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With the development of block-chain technology and the emergence of a digital economy, a growing number of virtual currencies have emerged. In this article, we will introduce globally recognized categories of virtual currencies to help readers better understand the field.


10 major trading platforms .


Since the first two years of the Bitcoin fire, the entire virtual currency industry has been driven by a growing amount of virtual currency. It is well known that there are two ways in and out of virtual currency transactions, but for investors, either way, a formal virtual currency trading platform is required to safely conduct virtual currency transactions. What, then, is a formal virtual currency trading platform now in place?


The following is a summary of ten virtual currency trading platforms, app for investors' information.


1. OKEx Exchange >/strang >


OKEx, the largest exchange in the currency circle, was also the first to open a contract deal among the three largest players, and is gradually moving toward a contract. The previous year, 2020, was known as the year of the contract, while the OKEx Exchange took advantage of a number of contract games.




At the time of its creation, OKEx received an angel investment of millions of dollars in the start-up workshop, with the participation of the world's top investor, Timdraper, who is also an investor in the world's top enterprises, such as Hotmail, Pepsi and Tesla, using advanced technologies such as GSLB, distributed server clusters, distributed storage, multi-machined high-speed RAM engines, cold wallets, private-key offline hot wallets to provide a secure, stable and credible digital trading service to clients with multiple terminals such as Web end, mobile phone end, PC end, etc.


2, Binance


Currency netting (Note: Domestic users currently support only mailbox registration!) assets of $2,421 million, with a total of 742 transactions and a 24-hour transaction of $17,693 million.


The currency net was created by a group of digital asset lovers led by the former co-founder of Okcoin, Zhao Chang Peng (CZ), who focused on block-chain assets. The founder, Zhao Chang Peng, was in constant dispute with the old boss Okcoin, and was not very well seen at first, but later found that the platform was still very active.


3, Huobi


The currency network (official downloads) had assets of $4,175 million, with a total of 753 transactions and a 24-hour transaction of $29,349 million.

火币网是由北京火币天下网络技术有限公司运营,2013年9月上线,是全球领先的比特币交易平台之一。 2014年3月4日,火币网日交易量超过26万个,交易金额达10亿人民币,创造了全球比特币交易平台里的最高记录,是目前全球交易量最大的比特币交易平台之一。2014年03月19日,火币网上线莱特币现货交易。

On 4 March 2014, it traded more than 260,000 dollars a day, amounting to RMB 1 billion, creating the highest record in the global Bitcoin trading platform, one of the world’s largest transactions today. On 19 March 2014, the coin online line, Lightcoin, traded live.



Gate.io had assets of $204 million, with a total of 458 transactions and a 24-hour transaction of $105 million.

2020年7月22日,Gate.io品牌全面升级,中文名“芝麻开门”正式启用。 gate.io 大门国际站,是一家有态度的全球区块链资产国际站。从13年创办至今,已为来自全球超过130个国家的数百万用户,提供了近百种优质区块链资产品类的交易和投资服务。gate.io致力于做一家值得信赖的安全、稳定、有信誉的区块链资产国际站,不仅为用户提供安全、便捷、公平的区块链资产交易服务,同时全面保障用户的交易信息安全和资产安全。

Since its inception in 13 years, nearly 100 high-quality block chain asset classes have been provided to millions of users around the world for transactions and investment services. Gate.io is committed to a trusted, secure, stable and credible international site for block chain assets that not only provides security, easy and fair chain asset trading services to users, but also provides comprehensive security for transactions and asset security for users.



The assets of the Chinese currency amounted to $300 million, representing 147 transactions, with a 24-hour transaction of $658 million.

中币(ZB)是全球领先的数字资产交易服务平台,2013年成立至今,为全球超过1000万用户提供数字资产交易服务,已经稳健运营了7年时间,日均交易额30亿美金以上,BTC、ZB、EOS、XRP 主流币种成交份额长期名列前茅。 提供服务:币币交易、法币交易、杠杆交易、抵押借款、存币挖矿。

The Chinese currency (ZB), the world’s leading digital asset-trading service platform, was established in 2013 to date to provide digital asset-trading services to more than 10 million users worldwide and has been operating robustly for seven years, with an average of more than $3 billion a day, with BTC, ZB, EOS, and XRP in the mainstream currencies standing at the top. The provision of services: currency transactions, French currency transactions, leverage transactions, mortgages, and deposit mining.

6、Coinbase Pro

Coinbase Pro资产22.17亿美元,共有82个交易对,24小时成交额6.09亿美元。

Coinbase Pro's assets amounted to $2,217 million, representing 82 transactions and a 24-hour transaction of $609 million.

Coinbase Pro总部设立在美国,为用户提供安全的平台,方便用户进行各种数字资产投资。Coinbase Pro平台界面简洁易用,包括实时订单查询、图表工具、交易历史记录和简单的订单流程。

Coinbase Pro is based in the United States to provide a secure platform for users to invest in a variety of digital assets. The Coinbase Pro platform interface is simple and easy to use, including real-time order queries, graphic tools, transaction history records and simple order processes.



MXC had assets of $50 million, with a total of 418 transactions for which $342 million was paid on a 24-hour basis.


The MXC International Station is a platform dedicated to the exchange and exchange of block chain assets created by senior practitioners of Wall Street and Japan’s Senior European Quantified Trading Teams in the form of decentralised self-organization. The MXC will provide users with more secure, easy, intelligent asset flow services for block chain assets, bringing together global high-quality block chain assets, integrating the world’s top security technologies, and working to build a global top-level block chain asset international station.


8; Kucoin


Treasury assets of $18.566 million represented a total of 449 transactions, with a 24-hour transaction of $219 million.


KuCoin is a well-known global platform for digital money trading services, which supports multi-digital asset transactions. Established in September 2017, the currency has grown into one of the most popular digital money trading service platforms, currently providing one-stop services, such as currency, French, contract, Pool-X, and borrowing, to 5 million users in 207 countries and regions around the world. In November 2018, the currency was used by Seychelles to provide multi-language, 7x24-hour passenger and service teams to users, while localized communities were established in Korea, Japan, Spain, Italy, Viet Nam, Turkey, Russia, India, etc. to provide the most localized services to users everywhere.



Biki's assets amounted to $12.80 million, representing a total of 319 transactions and a 24-hour transaction of $1,912 million.


Founded in 2018 and based in Singapore, the BiKi Group is a global block chain digital asset trading service provider, currently operating under the umbrella of the Group, including spot trading, derivatives trading, digital banking, portfolio industry investment, with an additional market share of over 40 per cent of the small currency in the Chinese market and operating centres in seven countries, including Singapore, China, Korea, Viet Nam, Japan, Russia and Turkey.


10, Bnet


Net B assets amounted to $928 million, for a total of 472 transactions, with a 24-hour transaction of $6,524.36 million.

Bittrex俗称B网,提供币币、美元与币的服务,注册非常简单。Bittrex建立于2015年,是美国的比特币国际站,支持200多个交易对,每天的成交量达数十亿人民币。 Bitterex团队成员来自微软、亚马逊、Qualys和黑莓等各大公司,在服务方面拥有超过50年以上的专业安全和开发经验。

Bittrex, popularly known as Network B, provides services in coins, dollars, and coins, and registration is very simple. Bittrex was established in 2015 as the United States’ Bitcoin International Station, which supports more than 200 transactions, amounting to billions of yuan a day.


As a result of these presentations, it is believed that there is a common understanding of the ten largest virtual currency trading platforms, and the small editor reminds investors that, in selecting virtual currency trading platforms, different virtual currency trading platforms are studied and understood through multiple channels, such as web search, community, or encryption experts, senior investors, and that it is also necessary to focus on the status of complaints from virtual currency trading platforms, as well as to have a thorough understanding of the terms and conditions of the various virtual currency trading platforms.




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