
资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:28 评论:0
web1.0,web2.0,web3.0区别Web1.0 & #xff0c; web 2.0 & #xff0c; web3.0 difference 什么是 Web1....



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Web1.0 & #xff0c; web 2.0 & #xff0c; web3.0 difference

什么是 Web1.0 ?
1989 年,CERN(欧洲粒子物理研究所)中 Tim Berners-Lee 领导的技术小组提交了一个针对互联网的新协议和一个使用该协议的文档系统,该小组将该系统命名为 World Wide Web,简称 WWW(万维网),也就是我们现在熟知的“互联网”,它的目的在于使全球的科学家能够利用互联网来交流自己的工作文档。它采用的技术主要是 HTML、URI 、URL、HTTP 等,可以通过静态的方式展示网页内容。

the technical group led by 1989 xff0c; CERN( European Institute of Particle Physics & #xff09; submitted a new protocol for the Internet and a document system using the agreement xff0c; the group named the system WorldWide Web, WWW&xff08; xff09; xff0c; that is, the “Internet” that we now know; it aims to enable scientists around the world to use the Internet to communicate their work files.

通常来说,Web1.0 指的是20世纪90年代和21世纪初的互联网。说白了,就是由博客、留言板以及AOL和CompuServe等早期门户网站组成的互联网。人们在 Web1.0 上基本上都是被动地阅读静态网页,而且大部分网页都是使用 HTTP、FTP 等协议构建的。在Web1.0 的情况下,网页内容是只读的、静态的,类似于杂志,只能看不能修改、不能互动。在Web1.0下,用户只是信息(网页)的消费者。

Usually xff0c; Web1.0 refers to the Internet in the 1990s and early 21st century. It is xff0c; it is an Internet made up of early portals such as blogs, message boards and AOL and CompuServe. People read static web pages xff0c on Web1.0 largely passively; and most pages are built using agreements such as HTTP, FTP, etc.. In Web1.0 xff0c; web content is read-only xff0c; similar to magazine xff0c; it can only be modified and not interactive. Under Web1.0 xff0c; users are just information #xff08; web page #xff09; consumers.

什么是 Web2.0 ?
Web2.0 是互联网(Web1.0)的下一阶段,大概在2005年左右凸显出来,比如 Facebook、Twitter和YouTube等社交媒体。在 Web2.0 模式下,人们开始创建和发布自己的内容,主动参与到互联网中,而不再是单纯地被动阅读网页。但是,整个活动最终的资金和控制权是被大公司占据的。

what is social media such as Web 2.0 & #xff1f;
Web 2.0 is the Internet & #xff08; Web1.0) next phase & #xff0c; presumably highlighted in 2005 or around xff0c; e.g. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Under Web 2.0 mode xff0c; people start creating and publishing their own content xff0c; actively participating in the Internet xff0c; not simply reading web pages. xff0c; the ultimate funding and control of the entire activity is taken over by large companies.

Web2.0 的概念最早出现于2004年,是O’Reilly 出版社的创始人Tim O’Reilly在2004年的O’Reilly Web Conference (San Francisco ,October 5-7, 2004)提出的。随着技术的发展,Web 2.0具有如下特点:Web作为平台、利用集体智慧(用户参与)、数据为核心Data Inside、软件发布周期的结束、轻量级的编程模型、软件不再针对单个设备、丰富的用户体验等。

The concept of Web2.0 was first introduced in 2004 & #xff0c; Tim O'Reilly, the founder of O'Reilly Publishing, in 2004 O'Reilly Conference & #xff08; San Francisco & #xff0c; Octobe 5-7, 2004& #ff09; proposed. As technology evolves & xff0c; Web 2.0 has the following characteristics xff1a; Web is a platform using collective wisdom #xff08; Users are involved #xff09; data are the core DataInside, the end of the software distribution cycle, light-volume programming models, software is no longer tailored to individual equipment, rich user experience, etc.

什么是 Web3.0 ?
Web3.0 是一些技术专家为一种新型互联网服务所取的名字,其中内含去中心化的区块链技术。Web3.0 这个词语已存在多年了,只是在过去一年才开始流行起来。投资人帕奇?麦考密克(Packy McCormick)曾推广过 Web3.0 ,将其定义为“由建造者和用户拥有、由代币(Token)提供激励的新型互联网”。下面的表格是 Web1.0、Web2.0、Web3.0 简单对比的情况。

is the name of some technical experts for a new Internet service br/> Web3.0c; it contains decentralised block chain technology. The term Web3.0 has existed for many years xff0c; it has only been popular for the past year. Investor Patch? McCormick & #xff08; Packy McCormick #xff09; has promoted Web3.0 & #xff0c; defines it as “owned by builders and users, by intergenerational xff08; Token #xff09; and provides incentives for a new type of Internet”. The following table is a simple contrast between Web1.0, Web2.0, Web2.0, Web3.0.

支持者将 Web3.0 设想为多种形式,它就像是一个筐,几乎什么新概念和新技术都往里边装,包括去中心化的社交网络、“play-to-earn”游戏(以数字代币奖励玩家),以及NFT平台(允许人们买卖数字文化)。更理想主义的人们认为,Web3.0 将颠覆传统,改变当前的互联网现状。全世界将迎来一个新的、没有中间人的数字经济时代。但是也有一些批评的声音,他们任务 Web3.0 只不过是对数字加密技术的一次品牌重塑,目的是摆脱该行业的一些文化和政治包袱,并让人们相信区块链是计算的下一个自然发展阶段。

 hearing=227'src=https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/img_convert/fc68739221e90fd95ad0ab62a96c5.ng'witth= supporters will imagine Web3.0 as in many forms xff0c; it is like a basket xff0c; almost everything new concepts and new technologies are installed xff0c; social networks decentralized, “play-to-arn” games #xff08; digital coins to reward players #xff09; xff0c; and the NFT platform xff08; allowing people to buy and sell digital culture xff09; some of the more idealistic people x0c; Wexfffffffts are just a new stage of the world's digital economy; #0bffffffts will be used as a new stage of the world's.



Others think xff0c; this is an anti-Utopia “pay-to-play” & #xff08; pay xff09; Internet vision. Under this Internet mode xff0c; every activity and social interaction becomes a financial tool that can be bought and sold.

Web2.0 诞生了非常的互联网企业,比如 BAT、字节、美团、新浪、网易等。然而,在 Web2.0下,由于平台属于企业,用户的信息、用户的数据都存储在平台上。这种中心化的模式,带来诸多问题,比如:

traditional Web problems
Web 2.0 have given birth to an extraordinary Internet enterprise xff0c; e.g. Bat, bytes, conglomerates, new waves, web-friendly etc.., yet xff0c; xff0c under Web 2.0; because the platform belongs to the enterprise xff0c; user information and data are stored on the platform. This centralized model xff0c; there are many problems xff0c; e.g. #xff1a;

1. Web2.0 的经济称为平台经济,用户不是消费者,用户成为平台的商品,用户以自己隐私换服务,即常说的“羊毛出在猪身上,狗来买单”;

The Web 2.0 economy is known as the platform economy xff0c; the user is not the consumer xff0c; the user becomes the platform's commodity xff0c; the user exchanges its own privacy for its own services xff0c; commonly referred to as xff0c on pigs xff0c; the dog pays xff1b;

2. 平台公司占有用户的数据,可随意利用、篡改用户数据,也可能被攻击等原因泄露用户数据;

Platform companies possess user data & #xff0c; can use and tamper with user data & #xff0c; may also be attacked to disclose user data & #xff1b;

3. 利用用户数据获得的利益,并不分享给用户;

Benefits derived from the use of user dataxff0c; not shared with usersxff1b;

4. 数据孤岛,同一行业下竞争企业数据孤岛现象特别严重,数据无法流通交易,创造更多的价值。

Data silos & #xff0c; #xff0c, which is particularly severe for competing firms in the same industry; #xff0c, where data cannot be traded & #xff0c; and more value created.

事实上,不仅仅是 Web2.0 如此,Web 1.0 也存在类似的问题,根本的原因在于平台的中心化。平台掌握在谁手上,数据也就掌握在谁手上,数据的控制权就掌握在谁手上。这里要强调的是,我们说的是控制权,而不是所有权,控制权是技术层面的,所有权是法律层面的,当所有者和控制者不一致的时候,出现问题是必然的。

In fact xff0c; not only Web 2.0 so xff0c; Web 1.0 have similar problems xff0c; the underlying reason is the centralization of the platform. The platform is in whose hands xff0c; the data is in whose hands xff0c; the control of the data is in whose hands xff0c. Here the emphasis is on xff0c; we are talking about control xff0c; not ownership xff0c; control is xff0c at the technical level; ownership is xff0c at the legal level; xff0c when the owner and the controller are inconsistent; problems are inevitable.

Web3.0 的特点
Web3.0 的主要特点包括如下几点:

The main features of Web3.0
Web3.0 include the following points xff1a;

1. 语义 Web——它是 Web3.0 的关键,使机器易于处理数据。

semantic Web - it is the key to Web3.0 & #xff0c; makes it easier for machines to process data.

2. AI——AI是影响 Web3.0 技术流行的主要关键因素之一。它使机器通过大量的Web数据变得更加智能,以满足用户的需求。

AI-AI is one of the main key factors influencing the prevalence of Web3.0 technology. It makes machines more intelligent & #xff0c through a large amount of Web data; it meets the needs of users.

3. 3D图形——Web3.0 已经超越了传统的互联网,因为它的三维技术,它提供了一个比2D更现实的三维在线世界。

3D graphic - Web3.0 has gone beyond the traditional Internet xff0c; its three-dimensional technology xff0c; it provides a more realistic three-dimensional online world than 2D.

4. 无处不在——同时存在或无处不在的概念,移动设备的兴起日益增加,许多人更容易随时随地访问互联网。

Everywhere — the concept of simultaneous existence or ubiquitous xff0c; the growing rise of mobile devices xff0c; and the ease with which many people have access to the Internet at all times.

5. 开放性和互操作性,这指的是在应用程序编程接口、数据格式、协议和设备与平台之间的互操作性方面的开放性。

Openness and interoperability xff0c; this refers to openness in application programming interfaces, data formats, protocols and interoperability between equipment and the platform.

6. 全球数据存储库,这是一种跨程序和跨网络访问信息的能力。

Global data repository & #xff0c; this is a capacity to access information across processes and networks.

一言以蔽之,基于语义Web的 Web3.0 的核心特点就是机器可以作为独立的参与者。在 Web1.0 和 Web2.0,信息(内容)的生产者和消费者都是人,在 Web3.0,机器也与人类一样成为了主体,成为了生产者和消费者。

The core feature of Web3.0 based on semantic Web is that machines can be independent participants. In Web1.0 and Web 2.0, Information & #xff08; Content & #xff09; Producers and Consumers are people & #xff0c; On Web3.0xff0c; Machines become subjects like humans & #xff0c; Producers and consumers.

综上所述,Web 3.0 是一个更适合人类使用的互联网,它对人类的服务更加优秀且自然。但这意味着什么呢?这意味着用户需要将自己的信息大批量无偿地提供给人工智能和服务提供者,让他们训练 AI 模型来提供更好的推荐和语义关联,而无处不在的 Web 3.0 体验也将导致互联网用户隐私的消失,商家知道你是谁,知道你喜欢吃什么,而你对商家却知之甚少。隐私、数据、权利、审查、身份等都将是区块链 Web 3.0 关心的话题。

In summary, xff0c; Web 3.0 is an Internet that is better suited for human use xff0c; it is better and more natural for human services. But what does that mean xff1f; this means that users need to make their information available to artificial intelligence and service providers xff0c on a pro bono basis; that they train AI models to provide better referral and semantic connections xff0c; and that the ubiquitous Web 3.0 experience will also lead to a loss of privacy for Internet users xff0c; that the merchants know who you are xff0c; that you eat xff0c; and that you know little about business people. Privacy, data, rights, censorship, identity, etc., will be a subject of interest to the regional web 3.0.

Web3.0 和加密技术能解决诸如数据垄断和算法控制的一系列问题,探索这个问题需要从更本质去思考:开源。我们今天使用的很多计算机软件等产品,很多都是靠开源得来的,开源为我们使用的很多产品提供了许多基础组件,这些组件像搭建房子的砖块一样。Web3.0 对开源具有一定的促进作用。

Web3.0 and encryption technologies can solve a range of problems, such as data monopolies and algorithm control xff0c; exploring the problem requires thinking more fundamentally about xff1a; open source. Many of the computer software we use today xff0c; many of the open source xff0c; open source provides many of the basic components for many of the products we use xff0c; these components are like bricks for building houses. Web3.0 has some incentive for open source.

当然,Token化、去中心化的社区将不会是未来唯一可行的模式。它们也不是唯一可能通过加密货币进行的创新。BTC 是数字黄金,而 NFT 可以理解为数字资产的保险箱,这些加密本源和基本特性的影响有可能会对开源的未来影响深刻。但我觉得,这个特定领域如此令人兴奋的原因是,去中心化的社区不仅仅是在构建开源,更是在重构我们现代生活中的许多东西,优化很多目前存在的体系,解决很多现实问题。


而且这不仅仅包括代码。想想维基百科、Facebook、Uber、Linux 所有这些项目都是由少数人致力于定义平台的规则,然后由大量的人参与构建价值。在这些社区中,获取和分配价值的困难有多种形式,从Facebook或Uber模式中少数人获取巨大价值,再到维基百科或Linux模式,但是几乎没有人直接获取经济利益。那么,上面描述的结构可以适用于Facebook,就像Linux一样,由用户参与价值的创造和获取。

And it's not just code. Think of Wikipedia, Facebook, Uber, Linux, all of these projects are rules that are committed by a few to defining the platform & #xff0c; then value is constructed by a large number of people. In these communities & #xff0c; difficulties in accessing and distributing value take many forms xff0c; a few people get huge value from Facebook or the Uber model xff0c; then Wikipedia or Linux mode xff0c; but few people get direct economic benefits. xff0c; the structure described above can be applied to Facebook #xff0c; just like Linux xff0c; and the creation and acquisition of value with the participation of users.

Web3.0 通过更灵活和动态的数字所有权形式,提供了新的商业模式,在这种模式下,去中心化的组织和公共物品可以通过Token,直接与股权和收入流挂钩,从而取得广泛的应用。

Web3.0 Through a more flexible and dynamic form of digital ownership xff0c; provision of a new business model xff0c; under this model xff0c; decentralized organizations and public goods can be used through Tokenxff0c; direct linkages to equity and revenue streams xff0c; and thus access to a wide range of applications.

简单来说,Web3.0 ?是互联网与公众生活的融合一种融合形态。近几年很火的大数据、云计算、高速高可靠移动网络、物联网、智能硬件等新的技术和概念无一不和web 3.0 密切相关。智能硬件和物联网也让更多的设备接入互联网,融入用户的社会生活。Web3.0 在 Web1.0 和 Web2.0 的基础上,开拓了新的数字化场景,会继续在前面两者的基础上,拓宽数字世界的边界。三者之间并不是互相取代的关系,也存在一定的依赖关系。近两年,我们可以持续关注 Web3.0 的发展情况,紧跟时代热点。


Summing up
xff0c; Web3.0? is a form of integration of the Internet and public life. New technologies and concepts, such as hot data, cloud computing, high-speed and reliable mobile networks, object networking, smart hardware, etc., are closely related to web 3.0. Smart hardware and material networking also allows more equipment to access the Internet xff0c; integration into the social life of users. Web3.0 is based on Web1.0 and Web2.0c; new digital scenes xff0c; will continue to be based on the previous two. xff0c; widening the boundaries of the digital world xff0c; there is also a dependency relationship between the three.




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