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Summing up in 2017, the Internet community has a lot of data, artificial intelligence is the hottest, Internet technology and investment is the hottest of the chain of blocks, the beginning of the financial crisis, but the beginning of the stock market in 08, where meetings took place to talk about the stock market, and the fact that, in 17 years, no one could say hello to you. But while many talk about the chain, there is still a large number of people who don’t know what it is, and today they list a few who are famously known as the bottom public chain.

以太坊创始人被人称为V神(Vitalik Buterin)。曾经在知乎上有一个问题是列举当今世上一个人的能力抵得上成百上千人的大神,回复里一个说了中本聪,一个就说了Vitalik Buterin。天才V神创造的以太坊,继承了比特币时代的区块链,开启了区块链时代的2.0。

The founder of Ethio is known as Vitalik Buterin. One of the problems we know is that one of the world's great gods, one of whom speaks Chinese and one of them speaks of Vitalik Buterin. Genius V created Ethal, which inherited the chain of the Bitcoin era and opened the 2.0 of the block chain.


Bitcoin can be said to be suitable for encrypting monetary scenes, but the Taiq can be interpreted as a block chain plus a smart contract. It has tactile integrity that supports smart contracts. It creates a complex logic that allows for a variety of commercial and non-commercial environments, hides the complexity of bottom-level technologies and allows application developers to focus more on applying logic and business logic.


The weakness of Etheria is that it is less expansionary and, like Bitcoin, suffers from each transaction that requires every node in the network to deal with this dilemma. Transactions in 2000tps can be congested by the rapid growth of storage on the ethermy chain. As applications become more accessible, later periods may become more congested.


Although the deal is becoming more and more crowded, the prices at the platform have risen, and 10,000 doors have been broken. Even in the future, the price of investment will not be low, even if the problem is not solved in the future.


The founder of the ant, Da Hung Fei, said a famous saying in circles, "All open-source chains are hooligans." Although this is just a joke, it can be seen that the ant is located as an open-source block chain project.


Small ants are one of the oldest block chain projects in the country and are defined in the White Paper as digitizing the assets and interests of the real world, based on block chain technology, decentralised network protocols for financial operations such as point-to-point registration and issuance, transfer transactions, liquidation, etc. Small ants can be used for equity collection, P2P loans, digital asset management, smart contracts, etc.


Small ants’ open-source communities are the best in the country, and today’s small ants projects no longer need to operate as a team, and rely largely on community-driven initiatives.


Quantums are dedicated to building a different kind of block chain system from Bitcoin and Ether, hoping to achieve point-to-point value transfer through value transfer protocols, and to expand the boundaries of block chain technology and applications. This is definitely a high definition.


The technical design of quantum is mainly based on its compatibility, including compatibility with the Taiwan and Bitcoin and below-the-volume compatibility, and modular design of quantum, as well as consensus mechanisms.


Quantums, which are part of the public fund-raising process, have doubled from the very beginning and are now at around 300, with a place in the domestic public chain.


The founder of the EOS is the famous BM. The Bits Unit, Steem, etc., was created, and the most popular is the BM Dialogue V, which is known for how to solve the problem of the Etherm expansion. But the most important aspect of EOS is the number of its distributions and the amount of time spent raising them for a year.


The most technical feature of EOS, as a public chain known as the Panthéon, is that it can simplify the generation and management of user accounts and restore them, which, in the view of users, improves security, and that the speed of transactions in support of the million-grade tps also allows them to earn enough public eyeball because, in the view of Bitcoin and Ether, it is impossible to see its back.


But if you compare it to the founder of the ants, Da Hung Fei, the EOS is playing hooliganism again, because the consensus mechanism used by EOS is graphene technology, so as to increase the expansion of the EOS by crushing Ether, but it has only 21 fixed nodes, which seems to run counter to the consistent decentralization of the block chain technology, let alone the so-called open-source community. But despite the technology, the amount and the price run, the EOS has succeeded in attracting interest from the inside of the circle.


Most of these public chains have a common feature: modularization, as a bottom public chain, where the greatest value is developed under its commercial and non-commercial logic, so modularization is important, because it greatly simplifys the difficulty of continuing to develop applications based on the chain. One later person has to say, the same NULS as a public chain. The greatest feature of the NULS in the circle is modularization technology, with the modularization presentation in the white paper taking a large part, and its powdering of the NULS community, the most important of which is the recent NULS price of direct follow-up to the star EOS.


Some say that DAG technology is the future of block chain technology, and that iota is using DAG technology. IOTA is an open-source distributed account software project, built mainly for physical networking, where iota interoperability technology can achieve data authenticity and be used for industrial use. There is also a need-to-pay, micro-payment, and machine-to-machine communication, as provided by sensor technology, smart cities, and self-adaptation systems.


Iota’s reputation is still more than a thousand times higher than the price of its distribution, and, more importantly, the amount of its hundreds of billions of copies that make many projects look up.


However, DAG technology does not have more than iota, and Nartu is a representative of DAG technology, except that it is still in its development stage and how future strength will need time to be validated.


Whether it is technology or investment, whether it is the chain of chains or currency, it is either technology or investment that is not known to these five public chains around the world today, because the best value for the future is the bottom-line block technology project. The future Bitcoin is also created in public chain projects.




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