
资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:22 评论:0
无论是近来赚足眼球的EOS,还是被认为价值遭低估的AE,又或是上线便跻身市值前二十的Cardano;这些平台型公链主网Q2的陆续上线,皆预示着2018下半年公链大战的爆发。Whether EOS, which recently earn...



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Whether EOS, which recently earned the eye, or AE, which is considered to be undervalued, or Cardano, which has reached the top 20 market value points, these platform-based public-chain main network Q2 has been on the line, heralding the outbreak of the public-chain war in the second half of 2018.


Since its inception in 2014, there have been a number of incubating and building dapp’s universal bottom-block chain platforms; to date, more than 50 related currencies have emerged. But, like the iOS and Android market for smartphones, Taipa has an absolute Dapp advantage; 571 applications have been tracked on DappRadar alone, the second platform’s public chain & mdash; & mdash; NEO records 11.6 times the number of Dapps.


According to incomplete statistics from the block chain software company ConsenSys, there are currently up to 250,000 developers active in the Etherm network, and its Truffle development framework was downloaded more than 200,000 times a month in a single month in October 2017. Moreover, governments and business institutions currently focusing on block chain applications also tend to use Ether technology & mdash; & mdash; Brazil, Chile, Canada, and Dubai have announced successively the use of Etherm technology to improve their infrastructure; and more than 500 enterprises or institutions, such as Microsoft, BP, CME, have joined the EEA, which hopes to benefit from the Ethermology.

随着开发及参与者的增多,现如今全球六大洲有近17000个以太坊节点在运行,使其成为现存区块链中最分散的平台。顶着这些光环,以太坊在平台型公链内占据着主导地位。不过随着未来Dapp数量及活跃用户人数的持续增加,以太坊网络当前30 TPS的交易处理速度难以承载正常的使用需求。彼时因交易拥堵而上涨的手续费,也会给应用程序的商业化落地带来巨大阻碍。

With the growth of development and participation, there are now nearly 17,000 e-Taiwan nodes operating on six continents around the world, making them the most dispersed platform in the existing block chain. With these rings, the e-Taiwan dominates the platform’s public chain.


Although expansion programmes such as fragmentation technology, Plasma, etc., are on the way; if expansion fails, even if the start-up process has been too long (less than 1,000 submissions with the Taiku Github code in the past December, with only 76 active), this public chain master may have been caught up or even exceeded by later actors; especially in 2018, when the platform-type block chain project became more competitive.


Hashib was selected by means of research and screening filters for platform-type block chain projects of interest and divided into three main categories, which can be found briefly in the table of contents below before reading them.


1. An old man growing up in a talisman?


In public-chain platforms launched by 2017 and already on the Internet, few public-chain projects compete with Ether. However, there are still several projects that divide the market of Ether on web access to Dapp, namely NEO, QTUM, Achain, which are technologically innovative to mark the shortcomings of Ether, but where they are applied, new problems arise.


NEO: Eco-structures are emerging and centralization issues are controversial


NEO is known by members of the encrypted monetary community as & ldquo; the Chinese version of the & rdquo; and the first open-source block chain project in the country. In terms of its current ecological and market value ranking, NEO is the first team in the platform-type public chain with Etai. To date, Dapp, which has access to the NEO network, has applied more than 50 applications, while the bottom-line block chain projects compatible with it, Ontologi (ONT) and Elastos (ELA), have also received considerable market interest since its launch.

与以太坊相同,NEO拥有自己的通用型虚拟机NeoVM,让开发者可以使用C#、Java等主流编程语言创建适用于某一特定场景的应用程序;而底层网络的低耦合设计,则更进一步,让NeoVM可被移植到任意区块链甚至是非区块链系统中使用。不过NEO较以太坊这类匿名性项目接地气,它引用了基于PKI X.509标准的数字身份验证体系,为此更容易获得现有法律及政府的许可。

As with Etheria, NEO has its own generic virtual machine NeoVM, which allows developers to create applications suitable for a given scenario using mainstream programming languages such as C#, Java, etc. The low-coupling design of the bottom network goes further, allowing NeoVM to be transplanted into any block chain or even non-block chain system. But NEO is more adept at anonymous projects such as Taipan, citing a digital identification system based on the PKI X.509 standard, which is easier to obtain permission from existing laws and governments.

另外,为了提高区块链网络的安全性及延展性,NEO还提出了抗量子密码学机制NeoQS、跨链互操作协议NeoX以及分布式储存协议NeoFS。而单从表面数据来看,NEO的交易处理速度比以太坊要快,吞吐量达1000 TPS,理论上适量优化还能提高至10000 TPS;不过这是一定程度上牺牲去中心化换来的结果。

In addition, in order to improve the security and extension of the block chain network, NEO has proposed a counterweight neoQS, a trans-chain interoperability protocol NeoX, and a distributed storage protocol, NeoFS. On the surface alone, NEO deals more quickly than Etheria, with a volume of 1,000 TPS, and theoretically adequate optimization can increase to 10,000 TPS; but this is the result of a degree of sacrifice to centralization.


The consensus mechanism (dBFT) used by NEO, similar to the DPOS, is a collaborative recording of accounts generated by voting. Unlike NEO block chains, there are two types of assets, NEO and passively acquired GAS; users with a certain number of GASs can nominate themselves as Bookkeeper, and NEO-holders vote for account entry nodes. Although voting is conducted at any time, the account node is not a fixed term; the centralization problem remains, especially the initial development phase, which currently has only seven account nodes & mdash; & mdash; early this year, the NEO network experienced a two-hour delay due to a single node failure.


QTUM: Compatibility of BTC and ETH, innovation or old-fashioned


The Quantum Chain, the first global PoS block chain compatible with the UTXO model, was proposed in March last year, the main web line in September of the same year, and an autonomous X86 virtual machine was released last month; to date, more than 20 Dapps have been connected to the network and more than a dozen ICO projects based on QTUM have been launched.


In a sense, the quantum chain is a greater focus on user asset security and the stability of the monetary payment layer. It is fully compatible with the EVM, which supports all the smart contracts in the Etherm; on this basis, the newly designed account abstract layer is added, which allows for the integration of the statusless UTXO model. The use of this basic model can provide the network with loose coupling and certain co-development capabilities, while at the same time inheriting the stability and security attributes of the Bitcoin network.


In terms of consensus agreements, the quantum chain uses a fine-tuned PoS mechanism, which adds incentives to the traditional PoS protocol, increases interest on long online nodes and encourages more nodes to participate in bookkeeping. According to the network, the QTUM network now has more than 7,300 nodes in more than seventy regions of the world, 75% of the number of bitcoin nodes. In order to create decentralized networks, the quantum nodes have also introduced distributed self-government agreements (DGPs), allowing network nodes to adjust block chain parameters whenever they need to do so in the event that there is a consensus on a certain threshold.


But the enlargement problems faced by Bitcoin and the Etheria also need to be addressed. While the project’s founders believe that the ability to centralize the network at the expense of the high TPS would deprive the block chain of its original meaning, the limitations of less than 100 transactions per second are substantial, and therefore the quantum chain plans to use lightning networks to boost network vomiting. The integration of these technologies does, to some extent, improve the safety and decentralization of the network, but in essence there is not much technological innovation and less likely to break through.


Achain: Smart contract sandboxes also perform multi-chain parallels?


One of the features of the Achain project is the introduction of a smart contract sandbox mechanism that allows developers to automate the entire path in the sandbox before the contract is issued, thereby reducing the cost of test error and the development cycle. Its main web line time and quantum chain are close, but the number of Dapps connected to the network is less than ten.

根据发展路线图的设定,Achain第一阶段“奇点”的着重点是构建智能合约网络。试图提高网络的交易处理速度,Achain区块链使用了与DPoS类似的弱中心化共识机制RDPoS,理论上交易处理能力可达1000 TPS;而游戏设计领域常用语言Lua的采用、BaaS平台的搭建、模块化虚拟机LVM的开发以及事件通知机制的提出,则是为降低开发者门槛、提升底层性能而服务。

According to the development road map, Achain Phase I & ldquo; Wonders & rdquo; focuses on the construction of a network of smart contracts. In an attempt to increase the speed of the network’s transaction processing, the Achain block chain uses a weak centralised consensus mechanism similar to the DPOS, RDPoS, which in theory has a capacity of up to 1,000 TPS; while Lua, a commonly used language in game design, the construction of the BaaS platform, the development of a modular virtual LVM, and the introduction of an event notification mechanism, serve to lower the developers’ threshold and enhance bottom performance.


In addition to building smart contract ecology, Achain also helped other project teams to issue six separate block chains, and plans to develop phase II and III to interact between chains using VEP (value swap agreements) technology. The establishment of cross-chain gateways could form a multi-college ecological network with Achain as its main link, connecting through VEP; and, while increasing the volume of network transactions, it could also broaden the application of Achain.


But the more complex the intelligent contract logic is, the easier it is to create a security gap. In the case of the Achain code library, which has been updated less than 1,000 times over the past 12 months, it remains to be seen whether such a complex set can be realized or secure.


Among the platform blocks that are already online on the main network, in addition to the virtual machines that have developed themselves, NEO, Quantum Chains, and are dedicated to building the bottom block chain of the smart contract ecology, there are other distinctive features. For example, the platform Bismuth in the first Python language, Ark for atomic exchange, Asch based on the side chain structure, etc., of which Lisk has the highest number of submitted codes.


Lisk: A platform based entirely on JavaScript, which gives rise to expectations and worries?


The core objective of the Lisk project is to create a complete Dapp-i-plug-in system; its full support for the mainstream programming language JavaScript and the Dapp application shop developed on the block chain provide developers with all steps from design, development to publication and monetization.


In the case of expansion, Lisk uses a side-chain framework to enhance network scalability. As shown above, the access chain is attached to the main block chain, each running its own Dapp; it only passes through the main chain if it involves cross-side chain transactions, which in theory enhances network anonymity, fault tolerance and co-existence.

过去12月里,Lisk在Github代码库内更新频繁,位列榜单第四(数据源自:Cryptomiso);期间发布更为友好的用户交互界面及Lisk Core 1.0测试网络。不过应用链的发展进程依旧缓慢,比它晚上线且号称“中国版Lisk”的阿希币已有Dapp接入,然而Lisk的正式软件开发工具以及编程接口目前还未发布。据了解,早前EOS创始人BM还曾质疑Lisk道,建立完全基于JavaScript驱动的区块链概念和智能合约平台不可否认是创新项目,但实现起来非常复杂,需要耗费极大的时间及成本。

In the past December, Lisk has been frequently updated in the Github coding library and has been ranked fourth in the list (data derived from: Cryptomiso); a more friendly user interface and Lisk Core 1.0 testing network has been published during the period. However, the development of the application chain is still slow, compared to its late-night line and known as & ldquo; the Chinese version of Lisk” and the Acico has Dapp access, yet Lisk’s official software development tool and programming interface are not yet available. It is understood that the early EOS founder BM also questioned the Lisk Road and that the creation of a sector chain concept and smart contract platform, driven exclusively by JavaScript, is an undeniable innovation project, but it is very complex and costly to achieve.


Ardor: 2017 top three in the list of future coins 2.0


In the early days of Bitcoin’s birth, there was a proliferation of digital currencies that simply changed the BTC source code to simple currency changes, the Hashi regime, block spacing, and so on. At the time of the boom, the future currency, launched in 2013, was the first digital currency that was not based on the Bitcoin code bank; and Ardor was the version of the future currency 2.0 released by the Nxt team two years later.


Source: Coinmarkcap


Ardor itself inherited all of the current functions of the future currency, equity certification, PoS exercise, decentralised voting, etc., and added new technologies to build an expanded platform specifically designed for the wider application of Dapp. By its very nature, Ardor uses similar ways of extending the parent-subchain structure and the Lisk side chain structure, which are based on the concept of stratification; differently, each node on the Ardor network can validate a subchain transaction, and it is more secure than each node that requires its own set of Lisks to maintain the node.


It is just that the Ardor team has a strong Java programmer atmosphere, with a tendency to move closer to business-level applications, both in terms of project brand design and code openness. Ardor is closer to the setup of alliances such as Hyperledger than the bottom-line public-contracted ecologic development route.


2. Arrows on the string. Main webs have ready faces .


Incubating Dapp’s public-chain playing field, like computer or mobile systems, has a clear head effect, with Big Brother Ether taking an absolute share of the market. Of course, it is hard to predict whether the changes in the early stages of development will break down in the future, and who will take the lead in a business landing.


While the main network has only recently come online or is about to launch a bottom-block chain project, among the members of the community, it is concerned about & & & & & rdquao; EOS, Cardano, originally built by the Taiye team.


EOS: A screen project with golden spoons?

不用哈希菌多做介绍,2018年凭借节点竞选赚足眼球的EOS相信大家或有耳闻。在EOS主网还未上线之前,它的Dapp生态就已经先行一步开始构建,目前在EOS生态圈中推出的应用已经超过二十个,据EOS index显示当前在开发以及公测的待上线项目也拥有数十个。

The EOS, which won novots in 2018, does not have to do with Hacillus. Before the EOS main network is online, its Dapp ecology has already begun to be built, more than 20 applications have been introduced in the EOS biosphere, and, according to EOS index, there are currently dozens of online projects under development and public scrutiny.


In addition to the photoring effect of the BM itself, the cause of concern is the parallel concept of the project’s main project, as well as the free-trading fee-free mechanism. The EOS uses the graphite framework to speed up the processing of the transaction and is committed to extending its TPS to millions through technological improvements such as parallel processing.


Freeing transaction fees from user attraction would also ease the burden on Dapp developers. When they write codes, they do not need to consider whether to consume Gas values at first hand, as in the case of the development of e-Team applications. However, decentralize, secure, and scalable attributes in the block chain world cannot be used. EOS high TPS pursues, with a corresponding discount on decentralization; and there are growing questions about its DPoS consensus mechanism and community-to-community democratic management.


Cardano: The team is full of college-like multi-strength chains?


Similarly, to capture the fact that the use of the Gas transaction fee mechanism for block chains such as the Etherton project consumes too much costs and resources, Cardano proposes a stratified block chain structure that divides the network into settlement layers (CSLs) similar to digital currency transactions such as Bitcoins and computing layers (CCLs) for operational smart contracts. Two relatively independent layers of the network can theoretically be upgraded and maintained according to the functions that each needs to achieve.


And, like the quantum chain, Cardano advocates to embrace regulation and introduce digital identification functions. Cardano’s stratification is designed to maintain, to some extent, the anonymity of the network while introducing a layer of validation to address regulatory requirements.


However, since its launch in 2017, Cardano’s R & D progress has remained on the settlement level. Although the second phase of development was tested by Shelley at the end of the month, the development of the consensus agreement, Ouroboros, is nearing completion, but the overall completion of the network is expected to be delayed until 2020; this development is taking a long time at a time of increasing competition.


In any case, these precipitous projects have always had an advantage; on the basis of having a certain number of users, users are likely to grow rapidly in a short period of time as long as the technological breakthrough or conceptual infrastructure is completed.


By contrast, other major networks are about to become, or have recently been, more active than these star projects; but there are others that have grown silently, such as Aeternity, which has a relatively high market value ranking.


Aeternity: Another layered block chain with a lot of team contradictions?

被称为“欧洲版ETH”的Aeternity成长之路较为坎坷,经历了几任技术官出走之后,团队在德裔计算机科学家“以太坊教父”Yanislav Malahov的带领下,使用erlang语言彻底重写了核心代码,并于本月推出平台主网。

Called “ the European version of ETH” Aiteernity's path to growth is relatively bumpy, and after several departures of technical officers, the team was led by German computer scientist & & ldquo; Etherno godfather & & rdquo; Yanislav Malahov, led by the erlang language, completely rewrites the core code and launch the platform's main network this month.

从某种意义上来说,Aeternity也是一种分层构架的区块链,不过它的分层方式更像是“以太坊区块链+雷电网络2.0”。作为以太坊的扩容方案之一,雷电网络和闪电网络只负责解决支付问题,主要是提高网络的交易吞吐量;而Aeternity采用的图灵完备状态通道(State Channel)把智能合约也纳入其中,让所有的通道可以各自独立、平行运作。

In a sense, Aeternity is also a layered chain of blocks, although it is more like &ldquao; it uses the Taiwan block chain + thunder network 2.0&rdquao; and it is one of the solutions to the problem of payments that thunder and lightning networks are only responsible for, inter alia, increasing the amount of traffic through the network; and the State Channel, which is used by Aeternity, includes smart contracts that allow all corridors to operate independently and in parallel.


In combination with these features, the system proposed by Aeternity will allow large-scale off-chain data acquisition, which is higher than the capacity and processing speed of the Prophecy Project in the Etherms and Quantum Chain Ecology. But at this stage, the state channel can only deal with problems on both sides, with certain limitations; if a third person is to be added to the channel, a multi-state route will have to be developed.


In addition, in preparation for large-scale future events, Aeternity has chosen Erlang, the programming language developed by the Ericsson CS-Lab. This language supports a large number of parallel development processes and does not require an operating system to have a co-development mechanism; but it is relatively small, with a large number of users as engineers, and may cause some inconvenience in the future to the formation of the Aeternity Smart Contract Ecology.


Aion: Main line communication, dedicated to becoming block chain Internet?

以太坊联合创始人Gavin Wood推出的Polkadot、Tendermint团队发布的Cosmos等等项目专注于研究的跨链交易技术,有助于去中心化交易平台的构建。而Aion所要做的跨链通信,不单单要把Token连接在一起,还要借助其Aion-1协议以及Aion虚拟机将区块链信息联通,形成一个庞大的去中心化区块链互联网。

The projects, such as Polkadot, launched by Gavin Wood, a cosmos team from Tendermint, and others, focus on research and cross-chain trading techniques, helping to build a centralized trading platform. And Aion’s cross-chain communications, not only to connect Token, but also to connect block information with its Aion-1 protocol and the Aion virtual machine, create a huge decentralized network.


In late last year, Aion was also known as — — “ ETH” ICON and Wanchain, which launched the main network at the beginning of this year, to create & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; Ali Baba, which plans to co-create a block chain. Unlike the two partners, Aion added a cross-linkage information interactive function to allow its ecological dapp to connect, i.e. to change the current status in the light of changes in information on other block chains.


A strong project requires technical support, but the Aion project has very little description of its capacity to carry cross-chain technology, and the rate of code updating on GitHub decreased following the project's online main network in April this year.


Nebulas: Introduction of incentive agreements to attract developers?


Nebulas (the nebulas chain) is also a fast-forming Dapp ecologic project in this echelon, and, driven by the developers'incentives it has set up, the main web line already has many developers in the galaxy chain ecology and has developed its own Dapp.


Added to this incentive agreement is Nebulas’ future transition from DOS to the PoD (confirmation of contributions) consensus mechanism; through the integration of PoS and PoI mechanisms, together with the project’s Nears Index (NR), which allows value assessment of various accounts, the future nebula chain will be able to allocate credit incentives by the contribution of nodes to the project. On the basis of Nebulas’ defined value scale, the nebulas chain also seeks to build a search engine for decentralised applications to become Google on the grid, while expanding its Dapp ecological network in this way.


However, the PoD Consensus mechanism had not been formally launched, until then the nebula chain could be described as a central block chain project, since all the supernodes in the DPOS mechanism used by the network at this stage were maintained by official teams and closed to the outside world.


3. Rigorous. Codes submitted to frequent new show.


Technological innovation is an attempt by those who later seek to break through, and the key to breaking down the barriers to head-on effects. The most important thing about the currency is the concept of innovation, with more than 200 new projects emerging in just half a year in 2018 (data derived from Coinmarketscap).


It is difficult to judge who is good and who is bad in a new show of Lin Ying, and the industry is still in the early stages of development, whether these innovative technologies add up to the point of development to be tested in the market. Of course, it depends on whether the project actually fulfils its description function, and the current statistics on CryptoMiso show that RChin, Nuls, etc., are more motivated to develop a technology-focused block chain, and the code updates are fast.


New Consensus Mechanism


Nuls: Service- and event-based modular design, multi-chain parallels based on cross-chain consensus, the technical characteristics of the Nuls system are in fact the integration of parent-sub-chain structures and cross-chain consensus mechanisms; allowing the system to support a variety of consensus mechanisms such as Pow, DOS, POS, PBFT, while its main chain implicitly uses the PoC (credit consensus) mechanism as a result of team innovation.


Under this mechanism, the system provides nodes with ratings similar to sesame credit. Only if the credit score meets a hard indicator set by the network, the node can participate in the block chain consensus and then rotate out of blocks according to the order of the network. During operation, the system also monitors nodes in real time.

PoA:号称以太坊扩容失败后补项目的PoA过去12月里代码更新速度较快,同时发布其跨链桥POA Bridge并发性POA 20代币,使得用户能够在POA网络和以太坊网络之间发送POA代币。

PoA: PoA, known as the failed post-Taiwan expansion project, has been updated faster in the past 12 months, while its trans-link bridge, PoA Bridge, has been released with pro-poa 20 tokens, enabling users to send POA tokens between POA and Ether.


However, according to the description of the Network, PoA is more present in the form of the Taiwan Rim; according to the White Paper, — fully compatible with & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & & mdash; as can be seen, PoA can be said to be a reprint, but instead replaces the original PoW Consensus mechanism with the PoA (Authority Certification Mechanism). The Commission’s electoral mechanism is fast-tracked and allows for some improvement in the speed of processing of the network’s transactions; but it is more centralized and more suitable for use in the private chain, and does not require a distributed trust system to function as usual.


分片技术的概念源于传统数据库,顾名思义就是将区块中的数据分成很多不同的“片段”,并将它们分别存放在各个节点之上。这种分散式并行系统,在保持主链完整稳定的同时,可减少每个节点的数据储存量,从而达到扩容效果。包括Vitalik、新加坡国立大学Loi Luu等人都认为,分片技术是更为长远且理论上可行的扩容方案。

The concept of segment technology stems from traditional databases, which, by definition, divide the data in blocks into many different & ldquo; segments & rdquo; and store them on each node. This decentralized parallel system, while maintaining the integrity and stability of the main chain, can reduce the amount of data stored at each node, thereby achieving magnifying effects.

目前以太坊的分片技术还在研发,而今年三月刚推出的Zilliqa项目已经推出具有分片技术的测试网络,本月中旬还进行了升级。依照其内部成员的说法,最近的内部承压测试中,Zilliqa在3600个节点、6个分片的状态下,达到2000 笔每秒的交易性能,接近Visa处理速度的25%。而与其他区块链平台截然相反的是,Zilliqa网络交易处理能力随着节点的增加而提高;所以说未来网络参与者的增多,并不会让区块链变得更拥堵,反而能达到并行处理速度提升的效果。

At present, sub-technology is being developed in Taiku, and the Zilliqa project, which was launched in March of this year, has been upgraded by mid-month. According to its internal members, Zilliqa has reached 2,000 transactional performances per second, close to 25% of Visa’s processing speed, in a state of 3600 nodes and six fragments. In contrast to other sector chain platforms, Zilliqa’s network processing capacity has increased with nodes; so it is said that in the future the number of network participants will not increase, but rather will achieve parallel processing speed increases instead.

追根溯源,Zilliqa团队成员新加坡国立大学师生Prateek Saxena和Loi Luu就是分片技术的提出者,这同时也是Zilliqa被称为“分片之王”的原因。不过Zilliqa按照地址且数据处理分片、存储不分片的处理方式,为其提高数据访问及未来对智能合约的支持带来一定局限性。而同样专注于分片技术且代码更新速度较快的Rchain则计划,采用数据分片及业务导向地注册机制来解决这些问题;不过这个推出时间比Zilliqa早的项目目前还未发布测试网络。

In retrospect, Prateek Saxena and Loi Luu, members of Zilliqa’s team, are the proponents of the technology, which is also why Zilliqa is known as “ &rdquao; the king of the film; but Zilliqa’s treatment by address and by data processing, storage and non-disaggregation has limited its ability to improve data access and future support for smart contracts. Rchain, also focused on the technology and the speed with which the code is updated, plans to address these issues using the data fragments and a business-oriented registration mechanism; however, the project, which was launched earlier than Zilliqa, has not yet published a testing network.

此外值得一提的是,Rchain与以太坊一样,采用了Casper协议,而这种共识算法也是由前者项目发起人Rho微积分数学家开发者Greg Meredith推荐给Vitalik和Vlad Zamfir的。

In addition, it is worth mentioning that Rchain, like Etheria, adopted the Casper agreement, and this consensus algorithm was recommended to Vitalik and Vlad Zamfir by Greg Meredith, the founder of the former project, Rho Mathematician.


4. Decentralised parallels are the chain of blocks & & ldquao; the Trinity paradox & rdquao; final resolution?


In fact, the controversy in the area at hand over the bottom block chain project is ultimately about the game between decentralisation and scalability, optimized functionality, and cybersecurity. Whether the most centralized public-chained owner, ÉOS, or the currency-circle, known as the million-grade TPS, is red, or a higher-extensible NEO; both have sacrificed & ldquo; triple & rdquo; and one or two of them, at least in the context of these platform-based sector chain projects that have been launched, the public-chain still has a long way to go.


There are, of course, a number of solutions in the community at this stage that attempt to accommodate these three objectives, such as the Fragmentation Technology and Plasma Project being developed with Taipan, the Turinable State Channel adopted by Aeternity, the parent-subchain and stratification framework & Hellip designed by Ardor and Cardano, respectively, & Hellip; the underlying concept of technology, where these solutions are designed in such a way as not to operate in parallel and in a decentralized manner & mdash; & mdash; i.e., efficient parallel operation of the network through decentralized distribution and related technologies on a basis that does not affect as much as possible the centralization of the chain, thus increasing the expansionability of the network.




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