
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:24 评论:0
随着新基建领域的确立,区块链技术正以前所未有的速度蓬勃发展,并已成为2020年度备受瞩目的新兴主流技术关键词。然而,提及区块链,公众普遍将其与比特币、以太坊等加密货币挂钩。With the esta...



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With the establishment of new infrastructure areas, block chain technology is flourishing at an unprecedented pace and has become a prominent new mainstream technology key word for 2020. However, with reference to block chains, the public generally links them to encrypted currency such as Bitcoin and Taiku.




According to Cointeelegraph, a report issued by the digital asset intelligence company CipherTrace showed that nearly $1.4 billion of illicit money had been absorbed by criminals through various means, including fraud, only during the first five months of 2020, when the epidemic was taking advantage of.


In just five months, 1.4 billion dollars is a staggering amount, reflecting a serious shortfall in asset protection in the crypto-money market. Many trading platforms, such as PIEXGO, UEX, LMEX, and FUBT, were subsequently questioned as being suspected of “runaways” at the beginning of June.


In addition, the theft of encrypted money and the frequent attacks on exchanges are closely linked to offences such as money-laundering, as demonstrated by the notorious Silk Road case. The anonymity of encrypted money makes asset tracing more difficult, although it provides some protection for the privacy of users, but also offers opportunities for outlaws.


At the same time, the openness of encrypted money is also a notable feature — all transactions are recorded on the block chain, and anyone can search for transaction information through tools such as block-chain browsers. Thus, in cases where the exchange is subject to suspensions or withdrawals, attacks, etc., observing changes in the stock balance of the exchange, in addition to official statements, can also be used as a means of establishing the facts.



A block-chain browser is a cornerstone of the block-chain infrastructure. After each block-chain main network is activated, the first task is to build a browser so that the outside world can visualize transactions, addresses, etc. on the chain. It is not only a tool for searching information on the chain and providing the basis for investment decisions, but it also plays an important role in tracking cases such as anti-money-laundering.

丝绸之路案的破获就充分体现了区块链浏览器的关键作用。曾任联邦检察官的Kathryn Haun指出,犯罪分子利用比特币进行交易,而正是依托于比特币的底层技术——区块链技术,FBI得以完成刑事调查。

The discovery of the Silk Road case amply reflects the key role of block-chain browsers. Kathryn Haun, a former federal prosecutor, pointed out that criminals used bitcoin for trading, and that it was the bottom technology of bitcoin – block-chain technology – that enabled the FBI to complete its criminal investigation.


In an interview, Haun stated that government departments and relevant law enforcement agencies, such as the IRS, the FBI and the Homeland Security Investigation Agency, had relied on block-link browsers in the course of their investigations to find strong evidence using data tracking techniques on the chain.

区块链浏览器无疑是实现溯源技术不可或缺的重要工具。无论是实时追踪单一交易,还是追溯涉及成千上万笔交易的情况,都能发挥作用。例如,在比特币浏览器中输入交易产生的唯一交易ID(txid, transaction ID),就能清晰掌握资金流向。

A block-chain browser is undoubtedly an essential tool to achieve traceability technology. Either a single transaction is tracked in real time or thousands of transactions are traced back to work. For example, entering the only transaction ID (txid, transaction ID) generated by the transaction in a bitcoin browser provides a clear picture of the flow of funds.



Address labels, by definition, add labels to virtual addresses where encrypted currency is sent/received, thereby faster identifying the subject behind different virtual addresses and tracking the movement of funds between addresses.


Currently, block chain browsers on the market rarely include address labels. On June 10, however, the OkLink block web browser, launched by the world’s first block chain big data company, Ocowin, announced that 30 million mainstream exchange address labels had been added to it globally. Users can now view the accepted address tags on pages such as transaction details and address details of the OKLink block chain browser.


Mr. Zhang, Vice-President of the OkLink product, Ocowin Chain, said that this was only a first step, and that OKLink would cross-check trading relationships, further analyse the identification of additional address labels, such as exchanges, pits, etc., and work on the construction of an automated tracking smart analysis tool to enable users to use these address labels to search for potential risk transactions and mark unusual addresses.


Data are fundamental to the network of block chains. The founder of the EUCO Group, Star Seo, has stressed on several public occasions that the essence of block chain technology is a distributed and irreversible database.


As Zhang has stated, deep digging of open, transparent and non-manufacturing data on block chains reveals many of the values behind the data, such as address drawings, quantitative transactions, etc. OKLink has completed full-cycle data analysis and excavation of various types of assets, and has developed a richer labeling system for the characteristics of address transactions. These bases allow them to move progressively towards such functions as intelligent analysis, address drawings, etc., with a strong demand for applications in areas such as anti-money-laundering.


With the impact of the new crown epidemic, the value of block chain technology has become more evident, and emerging security incidents have given rise to high-priority security concerns in the industry, with the security of encrypted monetary assets about to enter a new 2.0-year era.




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