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When you bring up the bitcoin and the block chain, many people feel like there's a number of them, but they don't know why. Bitcoin is the front of the block chain, and the block chain is the later refining of bitcoin; if you first touch bitcoin, the first concept that you might face when you want to talk to someone else is mining. So, what's the rationale for mining? How does a bitcoin come from digging?



First of all, let's think about why each block chain system issues its own digital currency? That is, the ICO heat of the previous period. This is about the fundamental role of the block chain, which is to achieve the free flow of social values in the block chain (like the fundamental role of the Internet: the free flow of information).



For example, I can develop a chain of cars for cars, a chain of houses for houses, a chain of hogs for pigs, etc. If the energy of an organization or individual is large enough, I can also publish a chain for the whole industry, the cars, houses, hogs... want to move freely along their chains, move from A to B, or move from C to D. Each chain can look like a country, and each country has its own monetary system.



What are the modes of distribution of digital money on the block chain?


There are two main forms of digital money on the block chain distribution chain. One is that, in the case of national NEOs, the mode of distribution of NEOs is that, at the time the system was created, 100 million NEOs were written into the creation block. With ICO, users can subscribe to them directly in renminbi.


The other is gold-mining, like bitcoin, which, by digging nodes, constantly consumes its own arithmetic in exchange for bitcoin. Because the bitcoin system is fully open, in this open source code, it contains mining functions, so long as one person understands the code, it can be compiled and deployed, added to the Bitcoin network, turned on the mining function, and your host machine started digging the mine.



In the Bitcoin system, the difficulty of digging the entire net node can be dynamically adjusted through its own algorithms, ensuring that for every 10 minutes, a node in the Bitcoin network succeeds; once a person succeeds in digging, the Bitcoin system rewards a certain amount of bitcoins, which is also controlled by algorithms. Specifically, in the first four years, each successful miner will receive 25 bitcoins, which will be halved in every four years; that is, 12.5 in the next four years and 6.25 in the next four years. By the year of 2140, the block chain will be released, amounting to approximately 21 million bitcoins, which is the sum of bitcoins, so that it will not increase indefinitely.



By way of illustration, one should understand the relationship between mining and bitcoin. The relationship is that mining is the way the bitcoin system issues its own digital currency, that is to say, the bitcoin. The bitcoin system, with the help of mining, produces its own digital currency. The process of issuing the digital money is that of competing miners. Within 10 minutes, every person who digs the mine first, rewards a certain amount of bitcoin. The process of issuing the bitcoin is that of the bitcoin; each dig is driven by the benefits and is constantly trying to do it faster, which leads to the creation of a variety of ponds on the market.



Mining is a visualized expression of the Bitcoin system. The real name behind it is the Pow algorithm, the workload proof algorithm.


The Pow algorithm has been widely used before Bitcoin, and is well known as the anti-spam mail system in Google's mailbox. Google does this: he requires each other's server that e-mails to Google's mail server to complete a certain amount of computing, which may take two to three seconds for each other's service line. Two to three seconds, if a person is e-mailing, it is totally unbearable; if the other party is a script that sends spam, it is simply unbearable, and the scripts are going to be sent hundreds of times a second.



How does the Pow algorithm work in the bitcoin system? Ben-Bone wants to do the bitcoin distribution every 10 minutes when designing the bitcoin system, and since there are tens of thousands of nodes in the Bitcoin network, who should he issue it to? According to the strategy of workload proof, which is the Pow algorithm, Ben-Bone presents a problem for each node in the Bitco-System. There is a Nonce field in the data structure of each block, and the middle-Bone-Bone solution is the problem is that the BlockHader structure is measured by constant adjustment of the Nonce value, which requires a Nonce value, which is less than or greater than a fixed value, which is specified by Bits in the BlockHader structure.


由于hash算法是一个不可以逆的算法,没法通过具体的hash值,倒推出原文。这样每个节点只能采用穷举的方法,也就是从1开始,2 3 4 5…不断的往后试。在这个过程就开始考验各个节点的CPU计算速度了,算的快的,很快就能得到Nonce值,然后他就把这个Nonce值放在结构体里,通过P2P网络广播出去。每个系统节点收到后,发现这个Nonce值是合法的,能满足要求,就认为挖矿成功。对于那些算到半截的节点,发现有人已经算出来了,就放弃本次穷举了,然后开始通过穷举的办法,去寻找下一个区块头的Nonce值。

Since the hash algorithm is a non-reversible algorithm, it is not possible to roll out the original text through a specific hash value. So that each node can only use an exhaustive method, beginning with one, two, three, four, five... a continuous back-to-back test. This process begins to test the CPU of each node to calculate speed, calculate quickly, get the Nonce value, then he puts the Nonce value in the structure, broadcast it through the P2P network. When each node is received, the Nonce value is legal and meets the requirements, and the mine is considered successful. For those nodes that are half-clanted, one finds out that the CPU has already counted, and then abandons the nonce value of the next block, and then starts to search for the Nonce value of the next block through a desperate method.



So what's called mining is the computer's endless search for the Nonce value and the Hash value. Whoever finds it first, the dig succeeds.




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