For the first time since 12 April, $71,000 has been placed at the Bitcoin station.
On Monday, 20 May, local time, the three major shares of the United States stock ranged from 0.49 per cent to 0.65 per cent and to an all-time high, with a 0.09 per cent increase in the P500 index.
黄金、白银期现延续上涨趋势,Wind数据显示,截至当天收盘,COMEX 6月黄金期货收涨0.87%,连涨两日,报2438.5美元/盎司,刷新历史高位。伦敦金现报2425.970美元/盎司,涨0.48%。COMEX 7月白银期货收涨逾3.7%,报每盎司32.426美元,连续四个交易日创2013年以来新高。
Gold and silver are now on the rise. Wind data show that, as of the same date, COMEX received a 0.87 per cent increase in gold futures in June, up by two days, for $2438.5 per ounce, up from an historic high. London Gold Cash, $2425.970 per ounce, up by 0.48 per cent. COMEX received a 3.7 per cent increase in white and silver futures in July, at $32.426 per ounce, up from four trading days in a row since 2013.
Analysts predict that 比特币站上71000美元,为4月12日以来首次,日内涨近6%。以太坊涨近18%,报3676美元。比特币的这波上涨还受到了以太坊价格飙升的影响,分析师们猜测,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)本周很可能会批准现货以太坊ETF。 For the first time since April 12, it rose by almost 6 per cent. The rise in Bitcoin was nearly 18 per cent, reporting $3676. The rise in Bitcoin was also influenced by soaring prices in the same direction. Analysts guessed that the United States 科技股持续强势,纳指逼近17000点 当地时间5月20日周一,美股三大股指涨跌不一。截至收盘,道指跌196.82点,跌幅为0.49%,报39806.77点;纳指涨108.90点,涨幅为0.65%,报16794.87点;标普500指数涨4.86点,涨幅为0.09%,报5308.13点。 On Monday, 20 May, local time, the three major shares of the United States dollar rose and fell. As of the closing, the index fell by 196.82 points, or 0.49 per cent, or 39806.77 points; the index rose by 108.90 points, or 0.65 per cent, or 16794.87 points; and the standard 500 index rose by 4.86 points, or 0.09 per cent, or 5308.13 points. 标普500指数收于5308点附近,纳指创下历史新高,距离17000点大关仅一步之遥。科技巨头英伟达因分析师看好财报优于预期而股价上涨。由于市场猜测,关于第二大加密货币以太坊的交易所交易基金的反对正在缓解,截至当地时间周一下午5点,以太坊上涨超过11%。摩根大通股价大跌4.5%,首席执行官杰米·戴蒙表示该行不会以当前价格回购太多股票。十年期国债收益率上升两个基点至4.44%。 The 500 index is near point 5308, and is only one step away from point 17000. The tech giant 科技股的强势继续带动指数的上涨。据彭博社汇编数据,由于市场对AI技术的热情,英伟达自去年10月底至今贡献了标普500指数约四分之一的涨幅。同时英伟达与微软、亚马逊、Meta和谷歌母公司Alphabet一起贡献了该基准指数涨幅的53%。 The power of the technology unit continues to drive up the index. According to the data compiled by Bloomberg, since the end of October last year contributed about a quarter of the mark 500 index increase. “自20世纪90年代末的思科公司以来,没有哪只股票对整个市场前景产生如此巨大的影响,”Strategas Securities的贾森·特伦纳特表示,“英伟达年5月发布的财报,甚至让对人工智能未来最持怀疑态度的投资者也注意到了。” “since the late 1990s, when /spanspanid="quate_105.CSCO's" > >) >) [blankätbpanpanpanpanfn'sof of [bpanpanpanpanof http http http http. 华尔街和科技界目前正在期待英伟达于当地时间周三公布的第一季度财报。投资者正在等待证据表明这家推动人工智能狂热的公司是否可以继续保持强势。 Wall Street and the tech community are now looking forward to the first quarter of British Weida's release on Wednesday. Investors are waiting for evidence to show whether this company, which promotes remain strong. Freedom Capital Markets的杰伊·伍兹表示:“本周市场如果要继续保持动力,可能只剩下英伟达这一只股票可以推动了。这并不完全正确,但可以肯定的是,这次财报发布的炒作将成为这周财经媒体的最大话题。” Freedom Capital Markets, Jay Woods, said, “If the market is to remain dynamic this week, it may be that only the stock of Weida can boost it. This is not entirely true, but it is certain that the campaign published by the treasury will be the biggest topic in the financial media this week.” 摩根士丹利的克里斯拉金表示:“市场正在面临一个熟悉的问题,那就是多头能否继续保持强势。本周关于宏观经济的数据相对较少,而财报有望推动市场,英伟达将成为科技和零售企业的头条新闻。” 美国银行策略师却表示,随着新兴技术的好处扩展到其他行业,人工智能宠儿英伟达将不再是推动股市上涨的主要股票。他们认为工业、大宗商品和公用事业行业将是主要受益者。 英伟达预期营收增长242%,微软推出AI电脑 板块方面,标普500指数十一大板块4张7跌。其中信息技术板块股票领涨,金融板块股票领跌。 On the block side, the pamphlet 500 index dropped four times and seven times in the 11th. In this case, the information technology plate stock was up and the financial block was down. 热门科技股多数上涨。奈飞涨超3%,美光科技、英伟达、德州仪器、高通涨超2%,超微电脑、礼来、阿斯麦、博通、台积电、微软涨超1%,英特尔、苹果、谷歌A小幅上涨,亚马逊、Meta小幅下跌,特斯拉跌超1%,思科跌超2%。 英伟达涨2.49%。英伟达将在本周三公布其第一季度财报,这份财报备受华尔街关注,因为投资者期待证实这家AI芯片制造商能否维持其爆炸性增长并保持领先地位。目前,英伟达的股价接近历史高点,截至收盘,其市值超过2.30万亿美元。自2023年初以来,英伟达股价已经上涨了六倍多,今年迄今股价已上涨超过90%,对整个市场产生了显著提振效应。 The first quarter of his financial report will be released this Wednesday. It is of interest to Wall Street because investors expect to confirm whether the company a chip > /span > manufacturer can sustain its explosive growth and maintain its leading position. 根据LSEG截至5月17日的数据,分析师认为英伟达截至4月份的财季营收将增长242%,达到246亿美元。分析师预计,该公司第一季度净利润为128.3亿美元,远高于去年同期的20.4亿美元。 According to LSEG data as at 17 May, analysts believe that British Weida's fiscal season as of April will increase by 242 per cent, to $24.6 billion. Analysts expect that the company's net profits in the first quarter will be $12.83 billion, well above the $2.04 billion recorded in the same period last year. 尽管面临供应限制和内存成本上涨可能影响毛利率的挑战,分析师对英伟达的长期增长前景保持乐观。技术巨头如微软和Meta在数据中心的巨额支出,以及全球云基础设施服务支出的预期增长,都支撑了对英伟达的积极预期。业内分析师普遍看好英伟达在可预见的未来继续保持行业领导者的地位。 Despite the challenges posed by supply constraints and rising cost of memory that may affect Māori rates, analysts are optimistic about the long-term growth prospects of British Weidelberg. Technology giants such as Microsoft and Meta at a target=blank" href=http://quote.eastmoney.com/unify/r/90.BK0922" 谷歌A涨0.49%。谷歌在周一一份声明中表示,将再投资10亿欧元扩建其位于芬兰的数据中心园区,以推动其在欧洲的人工智能(AI)业务增长。近年来,许多数据中心都设在北欧国家,因为该区域具有气候凉爽、税收减免和可再生能源丰富的优势。谷歌在声明中表示:“来自芬兰数据中心产生的热能将被重新输送至哈米纳附近的区域,为当地供暖网络供热,覆盖居民住宅、学校和公共服务建筑。”谷歌补充称,其目标是到2030年在其所有业务和价值链中实现净零排放。除了在芬兰的投资外,这家科技巨头上个月还宣布将在荷兰和比利时建立新的数据中心。 Google A rises by 0.49%. Google states in a Monday's statement that it will invest an additional €1 billion in the expansion of its in Finland to promote the growth of its artificial intelligence (AI) operations in Europe. In recent years, many 微软涨1.22%。微软首席执行官萨提亚·纳德拉于周一在其华盛顿州雷德蒙德校区的活动中介绍了名为“Copilot+”的全新个人电脑系列,这些电脑具备人工智能功能,旨在将这项新兴技术整合到其各项业务中,并与谷歌和苹果等大型科技公司竞争。这些新电脑将1000美元起售,将于6月18日开始发货,能够在不依赖云数据中心的情况下处理更多人工智能任务。 Microsoft's CEO, Satya Nadra, introduced a new personal computer series called “Copilot+” on Monday at his campus in Redmond, Washington, D.C., with artificial intelligence features designed to integrate this emerging technology into its operations and compete with Google and 在介绍中,微软展示了一个名为“Recall”的功能,帮助用户找到他们在PC上看过的文件和数据,即使这些内容是在网页浏览器中打开的标签页。此外,微软还演示了其Copilot语音助手如何实时辅助用户玩“Minecraft”视频游戏。 In its introduction, Microsoft showed a feature called “Recall” that helped users to find the files and data they had seen on the PC, even if they were open in a web browser. In addition, Microsoft demonstrated how its Copilot voice help users play “Minecraft” videos in real time /span> 微软高管还表示,OpenAI的最新技术GPT-4o将很快适用于微软Copilot。 Microsoft executives also indicated that OpenAI's latest technology, GPS-4o, would soon be applied to Microsoft Copilot. 特斯拉跌1.41%。据报道,特斯拉为了提振销量,在欧洲频繁降低电动汽车的价格,这一策略影响了其最大客户群体之一——租车公司的利益。因为新车价格的下调直接导致租赁后的二手车市场价值下降,增加了租车公司的资产减值风险。作为补偿,特斯拉向租车公司提供非官方的购车折扣,但折扣程度是否足够仍有待商榷。例如,自2023年中以来,特斯拉提供了高达2000欧元的折扣。这一价格政策目前已导致如Sixt等一些租车公司遭受显著的利润损失。 dropped by 1.41%. > Tsala > > 摩根大通CEO:“我们不会以这样的价格回购大量股票” 大型银行股普遍下跌。摩根大通跌超4%,花旗集团、美国银行、高盛跌超1%,贝莱德、瑞银集团、富国银行小幅下跌,摩根士丹利小幅上涨。 Large > 摩根大通跌4.50%。摩根大通CEO杰米戴蒙周一表示:“我们不会以这样的价格回购大量股票。”他补充说:“当股价下跌时,我们将更加积极地回购股票。”摩根大通股价上周收于历史新高,但在他发表该言论后直线跳水,收盘下跌4.5%,市值单日蒸发超264.6亿美元(折合人民币约1914.4亿元)。 Morgan Chase fell by 4.50 per cent. Morgan Chase, CEO Jamie Damon, Monday, said: “We will not buy back large stocks at this price.” He added: “When stock prices fall, we will buy back more actively.” Morgan Chase's stock prices were newly high last week, but fell by 4.5 per cent after he made that statement, evaporating market value by more than $26.460 billion a day (approximately $191.44 billion). 同时,关于还将担任首席执行官多久时他表示,时间表不再是五年,继任计划目前进展顺利。 At the same time, as to how long he would be serving as Chief Executive Officer, he indicated that the timetable was no longer five years old and that the succession plan was currently well under way. 自2006年以来一直担任最高职位的杰米戴蒙之后,谁将接手该公司的问题一直笼罩着整个行业。今年早些时候,大约在杰米戴蒙的五年保留计划进行到一半时,这位68岁的首席执行官将他的一些高级副手调任为新的高级职位,让他们在公司运营方面获得更多经验,同时为潜在的继任者做好准备。 The question of who will take over the company has plagued the entire industry since 2006 when Jamie Damon, who has held the highest position, moved some of his senior executives to new senior positions, gaining more experience in the company’s operations, while preparing potential successors, about halfway through Jamie Damon’s five-year retention plan earlier this year. “这取决于董事会,而不取决于我,”杰米戴蒙表示,“我认为,当我无法穿上球衣并全力以赴时,我基本上应该离开。” “It depends on the board, not on me”, said Jamie Damon, “I think that when I can't put on my jersey and do my best, I should basically leave”. 能源股多数下跌。雪佛龙、埃克森美孚、康菲石油、墨菲石油、英国石油、壳牌小幅下跌,美国能源、西方石油、巴西石油小幅上涨。 Most of the energy units fall. 美股黄金股普遍上涨,泛美白银、哈莫尼黄金涨超3%,金田、金罗斯黄金涨超2%,埃尔拉多黄金、盎格鲁黄金、科尔黛伦矿业涨超1%。 , 热门中概股普遍下跌。纳斯达克中国金龙指数跌1.65%。理想汽车跌超12%,爱奇艺跌超4%,哔哩哔哩、微博跌超3%,富途控股跌超2%,百度、京东、蔚来跌超1%,腾讯音乐、阿里巴巴、小鹏汽车、网易、满帮小幅下跌,拼多多小幅上涨。
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