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We are committed to providing a platform for the exchange of high-quality content. In order to implement the requirements of the National Internet Information Office & ldquo; to regulate the Internet in accordance with the law, to organize the Internet in accordance with the law, to access the Internet in accordance with the law & rdquo; and to improve self-regulation for follow-up and comment, our team will manage registered users and the content published on the platform in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, in order to protect content, maintain an open, real and professional platform. The platform will encourage users to create and publish high-quality content, and will also take the necessary measures to manage web-based information that violates the law, violates the law or has other adverse effects.

1. 违反法律法规的信息,主要表现为:

> & nbsp; & nbsp; 1) opposition to fundamental principles established in the Constitution;
& nbsp; & nbsp; 2) endangering national security, leaking State secrets, undermining State authority, undermining national honour and interests;
& nbsp; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; bn; >; >bn; >; ; >; ; >; >; ; >; >; >b/b; >; >; ; ; >; >; >; >; >; > ; >; >; >; >; ; >; >; >; >; ; ; >; ; > > ; ; > ; ; > < > < < >b; ; ; > > > ; ; ; > ; > > ; ; ; ; ; ; > > b; ; ; ; ; ; ; >b; ; >b; ; ; ; > ;

2. 不友善:不尊重用户及其所贡献内容的信息或行为。主要表现为:

> > > & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 1) contempt: denigration;
& nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; 2) defamation: fabrication, dissemination of false facts and damage to the reputation of others;
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3) scorn: exposure or description of others or their acts by analogy, exaggeration, insult; 5) humiliation;
& nbsp; & nbsp; 4 provocation: outrage in an unfriendly manner, with the intention of responding to one another's statements;
& nbsp; & nbsp; nb; n; nbsp; bsp; n; n; nb; n; n; nbsp; n; nbsp; ; nbsp; ; n; nbsp; ; nbsp; t; ; nbsp; n; bsp; etc.; etc.; etc.

3. 发布垃圾广告信息:以推广曝光为目的,发布影响用户体验、扰乱本网站秩序的内容,或进行相关行为。主要表现为:

3. Dissemination of garbage advertising information: publishing content that affects the user's experience, disrupts the order of the site or engages in related behaviour for the purpose of promoting exposure. The main features are:
      1) repeated publication of garbage advertising containing the sale of products, the provision of services and the promotion of promotional content.
  & nbsp; ;

4. 色情低俗信息,主要表现为:

> > > 4.
> );
& nbsp;     & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 2
& & nbsp; 3) graphics, head drawings and images containing vulgar or provocative images;
& nbsp; & nbsp; 4 & nbsp; 4 > sexual insinuctions, sexual advances, etc. ;
& nbsp; & nbsp; < & & fn; & ft; & ft;

5. 不实信息,主要表现为:

5. Untruthful information, mainly in the form of:
      1) possible factual errors or fabrications;
      2) misleading elements such as exaggeration of facts, false experiences, etc.;
  & nbsp; 3) falsification of identity, impostation of another person, insinuation of a particular identity through personal information such as a head image, user name, etc., or association with a particular institution or individual.

6. 传播封建迷信,主要表现为:

> 6. Dissemination of feudal superstitions, mainly manifested in:
      1) Searching for fortunes, measurement, divination, sleep resolution, superstition, treatment of diseases;
  & nbsp; & nbsp; 2) Proposing for recommendation masters;
& nbsp; & nbsp; 3) Helping or advising on issues specific to wind water;
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 4) Asking oneself or another person about eight words, six beams, starboards, hands, faces, five rows, etc., whether marriage, past, movement, pets can be returned, changed, etc., by means of obituation;

7. 文章标题党,主要表现为:

7. The title of the article is
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 1) to induce users by various acts of exaggeration, hounding and irrational behaviour;
    2) there are serious factual or original distortions between the content and the title;
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3) there is an exaggeration of the title, the content of which is significantly inconsistent with the title.


8. The "Diamond Circle" disorder is manifested in:
      1) Activating minors to fund, consume and vote
      2) Antagonizing, provoking, disinformation attacks, >br/> & nbsp;     3) Activating the "Diatric Circle" to
& & nbsp; & nbsp; 4) Activating the communication of public opinion by calling fans, hiring cyber-waters, `nutrients' to paint an assessment
& nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; 5) Disrupting the communication of order by, inter alia, "bringing discussion points".

9. 其他危害行为或内容,主要表现为:

9. Other harmful acts or elements, notably:
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 1) may cause a minor to imitate an unsafe act and an act contrary to public decency, and induce a minor to have an undesirable appetite that affects the minor's physical or mental health;
    & nbsp; 2) improperly comment on disasters such as natural disasters, major accidents, etc.;
& nbsp; & nbsp; 3) glorification, glorification of acts of aggression;
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 4) legal, administrative prohibitions or other elements that may have adverse effects on web ecology.

当一个用户发布违规内容时,本网站将依据相关用户违规情节严重程度,对帐号进行禁言 1 天、7 天、15 天直至永久禁言或封停账号的处罚。当涉及欺凌未成年人、危害未成年人身心健康、通过作弊手段注册、使用帐号,或者滥用多个帐号发布违规内容时,本网站将加重处罚。

II. The website collects information on violations by actively detecting and receiving reports from users. All intentional attempts to reduce the quality of content, harm the platform atmosphere, abuse of minors or endangering their physical or mental health cannot be tolerated.
When a user publishes the content of the violation, the site will block accounts for one day, seven days, 15 days until the permanent ban or closure of accounts, depending on the seriousness of the violation.


will continue to improve the Convention as the Platform's management experience continues, with the aim of maintaining the atmosphere and order on the site.
Users of this website who disagree with the handling of this website on the basis of the provisions of this Convention can provide feedback to the website through the `suggest feedback' function.
(The ultimate interpretation of the rules rests with the website.




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