
资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:47 评论:0
  比特币究竟是一种什么东西?带着种种疑问,记者不久前参加了一场杭州比特币炒家组织的沙龙,希望揭开蒙在比特币上的神秘面纱。 比特币利益链   “比特币”(bitcoin)突然火了。而随着雅安地震后,网上传言某基金宣布接...



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Bitcoin suddenly went on fire. And after the Jaan earthquake, it was said online that a fund had announced its acceptance of a bitcoin contribution, and that bitcoin was famous for a while, and everyone was asking: What kind of money is this?


The scaffolders think it's “re-invented money”, “currency 2.0”, and the opponents say it's “a game played by fools, lunatics, liars”.


What is a bitcoin? With all sorts of questions, journalists recently took part in a salon organized by the Bitcoin family in Hangzhou, hoping to unmask the mystery veil on the bitcoin.

  声称总量恒定不会贬值 “过山车”行情两天跌掉一半多

claims that the volume will never depreciate by more than half in two days.

  小撒今年26岁,浙江某大学硕士,毕业后留杭工作。今年2月的一天,在一个QQ群里,小撒第一次听说 “比特币”。“虚拟货币”、“几个月涨几倍”,这些关键词瞬间吸引了小撒。

Siu-sa, 26 years old, a Master's degree from Zhejiang University, has been working since graduation. On a day in February this year, in a group of QQs, he first heard of the word “bitcoin”; “virtual currency”, “a few times in a few months”, these keywords suddenly attracted Xiao-sao.


After a full three-day study on the Internet, Xiaoza concluded: “If successful, it could be a hundreds of billions of years of opportunity!” Social networks created Zuckerberg's myth of wealth, and it felt that the next myth of wealth might come from the area of mobile payments, perhaps Bitcoin.


At this point, Bitcoin's behavior was 100 yuan, and a little bit of it was bought. And then the "climbing" business gave him a chilling heart.

  如3月27日是488元一个,4月10日冲高到1546元,4月12日,两天时间跌掉一半多(730元),4 月17日又回到 420元……

If it was 488 on March 27, 1546 on April 10, more than half in two days (730) on April 12, and 420 on April 17...


Over a period of two months, Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao Xiang, Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao, Xiang, Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiao, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiao, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, X, X, X, Xiang, X, Xiang, Xiang, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X


In his view, Bitcoin is more than a virtual currency, and more a reflection of the world’s political and economic integration. Even if Bitcoin did not succeed, it is an attempt to break the geographical limit.


“If a government tries to block it now, but in the event that it succeeds, tens of thousands of dollars will have to be used by the country’s nationals, the country will have to go abroad to buy it, and the country will lose it.” In his blog, “The constantness of the amount of bitcoins will not, at least, result in currency depreciation. At the same time, the amount of bitcoins can be broken down into eight decimal places, so there will be no volume limits that affect circulation.”


Speaking of which, "A programr wrote something in just a few years, it's worth 10 billion dollars."


The "procedur" in the mouth of the mouth, called the "medium bellow," the inventor of Bitcoin. After "medium bellowed" in 2009, when Bitcoin's original theory piece of ideas was thrown out, it disappeared. No one knew who that looked like the name of the Japanese.


With respect to the theory of “medium bellicose”, Osha also admitted that “I don't have enough mathematical algorithms, and I can't understand it.” But he felt that the very good people were accepting bitcoin, and that they should be right with them.

  诞生于网络虚拟世界 比特币是骗局还是机遇

was born in the virtual world of the Internet, is Bitcoin a fraud or an opportunity


On the day after the day when a fund was offered a bitcoin donation on the Internet, the newspaper reporter noticed that a message had been deliberately and unintentionally ignored.


On 22 April, the Financial Network reported that the Deputy Director General of the Communications Department of the Fund, Yao Yee, had said that Bitcoin had no direct access to a fund’s account, and that all accounts and receipts of the fund were in a way that could only accept the available negotiable currency. The Yao Yee Yee name was unclear to the broker who raised the money.


The night before yesterday, at the U.U. in the Greater Technology Park, a party was organized by the Hunt State Bitcoin players. There were only about 10 participants, most of whom were young, engaged in or liked the IT industry. The organizers gave a speech for over an hour, entitled "Talk Bitcoin." The debate remained focused on whether Bitcoin was a scam or an opportunity.


In short, Bitcoin was born in the virtual world of the Internet, like Q-coin and game coins. And the biggest difference from the latter is that Bitcoin is said to be a “top” and its total is always constant.


Is Bitcoin a currency? The nature of a currency is a generic equivalent. The value of Bitcoin is based on two theories: it is increasingly used, and its aggregates are constant. So, if you use more people, it will appreciate.


This leads to a circle: hot money goes in and out, bitcoin goes up and down, making it impossible for it to be a relatively stable measure of value, to become a general equivalent, to be used. This is the first paradox of bitcoin.


Is it true that Bitcoin has no centre? Not being issued by any government, not being manipulated, is one of the reasons why bitcoin is being admired. But, in the deal, one finds a mysterious organization, the Bitcoin Foundation, with great power, even to shut down a client that is already operating but has a bug.


In the virtual world, bitcoin's fake version is a lot of stuff.


The most famous is Litecoin (LTC), which was published on 7 October 2011 and currently has the highest market value of ten million United States dollars. The LTC is faster than Bitcoin. The total number of LTCs is 84 million. The LTC currently uses the Scrypt algorithm, which requires substantial memory support. There are also a number of countries such as NMC, PPC, NVC, TRC, IXC, FRC, DVC, etc.

  记者进入交易平台下单 揭开比特币利益链

Reporters entering the trading platform to unplug the Bitcoin interest chain


At present, MtGox, the world’s larger bitcoin trading platform, is free to buy and sell bitcoin on the platform only if it is registered. MtGox is based in Tokyo, operated by two Frenchmen, and handles about 80% of the world’s bitcoin-dollar transactions.


At present, China’s more active Bitcoin trading platform is “btcchina.com” and “fxbtc.com.” The “bitcoin China trading platform” established in 2011 is China’s largest trading platform. However, there is no information on the platform, and journalists have access to information such as website names, domain names, first-page addresses, and search on the Ministry of Trade and Communications’s “ICP/IP address/domain name file management system” shows all “not having qualified records”. In accordance with our laws, websites that are not registered can be shut down in accordance with the law; and, if a website server is abroad, websites can be managed by the authorities as long as the company is in the country.


Registered, fully valued Journalists have chosen the most convenient payment of $200, and the system shows that journalists need to transfer $201 to the “Yanlinco” payment account by paying the money. This Yang Linko is the Yang Boss, who wrote off even Wenzhou, who works as a sauna device in Hangzhou's mouth.


At a real-time rate, journalists purchase 0.1 bitcoins. After about 15 minutes, the transaction was successful, the account showed 0.0997 bitcoins, and 0.0003 were already transaction fees.


Journalists have tried to draw down the cash, which is not only expensive but also limited in comparison to the charge, preventing large sums of cash from being removed at once: cash to cash, with a fee of 0.5 per cent and a single maximum cash charge of $20,000; cash to cash, with a charge of 1 per cent and a single day maximum cash charge of $5,000. The minimum cash transfer of $200 was entered, and after two fees, the system showed that 198 dollars for journalists would be paid in 48 hours. After 15 hours, journalists received 198 dollars for their treasures.


The Platform's daily transactions are transparent and are calculated on the basis of a “two-way 0.3 per cent” transaction fee received by the Platform on a day-by-day basis:

  4月25日,当天成交量为约9400个比特币,成交均价940元一个币。9400 0.3% 2 940=5.2万多元手续费;

On 25 April, about 9,400 bits of money were traded on that day, at an average price of 940 dollars. 94,0% 2,940 = 52,000 multi-purpose fees;


On 26 April, transactions amounted to approximately $19,000, with an average value of $841 and a fee of approximately $96,000;


On 2 May, there were approximately 19,000 transactions at an average price of $745 and a fee of approximately 84,000...


On this basis, a single transaction fee, a platform with a cost of $10 million or hundreds of thousands of dollars, yields millions of dollars a year.


There are obviously more than just "Boss Yang" who see business opportunities. In a Q-Q group of bitcoin, some are discussing the possibility of building a platform. There are other platforms, either already operational or in the "publicity" phase.


Moreover, the renminbi and bitcoin traded are in the platform owner’s personal account, if the platform suddenly closes and if the boss suddenly disappears with huge amounts of cash and bitcoin? This is no alarm.


Bitcoin was born in the virtual world of the Internet, like Q-coin, game coins. A platform with a cost of $1 billion, hundreds of thousands of dollars, a transaction fee, millions of dollars a year.




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