besides, everyone should be entitled to the joy and inspiration brought by the friendly meta-cosmos.

【83】Therefore, there need to be metaverses available and accessible for everyone.

因此,必须要有每个人都可以 使用和访问的元宇宙空间。

So there has to be a metaspace that everyone can use and access.

【84】Each person that wants to, I will not force anyone, should be able to craft the metaverse of their dreams independent of their situation in the real world.

我不会强迫任何人,每一个愿意的人都应该能够创造出 他们梦想中的元宇宙空间, 无关乎他们现实世界中的处境。

I'm not going to force anyone, anyone who wants to be able to create the metaspace that they dream of, whatever their situation is in the real world.

【85】The in-metaverse economy should not mirror the inequities we see in the real world.

元宇宙里的经济模式不应该反映出 现实世界中的不平等。

The economic model in the meta-cosmos should not reflect inequality in the real world.

【86】And it's much more delightful and inclusive if the resources in the metaverse are part of a fun and fair game system instead of a system introducing artificial scarcity.

它会更加令人愉快和包容, 如果元宇宙的资源是一个 有趣而公平的游戏系统的一部分, 而不是一个引入人为稀缺性的系统。

It would be more pleasant and inclusive if the resources of the meta-cosmos were part of an interesting and fair game system, rather than a system that introduced artificial scarcity.

【87】We also need a variety of metaverses, including ones that don't require expensive devices.

我们还需要各种各样的元宇宙, 包括那些不需要昂贵设备的元宇宙。

We also need a variety of metacosystems, including those that don't require expensive equipment.

【88】So when we then have all these, like, beautifully designed metaverses for everyone, I mean, on top of all the joy they will bring, we also get many more opportunities on making the real world a better place.

所以,当我们有了这些 为每个人设计的精美的元宇宙, 我的意思是, 除了它们将带来的所有欢乐, 我们也有了更多的机会 让现实世界变得更美好。

So, when we have these fine cosmos designed for everyone, I mean, apart from all the joy that they will bring, we have more opportunities to make the real world a better place.

【89】And I have seen so many beautiful examples of how people do that with their metaverses.

我已经看到了很多美丽的例子, 展现了人们是如何用元宇宙 做到这些的。

I've seen a lot of beautiful examples of how people use metaspace to do this.

【90】One that's very dear to me is the dad who created a minecraft server to be a safe and welcoming place for his son and other children on the autism spectrum.

我很喜欢的一个例子是,一位父亲 创建了一个《我的世界》服务器, 为他的儿子和其他自闭症儿童 提供了一个安全舒适的地方,

One example I like very much is that a father created a server, My World, to provide his son and other autistic children with a safe and comfortable place.

【91】This kind of community-created world is a great role model for future metaverses.

这种由社区共建的世界 是未来元宇宙的一个很好的榜样。

This community-built world is a good example of the future of the meta-cosmos.

【92】It's a world that welcomes players that maybe don't always feel welcome in the real world, and it's a world that enables these players to express themselves in their own ways.

这是一个欢迎那些在现实世界中 可能不受欢迎的玩家的世界, 也是一个让这些玩家能够 以自己的方式表达自己的世界。

It's a world that welcomes players that may not be welcome in the real world, and it's a world that allows those players to express themselves in their own way.

【93】Family members have witnessed how these amazing children use communication skills they learned in the metaverse in the real world.

家人们在现实世界中见证了 这些了不起的孩子们 在元宇宙里学到的沟通技巧。

Families have witnessed in the real world the communication skills that these wonderful children have learned in the meta-cosm.

【94】And metaverses can help charities reach new audiences and make it more fun and easy to participate in charity events.

元宇宙可以帮助 慈善机构获得新的受众, 让参与慈善活动 变得更有趣、更容易。

The meta-cosmos can help charities get new audiences, make it more interesting and easier to engage in charity activities.

【95】The World of Warcraft community, for example, raised more than one million dollars [for] Doctors Without Borders to be able to make a difference in the global response to COVID-19.

例如,《魔兽世界》社区 为无国界医生组织筹集了 超过一百万美元的资金, 以便能够在全球应对 新冠疫情方面有所作为。

For example, the Worm World community has raised more than a million dollars for Médecins sans frontières to be able to make a difference in the global response to the new crown epidemic.

【96】In the metaverses, charities can meet people where they are.

在元宇宙中, 慈善机构可以抵达 人们的所在之处。

In the metaspace, charities can reach where people are.

【97】And metaverses can help us communicate in a common language, a language of play, creativity and fun.

元宇宙还可以帮助我们 用一种共同的语言 一种充满娱乐、创造力 和乐趣的语言交流。

The meta-cosmos can also help us communicate in a common language, a language full of entertainment, creativity and fun.

【98】There is an organization called Games for Peace that uses games and their metaverses as a neutral playground to create dialogue, friendships and trust between young people in conflict zones.

有一个组织叫做“游戏和平促进协会” (Games for Peace), 它在游戏及其元宇宙空间 提供了一个中立的空间, 在易起冲突的年轻人之间 建立对话、友谊和信任。

There's an organization called Game for Peace, which provides a neutral space for the game and its metaspace to build dialogue, friendship and trust among conflict-prone young people.

【99】It wouldn't even be possible to bring these young people together if not for a metaverse they can meet in.

如果没有一个可以会面的元宇宙, 甚至没有办法 把这些年轻人聚在一起。

Without a met-in universe, there's not even a way to bring these young people together.

【100】And metaverses can help amplify voices.


The meta-cosmos can also help to increase influence.

【101】Kids in Kosovo used the metaverse to build their dream neighborhood area.

科索沃的孩子们利用元宇宙 建造了他们的梦想社区。

The children of Kosovo used the Won-Cosmos to build their dream community.

【102】By giving the kids millions of virtual building blocks and endless space to build and collaborate in, they could explore and visualize their ideas in a fun and accessible way.

通过给孩子们提供 数以百万计的虚拟积木 和无尽的空间来建造和合作, 孩子们能以一种有趣又可触及的方式 来探索和可视化他们的构想。

By providing children with millions of virtual blocks and endless space to build and cooperate, children can explore and visualize their ideas in an interesting and touching way.

【103】Young people aren't typically involved in planning spaces, but this time it was the kids who were the experts.

年轻人通常不会参与空间规划, 但这次孩子们成为了专家。

Young people don't usually participate in spatial planning, but this time the kids become experts.

【104】Just imagine all the joy, confidence and creative ideas that leads to.

试想一下,由此产生的所有快乐、 充满自信和创造性的想法。

Imagine all the happy, confident and creative ideas that come out of it.

【105】And the very lovely thing here is that their vision was built in the real world.

令人非常欣慰的是, 他们的愿景在现实世界中 被建造了出来。

It's very reassuring that their vision in the real world has been built out.

【106】Their ideas from the metaverse became a safe and open meeting area in their neighborhood.

他们在元宇宙里产生的想法 变成了社区里一个既安全 又开放的活动区。

Their ideas in the metaspace became a safe and open area of activity in the community.

【107】One of the kids summarized the joy and confidence this brought in such a lovely way when she said, "Being heard and listened to is one of the best feelings you can feel."

一个孩子总结了 这其中的喜悦和自信, 她用了一种可爱的方式说: “被人听见和聆听 是你能感受到的最美好的感觉之一。”

A child summed up the joy and confidence in it, and she said in a lovely way, "Be heard and listened to is one of the best feelings you can feel."

【108】Anytime we can include new voices in processes where they have typically been left out, we shift dynamics, which ultimately builds a better world.

任何时候,只要我们能在 可能会忽略一些意见的过程中 聆听新的声音, 我们就能改变局势, 最终建立一个更美好的世界。

At any time, as long as we can listen to new voices in the process of possibly ignoring some ideas, we can change the situation and finally build a better world.

【109】If we, in the future, have even more metaverses on different platforms, beautiful examples like these ones can happen even more.

如果我们在未来,能在不同的平台上 有更多的元宇宙, 像这样美好的案例会发生得更多。

If, in the future, we can have more metaspaces on different platforms, better cases like this will happen more.

【110】I hope and believe that these learnings from the game industry and from the metaverses the communities created truly can help us all make better metaverses in the future.

我希望并相信,这些从游戏产业 和社区共建的元宇宙中学到的经验, 能够帮助我们在未来 创造出完更善的元宇宙。

I hope and believe that the lessons learned from the game industry and the meta-cosm that communities have built together will help us to create a better meta-cosm in the future.

【111】A challenge for all of us that will design and build metaverses is to ensure that we use them for creativity, fun, inclusivity, and ultimately to build a better real world.

对于我们所有设计和构建 元宇宙的人来说,有一个挑战是 确保我们将它们用于创造力、 乐趣、包容性, 并最终建立一个 更美好的现实世界。

For all of us who design and construct the meta-cosmos, one of the challenges is to ensure that we use them for creativity, fun, inclusiveness, and ultimately to build a better real world.

【112】Thank you so much.


Thank you very much.




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